Archive for December 19th, 2015

Teenager shot outside 7MB nightspot
(CNS): An 18-year-old boy from George Town was recovering from a gunshot wound at the Cayman Island Hospital Saturday, following a shooting in the early hours of the morning outside a nightclub in Seven Mile shops along the West Bay Road. Police said that 911 received the report around 3:30am and officers went to the […]

Watson’s troubled fuel firm received $100k from AIS
(CNS): A cheque for $100,000 from AIS Cayman was transferred to a company in which Canover Watson was a 50% shareholder when it was losing significant amounts of money, the court heard Thursday. In a police interview, the former HSA board chair, who has denied corruption allegations in relation to the CarePay contract awarded to […]

Caledonian makes ‘no fine’ secret deal with SEC
(CNS Business): A confidential circular sent to the creditors of the Caledonian Bank Limited (CBL), which was brought down following an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has revealed that despite the probe bringing the Cayman-based bank to its knees, there will be no fines levied against the institution over the alleged […]