Cops nab credit-card thief at local restaurant

| 07/05/2016 | 27 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Staff at a local restaurant helped police round up a credit card thief this week after he used a gift-card to pay for his meal bought with an unauthorised payment on another person’s card. Officers from the RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit received a complaint from a resident about the unauthorised use of his local credit card number to spend thousands of dollars while he was off-island. The card number was used to buy gift certificates at local restaurants over the phone as well as other online purchases.

However, staff at one of the restaurants where the gift certificates had been bought alerted police when the suspected thief turned up with one of the certificates. FCU cops made their way to the restaurant, where a 27-year old man from George Town was arrested on suspicion of theft.

“Thanks to the keen observations of restaurant personnel, we were able to make this arrest and prevent further offences from being carried out,” said Chief Inspector Richard Barrow, acting head of the FCU. “This case is a reminder to the public to guard its financial information closely. Credit card holders should monitor their statements closely for any suspicious transactions on an ongoing basis.”

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Where’s the comments praising the vigilance of the restaurant staff member who identified the use of the gift-card purchased with stolen funds? Perhaps they are Caymanian, perhaps another nationality – but guess what, it doesnt matter. Whoever they were they did a great job

  2. Anonymous says:

    How bizarre and typical Cayman-the crime doesn’t matter, but oh boy the person who did it could never be Caymanian….you are all mad and xenophobic with little idea of how it works in the real world. Go work for Trump, he needs more idiots like you. He will take your cheap labour before throwing you out.

  3. Just Sayin' says:

    Sure looks Eastern European on the picture provided above.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Could it be that at the time of the story the nationality was not determined? Perhaps the person is an expat with Caymanian status or a Caymanian but that was not all determined at the time of the arrest? Please – I dont care the nationality because there are thieves and criminals in ALL nationalities and Cayman is no exception so regardless, I am just interested in knowing that the thief was arrested and at some point his name so that if I hear it again I would know to avoid him. Grow up people!

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you agree that foreign criminals engaged in serious crimes should be deported? Do you agree that if bad people are allowed to enter and remain here, that is in part a failure of our border controls? Do you agree that unless the immigration position of offenders is queried, none of the protections built into our laws can be applied?

    • SSM345 says:

      You have to be charged with a crime before they can name you in public.

  5. stormwatcherci says:

    There has been reports to local banks lately of personal accounts being hacked and funds drained from ATM machines in Santo Domingo. I personally lost over $3500 from my account and was informed by Scotia that it could take up to 180 working days for an investigation and to have my money returned to me. Living from paycheck to paycheck this has put me in a very difficult position.

  6. Just saying says:

    Anytime it is a Caymanian the headlines will state…Caymanian man or woman…..whenever it is an expat it says man or woman from GT, WB etc. Cayman is the worse place on earth for Caymanians to live. To be so hated and looked down on in your own country is, in my view disgraceful and wicked beyond all measures. Am sure all the haters will respond.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t hate Caymanians but after living here for a while there is not much reason to trust them either. Your reputation is built on your own current history good or bad. Just like everyone else. Live with it or please change it.

    • Jotnar says:

      Something to do with the fact that the police press release only ever states where they are from on island? The police don’t disclose nationality because they – unlike you – don’t think its relevant other than dealing with bail. Only way the press can report nationality is once they are named and follow up enquiries made.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you read anything about the Michelle Bouchard trial? The fact that she is Canadian was mentioned repeatedly to the point where the comments weren’t even about the terrible crime she committed but the fact that she was Canadian and so all the Canadians should be sent back home.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why is the nationality of the suspect not named? I guess the lack of disclosure of this fact merely clarifies that he was not Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or quite the reverse!

    • Anonymous says:

      Some may consider you obsession with nationality unhealthy. It may be more worthwhile in identify and working to resolve the causes of crime within your community.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fine. But if one of the substantial causes is that we import criminals from other countries, or that the importation of poverty is destroying our social services and education systems, or that cheap labour has destroyed the job market and opportunities for locals, then identifying the nationality and origin of offenders may be a critical part of resolving criminality in our community.

        • Jotnar says:

          So if its a foreigner then its down to importing criminals – and if its an expat its down to importing cheap labour? Your see the posters point? You seem determined that its an expats fault irrespective of whether its an expat, so why should you care what the nationality of the suspect is?.

        • Anonymous says:

          Northward population 70% Caymanian. Go figure Einstein

          • Anonymous says:

            And yet it is also more than 30% Jamaican and Honduran. Given that it is impossible for a total to equal more than 100%, I suggest you think a little harder as to what is really going on.

      • Anonymous says:

        My community? Or the Jamaican community in the Cayman Islands?

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