Statistics reveal fall in crime

| 19/02/2016 | 24 Comments
Cayman news Service

RCIPS officer

(CNS): The RCIPS said focused work on burglaries and robberies contributed to a fall in crime last year, reflected in the annual statistics, which were released Thursday. Although the latest figures were published the day after the first armed robbery of this year, the statistics nevertheless indicate that most crimes were down in 2015 compared to 2014. Chief Superintendent Kurt Walton credited the work of detectives in bringing down the number of serious crimes in particular, but said the RCIPS could not afford to be complacent.

“We have dedicated resources and personnel specifically to fighting burglaries and robberies, and our skilled detectives have had some real success in locking up serial burglars and increasing robbery arrests in recent months,” Walton said. “Nonetheless, as we can see from the armed robbery that occurred in Camana Bay yesterday evening, we can never rest and we do not intend to. We are aggressively pursuing all leads in order to arrest these robbery suspects, as we do in each and every case.”

The figures reveal that the rate some of the most serious crimes, such as murder and rape, have remained steady but others have declined, leading to an overall fall in serious crime of 3%, while violent crime fell by 13% from last year and around 37% from the high four years ago in 2011, the police noted.

However, grievous bodily harm and possession of an imitation firearm had the largest increases of all offences, with 20 reported cases of GBH in 2015 compared to just 7 the year before — a 186% increase. A 200% increase in reported cases of imitation weapons was a large percentage increase but in reality there were only three last year compared to just one in 2014.

When it comes to real weapons, however, the numbers fell significantly. In 2014 police dealt with 27 cases of possession of an unlicensed firearm and four cases of weapons being fired. But last year just 16 firearms cases were reported — a 41% drop — and there were just two cases where shots were fired.

Although the number of burglaries was down by 6%, attempted burglaries were up by 47%, possibly reflecting increased attention by people on home and business security. There were, however, still 656 burglaries in Cayman and another 5 aggravated burglaries, along with 113 attempted break-ins. Robberies fell 17% in comparison to last year, attempted robberies were down 20% and firearms offences overall were also down, as were drug related crimes.

In total 3,699 crimes were reported in 2015 compared to 4,036 in 2014, representing a fall of 8% on the numbers.

Police Commissioner David Baines said that the trend was in the right direction, despite last night’s robbery, as he also raised concerns about the high level of repeat offending.

“Individual incidents, like what occurred yesterday, understandably resonate in the community,” he said. “Yet at the same time, crime has been on a downward trend. Nonetheless, we must keep the pressure on criminals through dedicated resources to investigative work, continued crime prevention efforts with the community, our work with the community to address anti-social behaviour, and our efforts with partner agencies and NGOs to tackle the high rate of recidivism.”

Police said that the traffic statistics will be released in the coming days.

Crime stats 2015 vs 2014

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (24)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How can they post this crap? Are they trying to convince the people or themselves?

  2. Sharkey says:

    I wonder if every citizen of the Islands signed a petition to have the chief remove from office, because of incompetence, what can the Governor say then ?

    • Batman says:

      Rubbish posting. Exactly what would you be saying if the figures showed a rise in crime ?

      The figures don’t lie. How quickly we forget the 11 murders per year the gas station robberies ….All gone.

      Yes robberies continue to be a concern but the numbers are down and we are on the right track.

      I for one are thankful to the police and all agencies who have worked hard to keep us safer.

      Please officers do not be put off by the negative CNS posters …They live in wonderland.

  3. Allar says:

    It is so sad that the COP would still be attempting to mislead the public about crime when he knows there has been no reduction. I pray to God his reign hurry comes to a close. For example there was a robbery at Camana bay where the guys were without mask, next day he leaves the Island I am told through the airport. Now tell me how slack this is. COP and his Gold command needs to go.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not inclined to do any rejoicing.

      If you examine the figures carefully, you will see that there are some item changes that skew the overall average percentage change. For example, there were two abductions in 2014 and none in 2015 — a 100% positive change — of little significance really. But alarm bells continue with respect to very significant areas such as assault causing GBH, with a change in actual numbers from 7 in 2014 to 20 in 2015 — a 180% increase. Then take another big concern, attempted burglary, that went from 77 to 113, an increase of 47%. And what is more alarming than the 200% increase in area of possession of imitation firearm?

      I am definitely not impressed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Correction, in a previous post, around 6:20 pm on 20/2, the worrisome 47% increase was in the area of “attempted” burglary; nevertheless, actual burglaries continue at a really high volume, so the 6% decline for burglaries is really doing nothing to reduce my anxiety.

      When I see a continuing trend over the next several years I will be a little more satisfied that the RCIPS’ is making significant inroads into crime detection and prevention.

  4. Rp says:

    Title is incorrectly! Should be Statistics reveal fall in REPORTED crime.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s called “Drinking the Kool-Aid”!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I was going to post “bring in the spin doctors….” . Unfortunate that we have a continuing situation that the Police and the media have not taken appropriate steps to determine the credibility (or lack thereof) of the crime statistics that are reported.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Note – these figures are RECORDED crime and the decision whether or not to record something rests with RCIPS. If the cop on duty decides it’s not a crime or simply can’t be bothered to record it the incident won’t show here.

    Folks in the UK have been putting up with this kind of creative accounting for years – don’t be fooled by it.

  8. Caymanian says:

    You just have to love stats. You can make them say whatever you want can’t you. Wait for the government to start talking about Budget cuts and ooh how crime seems to become rampant again.

    Stats are our own worst enemy. It’s used to pacify or alarm us based on its need.

  9. Sharkey says:

    Yah crime down the day after one of the biggest robbery in the Islands, and we need more new police cars, but talking about crime been down don’t prevent or keep crime down.

  10. Anonymous says:

    We stopped reporting car break-ins cause they happen so often. This is a joke.

  11. Ellie says:

    There are 27 rapes per 100,000 in the USA. The Cayman Islands rate is about the same. But territory wise…. I don’t think I need to compare the size of the USA and The Cayman Islands.
    Where the sexual harassment cases are? Grouped with miscellaneous?

  12. Donald Trump Ebanks says:

    “WE NEED TO BUILD A WALL” or fire incompetent RCIPS Gold Command and officers who live in an alternate reality. Address our Border Control issues now!

  13. Naman says:

    Crime is down alright Right down on top of us! I had a recent theft from my vehicle provide them with clear images of thief and where he lives still waiting on them to arrest him guy has 32 convictions Wow! Too many foreign police in the RCIPS

  14. anonymous says:

    Add per capita column and compare it to those of Miami and NewYork

  15. Naya Boy says:

    Sounds like a sales pitch to me How Much Money $$$$$$ and Equipment they want Now??? Baines is complaining about the very things they the UK control in this OT aaaaah boy same old game every year more money more imported Foreign Police MORE problems. Saddest part we don’t have a single politicians in CI Government that will stand up to the constant Fleecing of our economy by these foreign Pirates. They have mashed all the new Dodge & Ford police cars we bought them i guess they want Audi’s now ??? what mess this place is in?

  16. anonymous says:

    There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Mark Twain

  17. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS are taking the piss things are worse no matter how the cook the stats. Their response time is horrible and people are feeling unsafe in their communities. Things are not getting better Baines is in denial just like the rest of the government.

  18. Allar says:

    Wtf are these guys talking about

  19. Anonymous says:

    The statistical analysis of the RCIP is completely flawed since it is using non realistic baselines of the previous year. Proper trending can only be established using much wider ranging numbers, but then again the statistics are of no comfort to the victims. They should also publish all the cases that did not result in conviction as a result of bungled evidence. I know of someone who provided cctv evidence of a burglary to the RCIPS and three months later they asked for it again presumably because they lost it, but by that time the system had overwritten the recording. I also know of people that have been burgled and not reported it, due to lack of faith in the RCIPS so this contributes to statistical error. What the RCIP should do is just admit they are doing a poor job and fix it, instead of insulting the intelligence of the public.

  20. Anonymous says:

    LMFAO! Who comes up with this? It’s an insult to our intelligence.

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