Needs Assessment Unit confirms acting deputy

| 15/12/2015 | 10 Comments
Cayman News Service

Matthew Hylton

(CNS): Following a competitive recruitment process, Matthew Hylton (32) has been formally appointed as deputy director at the Needs Assessment Unit (NAU), after acting in the post for some time. The young Caymanian takes up the senior position at a time when the unit is at bursting point, according to the community affairs minister. Speaking in the Legislative Assembly recently, Osbourne Bodden said the unit was at breaking point because of the demand from those in need.  

Government is planning to invest more in the unit but the staff working there have been under immense pressure recently due to the increasing numbers of families seeking assistance and the limited resources of the relatively new department.

Hylton, who is a qualified social worker has been with the NAU since its inception in 2013 and played a vital role in its daily operations and management, supporting the director in all areas of work, officials said in a release announcing his appointment. Before joining the NAU, he was working with the Department of Children and Family Services, handling welfare and child protection matters.

Chief Officer Dorine Whittaker said the ministry was thrilled to have Hylton progress professionally as part of the team and his appointment confirmed the success of the department’s talent management and succession planning.

“Matthew consistently demonstrates exemplary work ethics in the execution of his duties. The ministry is confident that he is equipped to successfully undertake this senior role,” Whittaker added,

Hylton is currently studying for his masters of science in leadership, while working full-time at the NAU.

Ozzie: Caymanians strangers in own country

Minister: Needs Unit at ‘breaking point’

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Category: Jobs, Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I guess knowing this, I should scale back my cell phone data usage. After all, if NAU is not gonna pay for it then who will?

  2. MilesGo says:

    Congrats Mr Hylton’ but in fact you are just another pawn in a wider game being played by those at the very top! I hope the the Cays foundation can sort out dat lickle problem dey having soon and hold those responsible for their inaction??

  3. Anonymous says:

    The department is at a bursting point is because there are too many families/individuals who apply for help because they can, not because they need it. Perhaps sending the right message by ensuring that people who still drive a fancy car and are running up and down with the latest version of a smart phone will not receive assistance would discourage that sort of thing. Win for employees, win for the ones who truly need assistance.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good for him, CONGRATS! But that department needs a MAJOR cleaning up. They are helpful to some, and not others. They don’t take special circumstances into consideration, unless they know you if you catch my drift.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So proud of you Matthew!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations. This is very good news that we have been able to place a young qualified Caymanian male in this position. Hopefully it will encourage other young Caymanians to go into this field

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations!!! I am very happy and proud of you. Wishing you much success in your new role.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr. Hilton will need more than congratulations. The moment he starts to make a difference in the department a certain officer will start throwing her monkey wrench into his spokes. Talk about destroying your own department for spite. It’s is not your business- the government’s business.

      • Anonymous says:

        You got “certain officer’s” in various departments no matter what. Am sure that Mr. Hylton didn’t walk blindly into the job. There is much more needed to be done, but young professional Caymanians should be encouraged. Mr. Hylton, I don’t know you, but as long as you do your job and try to help people – more opportunities will come your way and hopefully you will continue to be an example for others. The naysayers will always be around, no shortage of them in Cayman.

        • Sonia says:

          More evidence that things are changing in the civil service and the days of promotion by tenure friendship or political interference is over. But yet we keep tearing down our Deputy Governor. Stop being jealous.

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