Gender minister won’t back gay marriage

| 04/09/2015 | 260 Comments
Cayman News Service

Tara Rivers, Minister of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs

(CNS): In her first public comment regarding the issue of gay marriage, the employment and education minister has stated that she believes marriage should be defined to be between a man and a woman. Just ahead of revelations this week that a gay couple will be seeking to have their legitimate marriage recognized by the immigration authorities, Tara Rivers fell far short of condemning Anthony Eden’s recent comments in the Legislative Assembly, stating that people are free to share or not their opinions. She said she did not “condone violence of any kind, or discrimination in the workplace or otherwise”.

Rivers voted in favour of Eden’s recent private member’s motion to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

In the draft labour legislation currently under discussion, which is based on law that passed in 2004 but never enacted, gender orientation is included in the list of things that will become an offence for employers to discriminate against.

However, as well as being responsible for labour issues and education, Rivers is also the minister responsible for gender affairs, which in the modern context extends far beyond women’s rights and generally includes issues impacting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.

Explaining her views on marriage, the minister said in a brief statement to CNS in response to questions posed earlier this week, “Our Constitution recognises marriage to be between a man and a woman. It also recognises our freedom of thought, religion and expression. We are free to share, or not share, publicly our opinions, beliefs and values. However, with freedom comes responsibility – to one another and to society at large. As a Christian, I believe that marriage should be defined to be between a man and a woman. I also believe that we should love one another as Christ loves us. As such, I do not condone violence of any kind, or discrimination in the workplace or otherwise.”

Rivers was not asked at the time about the situation facing Dr Leonardo Raznovich and his husband, but regardless of her position the Human Rights Commission has already informed the government that it needs to legalise same sex unions before the country finds itself in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights and its own constitution, which may lead to costly lawsuits.

So far, Wayne Panton remains the only Cabinet member in favour of introducing the necessary legislation for same-sex unions immediately and addressing the extension of all human rights to members of the LGBT community.

The chair of the Human Rights Commission, James Austin-Smith, has confirmed that he has received an acknowledgement from government regarding his letter and the need for legislation to deal with same sex-unions and has also confirmed that the HRC will be looking at the issues raised regarding Raznovich and his husband.

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Category: Government oversight, Laws, Politics

Comments (260)

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  1. It is coming says:

    What will happen when England says ‘Gay all the way or become independent’? It is coming Cayman, it is coming and all wings will be clipped.

  2. Nuff Respect says:

    Big shout out to My girl Tara! The heathens dem back deh pan di wall. Gowehh bBwoy

    • Anonymous says:

      what a fool you are, go back to nasty Kingston, what are you doing here, if you hate gay Caymanians so much, take a shower and wear some deodorant, stink, stink!

  3. Capital 1 says:

    Bigg up ya self Tara You know what time it is! It is sure funny how the Uk can push their likkle rights agenda, yet we still stuck back in colonial times with everything else here. Big shout out to Kim Davis 3 times divorceee now locked up in Kentucky for her conscience. NO means no girl! God will judge us all not that dreamer you have for a president.

    • SSM345 says:

      Capital 1, you and others don’t seem to get “what time it is”. But don’t worry, the UK will soon remind you all and not just about the LGBT rights, all the other crap that has been simmering will soon boil over too. Ever heard of Turks and Caicos?

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is so heart warming so see the Hon. Minister Tara taking the right stand on this issue. I read with discuss the comments from Wayne Panton where he is in favor of introducing the necessary legislation for same-sex unions. I honestly thought better of Wayne Panton but I guess we are seeing his true colors. Instead of talking foolishness, Wayne should have been supporting the Hon. Anthony Eden, a man of respect.
    Sin is still a reproach to any people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is everyone that has posted a comment supporting Tara’s anti-gay stance illiterate?

      Quite the coincidence! Wake up Tara. Is this really who you want for a base? Really??

      • Anonymous says:

        Because there statistically significant correlation between education and lack of belief in God.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yeh Tara, that’s that McKeeva side comin’ out in you.

  6. dean says:

    When Christians say nothing the words that are heard are the words of the wicked.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you saying that I am “wicked” for expressing support for gay marriage? So all that “sin not the sinner” stuff is BS?

  7. Unison says:

    I think as the Minister of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs, it is Tara’s responsibility to as well protect the rights of children who cannot speak for themselves. Many people do not know the implications of legalizing same marriage laws. I believe Tara has taken side with the Church, not because she’s not for freedom, but because freedom carries consequences. The Church has defended the family, its contribution to society, because the family gives life; moreover, every child has the biological right to have a father and a mother. Gays are not harassed or tortured here. They live here in safety. They have the freedom to live together. But I think Tara sees like the Church that there is “a force at work” to have governments define in their legislations the false notion that homosexual unions and heterosexual marriages are deserving of equal treatment in every aspect of life. Equality is good to some extent, but in this case, not in every aspect is equality good. Once marriage becomes redefined by the Cayman Islands government, the fear is the gay community will start seeking preveleges in the area of child rearing, education, etc …

    • Caymanian LGBT says:

      How ridiculous – the protection of the children? Is that really your argument? Every child deserves the right to a biological mother and father? Does this mean that you don’t agree with IVF with either donor sperm/eggs for heterosexual couples who can’t have children or you don’t agree with adoption whatsoever? Should we also ban having children out of wedlock while we are at it as there are so many kids out there being raised in single-mother households. I wish you would think before you typed. You need to drop this argument that LGBT people are dangerous or paedophiles. We are more than capable of bringing children up in a loving, nurturing and safe environment just like any heterosexual couple. We deserve equal rights to a family life just like you and everyone else. Just because something is different from what you are used to doesn’t mean it is wrong or to be feared. Try and open your mind and heart a little bit and come across as less ignorant (I think your bible might teach you a thing or two about acceptance…).

  8. Born yah says:

    Good girl Tara have renewed respect for you! Now I know u stand for something! It’s easy to go with the crowd harder to stand alone! Respect!

  9. Teacher says:

    Sorry, meant, eight foot holes…

  10. Anonymous says:

    This headline could be an article in The Onion.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am Christian and cannot say that I am against homosexual persons having the choice to form relationships because God gave them that right. We must all make our choice whether to believe in God and follow His design and He will judge everyone’s heart and lifestyle.

    What I am against is to redefine marriage. For thousands of years, marriage has been part of religious ceremonies.

    Why doesn’t the Gay community come up with a different idea than to tear apart what the religious community has established? Is it fair that Pastors be forced to preside over wedding ceremonies they don’t even believe are legitimate?

    How is it that forcing the religious community to change its values is not bigotry?

    Why must the religious community change? Why don’t the LGBT activists make suggestions that don’t involve redefining this precious thing we call “marriage”??

    • jim says:

      why does the religious think the lgbt community wants to get married in unna evil churches! folks just want to merge their lives, bank accounts and garnish a title that solidifies a union. unna need put unna head back in that bible and learn to love! bunch of hypocrites

      • Anonymous says:


        Jesus commanded Christians to love God above everything, and to preach His message. We are not supposed to say “evil have your way”.

        Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, not to call evil good and acceptable in the name of “love”. How would it be “love” to watch somebody sin their way to hell and say nothing?

        Open your Bible and read I Cor. 13:4-7 and you will see that love rejoices in truth, not unrighteousness.

        The LGBT community should “merge their lives” in another way besides holy matrimony, and leave the churches out of it because the Christian community must call not evil good, lest we will reap God’s wrath on a national level.

        God cannot be mocked.

        • Anonymous says:

          But the churches can stay out of it. That is not the issue. I am a married atheist. The church had nothing to do with my marriage.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly! I am married, but did not have a religious wedding. I do beleive in a higher being, but not any particular religion. To me. if you were born in Thaliand or india or some place else you’d be a Hindu, Sikh or Muslim. I can’t put all my eggs in one basket and truly believe, because even if one of the religions out there is the true religion, that means the rest of them are untrue.
        However, I am still a good and kind person and I have a loving relationship, just like gay people do. My husband and I are good together, but due to medical reasons I can’t have children, but I am still happily married and wouldn’t have it any other way. Gay people are not hurting anyone, they just want to be able to become a union because they care for each other deeply. I can’t fathom out what is so upsetting about that. I understand that in Christianity being Gay it isn’t the done thing, but marriage is much more than a religious ceromony. It’s about being there for each other, through thick and thin and having a best friend to love for the rest of your life. It’s fantastic with or without God and it’s sad that the Gay community will not have the rights to experience it in this country.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Tara has the right to her opinion. End of story.

    Interestingly, many of the posters condemning politicians like Tara, Al and Anthony on CNS for their views of gay marriage would NEVER support their son or daughter marrying a native, ancestral Caymanian.
    We know this is true – they know this is true, yet we are all forced to play these merry-go-round games.

    It is what it is folks. Keep it real or throw it all away.

    – Whodatis

    • Anonymous says:

      A native, ancestral Caymanian??? Can you define exactly who that would be?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sure. That would be a term utilised to distinguish between Caymanian born kids of foreign-born parents and Caymanian-born kids of Caymanian-born parents and grandparents. Actually, I am one such Caymanian or the former category – albeit of a half-generation ago.

        Interestingly however, my expatriate parent didn’t segregate their family into a little sub-group with the aim of schooling, socialising, and raising their kids with “their own” … and then turn around and call the rest of Caymanians bigots at every given opportunity.

        Look around, you’re likely to see what I’m talking about.


        – The Who

        • Anonymous says:

          Do you support the recognition of same sex marriages in Cayman? Yes/no? Do you support the recognition of residence rights for spouses of foreign same sex marriages either to a Caymanian or a non-Caymanian? Yes/no? Why do you repeatedly avoid answering this question?

          • Anonymous says:

            You clearly dropped off the turnip truck.

            From the previous news story (gay lawyer couple) you have been stalking me with this same question, and I have already referred you to my initial post on that thread.
            There you will find the answer to your question(s), which I should point out, I forwarded long before you even posed the question.

            A good stalker always does their research and comes prepared to troll. Unfortunately, you have failed even in this regard.


            – Whodatis

            P.S. Let me know when you finally find the answer to your questions.

            • Anonymous says:

              So you can’t give a “yes” / “no” answer then.

            • Anonymous says:

              Maybe I should “wear ad hominem attacks like medals”, like you say you do, Whodatis. More hypocrisy there in the first line, but I would expect nothing less.

              You never stated a position in favour of recognising these rights, you ducked out of answering the question at the very beginning by trying to tie it to anti-Caymanian discrimination. You must be against giving gay spouses rights and allowing gay marriage as a free-standing issue, since you repeatedly have failed to say anything to the contrary.

              • Anonymous says:

                Had I limited my response to an ad hominem attack then I would agree with you. However, Mr. DimWit, I proceeded to explain in full detail and referred the respondent to precisely where he or she could find the answers to their questions.

                Interestingly, judging by your analysis of the WRONG post, you still have not managed to find it.

                I have no more time for the single-celled. Life is too short. Good luck … you’re clearly going to need it.

                – Whodatis

      • Kunta Kinte says:

        I am assuming marrying one of the indigenous turtles or crocs. Certainly can’t be any person, since everyone is a descendent of an immigrant.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Very sad. She’s out of her depth.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Rivers! Stand your ground!!! Just because this immorality has suddenly become cool and the latest fashion trend that does not mean you have to cave. You are standing up for truth and morality. Don’t be bullied!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cool and the latest fashion trend! So you think to be trendy and fashionable people want to be stigmatised, ridiculed and an outcast in their own community! You moron!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Love, that’s all it is. Why do people have a problem with love? I wish there was more love in the world, but unfortunately religion is the cause of a lot of hatred and war. Just look at that poor little Syrian boy washed up on a beach fleeing from religious nutters. I’m not saying some Caymanian people are religious nutters, but some need to realise that times have changed and I think being on a small island keeps them in a bubble of ignorance and shallow mindedness.
    If some people don’t want to call gay marriage a “marriage” because it’s not what the bible says, then just call it something else like a civil partnership. Those who don’t believe in same sex partnerships need to put themselves in a gay persons shoes. Gay people are BORN with the desire to love another person who is of the same sex, but they are told all of their life that it is wrong. They have to either lie to their friends and family all their life and get married anyway or live alone without the love and companionship of another person. It’s wrong and Tara should think more deeply about her decisions. Have some empathy and compassion. I know it’s hard to understand, but as a minister you need to try harder to understand.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Can we bring in the Gay Lady Police officer from the UK filmed dancing at a Gay Pride Parade? I think that was fantastic and would do Cayman the power of good.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is a small, unique country, and our historical values and beliefs that have shaped the culture of this land is what makes us what and who we are.

    Yes, there are gay Caymanians, but they are not protesting or trying to change our laws to suit their lifestyle. It is constantly those that have left their home countries, CHOSE to come here (knowing our laws, regulations and the majority’s stance on major global issues), that then try to change us and make us exactly like the country that they CHOSE to leave!

    “the necessary legislation for same-sex unions” – why exactly should this be necessary?

    The lack of respect for the Caymanian people, our feelings, wishes, beliefs, and culture is completely disheartening. We occupy roughly 76 sq. miles on this dear planet; we’re a dot on the map yet people expect us to function, operate and live like cities and countries 5 – 10 times our size. The USA has not legalised gay marriage in every state. Most countries throughout the world have not. Yet, this is a necessity for the Cayman Islands? And those that disagree are considered “hateful”?

    These are sad times for this country. We can only hope and pray that the voices of those that will still be here decades from now (because this is their homeland) will be heard and respected.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually many gay Caymanians left their country due to the way they have been treated. I look forward to the day that all the gay Caymanians come home to roost, and if you are a true Caymanian I promise you that someone in your family is gay. They just may not live here any more or stay clear of you. Oh and actually the SCOTUS has made same sex marriage a right across all of the USA. I think what many people are missing is that when you force you religious views on another person you will have backlash if they do not agree with you. No one is requiring you to support same sex marriage, but you do need to respect it. As we respect your religious views until you force them on us. Fight it all you like but it is coming sweetheart!

      • Anonymous says:

        I only reply to agree with your last statement “Fight it all you like but it is coming sweetheart”. You are right. This will come, no matter how hard we fight (and fight it we must and should). The Bible has prophesied this, so it will occur. Do you know what comes next?? I pray you are ready.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I have been very critical of Tara in the past. In this case I support her 100%. At least some folk here have the courage to stand up for what is right. Congratulations, Ms. Rivers.

  19. Knot S Smart says:

    I am not a Christian and I am not gay and that is all I have to say…

    • Anonymous says:

      When did it become ok to accept rubbish. This man has done his time. He needs to go back home with his husband and not try to set precedent in the Cayman Islands. Are you people really serious? Tara was right in what she said marriage is between and man and a woman. Where in the bible do you see Adam and Steve? If it was a Jamaican or a Honduran would this even make the paper? How convenient as the government decided to uphold our constitution which clearly states what marriage is, these two make front page. #rubbish #gohome.

    • Anonymous says:

      OK, it appears that you may get married here. They forgot to add to the constitution that marriage must include, not just a man and a woman but also they must be Christian. So you are good to go for now at least.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is your point?
      Your sexual preference interests me, not at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for your input, which I will be mulling over with much thought over the weekend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Were you born not a Christian or was it a choice?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Dinosaurs. Let’s get all their asses packing at the next election.

    • Megan Ritch says:

      The entire world will soon be packing – this whole “legalize homosexual unions” is direct abomination of GOD’s LAW – the UNIVERSAL LAW and there is no law above and beyond that one… watch for the purge, it has already begun… and nature is capable of much, much more! I do not have to be Christian and do not consider myself one to know when humans have crossed the line… and this my friend is crossing the line!

      Tornadoes, earthquakes, sporadic hurricanes, sink-holes, droughts and wild-fires are only the beginning of what is to come… keep tuned to the news, God fights with nature – and no battleship or earthly weapon is greater than nature at its worst.

      We have turned our back on nature in every possible way, this is the last straw – nature must defend itself now and revert to what it ‘naturally’ knows is God’s intended way of life for the planet HE has allowed us to live on! This planet DOES NOT belong to humans, it was LENT to humans, we screwed up….

      Humans have no authority to define marriage in the first place, marriage was given first by God and governments decided to use it for revenue – now they have decided they can define it as they please… we will soon have humans wanting legal marriages to their pets at this rate! A sick society that will be wiped clean… laugh now, cry later…

      “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the end”

      People outwardly mocking the spiritual connection every human has with the universes life source- GOD… an eternal force and the highest of all energies – a divine power greater than any power – from the highest of heights, to the depths of the sea and far beyond any NASA spacecraft – mock the power that keeps you breathing while fearing the unknown of death…

      Carnal lust and earthly pleasure lasts only for a season, eternal damnation lasts for eternity, so if you complain about simple life trials for approximately 60 years of life… imagine the complaints you will have for 60,000… enjoy….

      • brian says:

        Indeed. Did he not bring forth the Juniper bushes with Juniper berries?

      • Anonymous says:

        I suppose explaining that religion is an anthropological construct and that this is fatal to the poster’s chronology is a bit of a waste of time?

    • Anonymous says:

      A little more care with choice of wording, perhaps?

    • Anonymous says:

      Dinosaurs, Neanderthals, backward and corrupt. These are the ones who represent Caymanians to the world. They keep getting voted in because that is what the people want. This is not and will not be in the near future a moral country. Plan accordingly.

  21. Anonymous says:

    No Tara you don’t get to waffle your way out of this. You are the gender minister. Either YOU take the lead in dragging Cayman into line with the rest of the world, or YOU are the reason we maintain the status quo. Stop cowering in the background and hoping a court case will make the decisions for you. It will be an embarrassment if we have to have equality legislation forced on us by the courts. Stand up for something at least so we can hold you accountable. You might actually get some respect as a result.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your response should be emailed to her directly.

    • Anonymous. says:

      Way to go Tara, you do not have to listen to them-. They cannot do anything about it. You can have a mind of your own no matter what Ministry you are head of and it is called a conscience. The half dozen of you out there screaming on behalf of the GLBT supposedly community has no control over the government or its members. Face it the 6 of you are posting over and over and eventually you will all realise that you have no power. The way some of you talk you all are deluding yourselves if you think you have any power. You think that the head of the Human rights committee will be allowed to drag every law firm behind him but you are mistaken. In case you have forgotten the law firms are here solely for the purpose of making money and I can tell you one thing they do not take kindly to having their names dragged through the streets. They will drop you as quick as you can blink an eye because they do not want their banners to be associated with certain things. If they want to take this issue to the international courts let them go ahead. Been there and done that and still standing. We will stand strong and go to prison if necessary to uphold the sanctity if marriage on there beloved islands

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember that she got this post because she was what in Cayman is called Qualified. Can any Caymanian see that she does not believe in the very laws she is hired and payed for to protect? Look what happened to the county clerk in America who would not issue a marriage license to a Gay couple because of her religious beliefs. She is now in jail till further notice. But that is America. This is Cayman. People can’t shop on Sunday here but the Premier can gamble with their money.

  22. Diogenes says:

    Tara Rivers is the same person who showed no interest whatsoever in the dismissal of an unmarried mother as a Cayman Prep teacher, notwithstanding her signature on behalf of Cayman of the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (UNCEDAW), which includes in Art 11.

    2. In order to prevent discrimination against women on the grounds of marriage or maternity and to ensure their effective right to work, States Parties shall take appropriate measures:
    (a) To prohibit, subject to the imposition of sanctions, dismissal on the grounds of pregnancy or of maternity leave and discrimination in dismissals on the basis of marital status;

    Apparently her “Christian” beliefs do not extend to hypocrisy. She clearly does believe in some forms of discrimination – the ones her church (or her interpretation of their teachings) tells her too.

    As she considers we are free to express our beliefs, opinions and values, here is mine – Tara Rivers has no place as a minister for employment and gender affairs unless she is prepared to actively protect the rights of those discriminated against in the work place or society on the basis of their sex or sexual orientation, irrespective of her personal views on the subject.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you referrring to the teacher who signed up to observe the christian principles of a church school, openly flouted them and then expected that she should do so with impunity and the school should conform to her? That is not an example of discrimination.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes that’s the one. It’s not discrimination in the same way that it isn’t discrimination when women “agree” to wear burkas in some middle eastern countries.

  23. Anonymous says:

    What is it all with the personal belief nonsense? Is this country now run based on personal believes only? We didn’t elect someone to bring their personal believes to the table, we elect representatives to represent the people……and to move the Country forward! What is everyone so afraid of by allowing someone else the same right they demand for themselves? Maybe time for a petition? Let the people decide what they want.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 2:49 pm Naybe we should take your advice ,and let Caymanians decide their own fate.

    • Anonymous says:

      A petition? Great idea. Let the people of the Cayman Islands decide. As long as only Caymanians can do the deciding, as opposed to every Tom, Dick or Harry from anywhere in the world, which would be insane, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is called freedom of conscience. Look it up. And she is representing the people who elected her. You people are just the noisy minority.

  24. Cheese Face says:

    Just lost any respect I had for you Tara.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The Bible is clear. The gays have cherry picked and ignore any part of it that in black and white States that man shall lay with woman in marriage. Same sex relations are not allowed just as a human with a cow. This is clear in the bible. Same sex marriage is not allowed and same sex relations are a sin. That said Tars is elected by the people. She has not done what is best for the people in many matters and needs to put her own beliefs aside and make a critically thought out desion based on true outcomes and consequences and based on the wishes of those who elected her.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same bible that supports slavery.

    • Joe King says:

      You my friend are pretty pathetic, I am 100% straight but respect everybody’s path in life, just as you are Christian and they are gay.

      You should maybe think of life as it is, and not was was written by man to brainwash the weak.

      We are all entitled to have faith and worship who we believe in and that includes all genders.

    • SSM345 says:

      Last time I checked the Bible is not law; its a belief; that is not shared by all. Get that through your thick brainwashed skull.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem rather conflicted in regard to your view of Tara.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Wayne Panton looks better and better every day that passes.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Finally she speaks with sense!!

  28. Anonymous says:

    hey tara…as a self proclaimed christian….ask yourself…what would jesus do???

    caymanians know nothing of true christianity……

    • Megan Ritch says:

      Jesus upheld the laws of God until it caused Him His death, He stood His ground peacefully and He also declared “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, BUT DO NOT render to Caesar what is GOD’S”

      Caesar would be a representation of today’s worldly authorities that through their earthly power believe they have been given dominion to do as they please to whatever they please… MARRIAGE is OF GOD – He gave humans the freedom to mate for pleasure and procreation… BUT, His primary concern is procreation, the pleasure part was a gift to humans (the so-called “apple of Eden”).

      So, with that being said, men with men, and women with women cannot together mate for procreation… therefore it is AGAINST the laws of nature, which is the law of the universe, which is the law presented by God…. which makes the entire matter wrong!

      However, God has provided us free will, and the ability to pick our own poison, if man wishes to lie with man and woman with woman… as far as He is concerned that is their choice and a sin they will answer to personally…

      HOWEVER. when we pour that poison out amongst divinely awarded gifts such as sex and marriage by using our puny earthly legislation to redefine God’s infinite laws… we have waged war with the Master of the Universe…. the issue of homosexuality is not the issue God has… it is human audacity to feel they can overthrow HIS authority to do as we please with HIS laws…

    • Anonymous says:

      Jesus would stand for the truth and what is God’s law, regardless of whether society or those with power and money agreed with Him. Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love others as we love ourselves and to love God above everything. Violating God’s law and created order is not showing love toward Him and He is supreme.

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably use capital letters, for sure.

  29. Anonymous says:

    perfect example of caymanian christianity…….zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  30. Anonymous says:

    Tara, as a fine upstanding God-fearing Christian woman, can you share with us what the Bible says about adultery and fornication?

    Last time I checked, both were considered sins. As is having a child out of wedlock. But you apparently have no problem with any of those.

    I had high hopes for you. Unfortunately you have proven yourself just as useless as the rest of your colleagues, with the exception of the Honourable Wayne Panton, the only one of you lot that deserves the title.

  31. Anonymous says:

    “As a Christian, I believe that marriage should be defined to be between a man and a woman. I also believe that we should love one another as Christ loves us. As such, I do not condone violence of any kind, or discrimination in the workplace or otherwise.”

    That has to be the most feeble wishy washy load of rubbish I ever heard. Either she’s for it in which case she should say that Cayman needs to join the 21st century, or she’s against and should go down with the ship when (not if) the laws are changed.

    Pointing to the bible to defend your homophobia is doing a disservice to homophobics.

    By the way the rest of the free world spoke like this in the 1980s.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, it was the 1880’s!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so out of touch with the overwhelming Caymanian sentiment on this issue it is laughable. Love your use of the abusive and aggressive term “homophobic”, so old hat. It’s a 20th century invention, traditionally hurled at anyone opposed to the homosexual lifestyle in general. I do wish there was a less intolerant approach generally, along with more regard for the impact of the humble comma, which has left your last sentence spluttering for a subject.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Dear Tara,

    You cannot cherry pick the parts of the Bible you choose to believe.

    The Bible says adultery is a sin as is sex before marriage.

    You have the right to your own beliefs. What you do NOT have the right to do is to deny others their rights because of your beliefs.

    Unfortunately you have proven yourself no different from the rest of your colleagues.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gay marriages are not normal. This has not been the way that any biblical version of Christianity has been portrayed and Is sin. Agreed that there should be a separation of church and the country but in our history we have not ignored christian principals when making law. If people think of same sex unions as perverse then there is no need to shove it down their throat and force acceptance and aggreance. What the big picture demands coming into light and being expeled onto the floor of the sitting House is do we want a country based on Christianity molding and shaping our laws or do we depart from this and make law only on lawfully thought principles and not on morality or biblically thought legislation. This is a big hard fact that needs addressing before allowing the obvious depature in this case if the union of same sex proceeds. You cannot go in the front and backdoor on this issue. You need consistent law being presented and upheld.

      • Anonymous says:

        An awful lot of awfully waffly fluffy stuff in there 2.32. Confused me so much I don’t know whether to thumbs up or troll you. Better troll you just in case.

        • Anonymous says:

          What I got from 2:32 is that “you cannot go in the front and back door on this issue”. I thought this issue was being able to go in whichever door suits you and your partner, so I’m trolling them too.

      • Say what? says:

        Another “For English, press 1” job.

      • Anonymous says:

        2:32pm, do we have to take a grown man (a father) sexually abusing his child? This is shoved down on throats. Minimum sentence, put back into society. Nothing we could do about it

    • Anonymous says:

      So what you are saying Tara is sex before marriage is ok, having children out of wedlock is ok, adultery is ok, the list is endless. Cayman is NOT A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, we don’t have good values and personally a good portion of people going to church are all hypocrites. Lets party on Saturday, then go to church on Sunday with a hang over. Can’t mention names, but it is a fact that a certain government official had children while married with someone else. Its also a fact a government official beats or heated the crap out of his wife. It is also a fact that there are quite a few government officials that continue committing adultery, so Tara are you going to crucify them or just sit by and watch!!! WHAT A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. Sooner or later this will leak out to CNN BBC and the world will see how wicked we really are!!! When you have a disease named due to inbreeding in the cayman islands you have a lot of nerve not to give equal rights to Gay Marriages. So what a man marries a man or a woman marries a woman, they aren’t hurting you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman IS a Christian country. If you don’t like it, that is not our problem. You are free to leave. And by the way, you only speak for yourself, not the rest of us.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman is part of the UK. UK is a Christian country with no problem allowing gay marriage or recognizing partnerships. And no one bats an eyelid.

          • Anonymous says:

            Wrong and wrong. 1. Cayman is not a part of the UK. 2. The UK is not a Christian country. It is post-Christian.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Wait,really, someone is actually pain to be a gender minister. How frickin funny is that. Only in Oz

  34. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice if the press would ask these politicians, who say they are against gay marriage, if they would support and vote for equal rights civil unions with the same rights?

    • Anonymous says:

      At last… Civil Unions. I am 100% behind this concept to share property, have the rights to determine medical needs, benefits, being a dependent on a work permit.
      Why do we need the term marriage?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Talk about career suicide! After her well-published comments, I can’t imagine a law firm other than “B” or “C” class being interested in hiring her.

    • Anonymous says:

      Certainly the law firms can now draft a diversity policy to protect themselves from the prospect when she loses in the next election.

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand that she is still employed with her previous firm. Just on a paid leave of absence. Should be an easy transition back.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well suited for a C class politico.

  36. 345 says:

    Dear Tara,

    Should a child only be conceived between a married Christian man and woman?

    Just asking for a friend.

  37. So Very Disappointed says:

    Tara this is very disappointing coming from you I expected better as a lawyer and a representative of all Caymanians. I don’t care if you’re christian it has nothing to do with equal rights for individuals…stop this bigotry and set an educated example. You will not be getting my vote this election.

  38. Anonymous says:

    The Minister said ” We are free to share, or not share, publicly our opinions, beliefs and values”. Could she ensure that this “right” is extended to expat teachers and teaching professionals?

  39. Anonymous says:

    What did you expect from Tara? Very typical of her. Here is her chance to actually make a change and move our country forward and as usual she do not have the spine to do it Everything comes back to the bible an outdated concept that do not belong in this century. At one time in history, a person through no choice of his own, who was born with black skin was treated worse that an animal and sold to the highest bidder, yes it was called Slavery. Can anyone in their right mind look back and think slavery was right? Of course not and in time you will see that denying another human the same rights you enjoy because of who they love is also wrong. We just do not learn from our past mistakes. Religion and the bible has done more damage to humanity’s growth than anything else. The saddest part is they think the LGBT community is segregated, these politicians don’t realize the same people they work and socialize with daily are also part of that community. Shame on every single one of you except Wayne Patton. I will never vote for any of you again.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Every time she opens her mouth nothing good comes out.

    • Anonymous says:

      She may be educated, but no common sense!!! This says a lot about quite a few that run this country. Just because you have an education/degree, doesn’t mean you have any common sense!! Can’t be taught that.

  41. caymanaindonkey says:

    I am not exactly sure what the immigration law states about dependants, but from what I recall all the law states is if you have a dependant and you have the funds to support this dependant the can be added to the persons permit.

    These two people are not asking immigration to marry them, they are only asking to be recognised as dependants and my recollection that in the dictionary is it means a ​person who is ​financially ​supported by another ​person: therefore if these two people can afford to support each other. There should be any problem what’s so ever.

    Oh and by the way, if you think about it, the more gay men together means there is a lot more women for us straight men…

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, and look what kind of straight men us straight women are left with, boo hoo!

      • Anonymous says:

        I know! I work with a guy who’s afraid now gays are going to hit on him. I feel like telling him “Dude, if straight women don’t like you, what makes you think gay men would be interested?”

    • Anonymous says:

      This is how the Immigration Law defines dependant:

      “dependant”, in relation to a person, other than a person referred to in section 67 means the spouse of that person, or one of the following relations of that person, namely a child, step-child, adopted child, grandchild, parent, step-parent, grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, being, in each case, wholly or substantially dependent upon that person;

      However as “spouse” is not defined, and in another jurisdiction this man is recognised as another man’s “spouse” maybe that should be just accepted on face value? No need to change the Law, just accept that although not married here, are married elsewhere and so therefore he is his partner’s spouse…..

      • Anonymous says:

        Pretty sure Mac et al amended the Matrimonial Causes Law a few years ago to expressly define spouse as being someone married to someone of the opposite sex.

        • Anonymous says:

          Even if he did, a definition in one Law can’t be imported into another

          • Anonymous says:

            Indeed the need to amend the MCL indicates that absent that amendment the section could have applied to a gay marriage, so implicitly supporting a wider construction of marriage or spouse in other statutes.

  42. Anonymous says:

    So because she doesn’t agree with the gay movement its now ok to bash her right? common folks! All those in favour I challenge you to get gather together and march. Are you all willing to do that or prefer to sit behind Anonymous and pretend to care?

    Stand and be counted is more important. She’s stating her position. This is a democratic society. She is free to do such. Her position does not mean she has to give in to everything thrown her way.

    If you can do a better job – run for election next time and change all the law as you feel.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would run if I wouldn’t have to give up my other citizenships and just be stuck here the rest of my life…

      • Anonymous says:

        If you don’t want to be stuck “here” for the rest of your life, why don’t you just use your other citizenship and go live where you might be happier? Why are you here now? Is it to avoid tax somewhere else? Cayman is not a trouble-free jurisdiction but it is still a gem – politicians and all – compared to most of our world!

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re a “Caymanian” of convenience then?

      • Anonymous says:

        at 2:00 pm,Yea right; I bet right now that you have Caymanian status or are applying for it. I am sure you will fight tooth and nail to get the right to stay here, so please stop your BS.

    • Diogenes says:

      In a democratic society, as you put it, she is NOT free to act on her personal conscience. She has to do her job, which in this case includes gender affairs. f she cannot accept that as a matter of conscience she should resign. Think about it. You are basically suggesting she should act on her personal views, because you happen to share them. What would you say if she turned around and said she supported gay marriage because she personally believed in it? I

      • Anonymous says:

        The people who voted for her entrusted her to do what she believes is right.
        There will be other elections. If you don’t like it, go fish.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone should always act on their conscience. If you don’t like it you can vote her out.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yea, she has a right to be a bigot and we have a right to bash her for it.

  43. Cass says:

    Doesn’t matter what you or I believe, people should all have the same rights. Simple. Lets pack this show up and move on, legalize the damn thing and get back to work!

  44. Selena says:

    CNS, why do you allow personal insults comments slip through your screening?

    CNS: I’ll have another look this weekend and see if I can find a suitable abuse button. In the meantime, you can send me a comment with a note not to publish if you think I have published a comment that should not have been. Include an email if you’d like a response or email me at

    • Anonymous says:

      Public figures accept public expression of as to what people think of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Selena, the sad answer is if these comments were screened out, there would be none left.Perhaps CNS should change their name to CAS.

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess Selena you don’t like to hear the truth!!! Nothing on this blog are personal insults just people’s opinions, are you going to take that amendment away to? Freedom of Speech?

  45. Anonymous says:

    Cayman can simply recognise foreign same-sex marriages for immigration purposes without needing to provide for equivalent domestic marriage. It is a fudge and allowing gay marriage is probably a long term necessity, but at least it would reduce some of the current problems. In the end once Caymanian objectors to gay marriage have direct experience of gay married couple living among them no doubt some attitudes will change.

  46. ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

    Wow. Apparently electing educated people results in the same actions being taken as electing uneducated people. You’d think someone trained as a lawyer and with an MBA would realise that Cayman really doesn’t have an option here.

    This probably explains why there was radio silence from her when Ozzie went off on Ms Ahern over a phone bill. According to the signs in government offices ordinary citizens would have been arrested for that type of behaviour but elected official are above the law.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Pharisaism :noun from the Pharisees
    “A show or expression of feelings or beliefs one does not actually hold or possess:
    hypocrisy, phoniness, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, tartuffery, two-facedness.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Riversism ; noun from the mouth of Tara Rivers

      “A nonsense statement, often self-congratulatory and patronising, made as part of a process that will achieve nothing”.

  48. Anonymous says:

    if you can’t condemn or see the ignorance in edens rant you do not belong as an elected official in the 21st century….resign now!

  49. Anonymous says:

    typical tara…spineless waffle and management speak….
    i demand a response from the premier and governor on the comments made by mr eden….

  50. Anonymous says:


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