Archive for November 19th, 2015

School leaders improve own learning
(CNS): Fourteen leaders from government schools and the education department have passed through Part 1 of the International School Leadership programme, offered through the Ontario Principals Council (OPC), as part of efforts to improve the professional development of teachers and managers in the Cayman education system. Recent reports commissioned by the ministry pointed to extensive problems […]

Hospital to charge upfront for medicine
(CNS): Starting in the New Year, the George Town hospital pharmacy will be demanding payment upfront for all prescriptions before patients can get their medicines. Hospital officials said that this was part of the Health Service Authority’s efforts to improve collection and address bad debt but it will also undermine the principle that care will […]

CIG warned of legal action over cruise port
(CNS): Ahead of a likely application for judicial review, a group calling themselves “Concerned Caymanians” has written to government through a lawyer seeking clarification on the point at which government agrees it has taken action to move forward with the cruise berthing facility. A similar case regarding the West Bay Road was rejected because of technical arguments […]

Appeal court upholds robbery sentences
(CNS): Appeals by three men serving time in HMP Northward for two different armed daylight robberies were all dismissed Tuesday, as the Court of Appeal pressed on with the long list of Grand Court criminal cases awaiting review. Upholding the vast majority convictions and jail terms during this session, the judges were not persuaded to […]

OCC to manage whistleblower reports
(CNS): The Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC) will have oversight for receiving and clearing reports from whistleblowers under new legislation, once it comes into force. The law, which is designed to protect people who report wrongdoing, not just in government but in the private sector as well, will be implemented by Cabinet following a comprehensive education […]