Fire-fighters meet new expat boss

David Hails, the new chief Fire Officer (centre) with Deputy Governor Franz Manderson (right) and Home Affaris Ministry Chief Officer Eric Bush
(CNS): The home affairs ministry introduced the new chief fire officer to the team of fire-fighters that he will be leading next year at a meeting held at the Airport Fire Station and headquarters Thursday. The ministry said in a news release that David Hails will take up the job on 1 February on a three year contract. Officials said that Hails, who is from the UK, has 39 years of experience managing large airport and structural fire stations around the world. He is the first non-Caymanian to take up the post since the 1950s.
Speaking to Kenneth Bryan after the meeting, Hails, who is here for a familiarisation trip this week, said he was “delighted” to be in Cayman and was looking forward to taking up the new post. Asked about the controversy surrounding the appointment on a non-Caymanian, he said that people were entitled to their own opinions but he had applied for a job that was open to him.
“I have been successfully selected as a candidate for that role and I aim to do the best job I can in this position,” he said.
In the release from the ministry following the announcement to staff, Premier Alden McLaughlin, who earlier this year said he would not endorse a foreign fire chief, said he was disappointed that a local could not be found.
“We have been striving for almost two years to recruit a suitable person as fire chief. I have been adamant that we should endeavour to appoint a Caymanian and I am fully aware of the means taken by the ministry to do so,” he said. “Unfortunately, that has not been possible at this time, which I find most disappointing. I am satisfied, however, that someone of Mr Hails’ calibre and experience will provide the required leadership of the fire service at this point. I believe that his recruitment will enable the future training and upskilling of Caymanian fire officers and that before long there will be a cadre of Caymanian officers capable of assuming the helm of this essential service,” he added.
During a Finance Committee in June McLaughlin stated, “Elected officials have no responsibility for public officers but my position is that we have had a Caymanian chief fire officer since 1958 and it would be a retrograde step of the highest magnitude for us to say we have to recruit a chief who is not Caymanian.”
However, after what was described as an extensive and comprehensive process to find a new fire boss the job has gone to an overseas candidate.
The chief officer in the home affairs ministry, Eric Bush,said the goal was to transform the local fire service into a centre of excellence and “develop a pool of highly qualified, experienced and capable local officers who can rise to the call for leadership in the future with pride and confidence.”
Hails’ appointment was endorsed by the head of the civil service, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who noted the failed efforts to find a local chief during three rounds of recruitment over 21 months. He described the new fire chief as a recognised professional with the necessary qualifications and experience, as he pointed to the goal of succession planning to ensure that Caymanians were well prepared and qualified to undertake leadership roles in the future.
Aware that he will be expected to find his own replacement, Hails said he has previously trained many officers from the CIFS during the eight years that he was employed with the Serco International Fire Training Centre. “I am committed to developing the CIFS into an organization that the citizens and the government of the Cayman Islands can be proud of,” he added in the release.
According to the ministry, Hails is a highly qualified fire service professional with 39 years experience managing large airport and structural fire stations at numerous locations around the world. He has extensive experience dealing with crisis management situations, teaching leadership and management at an advanced level and training senior fire officers from around the world, including the Cayman Islands. He also specializes in task and resource analysis and risk assessment.
Hails has been recognised as having an exemplary record throughout his fire service career and has been acknowledged for displaying outstanding qualities in incident command, leadership, management, HR, organisation and communication. This led him to be selected to serve as a Leadership and Management Instructor with the high profile Royal Air Force School of Leadership & Management and to a secondment with the Ministry of Defence Fire Service Central Training Establishment as a Fire Service Trainer.
Category: Jobs, Local News
Is Alden a Mason? I’ve always been a bit weary of that lot. Are they Christians?
WTF that has to do with anything.
If it’s any comfort to this poor gentleman, when I arrived here 37 years ago I was verbally assailed by my newly-wed Caymanian wife’s uncle in regard to the seeming injustice of “non-Caymanians on work permits”. It was only when I’d gathered my senses and enquired about the fact that on every work permit, surely, there had to be a Caymanian signature that this circus act ceased!
Come 1:23 you don’t have a clue. I am a lodge man and it is the best thing i ever did, it has help my spiritual being and continues to bring me closer to God. So when you go on Internet and research there is no guarantee it is accurate. I am no fan of Alden but if he has become a member of the Nobel order I hail him.
Really? Well, according to one of your learned predecessors, P. Manley Hall, an adept has “at his disposal the seething powers of Lucifer.” But I am sure you knew that? Your comment is typical of Lodge. You plead righteousness, but deep down you are full of hell.
It brings me closer to God and God brings me closer to people who help send business my way and I have business to send their way. Before I joined I was mediocre. But with the help of the Lodge and God I realised that the mediocre helping the mediocre can create a web of mediocrity that can propel us together upwards one handshake and rolled up trouser leg at a time.
Why did a Lodge member politician make public comments to influence the selection of a civil servant who would be in charge of a lodge heavy organisation?
I hope the people of Cayman do not underestimate the damage that Alden McLaughlin is willing to inflict upon his own people.
Seriously, this is a man who has physically lain in a coffin and been raised to a new (ancient) philosophy in the presence of his like-minded peers. Most of these peers are the movers and shakers of Cayman’s economy and legal/judicial framework.
Whenever a controversial statement is presented, it is usually respectful to the media outlet to provide proof. So here it is. Page 7 has the necessary information.
To achieve the position mentioned, our illustrious Premier would have had to go through a ceremony that many Caymanians would disapprove of.
Perhaps we can get a public statement from Mr. McLaughlin?
For those interested in scratching the surface of our leader’s spiritual direction here is a snippet from:
Similarly, we find this statement in Nevada’s Officers’ Manual…, page 95, under the heading, “Hiramic Legend”:
“The tragedy of Hiram Abif is the climax of the Master Mason degree, the essence of Freemasonry, the foundation of its philosophy. To understand its symbolism is to understand Masonry; to miss its significance is to remain forever in outer darkness.”
Translation? There is tremendously more to it than the explanation given to the newly raised Master Mason in the lecture that it is a lesson in courage in trust.
Allegory: “a long and complicated story with an underlying meaning different from the surface meaning of the story itself.”
Surface meaning: A lesson in courage and trust.
Underlying meaning: Death, burial, and resurrection of the candidate. Baptism into the religion of Freemasonry.
In conclusion, I have no problem with anyone choosing a spiritual direction for their lives, but I think that if you are going to represent other people, you should at least warn them of your leaning.
For example if I was a satanist I am pretty sure that the christians would not vote for me if they knew.
If I was a christian, I would not expect atheists to vote for me. I am not calling for discrimination, only honesty.
Mr. McLaughlin, I hope that you can come clean with your people. After all, they have trusted you with their birthright.
What a stupid post 1.23…get a life .
Says the Lodge member.
So what’s your point?
Sorry, You vote for people based on religion? I couldn’t care less what someone does on their spare time, as long as they have a desire to help others and improve the society they live in because that’s what I happen to want in a leader.
there are plenty of self serving selfish christians out there as I am sure there would be friendly satanists. Judge someone by what actually matters for the role they apply for?
not even worth my time in reading all that pointless horse urine…..
Says the Lodge member.
Let’s be honest with ourselves here. For the last 30 yrs we have had the same Caymanian in charge of this dept. He refused to train anyone to take over his role. That is a fact.
I am not happy that we have had to hire overseas but in this case a caymanian kept our Caymanians down as he wanted to secure his job for 30 years.
The government now has to look forward and pick out 3 or 4 younger officers that we can send overseas for training to take over this position. ..
So why is it you’re not happy you had to hire from overseas?????
Basic entitlement issues.
Yes But look where they have now installed this absolute dismal failure who along with others have even committed contempt of Parliament in a recent CIAA board related matter. Cayman the usual Lodge patronage & protection continues on and on on on.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of the handshake guys. All confidential discussions are done ‘On the Square.’ Everyone needs to understand the meaning of that within that secret society.
Not having charges pending for a serious offence was a good start to his application.
Mr. F. Manderson called into one of the radio talk shows and shed a LOT of light on this issue.
Thankfully, some of my earlier concerns regarding unfortunate circumstances surrounding potential successors were confirmed.
That being said, I wish our Fire service personnel all the best.
Apologies to Mr. Eric Bush for earlier insinuations.
– Who
Interesting that even after Mr. Manderson’s excellent call in and clarification, one of the hosts questioned “why not an American”.?. Blatant Brit bashing by someone who clearly has issues with UK citizens in authority.
US fireman deaths so far 2015. 77
UK fireman deaths so far 2015. 0
Don’t let facts get in the way of Whodatis and the chip on her shoulder.
This stat is incorrect as I am aware of an incident at a factory in which some UK emergency personnel lost their lives a few months ago.
Whatever the case, to use this comparison as measure of the expertise or quality of rescue professionals on a national basis is not only short-sighted but beyond despicable.
Personally, I have the upmost respect for these men and women whatever the nationality. The general public relies on them on a daily basis and it can be a scary and dangerous job.
– Whodatis
Between 2004 and 2014 there was on average one firefighter death per year in the UK.
Between 2004 and 2014 there was an average of 0 firefighter deaths per year in the Cayman Islands.
By your logic, we are better at it than both the USA and UK – in fact, you guys should be hiring us to head up your services.
– Who
Rubbish. I am aware of at least two incidents in the UK in the past year where firemen lost their lives. What is your point? US are braver, UK are safer, what?
The difference between the dumb dumbs who point this stuff out is that they think we (UK or US citizens) care as much as they do about “one of our own” not getting the job. I am an American, and this is a UK territory. I don’t give a whit if the person in this job is American, British, Caymanian, Canadian or Jamaican. I DO care if they do the job properly, and I prefer they not be up for criminal charges when they’re hired.
Don’t try to stoke an imaginary rivalry just because you resent that one of your own didn’t get the job.
It is not necessarily Brit-Bashing.
The Cayman Islands is a British colony however, the UK is approximately 4,000 miles away. Whereas historical and political affiliation exists, one must acknowledge that there is hardly anything “British” about our infrastructure, building codes, vehicle standards, regional airport standards, climate, weather etc. We are very American in these regards.
To not give weight to the above is more a case of reckless and potentially-harmful UK appeasement.
(E.g. Would one appoint a Saudi or Indian F&E professional at the head of the UK F&E Dept? Doubtful…especially at this time of year.)
Simply put, some of us have to get over ourselves, see sense, and realise it is 2015 out there.
– Whodatis
As you say, lets look at the skill set and the issues not the nationality. Now the man is meant to be managing them fire service, and training a successor to take over in 3 years. In that regard don’t you think that his experience as a Leadership and management instructor, and as an fire services instructor with both the military and SERCO (including training Caymanian fire fighters in the latter role), might be relevant? Or is it the fact that he is a Brit the real problem for you after all?
For your sake I sincerely hope you are trying to appear as thick as you do.
Read, my friend, read.
– Whodatis
Are you this patronizing in real life or do you just talk big online?
You make me laugh Who…shoot shit first, think and find out the facts later, and apologise to high powered Caymanians and not anyone else you offend with your drivel. Hypocrite, racist, almost Trump like!
Oh yea, and how is Trump a racist? Who is talking sh1t now?
Well, Trump is currently one of the top democratically-supported politicians in America right now, therefore if he is a racist that says a lot about the true state of the world in 2015.
– Whodatis
The US is not the rest of the World last time I checked.
I wish people like you could remember that when Caymanians are told to “get with the times” and adopt every principle, whim and cultural norm of the “western world”.
Interesting how hairs are split as it suits the individual eh?
Also interesting how the modern and “civilised” world is all for gay marriage, transgender issues, LGBT rights etc but, as the ongoing phenomenon of Trump proves, that same world has failed to move on from the centuries-long shame of racial and religious bigotry.
We can take France as another example. Marie Le Pen with her National Front party has never enjoyed more democratic support for her people.
Anyway … I digress, but the point has been made.
Although many will suddenly pretend as if they fail to understand.
– Who
You’re so clueless. He’s not supported by democrats. He’s supported by fringe republicans who are all avid viewers of Fox News, and by dumb Americans who only watch reality TV and know him from The Apprentice. He won’t win the election. I doubt he’ll win the Republican nomination.
Thank goodness there’s no racism in Cayman, right? That’s the basis of all of your arguments: Yes, we suck, but the rest of you suck worse because your problems are on TV.
The people you take so much issue with don’t bury/hide our problems, which is why you know so much about them. We talk about them and try to make them better, rather than hiding them under a veneer of “kindness” that is as thin as the logic you assert in your rants.
Whatever the case (or more like your twisted perspective of what the case may be), I am a Caymanian discussing these issues … in my own country, the wonderful Cayman Islands.
Whereas others are constantly engaged in these debates while living the existence of an immigrant in the country to which they are so hostile.
Says it all. But feel free to keep talking.
– Whodatis
Humour is in the senses of the beholder, so laugh away my friend.
However, the record will show that, from the outset, I was measured with my criticism of state of affairs relating to this particular news story – with acknowledgement of limited amount of facts.
Rarely do I call out actual individuals in my posts, but on this occasion I did make reference to Mr. Eric Bush. Therefore, I considered it only decent to readdress the reference when some clarity was provided by Mr. F Manderson.
As for whoever else believes they deserve an apology … well, you can kiss my Caymanian ass really. You especially.
– Whodatis
P.S. If your accusation of me being a “racist” is centred around my comments regarding my resistance to the job going to a UK professional – I should let you know I stand by that … for the aforementioned reasons. (Go search for it.)
That being said, I have no colour or racial objections to any regional or southern American sates fire and emergency professional taking the helm of our Fire service.
The senior caymanians chose not to put one of their own to run the fire service. So much for succession planning. Then they go to the LA and say there’s no qualified locals. You can’t make up this stuff. Like a dog chasing its tail..
Exactly, accuse expat bosses of badly treating Caymanians and not doing succession planning (mostly not true, except for where we cannot find the right Caymanians-and we try, we really do) and set the same example up in the FS…
Jim Bodden’s legacy – Lodge leadership in the CS!!
Jim Bodden should be on the $3 bill.
He is.
Listening to the local radio station over the last couple of days makes me wonder why anyone would want to come here to work at all.
Rooster is funny. But the callers may be thin on the ground during litter clean up time.
Because although the money in Iraq is good, working in security, there is that pesky problem of ending up headless.
As opposed to having your soul sucked out of you here
Just get drunk, stay with your own and save a lot of money. It makes it more bearable.
The religious freak problems are comparable.
This disgusts me, how are Caymanians suppose to get anywhere?? You always turn to expats to do the job. There were many qualified Caymanians that could have been honored the position of fire chief, my father being one! He was up for the position, but no… you chose someone from the UK! Shake my head!!!
For a man who is at least 60 he looks very young, 39 years of management experience lets say he left university at 21 and went immediately into a management position (doesn’t happen very often) then he would be 60 or maybe the 39 years of Management experience is stretching the truth. I know Expats never lie about how much experience they have…
Hey Jack, maybe just maybe it should read something like 39 years of experience x years of which have been in management. You never know, but why would you jump to accuse “Expats” of lying on their resumes. Given his coming from the UK he may have gone into the fire service as a school leaver at 16 and worked his way up from there. The fact is we are just speculating off one news article without really knowing much.
Those of you on the outside don’t really know the corruption within the civil service. The community are being mislead by pretty boy from WB and GT. They are pros and twisting the truth. I don’t know how they can sleep at night. Leave them to time and you will see them fall one by one. Their conspiracy act to destroy McKeeva Bush is a tip of the iceberg. If McKeeva was doing wrong, appropriate investigative best practices should have been use to deal with him but no, they had to devise a plan to have him removed from the political arena by sending him to prison. Had they been successful in their plot against him he woukd never be able to run again for public office if his sentence was over one year. Now I am waiting to see McKeeva as Premier the next election. My advice yo him is to clean house because he could never trust any of them again. Being put their by the people means that the civil servants will have to go. It’s coming so be on the lookout.
Did your father apply? You have to apply for a job to be considered – it doesn’t usually come knocking at the door looking for you.
Unless you’re Joey Ebanks or one of the thousands of other lazy idiots that have a free ride here.
Good luck. You will be welcomed by a horde of narrow minded nationalist racists as the post below show. I wish you well. These horrible people are usually failures who blame others for there inadequacies.
That guy must be good,,I mean no desrespect but fireman must be the sweetest work in the world.
Until one risks his own life to save yours. Yeah, sweet.
All I have to say is, if this Fire Chief really trains up the fire service and at the end of his tenure there is someone ready to take up that position then he ( Mr. Hails) should receive a medal because that would be the first time in history that an expat trained up a local for any position. Waiting with baited breath..
It’s ‘bated’ breath
No, his breath is baited – there’s a hook in it…
Unless of course he’s been eating bait.
Nah…its “bad breath”
I don’t suppose he’ll do worse at training up local replacements than the last guy did. Where was he from again?
As a born, grass roots, 110 percent Caymanian, I have to say we have no one on earth but ourselves to blame for this. It will be very interesting indeed to see what steps are actually taken to replace Mr. Hails in the near as possible future with a Caymanian qualified for this job. Thankfully I have a lot more hope for this from our current government, and particularly from a Premier with his people’s interest at heart over the last disgraceful excuse for one who ended up in court for gambling out what was left of our money after actually spending enough time in the country to help his church to millions of it. THIS is why Caymanians have become beggars and strangers in our own country, folks. No one on earth to blame but ourselves. It is the people that we Caymanians ourselves elect to represent and protect us that will continue to determine the future of every Caymanian in this country.
What is the extra 10% for – your 6th finger?
11.05, normally its for people who think their value to the world is a lot more than it actually is. No one can give more than 100%. People who use such expressions I have generally found give not much more than 10% use to any community, the rest is all “me me me”.
Try my 6th finger. I’m sure you’ll change your mind.
People who simply can’t bear the thought of Caymanians standing up for themselves are going to have a lot more of that to deal with.
Only if it feels good.
No it’s for the extra four inches.
Must be even worse then, having an extra long 6th finger. Is ET your favourite movie?
All depends on how long you like your finger.
I wanted to be sure it could touch your heart sweetie.
It is not my heart I want tickled sweetie-pie.
Yes it is. Please be sure fo enjoy it.
Btw, there is nothing in this particular news report that screams he is “the best person for the job”.
There are not enough details or anything particularly notable that says he is an outstanding match for the role of our Fire Chief.
I am not saying he is not a good candidate, I am saying the information provided in this report is not enough to convince any fair-minded individual that we have the right person.
E.g. Has he worked in this part of the world? Is he familiar with dealing with the aftermath of hurricane devastation? Has he much experience in cutting trapped drivers and passengers out of large, heavy American SUV’s as opposed to Nissan Micras and Renault Clios? Has he managed airports in our region previously? Is he familiar with our unique building codes, typical architectural infrastructure, etc.? Has we worked with our grade of fire hydrants and network of piped water infrastructure? Where precisely has he obtained this “worldwide” experience? I sincerely hope it is beyond the UK and EU with much of it being in our immediate hemisphere.
I say all this because challenges regarding familiarisation should never have to be a considering factor when it comes to such an appointment.
If anything, it only screams of colonialism being placed above all other concerns.
(Frankly, logic suggests that the primary pool of selection should be that of the wider Caribbean or from the many Fire and Emergency departments of the USA, namely in the states of Florida, Georgia, New York, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana etc.) Perhaps there exists some political or colonial sensitivities that must be considered and adhered to at times like these? If so, then we are in far greater trouble than we realise.
I reiterate my opinion that the job should not have gone to a Caymanian for the sake of ensuring a Caymanian was at the helm, however, the selection must be one that followed the general theme of careful consideration of all contributing factors.
I look forward to learning more about his background. Hopefully the Chief Officer and the ministry did a better job with selecting the Fire Chief than they have done with managing the department and its succession planning … unfortunately, there is not much to secure confidence that this is the case at this point.
– Who
What you write Who just shows that you have never been to any part of Europe that anyone else has, you have zero knowledge or understanding. We do have big cars and even trucks in Europe. We have oil refineries and nuclear power plants. We have had airplane disasters, severe floods, earthquakes, wind events and then some. Your sole aim is just to put a negative spin on anything out of Europe or particularly the UK, but sadly, you are absolutely not qualified to do so. You have to know what you are talking about. Failed at the first hurdle. Trump of Cayman.
Bless your heart.
(See my recent post re this aspect of the issue.)
– Whodatis
Who- maybe you should visit the UK as you dont seem to have a clue….we have also had color TV since the 80’s!!! oh and the great World Wide Web has been around for at least 20 yrs now….just so i can understand, is fire as hot in cayman and the US as it is in the UK or is it a lot cooler in the UK? maybe we can help him understand when he first gets here by having a nice beach bonfire down beach bay!
Why doesn’t somewhat doesn’t so robe put in a freedom of information request for the exam results and you may find out exactly why we have an ex pat in this position,
Oops Auto type in the dark didn’t work too well I’m sorry,
Meant to say why doesn’t someone put in a freedom of info to see exactly why an ex pat got it over a local……….exam results,
It is the risk you take typing comments during sex.
Why don’t you put in a request? Too lazy? Expect someone else to do your work? SMH
This is why government is failing at every level, so I’m glad to see them taking a different approach here. Caymanians need to learn that being “qualified” does not mean you are the best person for the job! Stop expecting government to give you a job and EARN it instead.
I hope the senior officers will embrace this man and learn all they can over the next 3-years instead of treating him like a piece of driftwood.
Look, if your property is ablaze, you want an effective team to extinguish that mofo asap. If this is the best guy to get that done, then welcome to Cayman!
Another way to say caymanians are not qualified for the job..
Being a born Caymanian (4th generation) I would have liked to see a Caymanian fill this vacant position but the leadership in the C.I.FS. over the past 2 -3 years has been scandalous and shameful to say the very least. It was so terrible they had to bring Mr. Roy Grant out of retirement temporarily, so the department could keep functioning and avoid a total collapse.
I do not blame Eric Bush or Franz Manderson for making this move to return stability to the fire service.
Umm..he and prior Fire svs leaders failed to prep the boys. Shame they were brouht back to fix their own mess
Roy Grant is part of the reason why the Fire Service is in the mess it is in. He is the same one who told the staff that Education and Pen and Paper don’t out fires; not to mention that he use to boast about returning tens of thousands of dollars to the government treasury that he refused to utilize for training of the staff. Please also remember that he was the Deputy for almost 20 years that was being groomed for the Fire Chief position. You need to ask how many administrative courses he started and dropped because he couldn’t manage them. Besides, he only lasted a year in the position which was only given to him as a condition to exit the Fire Service. So please shut up because you have no idea what you are talking about. When I saw him back here with us I couldn’t believe my eyes. All he did all day long was to walk around talking about how they could not do without him and had to call him back. All Eric Bush did was to use those he called back to breach the gap. I thought they were suppose to develop a plan to maintain Caymanians. Where is it? This further proves my point. Enough said. I didn’t even bother to attend the meeting today to listen to the hypocrisy.
Your attitude, 1:06, exemplifies one of the reasons there is an expat in the job. That and the fact that the Fire Service is made up of men who could not pass basic school exams and so cannot be “trained up” to the standard required of a modern day manager. I’m not knocking these men for being non academic. Many are fine people and I am very very glad they are gainfully employed and, to an extent, a small extent, Grant was right in saying “pen and paper don’t out fires”. But pen and paper and education and training are all required to be a manager.
So much for Government’s plan to Caymanise the Civil Service. After 510+ years of development, we still can’t consistently produce fire chiefs? An old slogan (PPPPPP) comes to mind.
Being a non Caymanian, I want the best person to do the job, who will hopefully train someone Caymanian to be the next Chief in a few years time. Putting your/our safety in the hands of someone who is not the best would be plain stupid.
Let’s give him a break, if his qualifications and experience ring true then I’m pretty sure Cayman will be a much safer place. If we’re going to be global players then we need people with global experience. I’m pretty sure he won’t lock himself in an office for 3 years but instead train and educate the fire service men and woman who serve under him which bring benefits for all as a whole. Hotels, multi level office buildings, hospitals and 10 story apartment blocks are springing up everyday. If you can tell me that a there is a caymanian with experience in fire policing all these buildings I will eat my words! Let’s look to the future in having a caymanian take his place in 3 years otherwise that is injustice.
The guy seems to be really the person for the job. But his life will be made abominable by the firemen who have been used to a laid back polish the machines and be done mentality going back to Kirkland Nixon.
Put a woman in charge; would change everything.
So how did we get into this mess in the first place – ask the last Caymanian firechief!.
Hmmm…may have to eat my earlier words on the Fire Chief appointment.
Very interesting material relating to the FCO regarding the matter has been leaked via social media.
Oh well, I tried / am trying to give the benefit of the doubt, but;
“Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!”
– Who
The email on social media means nothing …a brit asking when the job was going to be advertised ….sounds like a process was being followed. If he was an FCO appointee he would not be asking about job adverts would he. Please don’t buy this stupid conspiracy nonsense
I hear you Sonia.
However, had it been a leaked email portraying local entities enquiring re job vacancies and requesting further information and making requests to be updated regarding any future developments, we can rest assured there would be allegations of generational corruption and cronyism.
Interestingly, when it turns out to be “a brit” sniffing around the kitchen table some of us demand everyone else to immediately dismiss all suspicions and instead give the benefit of the doubt.
Not only is that theoretically unbalanced, but it is also true that the UK and the FCO have long lost all hopes of receiving the benefit of the doubt when it comes to our relationship.
– Who
It is British territory. So fair enough.
Is it just me, or is Eric Bush coming off most negatively of all players in this particular game?
Unless a certain high-ranking Fire official, who is now facing serious legal issues, was being pruned for this position, this is not a good look for the ministry and its Chief Officer at all.
Nevertheless, welcome to the Cayman Islands, new chief.
Try not to take the politics surrounding your appointment personally. There is a lot of context of which you’re most likely unaware.
My humble advice is to get to know us for us, and don’t base your perspective on that of others.
See you around.
– Who
“There is a lot of context of which you’re most likely unaware.” It is not rocket science. He only needs to read the little islander mentality posts on this thread and the other one from today to see what sort of people he is going to have to put up with. Good luck at a fire service which has struggled for years with the result of a promotion policy in which a passport was the main qualification.
You don’t “prune” people for a position, otherwise you might find them armless in the role. You may, however, wish to “groom” them.
And today’s cookie winner is … (drumroll!!), you.
– Who
And today’s Trolltastic Tool of the Day winner is, for the 1764th consecutive day, Whodatis.
He/she/it is a phenom.
another blow to the caymanian entitlement culture…which is good…
caymanians must understand that we live in a global village……..
best person for the job.end of story.
What a refreshing change to civil service appointments. For too long we have witnessed promotion based on years of service or friendship. For too long persons have been promoted above their level of performance. Our Deputy Governor promised this would change and he has delivered. Look at our collector of Customs and accountant general two recent appointments. I applaud Bush and Manderson this is the appointment our firemen deserved.
No! You permit the mediocre to rise through the incantation of “suitably qualified”.
Caymanians just don’t get it! this is a British colony run by the BRITISH!!!!!!! Caymanians are now a minority with little or know say,as for the premiers comment more waffling and dribble for his die hard disciples who foolishly believe that there is still hope for Cayman !! I say Exile them to Booby Cay with a box of wet matches and half can of mosquito spray. Let beatings continue!
How on earth can government preach to private entities to hire cayman when they hire an ex pat??? There are qualified caymanians that could have filled this position. This is beyond belief and acceptance. Where I understand that some Caymanians just don’t want to work, but how on earth can ezzard miller scream about caymanians are being treated unfairly when his own government hires an ex pat….please someone explain this to me?
you idiot, stand back and think about the safety of the population for a change.
Your a complete muppet. This isn’t a pot washer position you fool
Bit harsh on muppets.
the thing to do now is to have this new chief groom a Caymanian for the position so that when his term is up there will be no need for another imported Fire Chief.
Yes. Yes. We all know how successful that strategy has proven to be once the imports get a taste of the high temperatures, low taxes and short commutes.
Eating your own words always leaves a bad taste…
Show me where the aforementioned ‘succession planning’ has EVER produced a Caymanian to replace a foreigner in the public or private sector. The only success they care about is their own. Don’t know how some people sleep at night while putting on a face that this appointment is killing them.
Some of us remember fondly the US Army veteran who planned succession so successfully in the Dep’t of Tourism but was then so shabbily treated when she was offered the same opportunity as HR Director at the Airport Authority. How is that rats nest working out these days?
And look who has that job now.
Ugh… Don’t expect any miracles there…
yes they groomed a caymanian for the position right?
you mean when they had a more qualified caymanian for the position?
YES! they had many qualified Caymanians! There was not only the two we heard about; John Bodden & the other guy…
Tek dat.