The reason for the ‘process’

| 25/09/2015 | 110 Comments

CNS viewpointCNS writes: Government has been congratulating itself a lot over the last few weeks about following process when it comes to major public projects. Congratulating yourself on doing something that you are legally obliged to do is a tad hypocritical as it is, but government is going much further than hypocrisy. It may have followed process but it appears not to be taking the slightest notice of what the process is revealing.

There is a reason for the process. It is not just a box ticking exercise.

Yet, from the strategic policy statement to the latest report on the state of the sea bed in George Town Harbour, the current administration appears to be completely ignoring what the ‘process’ is telling it. Government may have followed the step by step instructions but it appears no one in government is actually reading what the process has uncovered.

By the time the government stops playing secrets with the people of Cayman and makes its big announcement that it is proceeding with the cruise berthing project and the destruction of the capital’s marine environment and beyond, it will have gathered another substantial bundle of paperwork that it has systematically ignored.

From the very beginning the outline business case raised question marks and red flags about this project, as it based the calculations on wildly optimistic assumptions. The findings of the EIA, the public consultation and the reviews by experts all clearly indicated that this project is far too high an environmental price for the lack of certainty surrounding any possible economic benefit to a limited section of the community.

The Chamber of Commerce, the local tourism association, the entire global dive industry and the public who took part in the consultation, including tour operators and taxi drivers, have all given the project the thumbs down. Despite claims to the contrary, only a handful of prominent retailers, their staff and one or two senior officials at tourism attractions have shown support for the development of this particular project.

The pro-port lobby, which is financially well placed, has done a very good job at presenting the idea that the future of Cayman depends on these concrete piers. But in truth the process which government has been so keen to tell us it is following has indicated the opposite. The evidence so far is clear. The project is exceptionally risky at best and an environmental catastrophe that could destroy the local watersports, and in particular the dive tourism product, at worst.

According to CNS sources, government’s inner circle is very keen to make the announcement that it is pressing ahead as soon as possible. As a result, one can only conclude that no one in Cabinet has read the documents it is so proud of spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars on, including the submissions made during the public consultations and meetings.

Instead, pressure and the interests of around two dozen influential people and the workers at Kirk Freeport appear to be overriding all of the facts and the acquired evidence and have persuaded government that dredging up the George Town Harbour and ruining the livelihoods of hundreds in favour of the few is a good idea.

Even the latest Benthic Habitat Characterization Survey which government had commissioned to try and override the damning conclusions of the environmental impact assessment has indicated that this is really a bad idea, despite the best efforts at spin to the contrary.

Misinformation by the pro-port lobby that there is “nothing there” has been completely undermined, as the survey details the underwater life, in particular the amount of live coral that is the direct line of fire, and underscored why Cayman is such a popular dive and watersports destination.

The whole point of implementing the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility, which was forced into the local Public Management and Finance Law by the FCO was to create a process to safeguard the public purse and the country’s resources, including its environmental ones, especially when they are fundamental to the success of tourism.

The goal was to ensure public scrutiny and transparency on major or costly policy decisions, leading, one would hope, to decisions being made on sound and solid evidence and for the good of the majority of people. Unfortunately, it appears that even the most exacting legislation cannot make governments actually read, understand and act accordingly.

As a result it is now almost certain that despite the wide opposition, the influential merchants, misguided election promises and a desire to make grandiose announcements have paved the way for the devastating destruction of the most unique and beautiful port environments in the entire Caribbean – but government will tell us that’s OK because they followed the process.

The only hope now for a stay of execution is that someone in the government’s inner circle develops a conscience before it is too late and actually reads the documents and evidence gathered during the process everyone is so proud of and points out the obvious — the process has made it loud and clear that this project should already have been stopped months ago.


Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature, Viewpoint

Comments (110)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Or perhaps just report the CIG to the FCO for abusing the process?

  2. Anonymous says:

    There are already ships in the area to grow Cayman’s economy and any additional traffic is going to come in the form of larger ships. You add more ships that won’t tender and guess what happens….they don’t stop here. Ships keep launching and they are getting bigger. Ships continue to cross Cayman. Every year that a big ship launches it takes smaller ones off of the Cayman route. Wash rinse repeat until there isn’t enough cruise traffic stopping in Cayman to make any GT business viable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares if they stop here or not? Cruise ship passengers don’t spend any significant money off the ship. Bigger ships mean more profit per ship for the cruise lines. Which means they can charge less per passenger. They are now essentially floating all inclusive resorts. The cruise industry has changed over the years, so the waterfront businesses that cater to them has to change their business model accordingly. Or just shut down. Thats how the world works.

      Asking the island to go further in debt and risk it’s natural habit for a marginal gain in profits for a few businesses is beyond ridiculous.

      Spend that money on a marketing campaign for the island. Because we live here we think the whole world knows about cayman, which is far from the case.

      • Just Driftwood says:

        Well said 10:57. I don’t have an opinion on the building of the dock, per se, or the environmental costs as the conflicting reports are beyond me. However, I think it’s rational to assume that someone who spends a few hours here spends less than those who spend a few days here (hotels, food, drink, etc.).

        What I do know is that when the ships are in port the traffic on the waterfront is untenable, so how will you handle that when/if there is twice as much traffic? IMHO the waterfront is the prettiest area of GT, but it’s terrible to drive in if you’re a stay-over tourist and parking is impossible. It would be nice to see it updated so that it’s actually an accessible place for those outside of the cruising industry. I shop often at Kirk Freeport on the Strand because I can’t get near the one on the waterfront, but I’d go there (and to all the other little stores) if I could get to them.

        Also, it would be nice to see a proper jetway at the airport. NOT for the “obese American tourists”, as I read from one poster here on CNS, but for older people (tourists) who have more money to spend. My mother and mother-in-law would love to come and visit and have plenty of disposable income but they would never make it down the stairs.

        Maybe try updating the waterfront (parking, traffic management, etc.) and airport at a lower price (both environmental and economic). Then, if you don’t increase your business by as much as the proposed port might, revisit the idea of a port.

    • Marilyn Peek says:

      They will continue to come as long as the Island has something to offer. Frankly other than the reef… I wouldn’t come there.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The consultants not only said in the EIA that 7 mile won’t be affected, they came back in their response to comments and confirmed that 7 mile won’t be affected.
    Sandbar might get to capacity on some days but this isn’t the only attraction. Sandbar may need daily limits set, but don’t forget their are actually two “stingray cities”. We need to push other attractions or help the go East initiative and develop better things to do in other areas.

    The only kool-aid being served is by those against the dock. Do you have any idea how much Cayman has lost out on due to sticking with Tenders? go do some research and you’ll quickly see what I’m talking about.

    This has never been about trying to be like the other islands in the Caribbean, this is about not ending up with the unemployment, poverty and crime that the other islands have.

    Keep pushing this down and you’ll find out really quickly about what we can’t afford.

    • Bean Counter says:

      People are tired of the rhetoric of those behind the pro port lobby who are driving the PPM decision making process AND the dive industry lobby.

      Please Minister Kirkonnell and Cabinet members please answer these basic questions:

      1. What is the total costs of this proposed CBF?

      2. How will Cayman pay for the largest capital work project in its history?

      3. At what price is government prepared to ignore the expensive technical and scientific advance in the EIA and the recommendations of EBC? That is not Good Governance and responsible leadership.

      4. Why is the government prepared to potentially negatively impact its marine environment (a crucial tourism product) and the dive industry after passing the National Conservation Law?

      5. How can Cayman afford a CI$250-300m proposed CBF?

      6. Have commitments from the FCCA and individual cruise lines (Carnival, Royal Carribbean, Norweign, Holland America and Disney) been secured to date and included in a formal contract to GUARANTEE passengers calling into Grand Cayman over the next 30years at a minimum prior to PPM confirming their formal decision to move ahead with construction of the CBF?

      7. Are the cruise lines formally partnering with government to finance and construct the CBF?

      8. When will the financing model and Economic Impact Assessment be made public?

      9. When will the public see the full details of the contracts between government and all parties contracting to finance, design and construct the CBF as public funds are being used?

      10. Does this CBF proposal and government’s contractual commitments comply with the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility?

      • Anonymous says:

        Great post BC!

      • Anonymous says:

        11. When will the public see the full details of the exisiting contracts between government and all parties contracted to conduct the EIA, additional benthic survey, OBC etc etc as public funds are being used?

      • Anonymous says:

        Dear Bean counter will try to answer the ones most people know already through media coverage.
        1. It was going to be around 150 million but the save-bots who have no idea how important this is and don’t want to know keep trying to throw a wrench to stop it.
        2. When we stop paying tenders 11 million per year that money could go to paying for it .
        3-4. We have shown that many videos have proven that anywhere in the caribbean . They show that there are more fish on pilings then there are on coral reefs . The deputy director of DOE on you tube has said that the GT reef is dying or dead. This alone was displayed many ,many times on Cayman port and cay compass.
        5.Again many many times, Cayman is and can’t pay for a docking facility. The cruise lines would have to build and approve and pay for said dock.
        6. We will know for certain when we see it being built. Because it can’t be built with out their money.
        7. Otherwise where would we get the money ,Dart? Hmm……..
        8. Don’t know
        9. ” ”
        10. It has to , otherwise UK will not

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t really care what anybody the government paid says, as likely (as is usual in Cayman) money and influence speak volumes; facts, common sense and justice are perpetually swept under the carpet regardless of which party is in power. When things don’t go politicians’ way, they just do the classic emu act, bury their heads in the sand, and hope it all just goes away.

      Truly independent evidence from real experts on the issue, totally contradicts the “consultants” and your skewed and clearly biased viewpoint.

      If no more cruise ships came into GT, Cayman would manage just fine (and be a lot better off from the savings of not building this dock). Fact is not enough money is generated on-island from cruise ship tourists – the majority comes from the long term stopovers that also come here year after year to snorkel our unique reef environment, which Cayman is internationally famous for.

      Whilst those trading in the area would suffer temporarily (just as we all do when things change or we lose our jobs) life will go on and your terror theory of “unemployment, poverty and crime just as other islands have” will never be the result of no dock – that much is for certain. You are just trying to create alarm and worry in a pathetic attempt to make people see it your way.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There are less scuba divers coming to Grand Cayman. With no cruise ships going to little or Brac why aren’t there divers going there? Ok use your common sense and you will see that there is very little sandy beach there. So if diving was gone tomorrow , tourists would still come for the beach and stingray city which also has no coral. Plus there is nothing to do there accept dive.
    So no it’s not that important to the tourists.
    The Dredging will not hurt the reef anyway. They use silt screens and the wind is mostly going WEST. So very little chance of damage to the Eden Rock or Cali area. Balboa is boring .Kittiwake is the new shipwreck to dive.

    • edumication says:


    • Mr. Carnival Rolex. (no I dont really exist) says:

      No there are very few divers coming off the cruise ships. They don’t spend that kind of money. They only want the $5 t-shirt.

      Divers spend real money. The people coming off cruise ships complain about spending anything when the buffet is free back on the ship.

  5. nickcayman says:

    Our society is not really based on public participation in decision-making in any significant sense. Rather, it is a system of elite decision and periodic public ratification. Certainly people would like to think there’s somebody up there who knows what he’s doing. Since we don’t participate, we don’t control and we don’t even think about the questions of crucial importance, we hope somebody is paying attention who has some competence. Let’s hope the ship has a captain, in other words, since we’re not taking in deciding what’s going on. I think that’s a factor.
    But also, it is an important feature of the ideological system to impose on people the feeling that they are incompetent to deal with these complex and important issues; they’d better leave it to the captain. One device is to develop a star system, an array of figures who are often media creations or creations of the academic propaganda establishment, whose deep insights we are supposed to admire and to whom we must happily and confidently assign the right to control our lives and control international affairs. In fact, power is very highly concentrated, decision-making is highly concentrated in small interpenetrating elites, ultimately based on ownership of the private economy in large measure, but also in related ideological and political and managerial elites. Professor Noam Chomsky

  6. Anonymous says:

    …….and there is no funding to finish the school in GT they started 4 years ago. Everything that has been put up so far is just left to fall down again. Good way to spend $$ and forget about it 2 years later.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Here is my prediction – within the first quarter the cost estimates will have already been blown to pieces and the budget will go off the rails……..

  8. Anonymous says:

    Airport development and berthing facilities construction at the same time will be a nightmare and plain simple not financially possible.

    BUT as it has always been the case in Cayman, the ones with $$$ are the ones who dictating what Government will do, they will make some more $$$ and everyone else will just have to suffer the consequences.

    I hope that those people who were so adamant about the berthing facilities will be forced to retain all their employees with full pay and benefits when things slow downs during the construction phase.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not a chance of that happening. These people with their thumbs down will be sent back home and their work permits cancelled. A further financial loss to the CIG.
      The silence from the lodge is deafening! Could there be a conspiracy of blackmail forcing this farce of a dock plan forward? Do some of the “ins” have something over the members of the LA? What could it be and where does it come from. Does it come in diplomatic pouches or Jamaican canoes?
      Something smells in Cayman and it isn’t the conch fritters.
      Please put this matter to the electorate and include the options of a floating dock or special designated tenders to and from the different tourist attractions, Some cruisers may never want to touch George Town at all, so why clog the streets with people without a purpose.
      The dock, the airport etc. are being put before the finishing of JGHS and finalizing the problems of the dump.
      The immediate future of Cayman is in the balance here. Somebody please start demanding answers from the Legislative Assembly. As I say the silence is frightening as well as deafening.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thumbs downers, please just shut up. You are mindlessly using your employers time and computers to make noise about matters that you have absolutely no influence over. Shut up, go away and let the electorate decide the most crucial matters of present time in Cayman.
        You are sales clerks etc with no long term participation in Caymans future and will hate the employers whose agenda you are pushing when your jobs disappear due to the chaos which will be GT if the dock goes ahead.

  9. Diogenes says:

    One question. How are we going to pay for it? No one seems to have an answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      CIG are not paying for this…the cruise lines are building, paying maintaining..

    • Anonymous says:

      The thumbs down here are very convincing that there is in fact a “pro-port lobby” who are all about their own selfish short sighted pay off.
      Why else would anyone thumb down a question that seeks to answer “how are we going to pay for it?”

  10. Anonymous says:

    You’re way off base I’m afraid CNS. I think from the reaction to this article the silent, sensible majority has spoken, again.

    Thankfully most people do not share your zero tolerance approach to environmental protection and appreciate that mitigated damage to a couple of hundred meters out of 160,000 metres of Cayman Islands coastline is not the end of world and is worth saving several thousand jobs.

    If we didn’t tolerate any level of environmental harm we would never build a road, a house, a hotel or a commercial building.

    In other words if we didn’t tolerate any level of environmental damage no matter how big the economic upside we would have a wonderful, pristine environment along with a failing economy, rampant poverty, crime and all manner of social ills (all the things you also rail about whenever you get the chance).

    The reports commissioned by the government did not say don’t do it, they merely set out a cost benefit analysis.

    Its easy for you to say that a thousand livelihoods should be sacrificed for the sake of some already beat up coral, but think how you would feel if you were in a job that depended on cruise tourism, or a dependent on a family member whose livelihood was at stake.

    The irony is that the only tourists that come here to dive in George Town come here on cruise ships. If you asked them if they would prefer to be able to walk right on and off or dive a crummy site right in GT I’m fairly sure I know what they’d say. The GT dive sites are far from the best diving these islands have to offer.

    Sometimes to save the patient’s leg you have to cut off a toe.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pathetic, the pro element is coming out with weaker arguments each day. “Must cut off the toe to save the leg”. Hello, the toe is not infected. It will only be infected if you build your port that nobody on Cayman, apart from the George Town traders need. I will give that you are organized with the voting, articles, trolling but your basic arguements are so weak they are indefensible.

      • Cutthroat Kitchen says:

        Did you see the video report on Cayman 27? Apparently all the pro-dock interviewees are also experts on breaking eggs and cooking omelettes……

      • Anonymous says:

        You mean the dozens of George Town traders, their hundreds of employees, the scores of companies they spend their salaries in, the thousands of employees THOSE companies employ and the many thousands of family members dependent on them.

        Yeah, who cares about any of them. I’d much rather be able to “enjoy” diving a beat up path of coral in already polluted water. Except o don’t dive that site ever because it is full of cruise ship passengers. But oh well, at least all those unemployed and poorer people will be able to enjoy diving the pristine waters of Grorge town in peace again.

        Oh wait, there will all be a cargo dock. Oh well,

  11. Anonymous says:

    Another article hacked by the pro-port lobby…. plus they were caught hacking online opinion polls…. what are they afraid of….?
    Referendum is the only fair solution….

    • Anonymous says:

      I think it’s interesting that whenever readers don’t support the pro-tenders lobby they convince themselves that cns has been hacked. This is evidence of what a bubble they live in.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think the evidence is that anyone I talk to thinks it’s a bad idea and the cable car is the best solution, but the number of thumbs up for anything to do with a terminal is disproportionately much larger than the general feeling. Ergo, you are blowing your own bubbles.

        • David Miller says:

          The cable car has had accidents in the past . What happens if an accident happens where tourists are dropped in the sea and drowned? These accidents are not common but you only need one.

          • Anonymous says:

            There you go…I am in the marine business, ships have accidents all the time, particularly while docking at piers…potentially far worse than anything that could happen on a cable car. Be pro port, sure, but also be reasonable and fair, instead of just dissing everyone elses opinion. Has everyone else noted the pro-port generates 30-50 thumbs up everytime, how much of a coincidence is that?

  12. Shaun Ebanks says:

    This very important project for the whole entire Cayman Islands might not be 100% perfect in terms of being the best safe harbour location but where else are we going to have this facility without causing less environmental impact? More Caymanians are employed in the tourism industry then any other sector of employment on the Island and crusie tourism makes up 75% of the business that feeds small local watersports operators/tour bus/taxi and other vendors that depend on the tourist dollar! Without a proper berthing facility for cruise lines they will slowly phase us out as new destinations like Cuba start to develope. Lets stop talking about a port and get it done before we turn back to the Island that time forgot and no matter how much they say (those were the good days)…none of us wants to go back to those days including them that God have blessed to still be here with us today. 35 years ago we had to develops our Country for today’s success and today we have to develope our Country for the next 40 -50 years and beyond so that our children and future generations to come can continue to enjoy the good life as we did in our time…. after all they will be the true beneficiaries of this project! We need to take the responsibility to provide a bright future for them. Let’s Save Cayman by preparing it for the success of tomorrow.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who will stop the mega ports being built in the North Caribbean – Cuba, Haiti and Dom Rep, Bahamas, Turks nCaicos?
      Cayman lost the chance and the funding of the cruise industry a decade ago.
      We need to hone the tourism sector’s service and attitudes more than burdening our children even more with this project.
      How can we build locals in bartend and wait jobs when they cannot live on the $4 min wage which noone is objecting to? Try getting a car loan at the bank with that salary!

      • Anonymous says:

        6.08pm, Can you talk us through how does destroying low paying jobs creates more high paying jobs?

        • Anon says:

          By taking the hundreds of millions of dollars that would have been invested in this project and instead investing in education or in developing stay-over tourism. Cruise business is low margin – we should be investing in more profitable areas.

      • C'Mon Now! says:

        Maybe you don’t get to drive a car just yet. Maybe just maybe you need to work bloody hard and try to work your way up. A long time ago in the 80’s I made $2.25/hr in an entry level service job. Now I own my own business and earn a good living, but that is after 20+ years of work and further educational advancement. You can’t just leave school and expect everything to be handed to you on a platter because your were born here. The market shows us that you can live on $4/hr plus grats because people actually do it. If someone doesn’t have a demonstrated skill or ability and is just supplying basic labour it is hard to argue that they should be able to buy a car that requires a loan from the bank.

    • Barkers Baby says:

      Shaun the real difference that has been made in this is not only finding out the real information but seeing the local guys out there fighting for a living that we need to hear from. A lot of my family worked in the same business as you but as things got harder we had to leave for other work.

      I think all these people pushing against a cruise dock don’t really have touch with us and the pains we feel. I am not a hand out kind of person. I work hard for a living and I know how much of a difference this can make to people like me and you.

      • Anonymous says:

        How, what? Please explain and provide evidence and data as back-up rather than assumption…..

    • Anonymous says:

      When Cuba opens up the port couldn’t save Cayman. Nothing could save the demise. Price point and service offering Cayman has in comparison to Cuba in not on the same playing field. Even Jamaica has plenty to worry about.

      The mystery of going somewhere you previously couldn’t. A larger country which would be significantly cheaper with a more pristine ecological environment. Why go to the other Caribbean islands? Especially Cayman which is extremely expensive.

    • Anonymous says:

      The cruise ships will phase us out regardless of the outcome if that is their wish. Get a commitment and a solid long term one and we can talk. If they drop us and we don’t have a port at least we have our natural beauty to fall back on. If we do the port, like those in Texas they recently dropped, and they then drop us, we have nothing…. Nadda… To fall back on… Talk about all your eggs in one basket…
      Personally, you can continue to cater to cruise by tendering. Some may drop which make the rest of the lines still serving more exclusive. And if it all goes belly up, we still have beautiful diving in our harbour for the stay over visitors…
      Just my 2 cents…


      And as cruisers become more savvy and the cruise liners themselves start to eat out your sales, your days are numbered… Anyone backing your support for a dock is a blind idiot led by a possibly blind leader… But hey, anyone backed into a corner will fight by every means… At least we know yours is an already lost fight and thus we should take your input accordingly… As nada…

      • Carolyn Brumbaugh says:

        I beg to differ with the comment that, “The cruise ships will continue to come here without the dock”. I have read up on this subject and have full understanding of what needs to be done. The Cruise Companies have clearly stated that, “Without the pier, they will stop visiting our island.” Is that what you want?? PLease understand both sides to any story before you try to drown the idea.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here are some questions I would be grateful you could answer:

      1. Has there been a commitment from the cruise ship industry that they will continue to use Cayman as a port of call no matter what? Have they committed to use Cayman during the construction period?

      2. What impact will the construction process have on GT and the businesses located there? For example, how will the construction noise and dirt impact the businesses and the tourists?

      3. Where will the construction material, equipment be stored? Where will the site offices be located?

      4. Where will be parking for everyone who is working on site? Are they expected to park outside GT and walk in to the site?

      5. How will this construction impact traffic in and around GT? Will roads need to be closed, if so how frequently and for how long?

      6. Will cruise ships be able to anchor in the harbor during the construction process?

      7. Have businesses committed to retain their employees per existing contracts if the construction should slow down the cruise ship related businesses?

      8. What impact will this construction have on the port and its operation? Will the import/export remain fully functioning the way it is?

      9. What adjustments will be made to the existing infrastructure in and outside GT to cope with the anticipated increase in tourists?

      10. How will Government have the funding to pay for the berthing facilities AND the airport expansion?

      11. What precautions have been taken in case there should be a rapid decline of cruise ship related business (ie landing tax) etc during the construction period? Is Gov prepared to make up the shortage, if so, how? Are business prepared to deal with an initial decline of business? If so, how?

      Legitimate questions which have yet to be answered. Clearly the people (especially the business owners) who are in favor of this project have considered those issues as they all have a direct impact on their business remaining open and fully functioning during the construction period.

  13. Joe B says:

    Many countries in the modern world have built and continue to build large infrastructure to their benefit. Cayman can not even save itself from its mountain of trash. Its not the money. Its not the available intelligence. Its the third world culture trying to drive when they should just relax in the back seat and let a professional do the driving. But third world can not trust itself to the influence of a modern civilization because then they will become redundant.

  14. Revelations 3:45 says:

    What is worse not following a process vs. paying millions of dollars on multiple reports to appear to be in interested in the information derived from the process yet ignoring it whenever it does not tell you what you want to hear?

    This is a summary of UDP vs PPM management where at the end the people always lose!

  15. Anonymous says:

    CNS once again finds itself conflicted with expecting the government to provide needed services but then choking off any ability to pay for them through needed development growth. This is Alice in Wonderland stuff where absolutely no development around providing cruise facilities will be considered, trapping Cayman’s ability to manage and grow this vital part of our tourism industry, in a no mans land. The only people who benefit from this are the established providers, the tender operators. It is time Cayman accepted change and moved on with a development well overdue not just for cruise but for the ability for Cayman to deliver cargo port facilities in the future.

    • Anonymous says:

      How is CNS conflicted? I think you are just having a pop to try and strengthen your argument. CNS is entitled to its view the same as you are entitled to yours. No need to diss it. In fact, your arguement seems to contradict itself, presumably because you are one of the few who would benefit.

  16. Two Sense says:

    I’ve been following this thing for a while now and at first I was against the dock but that was mainly because I heard all this shouting about all the diving and reef in the island getting taken out. I pretty much stayed quite and kept to myself but I’ve listened to both sides. I think we have to make sure we do the best we can to protect the environment but from what I have read and researched this really isn’t that big of a deal and risk. There are tons of docks built all over the world much less the Caribbean. I have seen pictures today on the port facebook page and even though I had made up my mind that really did it for me. If islands can build a dock right in the middle of a beach and they have clear water all around then come on. At some point the crazy talk has to stop.

    I definitely agree we need this dock.

    I definitely agree we need to do it sensibly to make sure that we lose the least amount of water environment we can.

    I believe this government has done it better than any other.

    • Anonymous says:

      When will the government share the updated Outline Business Case and the financing model with the public?

    • Anonymous says:

      The CIG cannot borrow a dime, let alone $250mln (which seems to have grown by $50mln to $300mln even before RFP round) and they need the landing fees to service pre-existing debt for next decade or more. Heck, this CIG can’t even find the $5mln to finish the John Gray School they started when they were last in power, nor the $10mln to correct the poisonous dump situation. #truth

  17. I would like to say my name but I want a job says:

    Quote by Pope Francis in his speech to the United Nations on 25 September 2015:

    There is a “right of the environment” because “we human beings are part of the environment.” We live “in communion with” the environment, “since the environment itself entails ethical limits which human activity must acknowledge and respect.” Harm the environment and you harm humanity. Members of the monotheistic religions, Francis said, believe that humanity “is not authorized to abuse [the planet], much less to destroy it.” And all religions view the environment as “a fundamental good.”

  18. Anonymous says:

    Wonder what the Pope would say??

  19. Anonymous says:

    Other island that have built piers have found greater economic growth that originally conservatively estimated. Several even if smaller ports have paid these assets off in as little as half the time. I think we will find that the original pwc report was uber conservative on the economic benefit side while the Eva was uber environment on the conservation side.

  20. Who I am. says:

    The decision to build or not build the CBF cannot be allowed to be left to cabinet to make said decision. I have my own suspicions about the overwhelming thumbs down to those who write against the CBF being built. The decision has to go to a national referendum and we will see what the electorate of the Cayman Islands really wants. This is a decision which each and every member of the electorate of the Cayman Islands should be able to vote yay or nay on. The gravity of implementing such a massive project dictates that this is one of those issues whereupon a national referendum is vitally necessary.

    • perry says:

      Was ya say and the other posters who seem to be making up facts as they go long let’s deal with some facts

      1. The PPM has the mandate from their election win to build the port. Read their manifesto

      2. How can we say what the port will cost the government when those facts have not even been published?

      3. The government has shown sound financial management this term. You all can’t read or something ? Two hundred million surplus budgets ???

      Please stop trying to make us believe you are smart …better say nuttin than foolisness.

      • Merlin says:

        CNS please replace the Troll button for a donkey to fully highlight the mentality of the perry’s and other diehards blinded by red tint glasses who believe in pots of gold and budget surpluses at the end of the rainbow

    • Anonymous says:

      6:11 pm, you are absolutely on the button here. This issue is bigger than any retailer or politician individually or as a cartel has the right to decide.
      Put the matter to a referendum and live with the outcome. A whole bunch of thumbs down sales clerks selling jewellery and rum cakes have no right to vote as they are only here on work permits anyway.
      Allow the people who actually own these islands to have their say on a matter that could actually cause bankruptcy of the whole country.
      Maybe then those who would risk all for the few, will just retire to their McMansions in Georgia and spend the rest of their lives counting over and over the riches that they have systematically wrenched from these islands.
      Wha Ya Say, please repeat for every body’s enlightenment your proposal for dedicated tenders for each individual tourist attraction. You put it better than I possibly can. If that doesn’t win the public over, then I propose that the option of a floating dock be included in the referendum.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well there you go. Saturday evening, the XXXXX stores are closed and out come the thumbs down muppets. Get real guys, you will never qualify for PR. Your job security is only guaranteed by sales. Nobody cares for you or your fawning ways. THIS MATTER CAN ONLY BE JUSTIFIED BY A PLEBISCITE OR REFERENDUM.

      • Anonymous says:

        See dem work permit holders downing you…

    • Who I am. says:

      If those who are pro CBF are so sure that the majority of Cayman want to see it go forward then one has to ask why they are so against the idea of the issue going before the electorate. What are they afraid of? Although I am against the CBF going forward for multiple reasons I for one am willing to see democracy happen for the decision to be made even if it goes against what I want to see happen. Once again, what are they afraid of? What does Mr. Hamaty et al have to say about that? I for one do not believe that he and/or they speaks from an objective viewpoint on this matter. I believe that he speaks from a perspective of greed at the expense of the country as a whole. Those who have thumbed down my comment (if legitimate) should ask themselves why they are now so afraid of majority rule when their rhetoric has been that the majority of Caymanians want to see the CBF go forward.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Not one person on the pro-port side has ever claimed that there “is nothing there” this is a term coined by Save Cayman. Just as with all other aspects of Save Cayman’s campaign they have twisted any and all information to create a false impression that the whole western side of the island will disappear if the cruise port is built. This is not the case at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jeezus h Christ brother. Talk about false coining of a term!!!!
      “the whole western side of the island will disappear”. Tell me who said that or stop telling lies right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh wait. I see many down votes. Give the people what they want. Keep on telling lies. Buh bye.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hallelujah, Amen. I’m not even on the dock team group and I’m just happy someone calls it like it is. Some people think everyone is fool.

      This dock is going to be good for Cayman and we only have to dig up one small piece in front of the port that already has boats all through an affecting the coral.

      There is coral there but not what they say. Lets move what we can and move the balboa and build this for Cayman.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      Honesty at last – fact is you simply don’t care what the damage is as long as it increases the short term dollar Revenue in boat trips and sales commission . And we wonder why people say Cayman is corrupt – some people may sell their soul for a dollar, some sell their grand children’s birthright.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Well daaaam that is quite a step above the udp congratulating itself,(we is ferewa onerable), for NOT following process…

  23. Wa-Ya-Say says:

    If the PPM executes its infrastructure wish list starting with the proposed CBF we WILL end up like Greece.

    This project will be the genesis of our demise. It is a fact of economics that a country, any country, will go bankrupt once the Government grows faster than the economy. Government does not need to drive development but needs to create an environment to facilitate growth. This project will cost the people of the Cayman Islands at a minimum CI$ 300 million in construction costs alone. Why have they failed to show us the revised business plan prepared by PWC? The proposed budget is already blown apart. The numbers to do not add up. The formula being contemplated does not work. They will tell us the existing head tax is enough. It is not!

    The PPM has shown in the recent past that they are prone to building massive debt. They are reckless with public funds just like the UDP. Debt can be managed properly I agree but no government has done this to date, it does not hurt as much when interest rates are at an all time low. However, when interest rates start to go up, they will easily outstrip our growth in GDP and we are doomed because this government was short sighted, focused on political dreams of grandeur and committed to multiple projects and the most expense project the CBF that as a country cannot afford.

    You can only raise taxes so high to service debt before the economy collapses ….. you may not be around then but our children and grandchildren will……….just like the Greeks grandchildren today!

    • Anonymous says:

      Greece needs you, go quickly to save them, for you have all the answers. Cayman does not need your scaremongering as you are misinformed my boy.

  24. MI8 in Paradise says:

    The PPM are masters of financial mismanagement who fail to grasp the concept of value for money. They demonstrate a contempt for conservative spending and behave like since it’s not our personal funds let’s spend it before it burns a hole in McLaughlin’s pocket at the local bar.

    PPM remind me of giddy children that believe in every grandiose government funded project. Particularly those placed before the inner circle by family members and supporters claiming it will save the Caymans yet in reality the country cannot afford. Ultimately it exists not to make good on promises of transparency or accountability their record proves this but to blame every bad decision they make on its arch nemesis Big Mac Bush!

    • Anonymous says:

      MI8 you’re not only in Paradise but you’re apparently also hopelessly engulfed in blissful ignorance. According to the many auditor general reports (for which more than one dedicated and professional auditor general has been ruthlessly chased out of this country) and particularly the most recent report on the nation building fund, you should most certainly be condeming your forewa onerable arch nemesis Big Mac Bush to hell and not the PPM!!! Of course exactly like your forewa onerable arch nemesis Big Mac Bush you know better than the auditor general and nobody will ever convince you otherwise. Get yourself a life, MI8 in Paradise. Bush is history, praise be to Almighty God, and there is no one on the face of this earth to blame for his demise than the one and only forewa onerable arch nemesis Big Mac Bush.

  25. Kenny says:

    this remind me of my favorite quote let me paraphrase ” a tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing”. Let’s make some sense…. Yes there will be damage to what’s left of the coral in the GT Harbor… there will be damage to the environment anywhere in Cayman that the port is built. We need the cruise business like quacker needs oats. There will be no damage to seven mile beach!! So destroy some dead coral and build the port and rescue unemployment and crime!!

    • Anonymous says:

      And sit down to a delicious bowl of warm Quacker Oats ? and pretend that all is right with the world cuz you got a little money in your pocket.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I have heard even the strongest Save Cayman advocates saying that they compliment the government for the process and transparency given to this project.

    If a decision is made to go ahead are they really going to try to take back their publicly made comments then that is just showing their true colours.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh bro, did you not even read the article? Did ya just call up your 56 friends and tell me to up thumb ya?

  27. “Save Cayman” is correct “save Cayman now” build the port for todays and tomorrows generation of caymanian;s or will suffer job loss foreign exchange shortages increase crime etc ..
    If we do not embrace every opportunity to earn us $ we will suffer devaluation of the C.I $.with empty supermarket shelf’s no fuel no medicine etc. we will then need to hold our government accountable.
    No one is suggesting destroying the whole environment of the Cayman islands just sacrificing a small area where no other location is possible in GCM with out major environmental damage.
    Save Cayman now so the country can have a cargo port and cruise port to serve the county for hundreds of years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Hamaty I commend you for taking a stand and for voicing your name. There are many of us here behind you even if we choose not to stand in public. Almost every real local I speak to is with your group too. It takes a lot to stand up for things and we thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Try not to panic, chicken little.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fear much?

    • SKEPTICAL says:

      One of the worst bar room economist scaremongering diatribes it has been my misfortune to read.

    • Anonymous says:

      We all know that this project will go ahead because Governments always listen to merchant businesses and businesses always just chase the quick dollar no exceptions.

      Oh I can’t wait until some waterfront businesses have to close their doors due to the ongoing constructions which will take several years (because we all know in constructions nothing ever goes smoothly or as anticipated) and the cruise ships are foregoing Cayman during the construction period as the whole waterfront is going to be one big cluster fudge!

      The pro port group like Hamaty and Kirkonnells who are aggressively pushing government to do this need to put their money where they mouth is and help fund the project since the know what is needed to save their businesses…..I mean save cayman.

    • Fred the Piemaker says:

      If If If build the port I will lose a huge opportunity to increase my sales of my product. What’s that balanced against the environment of my adopted nation, eh?

  28. Elena says:

    A good piece, thank you.

  29. Anonymous says:

    If CNS really believes there are only a few people who want the pier, then they have truly last grasp of reality.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Does the Minister for the Environment have any input here?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Good one Wendy. The Cable car system (now strangely absent in all media) is by far the best solution and keeps pretty much everyone happy, apart from the usual people who grumble about change of any kind.

  32. Anonymous says:

    CNS you just finished bashing the government for not accomplishing any development. All development harms the environment to some degree. Can having a port be worth 11acres of coral? Probably. I like the ski lift concept myself.

    • Anon says:

      CNS bashed Health City as well. Now we have a world class facility there.

      • What a mess! says:

        Oh yeah… That is working great… How many Caymanians are employed there? How many Caymanian doctors can get a job there? How are you going to build medical tourism around Health City when government is too damn cheap to build a second floor to accommodate jet bridges for people in wheel chairs? No, screw the environment to make tendering obsolete, because it is too “dangerous” but it is OK to hand carry the sick and lame down a possibly rain soaked set of metal stairs. Yeah, Health City is really paying off for Cayman!

        • Anonymous says:

          You could ask Save Cayman to help you with some of these concerns except that they decided to make a mission statement saying they only care about anything under the water. In other words what will affect their Tender owners bosses.

          • What a mess! says:

            10:32 Save Cayman is more than your “little dock issue”. Moronic statement, but that has been shown over and over for those pro dock.

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