Premier joins in condemnation of Belgian bombings

| 23/03/2016 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

Flags at half-mast after the Brussels bombings

(CNS): Flags were flying at half-mast Tuesday at the Government Administration Building in Elgin Avenue as a mark of respect for the victims of the ISIS related terror attacks in Brussels. Premier Alden McLaughlin, who oversaw the lowering of the flags, which will remain so until 8pm today, said they were vicious acts of violence. According to the latest reports, at least 31 people have been killed and around 250 injured in the bombings at Brussels International Airport and a city metro station in the latest strike in Europe by the jihadists.

“We are saddened to hear of the deadly attacks at the airport and metro station in Brussels,” the premier said. “The world is becoming very unsafe as acts of terrorism increase. In this interconnected world there are few places on Earth that are immune from the impact of further escalations in this global war on terror. We will keep a watchful eye on the events of the day and remain vigilant. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been impacted by these vicious acts of violence,” he added.


Category: Crime, Europe

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  1. Sharkey says:

    Mr Premier 8 hours of respect for that many victims and friends in such disgraceful act to good human lives.
    Or was this more about you than the victims ? As a leader of the free world , what would you say about such terrist act ?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Pointless exercise.

  3. Breaker Morrant says:

    Condolences to all those innocent people who lost lives. The irony of this terrible situation those in Brussels imposing all these unreasonable EU Banking rules and regulation to stop “terrorism” are clearly not adhering to their own rules.What a terrible shame????? Alden please hush wid ya Drivel nah man.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Empty words from an empty premier that the majority of the world would react with; Alden who? Mr Premier, Did you really pray for the victims? Are they really in your thoughts? Or did you say that because it was the right thing to say?

    • Crock O'Shite says:

      Stop all this damn praying already! Look how much praying is helping the world. I bet you the suicide bomber was praying as earnestly before he blew himself and his innocent victims to smithereens as any of you praying for whatever it is you ask god for. Either side’s imaginary Sky Daddy doesn’t give a sh*t. Now, I am not saying you shouldn’t have sympathy for the victims and their loved ones, but somehow expressing that one is “praying” for the victims is somehow bloody special. It’s not, and it reeks of insincerity.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t heard the Premier ever comment on killings in Africa. Correct me if I’m wrong. I thinking…….??? Some lives are worth more…really now

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