MLAs pick up tips on sustainability

| 23/12/2015 | 21 Comments

xmas climate change(CNS): Three local members of the Legislative Assembly learned more about climate change, energy security and cutting consumption to ensure a more sustainable future during a recent trip to Trinidad. Winston Connolly, Bernie Bush and Arden McLean attended a four-day workshop, hosted by the United Kingdom branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA UK) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on sustainability, energy and development.

“The workshop was very informative,” Connolly said. “It showed me what our parliamentary colleagues are doing in the region with respect to sustainable development and renewable energy. It also highlighted global warming internationally and why the Cayman Islands should be taking note in all these areas,” he added, saying he was looking forward to continuing the dialogue at home.

The regional workshop was the second in a series of three on the same topic that the CPA UK and UNDP are hosting in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

Legislators had the chances to share knowledge across national boundaries at the conference, where international experts from the Caribbean, the European Union and the United Nations led discussions.


Category: Land Habitat, Marine Environment, Politics, Science & Nature

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No sign yet of the Solar Plant approved by ERA.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Climate change is a fraud designed to defraud you out of your tax dollars irrespective of where you live in the globe. with the exception of non productive poor countries in which case they will be the recipient of reparations and your tax revenues.

    • Anonymous says:

      it is obvious that you are an expert on the matter at least more so than the numerous highly qualified experts on the matter.

  3. Anonymous says:

    CUC is a major tax collector for government, so neither parties want to rock the boat. They are more concerned with protecting the status quo. We need political will to change, and this will only come from public pressure. Cayman has one of the poorest environmental records of any country in the world, from waste disposal to renewable energy, which is an embarrassment.
    Elections are right around the corner, and I will not vote for anyone who does not have the political will to make mount Trashmore a top priority regardless of its “popularity” with certain political groups, and support immediate changes to legislation to put Cayman on a 100% renewable energy path.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What does the apostrophe in “MLA’s” signify, Wendy/Nicky? Please try to help our kids with their already dreadful education. The apostrophe as you use it does not mean “plurality”. The fact that I will probably get shat on for this post does not mean that you can safely ignore its accuracy.

    CNS: Sometimes we get really tired and miss stuff. We appreciate readers pointing out errors, so long as they understand that newspapers have teams of proof readers, which we do not have the budget for.

    • Anonymous says:

      6.40. Get down from your high horse. Some style guides do still include as an option the use of an apostrophe after an acronym when referring to a plural such that the apostrophe does not indicate possession. Admittedly that usage from is falling out of fashion. But it is not wrong, just less popular. Now do tell us why you put “plurality” into inverted commas.

  5. Amjed says:

    Those MLA need stay in cayman to do something good for the people the weast cayman tax payer money so sad

  6. Anonymous says:

    This country is so third world when it comes to solar power, mind you that is probably a disservice to some third world countries who are far more advanced.
    With the climate, sun and wind cayman should be 90% renewable energy but I suppose until some MLA or there family have there greedy little fingers in a company it will never happen

  7. Anonymous says:

    While I am in favour of our politicians going out and learning what is happening in other Caribbean jurisdictions, there is no reason why Cayman cannot or should not be the leaders in a move towards 100% energy sustainability through renewable resources rather than simply an observer to what everyone else is doing and stating “Oh wow – look at that”. We need to stop protecting CUC’s guaranteed profitability and start allowing Cayman consumers to utilize all of the resources that are available in this country. If CUC argues against further grid connection capacity, then allow for off-grid installation but continue to allow the duty waiver for all renewable equipment and systems coming into the island. Do what is right for the country – stop protecting CUC and the other monopoly energy providers.
    There is an old saying the “Knowledge is Power” but in reality it is worthless if that knowledge is not applied. Like the dump, all the information and reports in the world is useless unless someone is courageous enough to stand up and act on it. Winston, Bernie and Arden – the ball is in your court gentlemen.

  8. Musk Iddah says:

    Rather than impose a global carbon tax on all people, these elites should lead the way by closing down some of their polluting plants that spew effluent and CO2 into our world. This is going to be the biggest con job in history. The greedy industrial complex urged on by the insane quest for more wealth is responsible for most of the pollution in this world and they are going to blame the masses. How many protons, neutrons and electrons in Carbon-12?

    Nice propaganda cartoon by the way.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Waste of money in all aspects. Nothing will be learnt or done.

  10. Mark Hennings. says:

    Solar power?

    • Musk Iddah says:

      Mark, you are the one saying that you have 3 million in disposable cash. Tell you what, build a house and prove your point. I told you this a long time ago and you did not listen.

    • Musk Iddah says:

      Mark, you know we don’t want your stupid solar power. How would CUC make their big bucks for their shareholders in Canada? I demand that you stop promoting such technology that will reduce our Carbon Footprint. Well thank God for our wonderful, nasty, filthy, corrupt Government. Mark, I sincerely hope that you will have your day.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Interesting that one of those three delegates is on record as having stating that diesel was the only answer to electricity production – I’ll leave you to guess which one but he was also part of the abortive WTE review in 2006. Sadly, this was just another jolly that achieved nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, claims he was a marine engineer! But hey this is Cayman where even a little knowledge that is often dangerous, is spoken as gospel.

  12. Anonymous says:

    So, whatcha going to do about it? Looking forward to amore than ‘we saw what others are doing’ in 2016.

  13. Anonymous says:

    We hear about carbon dioxide emissions and their role in cooking the planet. But CO 2 isn’t the only greenhouse gas worth worrying about. Methane is roughly 30 times more potent as a heat-trapping gas than CO2 over a 100-year period. Methane emissions from the Dump exceed CO2 emissions from driving in Grand Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      And then the Cayman current cartel allows ERA & CUC to kill all future solar applications?!? Let’s just stick our head in he sand and be laughed at by any intelligent global govt? If only GREED did not rule cayman? So sad….

    • Anonymous says:

      Another reason to move it to Bodden Town.

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