Marl lorry smashes into car and spills load

| 19/05/2016 | 78 Comments
Cayman News Service

Crash on Shamrock Road, 18 May 2016

(CNS): Police have confirmed that they are investigating the circumstances of a major smash on Shamrock Road yesterday morning (Wednesday 18 May) in Prospect, close to Spotts Dock. The crash happened at around 11:30 when a dump truck, moving at a considerable speed and loaded with marl, overturned and lost its entire load after smashing into a stationary car waiting to turn right. 

Miraculously, no one was seriously injured, though the woman driving the KIA Sportage hit by the lorry was taken to hospital. No arrests have been made yet in connection with the crash, which caused the road to be closed in both directions for more than two hours before NRA workers could clear the highway.

The smash and aftermath were caught on film by witnesses and on a private security camera. Watch the footage here and here.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anyone. says:

    Hello, I’ve seen this same truck driving along spots straight, fully loaded and not covering the load, at a high rate of speed, I was doing 40mph and he crossed me like I was standing still.
    I figured it would only be a matter of time before he crashed. There are several editors of these so called “best truck driva in Jam” drivers that fly up and down the eastern district roads all the time, like the big burgundy red dump truck.
    Guess they’ll start slowing for a bit now.

    • Anonymous says:

      If the Employer or truck Owner is held responsible then we’ll see a difference. Expecting the Jamaican truck driver to understand the laws is just not in their dna.

  2. satirony says:

    Cayman must be one of the few places in the world where the people beg the Police for more enforcement on the roads. When a dirt-bike crossed me recently, doing a wheelie at 50 mph in the dark, without any lights, just as I was exiting my driveway into the Savannah high street, the only reason there was not a catastrophic accident was that I happened to have my window down and heard the little menace coming. He should have been killed that night, and no doubt he will kill someone soon, unless the Police catch him. Do his parents want their son to die? Do the police read these comments? Why were these unlicensed dirt-bikes ever allowed into these Islands? Stupid questions, I suppose, but NY recently crushed nearly 100 of them, and we should do the same. I’m told there are 1,250 of them in Cayman, but then we also have the world’s highest concentration of bulldozers. What are we waiting for?

  3. Good governance says:

    Time for this. #RoadSafety

  4. Good governance says:

    I’ve started to follow (if I can keep up with them without speeding) the bad drivers and have a one-to-one talk with them, to ask them to please slow down, explain their driving causes hazards to others.

    The roads should be safe for me to drive my children around on, but no, several times from WB to GT and back on daily commute, we witness: speeding, tailgating, weaving (continuous overtaking in/out, in/out), driving in the bicycle lanes in particular to cut corners, little indicator use etc.

    This is our road, for the safe use of us all – we have to do something to “take the roads back”.

    The Facebook Blue Spot page and the Cayman’s Worse Parking page are excellent – its time for a Cayman’s Worse Driving page.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I and my wife make that turn a bit farther up at coral bay village most days and it scares the hell out of me when I have the kids in the car too. We drive on the left so stay in the left lane unless overtaking when clear to do so and within speed limit…what is so difficult about that for drivers to understand ?? While we are at it ..buses , dump trucks , bikes on one wheel and SUV drivers making that oh so important call on their smart phone make driving here a nightmare..i used to laugh it off but now I have two kids and don’t think its funny anymore

    • Anonymous says:

      Its bad only because there is NO law enforcement in Grand Cayman. Third world drivers with no reason to change their dangerous habits. Generations of no enforcement means this problem will not go away in our lifetime. Just drive like they are trying to kill you and you’ll be alright.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Actually I was thinking that maybe we should start taking pictures of traffic offenses such as dump trucks with uncovered/excessive loads, illegible license plates, excessive window tints, illegal homemade trailers (my persona pet-peeve) and compile them in a nice booklet to hand over to the new police chief as a welcome gift.

    • SSM345 says:

      Lets just create a Facebook page called The Public Traffic Department and the RCIPS can check it on a daily basis for infractions? Or perhaps Speed Cameras installed around the island might do something?

    • anonymous says:

      Every phone has a video recording option now. Dash cam is another option. As a proverbial goes, He who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl as a wolf.

    • Anonymous says:

      With no law enforcement pictures, videos, and telling the tale of bad driving are worthless. The only time they (police) get involved is after an accident. Plan accordingly. Drive accordingly. Its the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have sent dashcam video to the cops several times of dangerous driving. They don’t even have the courtesy to acknowledge yet alone take action.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Have anyone noticed all those drivers who pull into the turning lane without using indicators, stop with their vehicle straddling 2 lanes before they turn? How did they get their license? Call it discriminatory if you wish, but SAFETY of all road users must be a priority, hence people coming here from most countries should have to do the driving test and examination. As a passenger in a vehicle, the driver stopped to turn up a 1 way street when asked if he did not see the ” No right turn sign ” he replied he did not know what the sign meant.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Why not install speed cameras?

    • Anonymous says:

      That works everywhere else in the world but remember here over 800 tickets are outstanding. So the speed cameras will take picture but then nothing will be done with them!

      Other than that, I totally agree. We are in 2016 and one would think some available technology would be put to use.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cops, all you need to do is tell your “police” to patrol the damn streets and pull people over who are driving like dicks. Jesus, it’s so simple yet you complicate the s*^# outta it.

  10. Boss Man soon come says:

    What do you honestly expect anon 9:22pm when most of these drivers who are clearly not complying with the law while travelling along our roads at dangerous speeds carrying dangerous loads are from the same place as our so called local police?? Reported them several times travelling in school zones at breakneck speeds and reckless driving. absolutely no response they simply behave like they are not there yet they are handing awards and accolades to the RCIPS.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean they are Jamaicans…enough political correctness , say it like it is and maybe by identifying the source of the problem, something can be done about it.
      We have a mosquito problem, so we put in mosquito control…get my drift.?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes the driving here has become like the crazy driving in Jamaica. Selfish foolish driving influenced by a people who seem to thrive on disorder.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Whenever theres an accident in the Spotts area and traffic is diverted down the Spotts Newlands Road there should be Police assigned in that road as the traffic can be ridiculous. It is like a racing track. After Spotts Newlands is a residential area and they should respect that. Even a Park is by the road with children always using it. With this particular truck accident the speeding in the Spotts Newlands Road was terrible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last week there was an accident on Walkers road early in the morning. The cops closed the road at the South sound end, but you didn’t find out until you actually turned on to it and all vehicles had to turn in the road. This is how stupid the cops are. The police cars were at the scene of the accident with lights flashing on a closed road instead of having a cop re-direct traffic at the end of walkers road. Total incompetence.

  12. noone says:

    All truck must have tacho install and must record every time they drive the truck like many countries round the world have these by law. It will proof and help the police if they are speeding or not. I am a truck driver myself and I have seen many of these twat truck drivers in Cayman that they don’t know any of rule/law to drive on road! In the video it is very clearly it is truck driver fault… question.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I cannot tell you how many times I have reported this particular truck and driver to the RCIPS. This driver is a hazard to the public streets of this country. He is has no respect for the roads, he is a bully on the roadways and he constantly pulls up on your ass and rides your bumper until he intimdates you enough to pull off and let him go by. His drivers license should be suspended and he should not be allowed to drive another truck in this country.

    The unfortunate thing is he is one of several who do exactly what he does. Police pass them doing it on the roads and turns a blind eye.

    • Anonymous says:

      Happened to me too on the Harquail bypass when I was going at the speed limit, which was too slow for the truck driver behind me.
      Stop employing Jamaican drivers who bring dangerous behavior with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing can be done here until there is a crash. Get used to it.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘marl road’.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I just spilled my load.

  16. Rob says:

    That turn into orchid heights of easily one of the most dangerous on island. You really can’t fault the truck driver. Everytime I see a vehicle stopping to turn in there I know an accident is waiting to happen. Well, it finally happened.

    Expect more of the same because that junction was poorly conceived.

    • Tammie says:

      BS Rob! This idiot was speeding; look at the picture.

      They ALL speed, rushing back and forth delivering material trying to make that $$$.

      Greed and a lack of respect for others on the road; simple really.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ocean Club, South Shores, Spotts Dock,Sotto Lane and the list continues what do you suggest Rob ?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Happens all the time!! These trucks fly across that road. I live in that same area the lady in the KIA was turning to, every morning when leaving to work I see these trucks flying past that road. One morning I got on that road from the the same area the lady was turning too, and before i knew it I see a truck just like this going at incredible speed behind me, it then switch lane to continue at the same speed and it nearly lost control, the wheels started to bounce side to side before he had to stop and pull to the side of the road.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Can we please have Gobi give us the low down on what actually happened?

  19. Anonymous says:

    I am glad the driver of the Kia is alive. That driver needs to be arrested as I have seen that particular truck driving at excessive speeds and dangerously in the past!

  20. Anonymous says:

    The trucks travelling on the road from Bodden Town to George Town REGULARLY pass me when I am doing 43 mph and speed away from me. They must be doing at least 60. But never any police presence.

    • Anonymous says:

      They do that on every road and never look when turning into traffic. A police blitz on tis with arrests would be good. They might get the message. However, police blitz? Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      thanks to the wisdom and leadership of the CoP who disbanded the traffic management unit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bruh, the police don’t care.

  21. Anonymous says:

    According to the traffic law , it is illegal to cross/ turn or pass over double unbroken centre yellow lines . No turning lane exists on this area of road west of & immediately east of Spott’s Dock. All private driveways to residences and condo’s and access roads that exist on either side of the unbroken double yellow lines are in effect causing a traffic hazard , by creating a need for drivers to access said properties / roads. The problem has been created by continual widening of this road by the Roads & Traffic Authority , without the requirement for turning lanes being built in, or even thought of.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you please quote me the exact reference, (section and/or subsection) to this apparent no right turn over double yellow lines in the Traffic Law as I cannot find any reference with the exception of the obvious no overtaking/crossing into opposite lane to overtake rule.
      If CI traffic law is taken from the UK Highway Code, then I doubt that your assertion is correct, but I’ll certainly take that back if you produce proof.
      What is illegal though is the constant use of the right hand lane to drive in when the left hand lane is vacant. The right hand lane is designed for overtaking only and not an excuse to sit in the middle and obstruct other vehicles.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then you are part of the problem 1.47

      • Anonymous says:

        !.47pm You say that the right hand lane is for overtaking only ; can you plrase provide relevant section of the Traffic Law.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m not 1:47, but here is your answer.

          Yes, the law DOES say that you must drive in the left lane unless passing or turning right.

          Traffic law, 2011, section 68.b

          It is referred to in the 2012 Road Code booklet at least 2 times:

          If there are two or more lanes on the carriageway:
          • keep in the left lane unless overtaking or turning right;
          (pg 13-14)

          Use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. As soon as practicable after overtaking, you are to move back to the left lane.
          (pg 20)

          2:59, please check your facts before writing inaccurate statements.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder if NRA knows about this cause when you see how various roads a laid out, you really gotta wonder what they were thinking!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not in Cayman! There is no concept that you have to drive another 15 feet to go around a roundabout and back up. Check daily driving on East/West Arterial where people cross over the center grass piece, risking their car being damaged rather then going a few more feet and driving on the proper cross road.

      Why do you think NRA had to install a “curb” in the center of the road in front of Lantern Point when that gas station was built?!?

      In Cayman, people live for being able to get one car ahead! It makes their day it rocks their world!

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, you are simply wrong about not being able to turn right across double yellow lines.

      It is legal in the Cayman Islands.

      Refer to the “traffic law regulations, 2012” section 11.2.f

      It’s also in the “road code 2012” booklet on page 80.

      • Anonymous says:

        Therein lies the problem. In the rest of the world , various traffic laws , it is listed that crossing double yellow lines is an offence. The line placement exists due to any cars crossing the centre line of the road creating a potential traffic hazard or danger- as is shown by the Kia attempting to turn in this accident example.

        • Anonymous says:

          Show me evidence of these laws from the “rest of the world”.

          You will be hard pressed to find them.

          The law here in Cayman is in harmony with those in most other jurisdictions.

        • Anonymous says:

          Total bull, if that’s the case how do the public buses and taxis manage to enter the cruise ship dock from the west. Stupid assertions about the law by idiots who clearly haven’t a clue what theyre talking about just confuse the hell out of the idiots who can’t think for themselves, eg: most drivers here on Cayman.

    • noone says:

      It is illegal to overtake on double yellow line BUT it is okay to turn right. Check your fact first before making comments. It proof that YOU don’t know the road law in cayman!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    It will just be a matter of time before someone gets killed there when trying to make a turn. The two lanes going into town have become a race track for every idiotic driver on Island and I would strongly suggest that

    A few months ago we experienced a very similar issue and it was a miracle that we escaped unharmed. A Water truck was traveling towards town on the inner lane, passing us at high speed (we are traveling on the outer lane) and he then noticed a car in front of him having stopped in order to make a turn. Given his speed and the weight of the tank, he realized he wasn’t able to stop in time to avoid the car waiting to make a turn, so he swung across to the outer lane almost across our car. The only reason we avoided being hit (or should I say entirely swept off the road) by the tank was because I saw in the rear view mirror that this idiot was speeding down the road, anticipating that he would have to swing across and so I had already started to slam on the breaks. A less experienced driver (like a kid who just got his/her license) would have not likely reacted the same way and someone would have lost their child that day. Crazy!

  23. anon says:

    Truck going too fast but Car totally at fault – you cannot cross a yellow line in the road to turn

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you get into these houses on the seaside at Spotts if you are coming from town and live there?

      • Anonymous says:

        Drive east to an area where the double yellow lines open and pull a U turn , then drive back to your driveway /road. 2nd option is contact the RTA to ask why no turning lanes exist for you. They modified & widened the road ….

        • Anonymous says:

          So, 2:48, if I am coming from the East and want to turn into Poindexter to take my kids to school there I can’t do it -I have to drive to the roundabout at Lantern Point and come back?

          • Anonymous says:

            The double yellow lines are broken & it’s only a single yellow line to turn by Poindexter to go to Prospect Primary. Thats the only place along the Spott’s stretch I’ve seen it broken (drove past today). So if it is indeed legal to turn across double yellow lines why is there an abnormality on that one turn? Seems inconsistent.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ask NRA?!

      • Anonymous says:

        Anon is right. The Kia driver should not straddle the yellow line waiting for a turn . You should stay fully in the lane with your signal light on, and turn on the light on well in advance and come to a gradual stop so those behind you can stop safely

        The Kia driver is partially at fault

        • anonymous says:

          Watch the video, the car is stationary for more than four seconds. The truck was speeding at a rate which given the loading and brakes it could not stop hitting anything in front of them. It could have been a pedestrian or anything other than that car, it was going too fast to stop in a reasonable distance. The Spotts speedway is well known to all who live in the East and travel into town each day. Vehicles routinely over 50 mph including buses and trucks. People do not take responsibility for their actions and have no concern in risking life and limb of all road users to save themselves around one minute on a four mile stretch of road. Too many drivers who believe the rules do not apply to them. Strict enforcement is the only answer on this road given the poor quality of so many drivers.

        • Richard Wadd says:

          Clearly you do not know the Traffic Law and have not properly viewed the video footage.

        • Al Catraz says:

          Even if someone is committing a lane violation (which is disputed), that does not make them “fair game” for plowing into them at high speed.

          Pedestrians should not jaywalk either, but it does not mean you are then entitled to run them down.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then tell me this then genius. Why does the road leading to the bypass and roundabout opposite Prospect Primary School have a green sign facing towards the incoming traffic from Savannah? That would indicate to motorists going towards GT that they can turn off at the junction.
      As per usual, the illiterate make up their own rules. The law says you can turn across double or single yellow lines, you cannot overtake across such lines.
      If you followed the principle of driving in the left hand lane and used the right hand lane for overtaking or turning then the road system would run much smoother.

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot, learn to read, (and drive) before making stupid comments.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Put governors on all dump trucks to restrict speed to 35 mph. Make it illegal to use air brakes. Put sensors on them so if used the owners are notified and drivers fined. Just another clear example of CIG and RCIP not protecting the general public. Or maybe the MLA that owns some of the trucks wont let this happen as it will lessen profits made per day from lower loads carried to the sites????

    • Anonymous says:

      You will be lucky if they’ve got tread on the tyres and straight axles.

    • Richard Wadd says:

      Speed Limiters (Govorners) are a good idea … but unfortunately there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution available.
      Besides, Laws without teeth cause more harm than good … without a Traffic Dept to enforce even the existing Laws, how are we going to impliment new ones?

  25. Insane Dolts says:

    The Kia driver was lucky. These cowboy truckers are a menace, along with the mini bus drivers.

    Of course, nothing is done because we have abdicated traffic enforcement to people from the same place that most of the truck and bus drivers come from. Jamaica.

    Yeah I said it. Drops mike.

    (Picks up mike to say to the easily outraged: Caymanian drivers have pretty much become equally terrible and aggressive.)

  26. Island Bundy says:

    These pr*cks are always flying down the roads. Something needs to be done before someone dies.

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