Prison drones can now track drug smugglers

| 19/04/2016 | 14 Comments
Cayman News Service

HMP Northward, Grand Cayman

(CNS): Following staff training last week, the Cayman Islands Prison Service has now begun to use drones as part of the its security surveillance and this has already helped the authorities recover a large quantity of drugs thrown into the compound at HMP Northward. According to officials, on Wednesday, April 13, during a routine drone training operation at the prison, two men carrying knapsacks were spotted leaving the area near the prison through the bushes. The ganja had been thrown onto the prison compound before the men were detected by the drone.  

Having alerted the Bodden Town Police Station, prison staff moved quickly to the area where the men were seen by the drone but they apparently got away.

Last week, a group of prison officers were given intensive training on operating the drones and the surveillance programme is now operational, prison authorities said in a release, adding that the use of the drones will aid in surveillance of the large estate and the areas surrounding the prison, which are mostly covered with vegetation and farmland.

“The vacant land leaves the prisons perimeter vulnerable to those intent on trafficking contraband. However, with the aid of the drone, more area can be covered and once detected, will be able to assist in locating suspects and drugs,” the release said.

The training was supervised by AirVu, the local drone service provider and trainer of the prison drone surveillance programme.

As reported by CNS, the prison service purchased the drones last year.

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Category: Crime, Prison

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ha, what a joke! Many residents in the surrounding areas have seen smugglers cut cross the bushes around the prison. I even alerted the police one night and it took them an hour to show up. By then the men were long gone. Even gave the officer a description of the men and vehicle they drove since a government surveillance camera is just around the corner. But as usual nothing was done and they keep coming back. Doubt these drone are going to help much.

  2. Anonymous says:

    AND Again a certain security company got the contract for the drones without it even being bidded…….explain that one again!!!

    • Whirl E. Byrd says:

      Yes, but now we can also sell drones to the smugglers to deliver the ganja to the prison yard.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Prison drones can now track drug smugglers”

    “Having alerted the Bodden Town Police Station, prison staff moved quickly to the area where the men were seen by the drone but they apparently got away.”

    Lol. All it did was see them, not track them.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If police are required because prison guards can’t chase the smugglers, why isn’t there a police presence at the prison. The Bodden Town station isn’t exactly close.

  5. ViaCon says:

    Selling useless crap to gullible civil servants and politicians is the best way to clean up!!

  6. Clarence Anglin says:

    “Do the cameras on the drones work after dark?”

    They only fly for a limited period of time, and make noise when they are flying. One wonders what is wrong with remotely operated cameras on poles. Camera systems can also include automatic motion detection in order to focus attention on places where there is movement.

    But, no, drones are the new bright shiny object, so drones it is.

    • Anonymous says:

      They cannot fly at night. They also need to stay away from buildings and vehicles. It takes how many people to operate a drone? Why don’t they just get into the prison security van and drive the 400 yards around the perimeter track. Or even walk? Question, how much is all this costing, Air Vue must be laughing all the way to the bank.

  7. Anonymous says:

    For goodness sake, then why aren’t the smugglers arrested. Should the drone not able to take pictures of these individuals, in order to nab them, provide their movement in order for the police to make an arrest, if not, is this then value for money?

  8. Bill arthur ebanks jr says:

    I met with the current director last month and he seems very pro active to improve everything up there, he went on about living conditions, the problem with drugs etc, he was very pro active in addressing all kinds of problems in there givin the conditions and tools he has I believe he is doing a great job there too,

    Good to see something positive being written again about the jail

  9. Anonymous says:

    Do the cameras on the drones work after dark?

  10. Nat says:

    There are so many positive things happening at the prison. I encourage all officers and staff to keep up the great work

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