Unemployment rate up almost 1%
(CNS): The local unemployment rate climbed up to 5.6% this spring, the government’s statistic office has confirmed in its latest labour force survey. The figure is almost a full percentage point higher than the official figure for the autumn of 2014, when the rate was 4.7%. The near 1% increase over six months saw another 389 people added to the unemployment list, though the finance minister indicated that most of the increase was among non-Caymanians with the right to work.
Playing down the increase, which undermines the government forecast that the number of people out of work was expected to remain well under 5%, Finance Minister Marco Archer pointed to a decline in the underemployment rate from 2.9% to 2.5%. Underemployed people are those seeking full time jobs but who are only able to secure part-time work. Officials said that there are now 948 people with part-time work who are seeking more work.
The minister said that despite the increase in the unemployment rate, the workforce in total grew by 0.5%
“The number of unemployed residents reached 2,248,” said Archer. “This is higher by 389 persons compared to fall (autumn) 2014, but majority of this increase comprised of permanent residents with rights to work, and non-Caymanians.”
Total employment expanded by 0.5% to 37,900, which Minister Archer said was an indication that the local economy was still growing.
However, the local unemployment remains at 7%, or 1,575, at a time when almost 17,000 people are here on work-permits, and non-Caymanians represent more than 54% of the workforce. Well over half of the entire workforce in Cayman earns less than $2,800 per month, according to the report, and over 40% of those are local workers.
The Cayman Islands’ Labour Force Survey Report Spring 2015marco
Category: Economy, Jobs, Local News, Politics
Grow a spine you guys.
Am I to raise my kids labeled as inept misfits, stepped on by newcomers from nieghbouring countries where they could not fit in or survive; or being bullied by Euro patsies and hooligans?
No wonder we have so many bullas and fish in our communities now.
If you guys have probs just face each other and sort it.
Or demand more from the overpaid politicians.
There are many people in Cayman that were born here that have mastered any profession they entered……….Pilots, Lawyers, Politics, Construction etc. They can hold thier own. However these are past generations now in the age of group of usually 50 plus. There are far and few in comparison in numbers that are younger with the same to offer. Do not think that the expatriate work force is a representation of their native country’s work ethics and education. They are an example, small, who took an opportunity to come here, make a good living and perhaps an adventure and a change in their life, and do the job. They are not here to make Cayman a better place. They are also not here to hurt us, but have siezed an opportunity. Back in their homeland, their are people just like our homegrown unemployable people. But they have a larger worforce pool to draw from and do not need to import skills or Labour as someone is more then likely to want the job. It is time for us to relieve ourselfs of self entitlement and see that by having no work ethic and skills no-one wants you. No one from a foreign land took your job. You could never do it or really wanted it in the first place..
The CI people need to remember that the ETs they hired are here lawfully, because someone saw the need for the service of a qualified ET.
While I am very sensitive to the overwhelming feeling of locals that they are being discriminated against and how awful it is to be a minority in your own country, the fact is that employers have had some very bad experiences and may not be choosing not to hire Caymanians. Can you blame them! However that said we need to keep addressing the employability of our young people and the general lack of a work ethic from many under 60 Caymanians.
True. We ETs (expats) are now a permanant fact for Cayman’s success and future.
Speaking from experience at a leading offshore firm, these Caymanians who are born from expatriate parents are a rare commodity and are quickly employed. Caymanians need to get their act together soon because the time is near where more will join the workforce.
One would have to assume that CIG employs the local cream of the crop among the thousands of Caymanians employed.
How is CIG performing? Could a business survive with such performance?
As the largest employer of Caymanians, the govt should be a role model to the private sector. That would be the easiest way to change the unfortunate stigma local employment has in the market place. However, gov does the opposite for Caymanians. Through continuous poor CS performance they are effectively discrediting our own people.
CS, show performance and prove to private sector that our Caymanians are hard working, efficient, leaders and innovators. Until then, how can we expect private business to hire those unemployed who clearly can’t make the CS cut?
The way to prove that is for Caymanians who get jobs, to show up, not call in sick constantly,when at work be willing to anything that is required to get the job done, and stop acting like the world owes them a living.
Why can no one ever answer this simple question: “Why would an employer favour an expat over a Caymanian when the expat involves a lot of red tape, logistics, and a very expensive work permit?”
If there is an “equally qualified” Caymanian then why on earth would an employer favour an expat?
– Isme
Dear Isme,
For the same reasons why Jim Crow, segregation, and Apartheid were created and legally enforced in other parts of the world.
– Whodatis
The whodatis school of attitude triumphs again. Sadly he thinks he represents Caymanians best interests when the reality is it is precisely his school of thought that no one wants to emply. Discrimination is not the issue, entitlement is. Whether it is Caymanians or expats, here or elsewhere, it doesn’t matter. You are only employable if you do your job well, do it on time, and turn up. Everyone else gets fired. Except here. Unless that changes the cayman we all know is finished
Yes poster.
The countless job adverts that are clearly drafted in a manner to parachute in pre-selected work permit holders support your theory.
– Whodatis
In fact yes. The reason is that when we did advertise in the past they didn’t show up for the interview, came stoned or just were just plain unemployable. Then there were those that we insisted we would hire who did not show up, came late and were just plain bone idle. So yes, we have had a sickner of trying to be responsible and give locals a chance in our company. Why would we get rid of a perfectly good expat to take on someone (anyone) who actually would be hugely inferior in their work ethic?
I don’t buy the racism excuse. Those ads are written to keep employees that are working out well for their companies. Explain to me why a business would want to trade an employee that is doing well for one that needs training?
– Isme
Ummm…they wouldn’t. But artificially tailoring an advert is a crime.
Who said anything about racism? The answer to the question posed was “discrimination”.
Regarding your last question; because it is against the law to manipulate circumstances to get around said law.
There is little to no red-tape. Stats show that almost 100% of work permits are approved and the number is growing by 0.50% while unemployment rose by 1%.
Consequently, your submission is baseless.
Because the permit holder will do whatever it takes to keep the job including paying for their own permit, pension, health, and working overtime without pay.
The same ESO that says the cost of living here fell by 3.6% over the last year to June 2015, and 3% in the 3 months since March 2015? Does that figure match anyone’s personal experience?
“Figures often beguile me,” he wrote, “particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'” Mark Twain
Workforce (with permits) grows yet unemployment (of Caymanians) grows!
Thats a double slap in the face of Caymanians.
wish you guys would stop beating yourselves up about it…
But you love being treated like that really. It gives you something to moan about about.
Yeah, I guess growth in work permits is a real slap in the face for xenophobes!
I still think almost 400 unemployed is a BIG DEAL for a small country. Many don’t … but if we don’t fix the problem, the numbers including social problem will add up.
Too late…its already an issue. Even your comment shows the issue. No one talks about making themselves attractive to employers, by getting the right qualifications, or demonstrating the will to work hard, or to actually turn up to work and do the required hours without the several breaks that most seem to need (and expats don’t take nor need, except lunch, a one hour lunch-they get fired otherwise) Most Caymanians just seem to expect a job…most companies will not accept that and will move the job elsewhere if that is all they can get. In short, you got to show you want it, and can do it, and then do it. That is also how you might get promoted, showing some hunger.
None of the 200 I work with are employable and I feel ok to say that because I am Caymanian.
The blame has to be placed on both the local businesses and our immigration department. I am a caymanian and live on the Brac and I can tell you we have a huge number of locals that can’t get any work. The supermarkets are full of expats, Brac Reef is full of expats, ALL of the businesses here are full of expats and now they are hiring even expats at the airport for these security jobs. It’s really sad. We don’t have a chance in our own country. I will admit a lot of our locals don’t want to work they will prefer to stay home and make welfare take care of them, cloak them in their laziness but then we have some good honest locals out there that are trying really hard to find a job but not given a chance. They don’t even get call for an interview but when you see a expat has filled the post. I have family members that can’t get a job, they are not even given a chance. Something has to be done and it needs to be done fast before we are out numbered and driven out of our own country. It’s the locals that spend their money to support the local businesses but yet we are not good enough to be employed to support our families. Something is seriously wrong here.
The thing that is seriously wrong is your negative attitude.
@4:40am; I don’t see your validity for saying that 6:41 pm has a bad attitude. Seriously, you must not read much. The person who wrote that post was being very fair and not biased one way or the other. He/she stated they do have many lazy Caymanians who don’t want to work but on the other hand they also have Caymanians who genuinely want the work and need it and can’t get a job. So, please enlighten me as to why you say this person has a negative attitude?
Blaming the expats when that is s not the problem.
Agree with Cass. It is not negative to state that employers are favouring expats over locals, especially when it’s so brazenly obvious all over Cayman. With so many natives out of work, why are we importing expats (most of which are impoverished) who only benefit a single business but not the rest of the country as a whole?
I work in social services, I am Caymanian and can tell you that the local people I deal with do not want to work. Yes they want jobs where they can turn up when they please and on pay day disappear until the money runs out. Its sad but true.
You are speaking to the very mindset that has created and defends this deplorable reality of modern day Cayman – and then turns around to say it doesn’t exist.
It is like trying to get blood from a stone. Blind prejudice is immovable.
Fortunately, there is more than one way to kill a pig.
It doesn’t exist. Caymanian unemployment is a myth.
I own a business for 12 years and have not had one Caymanian apply yet. Run a professional firm.
Who runs your Human Resources Department? @ Rp.
Yes. I want to hire them and know their secret.
Hi Rp: If no Caymanians are applying for jobs at your firm, maybe your job ads are written with expats in mind. Some of those strategies include asking for 5-15 years experience for a job that only takes 2 years to master. Some ask for a degree yet they hire an expat with no degree. Some ask for the applicant to have matching experience (eg. various degrees, years of experience, etc.) equal to the expat that is already in the post, even though the job only requires a few years experience and a high school diploma. And the best one of all, favouring an expat for having ‘international experience’ when all they did is leave their home country and come here (what a JOKE!!!).
The system is rigged in favour of expat labour and employers are exploiting the hell out of the loopholes.
If you are doing any of the above, then of course no Caymanians will apply for jobs they know they will NEVER get.
The deck is already stacked against Caymanians which makes it an uphill battle. All the expat has to do is apply (online from the comfort of their home country) and wait for their relocation package. It’s unfair and quite insulting to say the least.
Thanks for the tips.
You have to ask yourself why this happens (if it does). You will be deafened by the chorus of “bad experience” that comes back. A certain element of our local staff are in a special department where they can do no harm to our business. We accept it as our tax for being here. We expect nothing of them because time has shown that if you do expect something of them (even the simplest of tasks) it will not get done correctly or on time. Then we have our gifted locals, who really do Cayman proud, work hard, do the job, do the hours (and then some) and who also get promoted. Not many companies can afford the luxury of a special department for non productive people, and even our one is getting looked at by our lords and masters overseas, trying to justify why we need it here, but nowhere else. That is the problem 12.13. And its a serious one.
Can’t give you a name but he’s Caymanian, if that matters. He’s been with us since the beginning of the company. He didn’t actually apply, I conviced him to join us back in the day.
I review all applications. I’ve had Hondurans, Jamaicans even a Cuban but no Caymanians yet in the last 12 years.
Mr Archer’s words were ‘The economy is in a sweet spot’ I wonder if he knows the meaning of sweet and bitter.
Can something that does not exist go up 1%?
(The comment section of) CNS and the editorials of the “Cayman Compass” reminds me of the independent, minority (e.g. Black / Muslim / Asian / Turkish) newspapers one can find in the bottom metal rack every UK off-license. (Top rack depending on area of the city, lol!)
The outrageous, shortsighted, and myopic headlines and articles align perfectly with the sentiments we find in Cayman today – just from the other side of the coin.
Think about it folks. There is no denying.
So very interesting.
– Whodatis
Does he believe this stuff when the meds kick in?
Truth hurts, I know.
Speaking of meds, you may want to source some for that pain.
– Who
(Now at newsstands islandwide!)
Is that the best he can come up with? He really has not been on top form for some time. #Whodatwas
– Whodatis
Saw the following on CNN and in a UK publication recently;
“More immigrants means more jobs.
Govt treating immigrants good equals more jobs.
Locals treating immigrants better equals more jobs.
Immigration dept treating immigrants properly means more jobs.
Keep treating immigrants like disposable crap and your jobs become disposable.”
*Actually…no. Never have I or anyone else on this forum heard such sentiments in those settings. Nevertheless, so many support this theory in Cayman as it upholds their REALITY as an IMMIGRANT in another person’s country.
Anyway, enjoy the rise in crime. I suggest deadbolting your daughter’s bedroom window …you know, like they do in the high unemployment areas of the aforementioned countries.
– Whodatis
more expats means more jobs
govt treating expats good equals more jobs
locals treating expats better equals more jobs
immigration treating expats properly means more jobs
keep treating expats like disposable crap and your jobs become disposable
Imagine being treated like disposable crap and being a native to this soil!?
Imagine THAT!
Anyone who uses the term “of the soil” is a bigot.
Well, err, Cass…maybe you need to stop being crap and become something more desirable? My experience is that you only get treated like crap if you act like crap.
When 95 % of the people that the gov send you for an interview fail is really hard to believe a good one will come along. this is a fact, out of 23 I have interviewed this year, at least 5 came high as a kite. most of them didn’t even know what they were applying for, three walked out of the door because the work was too hard. We did find some really good ones, and they are with us but honestly, most of them are unemployable.
I am tired of people saying this is due to work permits. Does anyone really think that an employer would rather pay $5k – $30k for a work permit if there is a qualified Caymanian candidate?
The riff raff at the public beach in Bodden Town are included in all these figures. They have not worked a day in their lives, including when they were at school. But they tell tourists, like a family member of mine trying to use the beach, that they can’t get jobs because foreigners are taking them from them. The cops tell me they can do nothing with them because they sit there peacefully, committing no offences, under the cabanas from 8 in the morning until night, doing nothing. Nothing. I’ll repeat that, NOTHING. How can anyone live like that? The Government put up the cabanas. Since they did so, I have NEVER seen tourists sitting under them. Of course the Government also put up little “shops/stalls” for all these wonderful local artisans we keep hearing about in the “need to promote local culture” arguments to sell their wares to tourists. They have NEVER been open and have NEVER sold local cultural items to tourists. And then there are the swings and so on for kids that no child ever uses, possibly because their parents are concerned about the deadbeats under the cabanas. Mr Auditor General? Value for money audit?
Where are you from poster?
I’m going to guess either North America or the UK.
You asked “How can anyone live like that?”.
Examine your own country, my friend – I guarantee you will find MILLIONS to whom the same question apply.
To frame this issue around a basis of nationality is …well, you are clearly educated enough to finish the sentence.
Nevertheless, none of what you have said negates the fact that educated and willing Caymanians are being disenfranchised in their own country by a woefully inefficient and downright destructive system of immigration and permanent residency.
– Whodatis
Doesn’t matter a crap where I come from Whodatis (except to the likes of you). I have lived in several countries and I have never ever seen the total lethargy and lack of ambition among youths that I have seen here coupled with (and this is the distinguishing feature) the blaming of others for their lethargy. In some of the other countries you always like to refer to, young people have really serious issues of employment to face-there is no work. Every one of these damned layabouts at Coe Wood beach in Bodden Town could take a job of gardening, security, road works at NRA, fixing the fence at the airport, examining people’s luggage etc etc from the Jamaicans and Filipinos but it would mean they would have to get their asses out of bed every morning at a certain hour and put in a disciplined day’s work without sneaking off to sleep or worse. That is the main problem with a certain type of Caymanian-NOT all Caymanians-which leads to these stupid statistics about unemployment and comments about how they are all poor victims unable to get anything to do.
Re: “…I have never ever seen the total lethargy and lack of ambition among youths that I have seen here coupled with (and this is the distinguishing feature) the blaming of others for their lethargy.”
You sir / madame and your supporters are absolutely full of it.
Unfortunately, CNS no longer allows weblinks to other online sources, however, I urge you and your friends to Google the well documented observations of Sir Vince Cable and other leading members of the British business sector as it concerns the questionable work ethic AND education / skill levels of its young, native population.
(Hate me all you want, my friend, these are the words and claims of those in the know – not Whodatis’.)
Unless of course you want to deny that in the UK and EU (namely Germany, Spain, Greece) there has not been a massive shift toward newly available Eastern European labourers?
Let me guess, out of the 60 million+ British people (and tens of millions of Europeans) there was a recent and mysterious lack of restaurant servers, secretaries, plumbers, builders, contractors, electricians, admin staff, cashiers, professionals etc?
One can also find documentaries online where it is commonplace for 2-3 generations of families to have never worked in certain regions of the UK. Why? “Woe onto us – Thatcher closed down the mines … 35 years ago!”?!
Anyway, there is none blinder than those who refuse to see … or those that are intent on painting a different picture depending on the country in question.
Anyway, the reality in Cayman is that a large portion, if not the majority, of expatriate workers (especially professionals) are in their positions by way of nationalised favouritism, racism, discrimination, prejudice and fear of the natural-rights holding local.
How lovely.
As you all were.
– Who
I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I agree with Who.
Furthermore poster; a bum is a bum by any other name or nationality.
Why are you even including “layabouts at Coe Beach” in this debate?
This is where you lose me and any other properly thinking individual.
There millions of equivalents to those “layabouts” on “the dole” receiving “benefits” in the UK, or on “Section 8” and “welfare” in the USA.
However, certain folks continually frame the local debate in a certain way. Perhaps you and your friends could explain why this is so?
….”me and any other properly thinking individual….”. Jesus wept. No wonder.
We frame the local debate in a certain way because we live here and have to listen to the “layabouts” bitching about foreigners taking their jobs when there are scores of jobs those same “layabouts” could do but wont even apply for because it takes a modicum of discipline to apply for a job, get it and keep it. Much easier to sit under the cabana and complain. The fact that there are however many millions of these same good for nothings in other countries is neither here nor there -totally irrelevant for discussion about issues HERE. Racism and/or homophobia are not made tolerable here just because they exist elsewhere, especially in Whodatis’ list of evil countries. Let us discuss and deal with the problems here without constantly pulling “the Chagos maneuver” and pointing to the ills elsewhere.
The EDL is full of those same “layabouts”.
Go into any unemployed British or American household and you will hear the same complaints about foreigners aka immigrants aka expats “taking their jobs”.
Again, my question to you and your supporters is; “Why are you including them (layabouts) in this debate?”
Our local bums are not in my consideration as I present my case on this forum – they are BUMS!! I could not care less about a bum, be him Caymanian, British, Canadian, American or what have you.
However, when people like you continually make references to them you are lumping educated, trained and willing Caymanians with “layabouts down at Coe Beach”.
Therein lies the basis to the unemployment / underemployment issue of Caymanians in the Cayman Islands.
There are too many individuals, like yourself, that associate and generalise Caymanians closely or interchangeably with the worst examples of society.
Thankfully, we now see where we are in terms of this discussion. You take care.
I’m done.
– Whodatis
Yes, I do, and have seen it happen numerous times. Sometimes due to family or romantic relationships, sometimes due to cultural issues, and sometimes due to pure racism.
And I should add, I (the poster above) am an expat.
They ar employing their own people. For all these years, can you say how many locals have been placed in senior positions? They hire them, yes, but that is it. Employed but no progression.
Well the Civil Service try like hell to place competent Caymanians in top positions but they can’t find any, and end up with second raters who actually do quite well by CS standards which are far below the private sector.
That’s because CS promotes a– kissers instead of hard workers.
yep, if the expat will work overtime without pay, pay their own permit, health and pension. Why would they hire a Caymanian that they would have to follow the law with?
Everyone should see the sign in North Side it says it all..
Do tell. I don’t wanna drive all the way out there.
All the way out there. Wow, a whole 10 miles.
Well the sign says “work wanted” or “jobs wanted”…something like that. Well, the North Side welcome committee always seems busy drinking beer, or dealing with small time dope deals, right across of the street of Kurt’s Korner. Perhaps he could help them out, or North Side MLA Mr. Miller. The truth is these people don’t want to work, at least at a job where regular hours and regular attendance is required. This is a reality. I rather see them as the North Side Welcome Committee as that is all that they will ever be.
Well, it seems the sign is a bit more serious now! Sunday afternoon, it read “No Work No Vote”…better step up Mr. Miller
7% is nothing really. Much lower would be inflationary. Anyway the real rate is lower since everyone that is not high, drunk or a criminal can obtain employment whenever they want.`
Alden will no doubt find some “positive” spin on this as he did with the fact that work permits were up 8%. Maybe something like “it’s good for Caymanians that unemployment is up 1%, this will require more work permits to be issued by Government thereby raising revenues – so this will be an overall benefit to the country”. PPM-style progress!!
No employer wants to pay work permit fees IF there is a qualified Caymanian. Caymanians either need to take a job they are qualified for or get an education that permits them to get qualified for the job they want. Losing out on a job because there is someone more qualified is a reality of a free market – no different here than anywhere else on the globe. The alternative is an undeserving hand-out…
And don’t forget that education is good, but the right attitude to work is needed
4:32. Strange, but true. The unqualified is expected to train the unqualified newcomer, who is going to relieve them of their duties and be made redundant after the training. That is the process. Or if kept on, after the training, the newcomer becomes the boss.
Total unmitigated bullshit. You ignore cultural and dare I say it racial preference. How otherwise do you explain that clusters of particular nationalities exist in certain businesses? How is it that in some construction firms the best candidate for a job always happens to be Jamaican, but in another they are American, or Scottish, or Canadian?
The truth is that it is often nothing to do with the best candidate. Just the preferred candidate – and there is a difference.
The truth is the best candidate is nearly always not a Caymanian.
Yep, nailed it. But you can’t say it.
But isn’t it ironic they are almost always the same nationality as the employer? What are the chances?
Likely the result of recruitment efforts. If one has connections in their native country, then they will likely hire from that same country when sourcing expat workers.
Hence the importance of having some Caymanians in senior positions.
Is your helper the best person available in the open market to be a cleaner/child minder? Does she have perfect references, at least 10 years prior experience, and diplomas in first-aid and childcare. Is she CPR certified and does she have experience as a teacher’s aid, with added ability to instruct your children in useful languages for their future at bath time whilst also cooking a wonderful vol-a-vent to assist you in entertaining your clients? Or is she a sweet nice lady who you already know, like and trust and does a good enough job?
The concept of all of us seeking to employ the most qualified person for every position in Cayman’s economy is an artificial illusion. We seek to employ who we want to. Referring to who we choose to employ as the most qualified is too often an invention of our minds to help us to excuse our prejudices and face down regulators.
Your comment also ignores the fact that no country on earth permits employers to simply hire who they want if that person is a foreign national without full employment rights in the country.
3:30. I think Alden is sitting on his brain, it was frozen.
wait for the “unemployment is a myth” comment… Any second now.
the mythology of caymanian unemployment continues….
Unemployment is a myth, once you discount the criminals, alcoholics and crack heads.
When the ESO finally starts to differentiate between the unemployable and the unemployed, then and only then will we attain meaningful figures relative to this perpetual myth.
The ESO at best provides a flawed guess as to what the facts are.
Stop blaming Alden and the government. Get up off your lazy behinds, while in school apply yourselves, then when you get the jobs apply yourselves. Government provide schools, good teachers, businesses provide jobs most of the time. Apply for one, show up for the interview, show up and show up again and again until you are chosen.get the job and show up. I don’t know how else to say this. Stop complaining, stop begging, go get your share of the Cayman pie, work hard have a good attitude towards your job and your coworkers, the people you serve. Set some goals , like being able to provide for your family, yourselves, to one day own your own home, one day starting your own business. Stop waiting, until I walk by to beg me, I an not giving any of you another penny. You are not doing enough to help yourselves and I am really tired of your laziness. And yeah, I am a Caymanian who is way past retirement age but still working. Work is good, builds character, keep the heart pumping, keeps the brain functioning, Keeps me going. I love work and work loves me. Try it and see if what I am saying is true or not.
I applied myself, got two degrees, and even worked overseas. I came home, got a job and quickly found my employer lying to immigration, not only about all the magic training and opportunity I was getting, but also about the qualifications of expat applicants for other positions. I called them on it, and when they did nothing, I reported the issues to immigration. They too did nothing in face of clear evidence and I lost my job. WTF does the business community expect to happen next?
You sound like an amazing employee – I am really surprised that biting the hand that was feeding you didn’t work out better for you.
I reported illegality that was and is destroying my home, and the livelihoods of other Caymanians. I had no hesitation in choosing which hand to bite.
Yes – because your former employer is of course responsible for providing a livelyhood for you and for others.
Also when the authorities saw your evidence they did not find wrong doing on the part of your employer. So your “clear evidence” of illegality they considered unclear?
A bigger threat to our livelyhoods is the continual movement of Jobs that were done in Cayman to lower-cost jurisdictions where the employer has access to well educated staff that are unlikely to be working against them.
Is that where your former job is going?
If so than the greater threat to Cayman is surely our continued lack of focus in educating and preparing our young people to take and retain the jobs that are plentiful here.
Why would you think the authorities not enforcing the law would be anything to do with the clarity of evidence? Do you not live in Cayman?
The biggest threat is a corrupt system that allows unscrupulous employers to openly break our immigration laws. This drives a wedge between Caymanians and Expatriates, and threatens the foundation of our society.
My former job is still here. It is just that an expat now fills it.
Agree 9.32, we get scrutinized by the board for every decision involving a Caymanian, so we better have damn good reason and better have made sure that person was compensated adequately, over and above the law.
What a wonderful summary of the low ethical standing of some employers and business leaders. You probably do not realize how disgusting you are; but you are.
You are a special kind you were given 2 degrees and even worked over seas
You learned nothing but how to be a crybaby you were untrainable and a busy body
For what it’s worth, I thought your comment was worth reading for all concerned. Very straight forward and right to the point. It should be required reading for all young Caymanians. Top of the day to you!
True, and if they would admit that, rather than giving the impression that their numbers are absolute fact, we would be much better off. Who actually believes we have only 55,000 people living here? The numbers simply do not add up?