Pastor claims gay sex objections are not hate speech
(CNS): A well-known local pastor has stated that the objection by Christians to gay sex is not hate speech and has compared the expression of those objections to homosexuality to a parent chastising a child for being badly behaved. In a statement submitted to the press calling on churches in Cayman to stand firm against gay marriage, Pastor Alson Ebanks from the Church of God said that the only morally acceptable sex is that between a man and a woman who are married and everything else was a sin.
Saying nothing else about other heterosexual sin in the bedroom, however, he spelt out his and what he said was the orthodox Christian position and its objections to gay sex as well as gay marriage.
Defending the church’s opposition to same-sex unions, he wrote that the church rejected the practice of “classifying as ‘hate speech’ any objection to a particular behaviour or lifestyle, in particular when the opposition is to the behaviour, and not an attack on the personhood of the practitioners.”
He added, “To illustrate this point, we would use the example of a parent correcting his child: to object to the child’s behaviour on moral grounds is typically not understood to be an action of hate; in fact, it is an action (verbal or otherwise) of love.”
In the statement, which was endorsed by all of the pastors of the various Church of God congregations in the Cayman Islands, the influential pastor, who is one of a number of local church leaders who have been particularly vocal over their objection to same-sex unions and gay marriage but almost silent on most other sex-related transgressions, said no human is free from “sexual challenges” and that “all sexual behaviour has moral implications”. While he suggested that sexuality itself is amoral, he said sexual behaviour is either “appropriate or sinful”.
The pastor wrote, “We affirm, therefore, that morally appropriate sexual behaviour is defined by Scripture as being that sexual intimacy which is practised between an adult man and adult woman who are married to each other.”
In the latest public contribution on gay marriage and rights for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in Cayman following a controversial speech in the Legislative Assembly last month and the legal dependency question surrounding the position of a lawfully married gay couple residing in Cayman, the Church of God has called for solidarity from the church community against gay marriage.
“We maintain solidarity with the orthodox Christian Church, worldwide, and encourage the Church in the Cayman Islands to stand in unity for the protection of the first institution created by God, the nuclear family, while simultaneously demonstrating Christian charity to all persons, even those who vehemently disagree with our positions, or attack our persons because of our Bible-based views,” the pastor stated.
However, the issue is now a legal one that the government will soon need to address. The legal and human rights questions have already been answered in the United States and, more importantly for Cayman, in the European Court of Human Rights. As the local Human Rights Commission awaits a response from government about how it plans to address the question of civil unions for gay couples in Cayman, it appears likely that sooner or later same-sex unions will be legal here, regardless of the position taken by religious institutions.
Category: Local News
I pray for this paper. May God Bless your decisions.
The major threat to the world’s environment is overpopulation.
Perhaps more childless unions will save the planet.
Being gay could become the intelligent green choice.
It is sad how ill informed and backwards our religious leaders are. Maybe they should move to Kentucky.
This comment assumes that the chuirch is supposed to reflect the world when it is quite the opposite. It is supposed to be a light it the darkness that is the world.
I think nobody is attacking gay people on this island. The churches have a right to protect themselves from laws forcing them to redefine marriage, that they must marry same-sex people, and allow them to adopt innocent children who deserve to have male/female parents. Moreover I don’t see anything wrong in preaching the Bible and calling sin by its name. I do not consider that hate speech. We are all sinners and we need God in our lives- what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with ministers saying that the homosexual lifestyle is sinful? That’s what the Bible says! If you don’t like what you’re hearing then change the radio station! Thats freedom of speech. There is no hate I see against any person here.
I wish Ihad been raised by loving gay parents. It would have beat the hell out of being raised by a skirt chasing, self centered, no child support paying a- hole.
Yes our children deserve to be raised by parents. Sadly many in Cayman dont. This has nothing to do with being gay and everything to do with disfunctio al hererosexual relationships and absent fathers.
You are misinformed. No one is asking the church to redefine marriage. They are asking the government to redefine marriage. Cohabitating same sex individuals are looking for the same legal protections that heterosexual people enjoy, I have yet to see them ask to me married by a preacher in a church that does not support their cause.
If they can demand that Christian bakers bake their wedding cakes over their conscientious objections or be fined then the next step is to demand that pastors marry them or be prosecuted for ‘discrimination’.
“Christian bakers”
Are you referring to Jim and Tammy Baker? Yep, 2 of the best Christian bakers, ever! ?
The trouble with moral absolutes based on religious dogma is that the world doesn’t quite work that way, it’s more chaotic. We should acknowledge some of the many gays and adulterers who have provided humanity with such characters as Confucius, William the Conqueror, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Paine. Poor old Leonardo was both a bastard and a homosexual. Alan Turing, the mathematical genius, in spite of his devilish gayness, invented a computer to decode German wartime signals, and thus arguably saved the UK and Western Europe from subjugation by the Nazis. (Heil! Kameron!) But I can see that what’s really important in his case is that he should have been celibate, though this would have carried with it the possible accusation of being a murderer of the number of spermatozoa that would have survived had he married and become a father. It’s all so complicated…
Yes … let us acknowledge their fathers and their mothers, because without them none of them would have been here.
Yes …imagine if they were all gays, none of them would have been here.
Gays have kids, just not in the “traditional” way. Tired of this being used. Statistics show gay couples raise well adjusted children, could be the lack of religious dogma
“devilish gayness”…. In spite of….wow, you gotta lotta learning to do. Go outside and sit in nature and contemplate…maybe the spirits will enlighten you if you have a mind to be still and listen maybe, maybe you will learn about life
In order to weigh up this position, I would genuinely like an explanation for the existence of a theistic deity. Absent such an explanation, it is impossible to sustain an argument proclaim divine backing for the scripture underpinning this affirmation. A case for a deistic entity is not enough in that context.
You want an explanation for the existence a theistic deity and in so doing you are acknowledging that a deity exists, Not my words.
Where is the acknowledgment?
I am disappointed but not surprised by the biased coverage of this statement. First, the title and the initial paragraph suggest that this is a personal statement of Pastor Ebanks rather than, as the statement says, a statement of the Church of God Chapel in the Cayman Islands. Second, it ignores the fact that the context of this statement is the recent furore over same sex marriage in Cayman which the church is weighing in on, but implies that, for some reason, it ought to have been a comprehensive statement covering all sexual transgressions. The fact is that no one in the public sphere is contending that rape, or incest, or adultery, or sexual abuse of children is a good thing. There is general public agreement that these are reprehensible. I am not sure what “heterosexual sin in the bedroom” is intended to refer to or why it is thought that there was a need to cover that in this particular statement. If it is adultery or sex before marriage then that was clearly covered by the statement that “morally appropriate sexual behaviour is defined by Scripture as being that sexual intimacy which is practised between an adult man and adult woman who are married to each other.”. Unfortunately this is what we have come to expect from CNS.
The media always give the LGBT the attention it needs.
And you’re the fool who comments on it.
The difference is that the churches in cayman remain silent when it comes to child sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, corruption etc.
Your point has already been answered. Read the post again.
This topic is becoming a real bore. Everyone who knows him likes Alson -rightly so but his Indiana based Church of God views are of little interest to younger people who know that the Bible is full of contradictions about this and other topics and people like Anthony Eden, who spout off about Holy Bible Evidence, conveniently for themselves pick and choose the bits they agree with and pretend the other outrageous stuff does not exist.
But his church is the Church of God. That must make it better than other churches.
Hah! Just about to start the Church of Double God2. Quite lucrative business I heard
Hello the Boble speaks of marriage between a man and a woman. Can you share a passage therein that refers to same sex marriage. Come on now where is it? Enlighten us o liberal one.
You miss the point. We don’t care what your bronze age book says. In the same way that we don’t take our morals from an E.J. James novel. Although, to be fair, at least there are no taking snakes, or approval of rape, incest, murder etc. in her books and we can even identify the author.
Name even ONE contradiction found in the Bible.
Yes, there are differences between Old and New Testaments, resulting from different contexts and laws, and some only seem to be contradictions but are only reports of man’s attempt to make spiritual Laws. Eg the “Eye for eye” approach was changed by Jesus to “Love All” in the New Testament.
Still, All sexual misbehaviours are sins – but are not the unforgivable vices so many Christians make them out to be. This too can pass – if we allow God to change it.
Still, spiritual things are as foolishness to non believers, as the Bible says.
It is incumbent upon the many other more moderate Christian pastors of Cayman to speak out publicly and distance themselves from the intolerant opinions of the Indiana-based Church of God that claim to speak for all Christians. They are invited to chime in at any time.
Is this the only way these pastors can get any press? are there more pressing issues in this country that they could apply their time, and so called christian teachings? crime is through the roof, children are being murdered and tortured, sexually abused, women prisoners in their own homes, by their own drunken abusive husbands, and all the pastors cares about is the relations between same sexes; no wonder the younger generation is not attending church, they see past all this wicked selfishness, and will make this country a decent place to live one day, in the meantime a message to all the pastors and churches, stop playing God, that post is filled forever, so need to apply, and to my fellow gay people, no man shall stop time, and we were made by the same God, so to all those who try to harm us, you cannot win against God’s creations
But the MLA’s comments discussed beating up gay people and one can also infer beating his own children if they are gay.
So does the Pastor see physical abuse as part of the chastisement?
He did not mention “chastisement” but “correcting” which he clearly used in connection with expressing Christian views on the matter. But twisted people will twist words.
A question for the people who believe that homosexuality is a choice.
How old were you when made the choice to be heterosexual and not homosexual or even bi-sexual?
Did your parents sit you down and counsel you in the differences between heterosexual and homosexual?
Was it a subject in school? ‘Choosing your sexuality 101’?
Or were you just naturally attracted to members of the opposite sex?
Just wondering?
Personally it makes no difference to me if someone is ‘born’ gay or makes the choice to be gay.
And if being gay is in fact a choice, you’ve made the choice to be heterosexual, why shouldn’t they have the choice to be gay?
Homosexual behaviour is always a choice. Just because you have inclinations does not mean you have to act on them. Some people have a natural desire to steal, lie or cheat, but that doesn’t make it right.
Just because Alson Ebanks feels an inclination to lecture other people on their personal choices doesn’t mean he has to act on them either. Just because you are part of a club that feel you have the monopoly on correct living doesn’t make it so.
Ummm…that would be called freedom of speech and is perfectly moral.
C’mon, ” just because you have inclinations doesn’t mean you have to act on them”…really? Sexuality is what it is, central to the human condition. so if you are straight and have inclinations…..oh my!
If you are right-handed, it is a “choice” to write ( or whatever) with your left hand, but the right hand just is so natural to use you prefer the right hand.
It is a natural thing, religion is a human-imposed controlling set of beliefs. Those people who wrote the bible (edited and redacted by many) had their time in the sun, we have our time now.
Why be so miserable about these things, it really is a natural thing…going on for years and years and more years.
Enjoy your 5 seconds in the sun (in terms of a human lifespan compared to the the history of the earth).
Except there is no scientific evidence that it is hard-wired.
In the year 2015, gay, bisexual, and transgender MINISTERS are permitted in the First Baptist, United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Church of Scotland, and many other Christian churches. Clearly, this guy doesn’t speak for all of modern Christianity. Marty McFly needs to get him and his parishioners back into the DeLorean and return them to their respective eras; preferably without the 2015 Sports Almanac.
The vast majority of Christian churches and Christians do not support same sex marriage. They recognise that to do so would be apostasy. This is just the ‘falling away’ that scripture speaks of.
People are not addressing the ‘B’ in the LGBT group…….. in my opinion these are the most deadly in every sense of the word.
Bisexuals may be doing their best to hide their preferences, some might even be in your congregation Pastor Alson, some may have attended counselling with you but because of the marriage the cheating, bisexual spouse may be bringing more destruction to families because they can’t be open about wanting to have sex with both genders.
How does this change anything that the pastor said? Refrain from immorality.
Unfortunately these churches apostatized and turned away from the truth of the gospel. They are cursed. And I recommend any person serious in their Christian walk to leave such a church or make attempts to reform them. It is sad but these churches you are talking about just turned this way.
I think it is a sign for all Christians that the end is near. Jesus prophesied before He comes, it will be like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The pastor wrote, “We affirm, therefore, that morally appropriate sexual behaviour is defined by Scripture as being that sexual intimacy which is practised between an adult man and adult woman who are married to each other.”
Well Pasty, as your religion (being generous and saying Christianity grew out of Jewdaism, 2000 years BC) is only roughly 3015 years old, how in Thor’s name did we all get here, without sex outside marriage? Even modern humans (disregarding our earlier ancestors) are 200,000 years old. That’s a lot of pre-marital sin in your ancestors’ past!
Please all, go and support Cayman Drama Society and see RENT currently in production, a fabulous musical about living in New York and includes the message that LOVE is what it is all about not your sexual orientation. There are MUCH more important things to worry about….
But what is love? There is a divide: Those who see sexual pleasure and attachment as the main thing, and those who see you can never separate love from starting a family, commitment, and bring children into the world. Love blossoms into something contributory to family and society. It just doesn’ t end with two couples.
So, without children there is no love in a relationship? Really dumb comment. The Pope just asked for a “revolution of tenderness” and to “serve people and not ideas” – maybe you should follow this!
Sex shouldn’t end with two couples merely banging each other. Christianity sees purpose for the intimacy. A man and a woman can have a baby – homosexuals can’t. They can start a family and sex between the couple can reinforce their unitive state of love. There is nothing dumb with sacrificial love, a love that carries responsibilities and goes beyond mere sexual satisfaction. Christianity calls mankind to reach at a higher level of what love is – but of course you say it’s dumb.
Two couples banging each other is a foursome. You bible bashers sure do promote some kinky ideas.
Since we all know this is really just about man on man sex (who doesn’t like a little lesbian action every now and then), should we also be looking in to the outlawing of suppositories?
lol Dr Feelgood just made comment about the Bisexuals in the LGBT group, the forgotten explorers
Keep going like this and Cayman will be the next candidate for U.S. statehood, long before Puerto Rico!!
I concur with the pastors concern. We must immediately implement public testing of all resident males in Cayman. Public safety requires us to know who is gay and who is not.
The test is as follows and it is proven to work beyond scientific doubt.
The test subject male is put in a chair in a hotel room. He must be naked and his arms tied. Two attractive women are then put in the bed together and instructed to conduct certain, shall we say, “activities”.
If the test subject male averts his eyes or displays any signs of limp disapproval then he is proven to be demonstrably gay and liable to public condemnation, status revocation and deportation to the EU state of his choice.
The female testers may stay for future research.
sign me up to be tested!
I assure you he has valid reasons why he is opposing this new movement that started in the 1960s and is apparently causing Christians to be jailed and fined in the United States. And there are many other social changes this movement is geared towards that will effect our family unit. Why shouln’t he be concerned?
“This new movement that began in the 1960s”…is your admission that the Church of God is 55 years behind the times. Good grief, it’s not a movement any more than woman’s suffrage might be – it’s the enshrined reality of the free world! Wake up!
The Truth does not change with the times. We are not to follow the world but be salt and light to it.
He might be a Pastor, seeing sin for what is.
Honestly, I’ll be frank, I’m just going to sit here, with some delicious popcorn, and enjoy reading the comments
This subject has been very entertaining, especially when reading the comments that have been posted for the past few weeks.
I’ll never weigh in on what my position is on the subject, I personally think its pointless.
But I do happily admit, the comments are always entertaining to read when looked at from both sides.
I personally think the people who comment, should all just take a small moment, to sit back, and read the comments that have been posted, and have a good laugh about all of this.
Wow, most pointless comment ever. Thanks for weighing in.
You be Frank, I’ll be Steve.
Steve, don’t you dare cheat on Adam!
Thank God, Eve is for Adam not Steve!
Maybe you mean Adam is for Eve
If everybody did that they’d be no comments to read! I too, enjoy reading the comments, they are very entertaining when I’m back home from work with a cup of tea and biscuit. There are many angry and set in their ways people in Cayman, that’s for sure! Chill out peeps, you do your thang and let others do theirs! In less than a 100 years we’ll all be dead anyway, so who cares who’s shagging who, just live your life the way you want to live it! Peace man!
The Cayman Islands would be much better served if the religious community leaders focused upon adultery with as much zeal as they condemn homosexuality.
Given that adultery is much more common in the Cayman Islands than homosexuality it ought to be considered a much greater problem.
Isn’t adultery one of the 10 commandants Moses brought down from the mountain?
Is it because adultery is common through all strata of Caymanian society and the religious leaders do not want to offend their flock?
If you want a factor that breaks down the family unit look to adultery.
Too true. None of these ministers of the cloth seem to be actively casting out of their parishioners for adultery, gender violence, gambling, dishonoring their parents, coveting they neighbor, self-nominated “Hero’s Wall” idolatry etc. Heretics and hypocrites the lot of them – add to that, many misappropriated public funds from Nation Building Fund. Let he without sin cast the first stone.
It’s not about conducting inquisitions and casting out people, but about true repentance and restoration.
Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived, he had 5000 concubines, yet if a guy gets a piece from one side chick, ya all want to run over with the pitch fork and torches.
If the gays can have sex with each other, the guys should be entitled to an occasional something on the side as long as it is two consenting adults. Sometimes the wives know and don’t even mind, but the rest of you vex about it.
It’s like the Monica Lewinsky scenario with Bill Clinton, Hilary was cool with it, yet the rest of America was pissed off. Can’t we all just live and let live? Why ya all gotta always be up in people’s bidniz?
What? Are you crazy! If they had to deal with adultery they wouldn’t have time left for their mistresses!
The church has every right to express their views. What they do NOT have the right to do is to enforce their views and believes upon everyone else.
If you can’t accept gay marriage, fair enough! Don’t welcome homosexuals to the church, fair enough! But do not attempt to prevent everyone else from living their lives according to their sexual orientations and/or religious believes.
More people have been murdered, slaughtered, raped and robbed in the name of God, religion or church in the history of mankind than all wars combined, yet churches continue to have the gall to consider homosexuals evil and dangerous. Wow!
And you know too well that the Church has an open door policy (from Christ Himself) to accept ALL sinners seeking repentance from their sins. No Church I know in Cayman not welcoming homosexuals as you suggest. The Church is ever against the sin problem in our natures.
If you don’t want to hear your sins exposed and repent of your sins, simply don’t attend. Join an LGBT group or some organization that will share your sentiments –
Being homosexual is not a choice, so what do I need to repent?
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1:8-10
Actually you’re wrong.
More wars have been fought in world history over resources like water, land and oil than for religious reasons. According to the Encyclopedia of Wars only 7% of wars have been fought for religious reasons.
Mr. Ebanks please mind your own business. This is of no concern to you.
Huh? This is the business of every resident of these Islands, but it is especially the business of a pastor to speak about moral issues.
In that case it is probably of no concern to you too.
And this is exactly why we have separation of Government and Church!!!! So why the churches continuously feel that they have any say in what Government should or shouldn’t do is beyond me.
It is up to the Government to show who is really in charge here.
Agreed. But since church people make up more than half of the people on this island, it is democratic for the Government to at least represent them. Sorry, they have a lot of say and should!
Even with the Church of God’s disproportionate influence, I’d check those assumptions on Church attendence. Half the population funnelling into 24 churches would be over 1000 people per church per week. It is physically impossible to believe that.
Oh really, church people make up 50% blah, blah, blah? Do you mean people who go to church to appear faithful, but are in fact not? I question your stats.
We don’t have separation.
Look at the Chief Officers meetings. First thing on the agenda is a prayer.
The flag should have the Psalm removed and just be founded upon the seas.
Schools force the kids to pray each morning.
Absolute ridiculous teaching children to believe in a fictitious pile of dribble.
Why do you hate God?
How long have you got? Let’s start with the fact that, if all powerful, he has the ability to stop children being raped or getting cancer and decides not to. If that’s not the definition of immoral (and worthy of hate) I don’t know what is.
Actually you’re wrong.
Separation of Church and State is an American value which we in Cayman are bombarded with via the American media.
In case you are not aware, Cayman is a UK Overseas Territory with Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State. The Queen’s title among others is “fedei defensor” which translates to “Defender of the Faith”.
Wikipedia: “In her capacity as queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II is styled, ‘Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith’. The title “Defender of the Faith” reflects the Sovereign’s position as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, who is thus formally superior to the Archbishop of Canterbury.”
Boom! An “inconvenient truth”.
Which is one of many reasons that the States gave the queen the finger.
At least the Americans got something right.
Not to mention that the Bishops of the Church of England sit in the House of Lords, the upper legislative chamber, ex officio.
But in Cayman Church and State are very much hand in hand and not separated. the sooner they are separated the better for all.
These hypocrites never seem to have a problem with the all-too-common violent and non-concentual depictions of heterosexual sodomy and simulated rapes on everynight on our late night TV channels. Probably have their DVRs set.
Well at least we know what you’re watching!
Can someone please explain to me the obsession that the churches have with ‘sex’. Seriously, I have never seen churches get so riled up about about issues as when ‘sex’ is involved.
I don’t see the Pastors and their congregations outraged because there are people living in these islands without electricity and running water.
I don’t see the Pastors and their congregations assisting pregnant unwed young mothers.
I don’t see the Pastors and their congregations helping to feed and clothe the indigent and homeless.
I don’t see the Pastors and their congregations protesting the corruption that is dragging these Islands down.
But bring up the subject of two men or two women having sex and you guys are out in droves.
Seriously, what interest could you possibly have in the sexual activities of two men or two women?
It’s just sex. It’s not evil, it’s not something to be ashamed of, it’s not wrong. It’s simply sex. Nothing more and nothing less
What’s the big deal?
Sex sells. It keeps bums in the pews and tithes rolling in by titillating the audience.
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in society is not sexy. It is hard work and requires true christian charity and sacrifice.
I think this explains a lot.
You know nothing about what the church does for the needy (and it does plenty), and that’s how it should be. Good deeds are not done to be advertised or to win your approval.
when will people realize the more gay people there are in this country / world.. the more girls there are for us… its not brain surgery here…
who cares who marries who..
1 of 2 things will happen
they will be judged by god and well….. we all know what we were told will happen then
or 2 ……. nothing will happen
either way how does it affect my life
we have laws…
we all can tell right from wrong…
let it be….
Women can be gay too.
I hereby approve of gay women.
Nice work God! Such a cool guy.
You two trollers are going to have a lot to answer for when you arrive at the pearly gates.
In order to weigh up this position, I would genuinely like an explanation for the existence of a theistic deity. Absent such an explanation, it is impossible to sustain an argument proclaim divine backing for the scripture underpinning this affirmation. A case for a deistic entity is not enough in that context.
Nothing. No answer at all. What a shock.
Fact is, all these christians passing judgment and condemning other people’s lifestyles, apart from needing to look in the mirror a little more often before opening their mouths perhaps need to check the bible again too. Last time I checked there is only one who can pass judgment on another and that is God himself. Time these so called devout Christians (who in reality are on a mission to pursue their own ends) humbled themselves a bit and stopped being so judgmental. Because I darn well know when the time comes, you will be judged for your judging – and good luck to you if you think that will go well.
All this hate in the name of God makes a mockery of religion… SMH!
So, apparently some people were born with a sexual orientation toward the same sex (gay), some were born with a sexual orientation toward the opposite sex (gay), and some were born with a sexual orientation toward children (pedophilia).
However, we as a society dare not examine the implications and reasoning behind this reality lest we be labelled as bigots.
At the end of the day, any SEXUAL activity outside of that between 2 consenting adults of the opposite sex is an affront to the function and purpose of sex.
I could not care less about what some supposed text of God has to say on the matter. It just is what it is.
Regardless, the lgbt community needs to chill with their attacks on the religious folks of the world and vice versa…it’s never gonna comfortably fit together, people.
(E.g. I’m a Black man. You will never find me leading a Black Pride March in a Siberian city center for obvious reasons. Shoot, I wouldn’t even do so in some parts of the USA and UK today for that matter.)
At the end of the day the stated goals of the lgbt community in this regard are achievable in a less controversial manner but apparently people are more focused on unnecessary confrontation.
This is where you lose me as a supporter.
Lastly, who asked the local newly-sprung lgbt activists to speak on the behalf of our Caymanian gays and transgendered? According to my gay cousins and family members, they are perfectly fine with the way things are.
Perhaps they should consider publicly addressing the ongoing circus in this regard?
In closing, I reiterate, there are simpler ways to achieve these objectives that avoid dismantling the traditional definition of marriage. Why not explore those?
And to those about to call me a backward bigot, bible-thumping fundamentalist …you’re barking up the wrong tree. In fact, why not take your accusations to the Vatican, you know that great RCC that spearheaded the European-led enlightenment of the now civilised and progressive world, and see how it works out for you.
I’ll be here awaiting your report.
how can you even put gay a pedophilia in the same sentence?!?!?
lol. You are kidding right?
Why shouldn’t I?
Both are sexual orientations after all. Granted, pedophilia is officially defined as a psychiatric disorder, however, interestingly, so was homosexuality up until quite recently. (Do the research.)
That being said, we should not confuse sexual orientation / attraction with actual sex. The two are not the same.
Prior to any form of sex, be it straight, gay or pedophilic the attraction has to be present. (Personally I believe this is where the debate tends to get confused.)
Now, there is no question that all of the aforementioned orientations exists within mankind – therefore, the question now becomes who decides which is a psychiatric disorder and which is not.
*Remember, we are discussing the orientation – not the act of sex.
You do know, of course, that statistically, nearly all pedophiles are hetrosexual males? It is rare to be a woman of any orientation, or gay male offender.
Even if true, I fail to see how that has much bearing on my post.
I am not anti-homo or pro-straight. I am simply examining sexual orientation.
Produce your proof of this (I know it is false). Here are the facts: 1. almost all sex crimes committed against children are committed by men. 2. up to 1/3 of all sex crimes reported against children are committed against boys vs. girls. 3. Homosexuals are about 1%-3% of the population. It follows that homosexuals are greatly over-represented in child sex offence cases. Note that sex offences against boys is grossly under-reported so the case is even worse than it appears. It is not rare at all.
So then taking a vow of celibacy is also affront to the function and purpose of sex, as is masturbation
When can we expect the laws to be implemented to make these 2 things illegal?
If the latter becomes illegal I will be committing crimes all day long.
I find your contribution completely worthless to the discussion.
Pastor Ebanks, I support you whole heartedly sir.
The natural logic of mother nature has the answer.
Here is why:
Our good God created this earth in all his glory which we can see through the mechanics of mother nature. What I call the natural logic of the earth.
The ground or soil has minerals and water to feed the trees. The trees also use the carbon monoxide that comes out of our nostrils which then provide food to nourish our bodies so that our cells and our body as a whole can continue to live. To process that food, we have teeth to bite and chew and our stomachs will digest and distribute to our biological system. Perfect natural logical sense.
Our body has been designed to exist only for a certain period of time. This makes natural logical sense as the earth itself is a fixed mass of land which does not grow to accommodate eternal living. However for the continued existence of mankind until this world in itself comes to pass, a man and woman has been designed to come together to create a new human being. Then that man and woman would eventually come to pass, paving the way for other new human beings. This has been demonstrated by the natural event of things which occur in preparation for that natural inter-connection. This does not require any introduction of foreign substances for this to work smoothly. That is the only natural and logical way for the continued existence of mankind.
The only single reason why sex is pleasurable is for procreation. Nothing else. Cause if it was not, the world would not have the population it has today. Human beings, with the intellect that we are given, have found ways to manipulate that process by using sex for pleasurable purposes only, so that it can be enjoyed at anytime without the intended consequences of bearing a child. The usage of man made protection is an artificial means of boycotting that process and against STDs. Again with our intellect and with the insatiable appetite that some of us have, we get bored with the “normal process” and look for other avenues of exploration in a quest to gain “a greater high” from our bodies. You can see where I am going with this.
We can therefore deduce there is no fit for gays in the natural logic of mother nature and the continued existence of mankind. To test this, let us take all gay men and send them to one planet, and let us take all gay women and send them to another planet. Their very existence will be short lived and the place will become like a barren desert. Therefore the gays as they call themselves to be, has to continue to live among a man and woman union relationship for their continued existence. How ironic can this be? Why should gays be allowed to adopt a child that was made out of a man and woman union? In fact, every time they seek to adopt a child, they support the natural logic of nature. A man and woman union. Please let us not run to the problems of this world as justification for adoption. These problems has always been there from the beginning of mankind.
The claim of “born this way” leaves room for all sorts of dangerous things, potentially leading outside of human beings to another living organism. Then we will also seek rights for that as well? Where will this stop?
The same way that animals have been capped intellectually, so are we. We think we know it all, but life is bigger than us. This is said to say, that we do not have the answers for all things happening in this world, but our good God has provided the answers in certain things by what we see as natural logic of the earth and its continued existence.
Now I expect a barrage of replies by the proponents of gays etc. But bear this in mind, no matter how you cut it, slice it, dice it, provide the most intellectual and creative responses, and using the world’s existing problems as your justification of existence, will never beat the natural logic of mother nature and the continued existence of mankind. There is simply no way.
Having said all that, it is not in my place to “hate” someone who claims to be gay. I have no place or right in this world to do that. I am not the creator of this life, and I will continue to show love and respect because of the endless mercy and glory of our father. I will help you the same, but that does not mean I will support your cause. I have come to terms, that this will be a continuous battle.
May God’s peace be with you all.
And how do you know that God did not design some people to be gay in order to limit the growth in population to unsustainable levels? (I don’t subscribe to your intelligent design theory but to evolution by the way)
Because he says it is a sin. Duh!
Mother Nature and God? Please do not use God’s name to claim mother nature! That is what the pastors claim, as they introduced pagan ceremonies and so on to convert the masses. Mother nature also includes homosexuality in certain species
Well said. Commonsense would tell you that a man’s sexual organ was made for a females sexual organ. Don’t need a pastor or priest to tell you that. My kid could figure that out.
Except it fits just fine round back too.
And it wasn’t made for the toilet? You know sir, that is why the LGBT community have a very warm time explaining to the world why their lifestyle is the most unhealthy lifestyle and susceptible to diseases. If you think Im talking hogwash, look at the statistics, they don’t lie. Even with HIV infections, the LGBT are the most profoundly affected. Why is that? And don’t tell they were all innocent victims of chance and circumstances. I truly believe it is nature’s way of rebelling against a promiscuous lifestyle.
I’m curious, from where and in to what, do you urinate?
From: the holiest of holes.
To: custom Japanese washing commode.
A truly religious experience I assure you…….
You will not get your point across because very few people will read your post because it is wayyyyy too long. Be terse and pithy and prosper.
Why is this such a big issue, if you dont like the cayman islands just leave and leave us alone, just like you have a right to say your gay we have a right to say were not, SIMPLE. Toodles
I’m soooo tired of reading this comment. First of all, this is an expat thing more than it is a “gay” thing at this particular moment because at issue is an expat’s request for his marriage to be respected in the Caymans. So your answer to a very difficult question, that will have ramifications for gay Caymanians as well, is that they should just leave (oh unless you’re Ken Dart, in which case please stay and build roads and dumps for us because we see the direct result of your efforts and we like them).
You should think about that really carefully because one day you’ll get what you’re asking for. Expats will leave with their money, the development, and their portion of the workforce, and this island will go the way of many offshore financial centers before it. You won’t have to worry about whether or not you get a port, or have to tolerate other people in the world even if you don’t agree with their lifestyles, because NO ONE will want to come here.
Here we go devolving into an “imported gayness” discussion…if somewhere between 5-25% of humanity is gay (as several polling agencies agree), then there should be a sizable native-born Caymanian population even at the minimum end of the assumption continuum. 25,000 x 0.05 = a minimum of 1250 gay Caymanians, or expressed another way, just under 9% of currently eligible voters. That is a statistical reality.
All made up figures. Last year the visiting Prof for the gay rights lecture series said it was probably 2% of our population but now apparently it is highly contagious.
Calm down my friend. In higher thinking you would see that an expat is a person who got here too late and a Caymanian is a person who got here before it was too late but other than that pretty much the same kind of person.
Where would you advise non-neanderthal Caymanians go?
“Attacking the sinner not the sin” perhaps the most inane argument imaginable.
Attacking the preacher not the sin, perhaps the most insane action imaginable.
Believing in a non-existent Sky Fairy and allowing that belief to guide your life by reference to the musings of some Bronze Age mystics is pretty crazy.
Then i suggest you stop believing in non existent sky fairies and bronze age mystics. By the way, did you know that pretty crazy is as much an oxymoron as pretty gay?
I agree, but does form a rational basis for attack the bigot and the bigotry.
“Defending the church’s opposition to same-sex unions, he wrote that the church rejected the practice of “classifying as ‘hate speech’ any objection to a particular behaviour or lifestyle”
Here is the problem dear pastor! These people did not choose to be gay! It’s not a lifestyle. You and I are lucky that we both are attracted to women. However, neither you nor I chose to be attracted to the opposite sex. Similarly, a gay individual did not make that choice either. They were born that way. Just like I was born white and someone else was born black or Hispanic. None of us have a choice of skin color before we are born.
Since homosexuality is not a lifestyle or choice, such people should have equal treatment in our society.
You call it BORN GAY. The Christian call it BORN SINNER, which includes the whole world and not just the LGBT community. So if you’re thinking we a specially singling out gays being accountable to God, you need to read the Bible again. For unless we repent from the ACTS of sin, we shall not be saved.
Your gay orientation means nothing. You can look just like a woman when you are a man. You can be inclined to have desires bugging you. But the Church is like a hospital that its doors are open for you like it is for any other sinner. What is expected of you is to stop your sinful ACTS. So as a Christian, yes you can be born a way. Your gay orientation doesn’t condemn you, it is acting it out that does.
And Christians claim to get that special help, that GRACE from God that empowers them to live in harmony with Gods will. Something the gay community looking from the outside can’t understand.
Your comments could not be said any better.
And yet you choose to condem all gay people rather than just those that perform acts of sin. The Pastor included people having sex out of wedlock in the same vein as being gay, seems to me he’s asigned equal weight to being gay and sex out of marriage, and yet I would bet that you will sit next to several people at church who have had sex out of marriage, yet will only rally against gays. Look closely at yourself before having the audacity to cast stones.
Of course it is a lifestyle and as such you choose it. You seem to be confusing attraction with lifestyle. We don’t have to act on our attractions. Just because I see attractive women every day doesn’t mean I must have sex with them. That is what morality is all about.
Alson you’re analogy is flawed. And as others have posted….where is your statement on the ongoing sex crimes against children where the perpetraitor normally gets a slap on the wrist? You’re wrong here Pastor Alson, and a very good example of why there needs to be a clear seperation of church and state.
If you took the time to disect what Pastor Alson wrote you would have understood that he condemned ALL sins.
To illustrate my point on your claim that gays are born with attractiveness to another of the same sex, I contend that it is a matter of constraint. As a man I am naturally attracted to women. However, because I am married I have to restrain and suppress my feelings for other women. Should I choose not to do that and proceed to have sex with another woman who is not my wife, then I am guilty of adultery based on God’s moral law which says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
Of course I would love to enjoy sex with as many women as I can manage, and I am sure the same applies to many men. However, God says that it is a SIN. He says further, that he is going to destroy sin and sinners when he return the second time.
Fortunate for us, he made provision for forgiveness. But we have to repent of our sins. To do this, we must cease and desist from doing those sins. Then our forgiveness is assurred.
Remember he says that “sin shall not rise up a second time.”
Pointing humanity to the Bible does not translate in to ‘Hate.’ If it does, then I must ask if God hate all humanity because he clearly states what he will not tolerate as his prerequisite to enter his kingdom. No, God is ALL love. Scripture speaks of Jesus as “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
So it should not be seen as ‘HATE,’ but rather Love. God tells us what he expects of us in love. Pastor Alson and our Representatives who spoke against homosexuality is only saying it is a Sin that God condemns. Therefore, people with such urge should ask God to change them. And remember, there is nothing too hard for the Lord to do.
Thank you, “nothing too hard for the lord to do” – His grace is powerful and transforming / Hence all gay-oriented persons who can’t understand this truth, it is because they have never seen the power of God’s love in their lives. Sadly many of them are atheist and the devil has block them from seeing this wonderful truth.
Anonymous 1.24 – no one is asking that the church change their sin catalogue. They can call breathing a sin for all I care. The issue here is that just because a church calls something a sin doesn’t mean that it should be illegal.
Would you support a change to the law that made adultery a crime? Didn’t think so.
Just because a church considers Homosexuality a sin doesn’t mean our laws should reflect their beliefs.
Actually, practically all of the gay rights brigade are demanding exactly that. They feel entitled to call you “bigot”, “hater”, “homophobic”, “hypocritical” and all manner of nasty names and threaten your livelihood if you don’t agree that it is a perfectly moral and acceptable lifestyle.
But obviously you would NEVER call gay people nasty names like “sinner” “paedophile” etc. Perhaps, if you don’t like being called a hater, hypocrite, homophobe or bigot maybe the best thing to do is stop being one.
Thanks for proving my point. And “sinner” is not a nasty name since we are all sinners.
Those that shout the loudest have the most insecurity! Live and let live who are you to judge the next person ?? Ultimately the courts will decide this issue not this nobody.
Dear Pastor’s of Cayman
A twenty-five year old man was arrested for sexually molesting a five-year old girl in her home in the middle of the day.
Yet not one word from the ‘Christians’ and ‘moral pillars of our community’. No that goes by without comment.
But two men or two women want to have the same rights that we have and all of a sudden this island goes apeshit?
Dear Cayman Islands, in case you didn’t notice, you’re worrying about the wrong things.
How about you worry about:
Teenage pregnancies
Domestic violence
Violent crime
Our corrupt government
Our inept government
The fact that a child can graduate from school here but not know how to read and write?
The fact that we are destroying our environment?
The list could go on and on……
What two (or three or four or five) consenting adults do in privacy is none of my business and none of yours.
I think what pastor is saying, Christians have the right to be vocal about what they see as sinful behavior, and it is not “hate speech” since it not attacking the sinner but the sin. Of course nobody is ignoring the other sins, just that the LGBT community is demanding Christians be censored for speaking out against their sin. The LGBT is actively campaigning against the Church and calling everything the Church says on the sin of homosexual act as hate speech.
Its not a “sin” because they had no choice in the matter. They were born gay just like you and I were born straight…oh man how lucky were we, eh? Imagine if we were born gay and had to endure this?
If I follow your logic of homosexuality not being a sin, then as a married man it is okay for me to have sex with a different woman each week without committing adultery because I was born with a strong desire for women.
Nonsense, because if I was to do that it is adultery, and adultery is a sin.
By the way, I wish I could be forgiven by God based on my feelings versus obedience to his will. We can’t have our cake and eat it too. So which is it?
Paul struggled with many sins. He said that every time he tried to do good evil presented itself. We need to resist the Devil and he will flee from us.
Did God hate our fore parents because he kicked them out of the Garden of Eden (home) for their disobedience? If he hated them he would not have made a way for them to have a second chance and return to him.
Agreed 100% with 7:53pm Very true!
Good Lord, what a waste of time and resources. Don’t you have some hungry people to food, naked people to clothe or homeless to shelter?
So homosexual sex is a sin and therefore homosexuals should have no rights. Hmmm, so should straight adulterers have no rights?
I think the Church is clear. Homosexuals are entitle to have their rights like everybody else. However the Church is opposing ‘those forces” in the LGBT community who want them to redefine marriage, and even go to the extreme of disregarding religious freedom by fining or jailing people of faith who don’t marry them.
Most naturally, to avoid influential people backing the LGBT community from legislating such laws against the Church and sentiments of people’s faith, they will have to SPEAK OUT against it.
Er, no one was asking for that. If the talking snake brigade want to live in their own world with their imaginary friend they’re welcome to. They just need to stop oppressing other people who are living in the real world.
Those forces include the entire free world, and most of modern Christianity (that you don’t speak for) versus your 6.5mln Church of God parishioners. Not good odds.
You certainly do not speak for most of Christianity since the vast majority of churches, including the largest churches, are opposed to same-sex marriage:
Roman Catholics (1.2 billion members) –
Eastern Orthodox (300m members) –
Given all the misplacement of funds it is rich the pastor talks about Christian values
If you are referring to the nation building fund, yes many churches did receive these funds. However, I may be mistaken, but I do not believe that his church (Chapel Church of God) received and/or accepted any of those funds.
Church of God in Bodden Town was one of the largest recipients. The church hall was going to be built to withstand Cat 5 hurricane and act as a hurricane shelter. Millions of dollars were taken in and the building sits there incomplete.
It’s much easier to draft letters opposing gay marriage than it is to make an internal inquiry into why there was such a monumental failure of a project managed by prayer meetings rather than someone with building experience, and if a church brother or sister attends to meetings and kneels at the altar in prayer then that is as good as a receipt to prove that the millions of dollars spent were all good value for money.
An island of sinners I guess. Judging by the number of unwed baby mama’s
I guess the churches have failed.
Just a observation.
lol. So the church is to be blamed because people choose to fornicate?
Church, government never mix well, especially in the area of human rights. Church should stay out of politics, no one elected them and therefore they have no accountability. Some would say the same on government here, however at least we elected them and can not elect the idiots going forward. Except in West Bay that is.
What?! There are some things in politics that go against religious freedom that one has to get involved. Don’t forget the Church is made up of citizens of countries too.
Yes, but your pastor elected himself and he is a man, a mere mortal, in a lot of cases with a chip on hid shoulder telling you how to live whilst he does exactly the opposite. If people make a point of telling me they are Christian you know there is trouble coming
As pastor, he is allowed to tell you the Christian way to live, to sin no more and repent. You can accept it or reject it. It’s your choice.
And according to the Bible, he is not judging you wrongfully if he expose your sin, and is free from the power of the same sin you have. For instance, if he is telling you don’t steal and he is stealing, then he is a hypocrite and wrongfully judge. But if he is not stealing, then his judgement is not wrong, providing it is done with the spirit of love and humility.
It seems to me you are the one making a big judgment there.
Alson is a really nice guy living in a world that doesn’t exist anymore outside of backwaters like Cayman and especially the Brac, where people believe in an old man (of course) in the sky controlling things and demanding certain kinds of obedience in return for which when you die your body rots but you go up in spirit form to a place called heaven where everything-surprise, surprise -is wonderful IF you behaved yourself but you go down in the earth to a place where you burn if you were badly behaved. Anyone writing a book with this as the plot nowadays would be told by the book publishers to give up and get another job.
Hey, with all due respect, if you don’t like people of faith who believe in a moral and just God, instead of trying to arbitrarily impose laws on them and mock their faith, why don’t you leave and live somewhere else. We have a big world and many athiests are in the U.S. and U.K. too.
We don’t kill gays, we don’t torture gays, so be kind and respect how you find us.
Well said.
I am a Christian and do not object to gay sex. I do not believe that makes me any less of a Christian than not objecting to the eating of conch or the wearing of clothes of mixed fabrics. Do not speak for me. Next someone will suggest that fellatio is forbidden, and then what?
I’m so sorry … but there is no way you can be a Christian and not object to gay sex. A Christian follows the Bible and the Bible is clear…
Unless of course you are not a well versed Christian of your faith
At one point there was only Adam and Eve, they had children. Now correct me but how did they have children, incest so is that condoned by the church.
That’s Adam and Eve and not the Church. Two different despensations, buddy.
But if you haven’ t taken Bible 101 course and don’t know anything about this complex book, then your bound to cherry pick passages and not understand. Some things apply to us and some things do not. Perhaps that’s why you have theological seminaries and ministers to rely on for accurate interpretation and to know what’s relevant 
Do tell us more about what the Bible says and if you quote Leviticus explain why some bits count and some bits don’t.
Here it is what it says: Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy 1:9–10. Jude 1:7.
Rubric error.
A Christian follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Bible to which you refer has laws and commandmentss written down thousands of years before the birth of Christ. Those books of the bible like Leviticus are also very explicit on how you should treat your slaves, what to eat, how to dress etc. but you find it convenient to disregard those rules.
The New Testament is mostly written by his followers to Ephesians, Galations, and basically anyone with a P.O. box in Greece talking about things that Jesus himself never ever mentioned.
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
If Jesus wanted to make exceptions, that would have been a good time to bring them up don’t you think?
The bible says eating conch and turtle is a sin, as is wearing clothes of mixed fabric, in exactly the same passage where homosexuality is denounced. Who are you to pick and choose?
After Jesus came and fulfilled the Law of Moses, the New Testament writers picked and chose what we should keep and shouldn’t keep. Hence Old Testament we learn from, but for Christian doctrine to be followed that is centered in the life of Jesus, the New Testament.
Of course you have folk here that don’t understand the Bible book itself, and would think we’re still under the Old Testament. There’s a reason why its called old and new
Does the bible condemn homosexuality, yes or no?
Yes. The New Testament uses the word fornication to identify homosexuality. Once it is understood the New Testament used this word to identify homosexuality, then it is clear that the Lord Jesus condemned it.
Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
Although fornication covers homosexuality, homosexuality is specifically condemned in the NT. Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy 1:9–10.
It clearly does in both the OT and the NT.
It is irrelevant since it was not the word of God but the word of man written hundreds of years after the event.
Romans 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy 1:9–10. Jude 1:7
No need to pick and choose. The NT has got it covered! Romans 1:26–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:9–10; Jude 1:7. We are Christians, not Jews.
Sorry guy, fellatio is the same as onanism, so yeah, it’s forbidden. See Genesis 38:9. Sex is meant only to procreate. On the other hand, as in Onan’s case, having sex with your brother’s wife is fine as long as you don’t take any contraceptive cautions.
I don’t have any brothers, so no sister in law. I do have a sister, is it OK to sleep with her husband? You know, for consistency’s sake.
Oh Oscar, it’s so confusing, isn’t it? I think not, because of the gay thing, but maybe it’s OK under some other Old Testament rule. Perhaps someone will develop an app for all these rules around sexual proclivities.
I will tell you straight out that you are not a Christian. You are a want to be Christian if you are going against the bible. Christians are who they are because they follow God words.
This is indeed a most vexing issue for Christians, amomg whom I count myself.
However, I do not accept that as a Christian it is some sort of moral duty to militate/activate against what goes on in other people’s bedroom. I leave those matters to God, and continue to love and accept ALL people regardless to sexual orientation, as long as they do so lawfully.
I am particularly concerned about our young men and women who struggle with sexual identity — particularly those in the transgender category. They require our greatest compassion.
I wonder what Jesus would do were He walking the earth today? I somehow suspect He would be taking a nonjudgmental, empathetic, compassionate approach.
lol … that doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Jesus would say what he has repeatedly said to all sinners (and not just gays):
He would say “Go your way and sin no more”. Jesus never condoned sin if that is what you are thinking.
His statement “only morally acceptable sex is that between a man and a woman who are married and everything else was a sin” means that the majority of his people are sinners. What a croc of shit. Who would want to belong to a church that preaches hate and consigns all unmarried relationships to the sin bin. Who is he to judge..
Jesus said, “If you say you know me and keepeth not my commandments, you are a LIAR and the truth is not in you.” We are to call sin by its right name, just like Jesus did. By doing so does not mean that Christians are not compassionat toward gay people. So I agree thst Christians should point them to Jesus. But they should never condone their sinful behavior.
It wasn’t “the objection to a particular lifestyle” that was described as hate speech. It was calling gay people child molesters and threatening violence against them that was.
The Pastor is quite right to speak out against statements that equate a person’s value to their sexual orientation and it is refreshing to see the church do so. But to claim, as he does, that classifying something (rightly or wrongly) as hate speech is morally equivalent to hate speech itself (he describes both as “abhorrent”) is self-evidently wrong.
Adam and Eve weren’t married. And Eve came from Adams rib so technically that is also incest. Then again there was also a talking snake so do with that information as you will.
And then, they only had sons, so….
They were married by God himself.
Kudos for stating your opinion on this Pastor Ebanks, now brace yourself, here they come
Amen! Well said Pastor Ebanks! Sticking to God’s Word we can never go wrong… even though we are criticized for doing so. God is with us and He has the last say! His Word will never change!
Can the learned pastor tell me where I can buy a slave?
The Phillippines, going by the way they are treated here
Dear Alson,
Religion is like a penis. It’s fine to have one and it’s fine to be proud of it, but please don’t whip it out in public and start waving it around… and PLEASE don’t try to shove it down my child’s throat.
Sincerely, others entitled to their own opinions.
If you have a problem take it up with the true author of the Bible.
I would do, but the deluded bunch of men who wrote it are long since dead.
lol awesome
Comparing penis with the gospel message??? You know if you were somewhere else you wouldn’t be alive for saying such things. You merely show the lack of respect some in your LGBT community has for other people’s views. Yet we Christians allow you to speak like this and are persecuted when we tell you the truth. And we’re not scared to stand up for God.
I’m not afraid of your God, you do seem to be afraid of my pe is however.
Spewing absolute bollocks. Chastising a child has absolutely nothing to do with people equal rights, whoever believes that needs to get their head checked, by someone other than their Pastor.
I think he is pointing out that what may be legal rights are also moral wrongs. It is a good analogy.