Eden remains unmoved over reaction to homophobia

| 26/11/2015 | 112 Comments
Cayman News Service

Anthony Eden, Bodden Town MLA

(CNS): MLA Anthony Eden has once again attempted to justify his comments about what he believes are the evils and immorality of homosexuals and the influence of non-Christians on Cayman society. In yet another personal statement, which the Speaker allowed him to deliver under the privilege of the parliament, he urged Caymanians to stand against gays and atheists. Refusing to resign following calls in the press and other parts of the community, the first elected member for Bodden Town said only God or his constituents would remove him.

The veteran backbencher defended his homophobic position and said it was justified by the constitution, as a result of the preamble to the document upholding Cayman’s traditional Christian heritage, as well as by the people who elected him to office.

Eden claimed that he had first been returned to office some 23 years ago and was elected by people who understood his faith in God and his commitment to upholding the principles from the Bible. But after more than two decades as an MLA, he said, it was not until now that he had had to defend his faith.

However, the criticisms that have been hurled at Eden have not been about his religious sentiments or his Christian faith but what many have said was the hate speech delivered in the LA in August against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and again more recently when he berated the chair of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) over his warnings that Cayman would need to address its discriminatory laws.

Eden also dismissed any suggestion that Cayman was bound by secular laws and said he only obeys God.

“It is so sad that jokers and Johnny-come-latelies try to tell us what to do,” Eden said, adding that he believed he had a right to express himself, even though he is a government official whose salary is paid by the public purse.

The Bodden Town MLA also refused to apologise for his stand on homosexuality and denied that gay people were persecuted here, despite his own shocking comments, as he once again reiterated his belief that the HRC chair and others were trying to drive Cayman in an “alien direction”. The country, he said, was “being influenced by people of a different persuasion”.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    At the end of the day. Its because all these politicians are old.

    We need younger people to step up and for the older people to realise that their time in politics is done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Age has nothing to do with it. This is straight up religious bigot mentality. It wouldn’t matter if Alden was 18 or 70. Religion has no place in politics. Keep the goat scripture in the fantasy aisle where it belongs.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Stand up against gays and atheist? ISIS would be proud of you Alden.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Eden. I would think a man of such distinguish characteristic would know the bible thoroughly by now. So, let’s take you a bit back to those times of yore, as stated in the bible. “Thou shalt not judge” who are you to judge these homosexuals? You’re not God! Who gives you the authority to speak for all Caymanians? Life is too short, let people live the way they choose to live their lives and just be happy for them. Love is love and love sees no color, step down Mr. Eden, it’s the best thing you can do for this Country…one less bigot!

    • Anon says:

      If you are a homosexual you are not being judged, you are what you are…DNA that has been tampered with by the anti creator-.- Jesus reigns, look for it in your heart to be saved.

      The bible is not only religious it is historic, and historically there is a reason homosexuality is frowned on, its anti life, the destroyer of families. Now with your growing community of victims everyone is feeling sorry but i dont. Mr Eden for premier !!

  4. Closet Case says:

    “Whenever morality is based on theology, whenever the right is made dependent on divine authority, the most immoral, unjust, infamous things can be justified and established. . . . Morality is then surrendered to the groundless arbitrariness of religion.” – Ludwig Feuerbach

    • Anonymous says:

      In order to rescue that statement from being totally nonsensical you need to insert a couple of “nots”. Morality apart from God is surrendered to groundless arbitrariness.

      • Anonymous says:

        I guess. Do you have a direct connection to this god? Could you get a list in writing??

      • Anonymous says:

        Uh, re read it. I think you’ll see the guy is right.

      • Closet Case says:

        – Arbitrariness is the quality of being “determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle”. Arbitrary decisions are not necessarily the same as random decisions.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We need more of this guy, we’ve sinned enough dont need to add more to the plate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Speak for yourself. I am up for lots more sin. If there is not an earthquake there is more sinning to be done.

  6. verginia barnes says:

    Mr. Eden my hat off to you for standing up for our islands and for the heritage we have enjoyed for countless years. I am so sick and tired of the way foreign species enter our shores and strive only to be up front to change our laws and ways of life. They have no descent life where they are coming from and yet wants to point us in directions to suit their way of life. These people needs to respect our laws, our people, our heritage and more important what is not broken don’t try to fix. If they don’t like our way of life, then for God’s sake please leave, as Caymanians were happy with the way our forefathers sweat and toil to build our Paradise. I would like to introduce just a part of our Biblical beliefs to the groups who are trying to change God’s laws, laws which we have adopted and respected in our islands long before our little dot on the map was spread across the world for every bird to pirch. Leviticus 20 Verse 13 “If a man also lie with a mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them”. I bet my life those who come here and push us around to implement laws to suit their lose lifestyle would not go the Far East and even breathe hard! Then in Leviticus 19 Verses 33 … If a stranger sojourn with us in our land, we shall not vex him, but the stranger should be treated as one born among us, and we shall love him as we love ourselves, we should do no unrighteousness in judgment, in measurements, in weights etc. Therefore we shall observe the Lord’s statutes and judgments. We Caymanian are fully aware of love and kindness to people, BUT please respect our heritage, and please leave us alone to our values that has made us such a unique group of people over the years. To Minister Alden this issue should not have been drawn out so far, you of all people are well versed to our heritage and what the people of Cayman stand for, I feel sure you will know your people much better in 2017. God bless our beautiful islands, and for all those who are uncomfortable with our way of life, I wish you a safe journey back to wherever you came from or perhaps check out another country where you can change the rules, laws and regulations to cope with your lifestyle.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Descent way of life?” Really? You really overrate yourselves!! Descent is actually the right word. The gradual descent of Cayman into hell with all the thieving, corruption, double standards and so on. You would have trouble understanding that most foreigners are generally concerned for Cayman and where it is headed, but not from what you see as the issue, but the real issues of education, poverty, kids left to fend for themselves, corruption and so on. There’s your God fearing nation, so much fuss about something that will never affect you and so little action on the matters that will. Pride before the fall. Thought your bible doesn’t condone pride?

    • Fred the piemaker says:

      Adhere to the rest of Leviticus and you have an argument for a logically consistent position based on the Bible. Ignore the bits that are inconvenient – eating turtle conch lobster for example -and the basis is just attitudes not evolving in the the last 100 years not the Word of God. Mr Edens forefathers were pretty enthusiast about slavery too . Doesn’t make that right either – even tho sanctioned by Levitcus.

      • Anonymous says:

        The turtle and animal eating cayman from overseas compadres who showed us how to do that, otherwise it was fish and beef for most islanders.

    • Happy Yule says:

      “they shall surely be put to death”

      I would like to learn more about God, and this part intrigues me.

      It seems that Cayman does not follow God’s law, unless you get down to the business of killing them as God instructs.

      Do you follow God’s law in Cayman?

      Deuteronomy 22:13-22 –

      “13 If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her 14 and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” 15 then the young woman’s father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin. …

      20 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.”

      When was the last time you killed a girl who was not a virgin at marriage?

      • Anonymous says:

        Or a rape victim that did not scream loudly enough. Eden presumably supports their stoning to death too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Mr.Eden, thank you so much for your stance. Please, ignore those foreigners (resident and abroad) who are speaking against you. You are the voice of the real Cayman. Please continue to stand up for us.

  8. Anonymous says:

    A “failure”? Are you friggin’ nuts?

  9. God says:

    Eden: Shut up

  10. Anonymous says:

    The Eden’s have been here since 1780. The first one, William Eden was very upset when he suddenly had to pay his slave for a glass of water after slavery was abolished.

    It seems to me, not much has changed. The same hate and disrespect is presented by this family towards a minority of vulnerable people.

    I am European and have seen what hate can do in the second world war. It is like seeing it happen again.

    This makes me very sad……..

    • Anonymous says:

      You are either clairvoyant (with an avid interest in history) or very elderly to have this knowledge of what Anthony’s ancestor did or what happened in WW2. I suspect you are neither. Love the last sentence trailing off bit – almost poetic – you should be writing the editorials for the Compass. I’ll bang off another letter to Patrick recommending you as soon as I’ve dried off me hanky!

      • Anonymous says:

        Or maybe they read a history book on Cayman, and as a European, they would be well-educated on WWII. Wm. Eden’s slaveholding and that water incident is well-documented – the former slave charged him 5 pense to bring him a bucket of water. Perhaps you should spend less time on the internet and more time at the Library.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sounds like a decent European education and 30 seconds searching Michael Chraton’s Concise history of Cayman.
        Nothing that an average school kid could do in other jurisdictions.

  11. Anonymous says:

    He said what many were thinking- the “silent majority”.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think I like Mr Eden’s God. He can keep him, I’d rather be alone making my own way in life. Thinking for myself and being tolerant of others.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Anthony Eden shifting to another team still does not mean crap. There is still a bigoted and full of hatred MLA in action. You should enjoy the rest of the time you have left in the LA as I doubt very much you will be re-elected in 2017. Remember Mr. Eden, God does not roll dice. Would it be absolutely hilarious if one day one of your own pronounces his or her sexuality. That would be cause for celebration. Not you playing musical chairs.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Eden you will be a lonely old man one day.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Proving yet again that Cayman leadership is not ready to join the rest of the world as they move on. Why do they struggle so to understand their own species? Anyone with his head so far up his ass will not see a very clear view of what could be. The future of Caymanians should not be in the hands of those who live only in the past. Please vote for intelligence and integrity next chance you get.

  16. Anonymous says:

    He seems to think he is speaking for Caymanians and his constituents but does he not realize there are gay caymanians many of whom live in Bodden Town? He seems to be taking this issue very personally. Why? He is happy to deny gay Caymanians their rights but quite happy to welcome in 3 Afghans who sought political asylum here years ago and even put one of them thru medical school. Anyone knows of their whereabouts now? Hmmmm. Anthony time for you to retire you are not serving this country you are hurting it and embarrassing it with your stupidity, homophobia, hatred, and outdated concepts. Put down the bible old man it was written by other haters like you. Religion was created to control minds like yours. FREE YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. (Being sarcastic btw). He is a fool

  18. Anonymous says:

    What part of “Human Rights” does this man not understand.

    Does he not realise that what he sees as a defence of Christianity is a tacit endorsement of Islamist theocracies and their abhorrent practices like honour killings, genital mutilation and the killing of Christian infidels, each of which Islamists claim is mandated by biblical authority? (Albeit a different bible).

    Furthermore, why is he so animated about this one issue? Biblical guidance is very unclear on homosexuality (mainly obscure Old Testament verses which many Christians disavow). There are areas where the guidance could not be more clear, which he appears absolutely fine with.

    For example, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Has he ever proposed making adultery illegal? Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain. Has he ever proposed making blasphemy illegal? False idols? Dishonoring your father and mother?

    All of which belies the fact that he is really just a bigot who thinks everyone else should be required to be, think and act like him.

    And if they won’t they have no business here, or presumably, anywhere else on this earth.

  19. Fashion Police says:

    He makes his position clear by what he wears. No gay man would wear a red and white striped tie with a mint shirt and a light brown suit. Nor should any straight man who does not suffer from color blindness. That suit. Words fail me. It must contain a lot of man made fiber.

  20. JTB says:

    If he doesn’t believe secular laws have any force, why does he sit in the legislature that passes those laws? Surely he has disqualified himself from office?

  21. Anonymous says:

    How “Christian” of a community is Cayman really anymore? Christian on a Sunday and heathens on a Monday (and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). The motto of Cayman is “He Hath Founded it Upon the Seas” (with “He” being the Lord above). Cayman is not without every other fornication-related sin – adultery (cheating), pre-marital sex, personal sexual gratification, prostitution, sexual exploitation, rape, inter-family relationships, and the list goes on. One of the ten commandments is that one shall not commit adultery, but there is not one forbidding homosexual relations. Sodom and Gomorrah probably had a lot more wrong in their communities than homosexual relations, as the whole world would have been leveled with fire and brimstone if God didn’t want his children committing such sins – although who’s to say it isn’t about to be?

    It has always baffled me how people can say that gay people choose to be gay. What person in their right mind would choose to bring this kind of hatred upon themselves? When did straight people choose to be straight?

    The United States of America’s Pledge of Allegiance states that it is “one nation under God,” and yet the Supreme Court recently ruled that same-sex marriage was to be made legal in every state. This year, Ireland (a predominantly, historically, and culturally Catholic nation) also made same-sex marriage legal in the country, with the first couple to marry under this law recently saying their vows. These two great nations have come to the realisation that they are not living in the dark ages anymore and that they needed to evolve to allow equality among all of their citizens. I think it’s high time that Cayman considers making similar changes too.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are in the silent majority, but the Bigotbots will wake up and condemn you.

    • A bite of Eden says:

      Well said, 8:37 am, well said. Bravo.

      -The Age of Faith-

      “The usual marriage in traditional cultures was arranged for by the families. It wasn’t a person-to-person decision at all. . . . In the Middle Ages, that was the kind of marriage that was sanctified by the Church. And so the troubadour idea of real person-to-person Amor was very dangerous. . . . It is in direct contradiction to the way of the Church.

      The word AMOR spelt backwards is ROMA, the Roman Catholic Church, which was justifying marriages that were simply political and social in their character. And so came this movement validating individual choice, what I call following your bliss.” – Joseph Campbell

  22. Me-T says:

    I’m new here. Has Anthony Eden served well over all of these years, or just quietly collected his salary like some I have heard of?

    • Anonymous says:

      8:28. You are like all of the others, getting your paws in the pie, and want to dictate. Were so lucky to be so outspoken from whence you came?

    • Anonymous says:

      25k a month (salary and pension).
      While 600 households are disconnected from drinking water and many have no health insurance.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t blame the breakdown in our society on Mr Eden.down 600 are disconnected from drinking water and many don’t have health insurance because of the mass give away of citizenship to many people who did not qualify or did not deserve it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sportsfan, let’s just leave it with your opening sentence. And he ‘ain’t at all like those you may have heard of. (Trust me, I’ve been here thirty-six years.)

  23. Cheese Face says:

    Horrible horrible man.

    • Anonymous says:

      You probably don’t know the man. What is your legacy, Cheese Face? At least Mr. Eden can stand before His Creator without shame as he champions simple truth. Anyway, don’t say you were not warned.

    • Anonymous says:

      A comma between the two words before “man” would have aided the reader’s understanding immeasurably.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Next step would be to put gays and athiests in jail. Like they do in moslim countries.

    • Anonymous says:

      Correction. They don’t put atheist and homosexuals in jail in the middle east. They kill them. He said stand up against gays and atheists. What is he? The leader of ISIS

  25. Anonymous says:

    Interesting that only God’s laws matter but he limits his hate speech rants to times when he is sheltering like a coward behind parliamentary privilege.

  26. SSM345 says:

    Mr.Eden you have done the right thing in so much as removing yourself from this picture. Their are others who should follow suit. Massive respect for your Service to our Country.
    Its not about telling people what to do. It’s not about marriage. Its not about religion. It’s not about changing your way of life.
    It’s about equal rights.
    It’s about everyone getting along.
    its about evolving.
    It’s about humanity.
    There have been gay people around you; working amongst us for all our lives. Big deal.
    To move forward will only happen if we are One.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Finally a politician that stands firm in his beliefs and will not be swayed from upholding God’s word. I ask that the community continue to lift Mr. Eden in prayer as the enemy will try to come against him, we serve a mighty God and He will prevail! Stand strong Cayman! Show kindness and Love ALL people as God does and pray that all unbelievers come to know Him as their Saviour.
    Let’s see how many other MLA’s will follow suit

  28. Anonymous says:

    23 years? Passed his sell by date. God tells him? Personally? Wish I had that telephone! But with slow and dogicell never gonna happen!

  29. Anonymous says:

    All of this LGBT movement foolishness is disturbing and it is RUINING societies across the f*%$#ing globe!

  30. Just Sayin' says:

    Thank you Tony for all you have done to progress the most basic of human rights that is freedom of choice. Your ill conceived rant will go down in the annals of Cayman as the proverbial straw which broke the camels back.
    See you on the other side.

  31. Diogenes says:


  32. Anonymous says:

    We the majority stand behind you mr. Eden

    • Anonymous says:

      I would really like to see a poll on this. But I’m guessing your ignorant statement is just as ludicris as the stories in your book.

  33. Sunrise says:

    I am wondering when Mr. Eden and his constituents are going to put this much effort into protecting out children against real animals? I was shocked to read that a child molester, had his sentence reduced in the Appeals Court!! Really, when are there going to be harsher penalties on these real animals? I can’t believe he is trying so hard to talk about God and the Christian belief, when ignoring such a vital topic!! Wake up and let us start to set examples of our real problems with child molestation, incest, etc.. I do not agree with the gay lifestyle, but most are consenting adults. They can protect themselves and make their own decisions. What about out children, who cannot protect themselves from this abuse and be scarred for life!!! The courts are handing down a slap on the wrist sentence, then the Appeals Court reduces it further, and our elected members don’t give a damn!!!! Time to stand up to this abuse and really put our Christian beliefs to condemn these animals!!!! What is your comments on this issue, Mr. Anthony Eden?

    • Anonymous says:


    • Fred the piemaker says:

      Mr Eden not listening. Child abuse not a problem in th Bible ( along as it’s heterosexual!) One of those modern issues that are not a problem for old Cayman t radition.

    • Happy Yule says:

      Child abuse?

      You need to follow God’s law, not man’s:

      Deuteronomy 21:18-21

      18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

      The problem is not adults abusing children. God has nothing to say about that. The problem is children disobeying their parents. Those children need to be killed as God has commanded.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Proud of you Mr. Eden.

  35. Anonymous says:

    What I don’t understand about Anthony, I never have heard this much of an up cry about children and women being raped and their rapist getting 3 years or less (oh yeah lets not forget the reduced sentence of one recently). Hey Anthony rape isn’t a christian thing, Gay people have as much right to have a relationship (being married) as anyone else.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Is it any wonder that we have so many problems in Cayman these days….with “leaders” such as Eden?
    He is so past any usefullness for the future of our Islands!
    The issue at hand is simply that all human beings should be afforded the protection to make their own decisions. And also; the very well paid members of the LA should be doing some actual productive work….not inciting division and hostility by preaching hatefullness!

    • Anonymous says:

      Had it been a Caymanian jumping up, prancing and demanding gay rights, how many would be pandering to him or her? Those who want to be gay, that’s their choice, but I see no reason why Alden should be lapping up their desires. If they come here, live here, enjoy here, take the jobs here, lead their back door lives here, the government pander to them, change laws in their favour, what will be the next demand? When are they going to ask us to exit? Does Alden have a plan?
      All he has ever done, is change laws to suit permit holders and sideline Caymanians. He is nothing else than a backstaber. Make sure 2017 he is in the doghouse. Let the gays find him an seat in the LA.
      In any country, you look out for your own before you take on outsiders.

      • Anonymous says:

        Amen……Alden couldn’t stand on one issue long enough to make a cherent decision! As soon as the “white”man (UK and her minions USA etc) says “Jump” he responds “How high”. First job he did once elected as Premier:- extend TLEPS —– yup taking care of the foreigner NOT Caymanian

      • Anonymous says:

        We have many gay Caymanians here….and elsewhere.
        And as far as Alden doing things for you….try looking in the mirror….and ask what you can do to help yourself….and Cayman.

  37. Anonymous says:

    If this were a jurisdiction where there were tabloid newspapers, they would print details of Mr Eden’s family who are or were (one is deceased) gay (though heterosexually married) or who took part in bi-sexual activities. It would embarrass him terribly. He cannot be unaware of the homosexuality in his family -all of us Caymanians over a certain age are very well aware of it. This is all so sad, Tony. Give it up.

    • Anonymous says:

      And when were you held responsible for your other family members sins? Each of us after age of chidlhood is legally responsible for ourselves. No different for Mr. Anthony! Let me remind of this saying:- before you go cleaning dirt in somebody else yard first clean yours! So pray to God the tabloid newspaper don’t link the evil of your family to you……but I forgot you’re not here under your real name eh? In closing, XXXXX all who want to change the definition of marriage and the family unit from one male and one female, can all truck back to where they came from! Not happening here! Call us homophobic, xenophobic, racist, intolerant and any name you choose, this time we will win!!
      Mr eden is entitled to his “rights” too……. Regardless of whether you like it or not…..go back to your secular argentina, uk, usa, france, belguim or wherever. Y’all have no time for anything godly until disaster strikes just as we the world over witnessed in usa Sept 2011 and just recently in Europe

      • Anonymous says:

        “Each of us after age of chidlhood is legally responsible for ourselves”

        “all who want to change the definition of marriage and the family unit from one male and one female, can all truck back to where they came from”

        Can you see any inconsistency between those two statements?

  38. Allar says:

    Great stance Mr. Eden. You are a true statesman if they want to marry each other let them leave our country. Well done

  39. Anonymous says:

    Cns you forgot to add that he said he is moving to the other side of la when parliament returns for the next session. Things getting interesting.

  40. Anonymous says:

    If this is true: “Eden also dismissed any suggestion that Cayman was bound by secular laws”, then (a) he needs to resign or be dismissed and (b) he needs help.

  41. Rachael says:

    Stand firm minister Eden – you have my support and you should have every right in this democratic society to voice your opinions just as much as the gays and lesbians.

  42. Anonymous says:

    It’s called narcissism in the guise of christianity.

  43. Anonymous says:

    “Premier McLaughlin stands up against populist pandering…” Compass editorial headline, 24 November 2015.

    “I could not sit quietly and let people believe that I subscribe to that…sentiment espoused by some members of this House, because I do not. I will not allow the government, which I have the honor and privilege to lead, to be branded with that.” – Alden McLaughlin, 24 November 2015, discussing anti-expat sentiment quoted in the Compass.

    “…..” Alden McLaughlin, 26 November 2015, not standing up to (or even discussing) populist pandering by way of homophobic and religious discrimination.

    The clear implication being that he “will allow the government, which [he has] the honor and privilege to lead” to discriminate against the LGBT community and anyone who’s not a Christian.

  44. Anonymous says:

    This is very sad. “Jokers and Johnny come satellite”. I spoke recently to a former civil servant who worked for him who told me Mr Eden was the finest minister of government you could hope to work for-attentive to what his civil servants advised and respectful of those who disagreed with his and his government’s views on things. This person also said there was NO sign of homophobia or any other intolerance. Others have said that recently there has been a massive change in him and he has become very anti UK because of its gay tolerance. It’s almost like in his declining years he has become obsessed with some of these “every word in the bible is true” churches, even though Leviticus has some dramatic variations to how we (including Mr Eden) live life in Cayman.

  45. Anonymous says:

    The country already had people of “a different persuasion” long before them in the dark ages before driftwood Johnny-come-lateley jokers landed on Cayman. Anyone saying otherwise is knowingly lying.

    It’s just that it was not considered acceptable back then so people kept quiet and had to live in shame. That was in the dark ages. Time and people have moved on. Clearly Mr Eden hasn’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      God’s words remain unchanged though. You and the other need to understand that. That’s by the bible says that men would THINK to change times and laws. They can’t change what God has said. End of story.

  46. Anonymous says:

    OK, we get it Tony. Just come out will you and we can all move on with our lives.

  47. Anonymous says:

    the HRC chair and others were trying to drive Cayman in an “alien direction”.

    It’s called MODERN TIMES……..Dino!

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems like punctuation hasn’t accompanied it.

      • Anonymous says:

        From a ‘Concerned reader’
        It is very disheartening to read some of the disrespectful and unkind remarks that have been made against Mr. Eden, by those who opposed his stance. Also the flippancy of speech in regards to God and the Bible. I am suggesting that if you can’t say good about someone , don’t say evil. We should all try to make Cayman a better place.If you do not believe in God or the Bible, show respect to these two pillars of Christianity . Lastly remember we are only here on earth for a short period of time and the footprints we leave behind will be a testament of the life we live on earth.

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