Serious smash disrupts early morning traffic

| 23/03/2016 | 34 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS) Updated 10:55am Wednesday: Three people who were taken to hospital following a serious three-car crash near the Captain’s Bakery at around 1:30 this morning have been released, police said in an update on the accident. The fourth, a 35-year-old woman, is undergoing treatment for injuries not considered to be life-threatening. Drivers headed towards West Bay are advised that the northbound lane is now open to traffic and those headed towards George Town can now proceed along West Bay Road.

However, the RCIPS is urging drivers to proceed with caution as the roadway in the vicinity of the Captain’s Bakery is still partially blocked and emergency personnel are still on scene.

The accident has resulted in delays on West Bay Road, Eastern Avenue and along Esterly Tibbetts Highway. Police are monitoring this situation and are asking the public to exercise patience at this time.

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  1. frangipani says:

    My humble opinion is that the police are not worth the shirt on their backs (that we pay for) and the literacy level is very questionable, at least judging from the few experiences I have had. So sad.!

  2. Suomy Nona says:

    So 25mph was supposed to slow traffic down was it? All it has done is make the punks use the centre lane to overtake in their impatience to get somewhere way more important than other road users.
    This accident 1.30am and the position the cars ended up, the 25mph speed limit certainly was not being adhered to, Racing I would guess and probably one innocent victim got in the way of their Macho challenge. Not an irregular occurrence, just sit in one of the roadside Restaurants and count the cars racing each night. Its been happening for many years on Capt Reginald Parsons drive in West Bay so why would a 25mph sign stop them.
    What is next? speed bumps!
    Amazing that most posts are blaming the police for holding up the traffic. Blame these punks that caused the crash. Let the police fully investigate so they can drag these idiots into court and get them off the roads

    • Anonymous says:

      Get your friggin facts straight, no one was racing except the one that ended up slamming into the first car and then the one behind it and ended up flipping. One driver was at fault and he was coming from the opposite direction swerving.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is insane, there was another 3 car pile up last Saturday at around 2:30pm almost in the same spot. I’ve seen better driving in downtown Bangkok on a Friday rush hour than everyday here. Where do these people get their licences?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Now everyone on the island and on the cruise ships know how long it takes a Caymanian Government worker to do an hour job. All night and most of the day. Maybe it took him half to time to show up?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Today, I witnessesed the marine unit truck towing an insecured boat on a rickety unlicensed trailer with no lights and with one of the wheels at a severe incline to the road, looking as if it would depart at any moment. The drivers answer was to drive slow with blue lights flashing slowing all the traffic behind him on Linford Pierson road. Similarly at the weekend, police cars were used to block Bobby Thompson way complete with seated driver while traffic had to turn around instead of being diverted. The police themselves are a big part of the problem when it comes to traffic. They don’t care, don’t act and certainly don’t listen like they advertise. They have no idea of traffic control.

  6. Anonymous says:

    How on earth do other countries and cities manage to keep traffic flowing when there are major accidents on their streets??
    Absolutely stupid that we have our main road into town closed for over 7hrs because the police are too damn lazy to come out in the middle of the night and spray paint on the road then and use flash photography to take pictures.
    I am really dismayed at how backward our beloved island is becoming due to the incompetence of the RCIPS!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Typical 10 year old Honda racing around – at least the car in question now looks its age! When will people realise that lowered, tinted window Honda’s don’t look cool they’re an eyesore, most of them fitted with rims and exhausts worth more than the actual car itself stupidity really.

    • Moots Vamoots says:

      You should direct your ire at the Cycling Association. If they would educate the youth on the desirability of uber expensive carbon fibre bike wheels and other associated bling they could get dozens of young speed racers onto racing bikes and out of rice burners.

    • Anonymous says:

      The person driving the “10yr old Honda” was not at fault you complete idiot!! He was slammed into by another car coming in the opposite direction.

  8. Anonymous says:

    7 hours? RCIPS Traffic Department – the people of the Cayman Islands are fed up of excuses and nonchalant attitude. We can hear this now…not enough money in the budget to work overtime or no cars available or some crap response by Baines or one of his well trained Public Relations Officers. I wonder why they cannot see how inefficient and slack this looks. Clean up needed in that entire RCIPS!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is cleaned up. This is as good as it gets here. Just wait till there is an accident at the Hurly’s roundabout. Its coming.

  9. Anonymous says:

    No we should not exercise patience. The crash happened at 1.30am so there was absolutely no need for it to cause disruption to traffic at 7.30 and onwards. You would think there would be investigators on call for just such incidences. We all know the police don’t work after hours….actually come to that just leave it at “don’t work”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please be fair! It’s not reasonable to do a thorough investigation of an accident scene, even with flood lights. Day light is always the best time to ensure that nothing was missed. So if it took investigators a few hours after dawn, then I think that is reasonable.

  10. Anonymous says:

    7 hours delay – why?

  11. Anonymous says:

    wake up the investigative team RCIP…instead of waiting for them to come into work. then clean the damn road before rush hour…… so flippin stupid

  12. Anonymous says:

    Firstly, hoping everyone involved returns to health soon.. Secondly, how does it take over 7 hours to investigate & clear a crash site? The 22,000 cruise shippers coming in today must love the trip up Eastern Avenue to the ALT roundabout and down the bypass to the beach.. Once everyone is safely removed and taken to hospital, photograph it and clear it..

  13. Randu Deforge says:

    This is absolute nonsense marked the scene make the necessary measurements and road test in the conditions the accident occurred use a video to record for evidence purposes. Yes and call out the people that need to come out and stop this idiotic display of blocking road for hours on end to facilitate an investigation. It is madness and it flies in the face of the disbanding of the Traffic department because as I quote master Baines “every officer is a traffic officer”. If we except all this investigation inconvenience can you explain why then the “evidence” ie vehicle parts and debris are always left either on the road or dangerously on the roadside to impede other road users. We keep excepting these terrible inconveniences just on the word say of a police service who’s credibility is like a old tire with a bad leak.

  14. Anonymous says:

    There seems to have been a change with how the Police handle accidents like this, it used to be that they marked out the vehicles with a bit of spray paint, getting them out of the way, and finishing up the reconstruction later. Now it seems that the road is a crime scene and everything is processed in situ, I’m sure they’ve got their reasons for doing this, and I know they do something similiar in the UK, just that it really disrupts traffic and as far as I can see rarely gets used to prosecute anyone, for anything, so why bother? If you are drunk (making some assumptions here…1.30am), then it’s a pretty much a done deal of who’s in the wrong, and what the outcome will be.

  15. Anonymous says:

    A three car smash? Someone must have been driving in the centre lane reserved for taxis and minibuses.

    • Anonymous says:

      Since when has the Centre lane been reserved for taxis & busses? Last time I checked it was a turning lane only

      • Anonymous says:

        don’t be a dummy – can you not tell this person was being sarcastic? (but they are mostly correct that the taxis/bus do swear this is there special lane).

      • Anonymous says:

        Since when has taxis and buss drivers in Cayman started to follow the traffic laws?

  16. Jim Tired says:

    The accident occurred at 1:30 am…..the road is still closed at 7:30 am…..are they baking a turkey ??? Its taking photos, measurements, spray painting etc. further proof of complete incompetence. Child birth needs 7 + hours, flying from New York to London takes 7 hours. One car accident shuts down our island. Does no one else see the problem ?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Souped up cars. Late night. Racing. High speed…end of story. Wait until you see the pictures of the crash

  18. Anonymous says:

    This is a joke, why hasn’t this been dealt with before the morning commuters come on-line? Oh wait I forgot the cops need the sun to come up before they can start working.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Accident occurs at 1:30 am and the road is still closed for the investigation at 7:30. What are they doing repaving it!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Soooooo.. hows the new 25 mph speed limit supposed to prevent serious crashes like this?

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t fix stupid can we?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hahahaha As I was saying (posted several times)!! No one went the 40MPH speed limit in the daytime anyway. Only in the wee hours!
      And now they are going 25-30MPH on the 40MPH bypass.
      Not to mention using the roundabouts as stop signs instead of yielding and carrying on at an appropriate speed.
      Cannot fix stupid.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This can’t be good for commuters, especially on a day when 8 cruise ships are scheduled! We MUST do better on our roads… far too many “accidents”.

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