NAU gets cash boost and expands hours

| 31/05/2016 | 24 Comments

Needs-Assesment-Unit(CNS): The Needs Assessment Unit (NAU), which is dealing with hundreds of vulnerable people and families in need, is extending its hours of operation. Starting on 6 June, the unit, which has received a more than $1 million injection of funding in the budget, will now be opening Monday through Thursday until 6:30pm. Officials said the goal was to better serve the needs of its growing list of clients.

Minister for Community Affairs Osbourne Bodden, who has responsibility for the unit, has said on a number of occasions that the office is at breaking point as increasing numbers of people seek help from government to help make ends meet, including those who are working. From helping cover the cost of children’s school lunches to paying rent for homeless families, the NAU is understaffed and under-resourced.

But on Monday, Finance Minister Marco archer said the NAU would receive $1.1 million in addition to its existing funding and that almost $12 million would be earmarked for poor relief, plus a further $3 million for rent for people in need.

Starting next Monday, the new operating hours will be 8:30am to 6:30pm Mondays to Thursdays, and 8:30am to 3:00pm on Fridays. The change in hours will only affect the Grand Cayman office.

“We realize that it may be difficult for people to make appointments during regular business hours due to work obligations. This step is being taken to better accommodate persons who experience this difficulty,” officials stated. “We will continue to strive to find innovative ways to better serve our community.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Does this mean that walk ins will be treated more fairly? The system of queuing to get a ticket, that is then presented to get an appointment time is farsical. Only nine people per day are given the ticket.

  2. Rp says:

    We are spending more on social assistance than education every year. Where are we going with this strategy?

    Shouldn’t we focus on educating people rather than supporting people? Shouldn’t we be spending more on education vs social assistance?

    You get what you pay for Cayman and the future is not bright if we continue with this strategy. We are building a sense of dependence in our people instead of educating them to become financially independent and contribute to cayman’s economy.

    Think about it PPM and do what’s right for the entire nation. Time to put vote buying aside, we breed incompetence.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I can attest to the fact that there a many Caymanians who want to work but for so many reasons can’t find one. It is a sad fact that being Caymanian is almost a disadvantage for persons who really want a job but are then refused because some permit holder is slated for that job.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can attest to the fact that there a many Caymanians who want to work but for so many reasons can’t find one. It is a sad fact that being Caymanian is almost a disadvantage for persons who really want a job but are then refused because some permit holder is slated for that job.

      Attest based on? Your personal experience? I do believe there are many that wish to work. I also do believe there are many that cannot find a job because they are being discriminated. It is an unfortunate stereotype that has been portrayed by a few bad apples. However, those few bad apples are spoiling the rest. The poor work ethic, showing up late, inappropriate work wear, poor choice of words, terrible posture, mannerisms such as making weird noises with your mouth, chewing gum, feeling entitled, not working harder/smarter/longer hours.

      Then there are the ones who just cannot keep a job. Resume looks amazing but once the foot is in the door, the employer realizes that the individual is just not up to par. Again this is not everyone, this is just enough of these where employers don’t want the hassle.

      I am Caymanian and have Caymanian children and the problem for my children to get a job once old enough, is the reputation left by the bad apple Caymanians that will ensure mine won’t pass through the door. So yes I agree there is a work permit waiting generally, but there is a reason for that work permit application.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because the work permit holder can read and write. Go to school concentrate and graduate for the sake of your future.

  4. Anonymous says:

    They should also hand out contraceptives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. Also, there is a radio commercial which educates you on how to protect yourself from STD’s and nowhere in the commercial do they mention condoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe mandate that they must show proof of receiving the injection to receive social assistance.

      Also must show constant effort (weekly applications) of applying for jobs to receive benefit.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How many non Caymanians (including expatriate children of Caymanians, foreign spouses and Permanent Residents) are receiving assistance?

    • Anonymous says:

      Very very few

    • Anonymous says:

      And how many of the Caymanians receiving assistance were born Caymanian? It is long time we got a handle on how much of our social and economic problems are in fact imported, and what can be done to prevent any problems continuing.

      • Rp says:

        But how many millionaires and professionals did we import too? I don’t understand your point.

        A Caymanian is a Caymanian period. There were only a handful of people here 100 years ago so we were all imported at one point or another. You are just arbitrarily drawing a line in time to suit your status. However, you are just as a Caymanian as me who goes back 6 generations. I don’t think any less of you.

        • Anonymous says:

          Our laws prohibit persons who cannot maintain themselves and their dependents from moving here. if persons are moving here and being added to social services payroll, then the law may have been broken.

        • Anonymous says:

          Importing millionaires is positive to our economy and supported in legislation. Importing poverty is destructive and is supposed to be prevented by our laws.

    • Anonymous says:

      MAC imported about 2500 Jamaicans on status, by now they and their children will have multiplied to twice that number at least.

      • Anonymous says:

        3 times, and mostly in breach of our laws which clearly say, if you cannot pay your own way, you cannot come.

    • Anonymous says:

      How many from West Bay? haha

    • Anonymous says:

      That is the question. I would be very interested in the answer.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I recently accompanied someone to this office in Grand Cayman and was so impressed with the service received. They were working late and were very kind and considerate to the persons they were serving.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All the more money to give away to lazy people who feel they are entitled and wont take the jobs that do actually exist. Cayman is becoming just like European countries with heavy handout social programs that are giving the country’s resources away to people, many of whom are not genuinely “vulnerable”.

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