Man killed in boating accident

| 10/11/2015 | 39 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): A 58-year-old man has died after what appears to be a boating accident in the North Sound on Monday evening. Police said they are still investigating the circumstances of how the man was killed but stated that early indications were that he and a second man had been thrown from a vessel into the ocean in what was, according to other sources, in the North Side area.

An RCIPS spokesperson said it appeared that for unknown reasons the men were thrown from the boat at around 6pm and were in the water “for a prolonged period of time without anyone knowing or assistance being rendered”.
When police arrived at the location where the men were, they found a 41-year-old man still in the water as well as the body of the 58-year-old man. The men were taken to the George Town hospital and the older man was pronounced dead last night.

Inquiries into the incident are continuing and police said updates will follow.

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Category: Local News

Comments (39)

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  1. C David R F says:

    Monegaskiske hälsninger fra Solan Gundersen, Ludvig, Reodor Feälgen, Ben Redic FyFazan med fågel (kackadoua), Mysil(!) och hela orkestern .

    David af Monaco

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is perhaps the first time we have seen the CNS crowd so sensitive over a death in the community. Normally the remarks are dripping with sarcasm and disregard.

    Wonder why.

    May he rest in peace.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Someone should put an FOI request for the 911 calls / Port Authority call logs. There was apparently a lot of issues, with the 911 operator confusing this incident with another incident of a boat running out of fuel, and about to close the incident until a civilian broke in on the radio to assist. Plus apparently being unable to raise the Marine Police to attend. If these rumours are true, it is very concerning for anyone boating…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Rip Erik

  5. Anonymous. says:

    if that is all you have to say please keep it to yourself it is irrelevant at this time. Who the hell cares if it is an ocean or a sea?. Families are being torn apart and that is all you can come up with. You should not have access to free press.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sad news. RIP

  7. Anonymous says:

    ..a bright light has been extinguished. RIP.

    • Anonymous says:

      sometimes I feel like a bunch of immature pre-teens comment and like or press lol on here…who would laugh at this…really? not the comment but the reactions to it. smh

  8. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately – this is what happens when you have money to buy an expensive boat with powerful
    engines but no prior experience in boat handling or navigation in Cayman waters. Now you understand why Ezzard is pushing for changes to the Port Authority Regulations concerning pleasure craft owned by foreigners.

    • Root Canal says:

      You’ve stooped as low as one can, well done, I doth my cap.

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical Ezzard opportunistic low life, using a tragic death to promote Ezzard’s political agenda.

    • philip says:

      The bill Ezzard is trying to though is for ALL boat owners not just foreigners, so don’t go there, they are plenty of stories of Caymanians being involved in boat accidents , remember the guy driving full speed through the duck pond channel crashing and injuring people on board, or the fisherman off south sound a few years ago, or the fishermen rescued just a couple of months ago again off south sound, the list can go on and on.
      i fully agree with what Izzard is trying to do, but it needs teeth, whom is going to enforce it? the same people whom are supposed to enforce the boat licensing fees?

    • Anonymous says:

      With the same Regulations for pleasure craft owned by Caymanians . The story does not distinguish nationalities of those involved. Condolences to the families & individuals affected by an unfortunate incident.

    • Anonymous says:

      I sure hope you know exactly what happened and if it was a “foreigner” or not otherwise your comment is disgusting and you should be ashamed. My condolences to the family… i sure hope you know more about the accident to say such things…..

    • Forelock says:

      Did Ezzard really say the new rules should only apply to foreigners, or is that wishful thinking on your part?

      Are you saying that Caymanians somehow absorb boat-handling through their DNA?

      How many generations of being Caymanian does it take to make it “stick” do ya think?

      Either we need rules or we don’t, there’s no room for differentiation by birth right on this issue.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should probably know the full story before commenting.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree with your comments other than “owned by foreigners” you should have said owned by anyone.

    • South sounder says:

      You ignorant racist moron

    • Anonymous says:

      And you know this how?

    • fedup with overtaking says:

      People still go overboard with captain’s license. It is just common sense not from the training. Cruise ship have captain licensed yet people still go overboard.

    • Anonymous says:

      We had a wakeup call with a boat while leaving Star Fish Point Sunday just after sunset. I had 5 children under the age of 8 and several adults onboard with all navigation lights on and we were doing no more than 5 knots while waiting for friends to follow. Out of nowhere a boat traveling back from Rum Point heading south shot across my bow at no more than 30-40ft in front of us at high speed.

      It would appear the driver never saw us.

      No lights, no nothing, no warning just boom and gone, we were in an 18ft boat and there’s one of atleast 25ft. None of us saw it coming and it was past us before we could comprehend what had happened with the exception of one of us noting THEY had kids on board and it was red and white in color. We were really so close to a massive tragedy had we been just a little more forward of our position.

      I hope the idiot driving that boat reads this. Grow the F up d head. You don’t deserve the boat and obviously life is worthless to you, your passangers and the little ones that you nearly decapitated.

    • Another Anaon says:

      To Anon @ 2:30pm,

      Two possibilities spring to mind;

      First: You are the lowest form of pond life who seeks to make political capital out of the death of someone who had a family, friends and others who are grieving for his loss; or

      You were on board the boat when the accident happened and know the knowledge and boating experience of everyone involved. As such you have valuable evidence to share with the authorities, and not just with the CNS readership.

      I must admit I suspect the former. A man is dead. And you think an appropriate response is to bash foreigners who own “nice” boats? The worst thing that can happen now is if “Ezzard” does not publically distance himself from your insensitive and callous spin on a human tragedy.

      Back to your pond.

  9. Anonymous says:

    That’s crazy!! The nearest ocean is 500+ miles from us! Are you sure he wasn’t thrown into the SEA!?

    The last time I checked the Cayman Islands were located in the Caribbean Sea not an ocean.

    • An None Moose says:

      Wow, I think we may have a pedant here. Not only that but a callous pedant as well given you’ve used the death of a man as your opportunity to demonstrate it. I hope you don’t have kids, if you do, I pray for them.

    • Knot S Smart says:

      When you were young did your parents make you wear a round pointed hat that was white and had the letters D U N C E written in black at the front?

    • Anonymous says:

      shhh. The Mahi Mahi consumers are trying to change your culture. Noticed the spelling in the Compass recently? We are becoming an extension of the USA . They have Oceans, so we must too!

    • SwampCrab says:

      So where is the Atlantic Ocean?

    • Anonymous says:

      What a stupidity insensitive comment you have made. Someone loses their life, and you post that. You are definitely the rear end of a jackass.

    • Anonymous says:

      how about instead of pointing out something irrelevant you pray for the families….or find something better to do with your time than to spew out negative bs…..I feel sorry for the family….

    • Anonymous says:

      Does it really makes a difference professor?

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually they were thrown into the SOUND, not an ocean.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is someone who wants to join the smart-a$$ police but has the significant problem of being both stupid and well on the spectrum.

      • Anonymous says:

        People on the Spectrum are not stupid.

      • Anonymous says:

        Condolences to Erik’s family.
        Perhaps the saddest thing is that this tragedy could have been so easily avoided if the driver of the boat had been using an Ignition Kill Switch. This simple and inexpensive device fits onto the ignition switch and is connected to a cord, which the driver attaches to his clothing. If something causes the driver to be thrown from the boat, or even from his controls, the device is pulled from the switch which immediate stops the engine. IKS’s have been fitted as standard to all the boats I have owned. If it is not already in ‘Ezzard’s Law’ it should be an offence not to have and use one. And as for children in boats without life jackets? That should be in the same category as dangerous driving on the road, with automatic disqualification.

        • Anon a must says:

          Nope!! Could have been avoided if the driver had “experience” and/or required common sense about running a boat at high-speeds and (possibly) making turns at high-speed.

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