Driver arrested in car blaze case

| 21/09/2015 | 8 Comments
Cayman News Service

Jessie Perry

(CNS): Police have arrested the man behind the wheel in the car crash on the West Bay Road last Monday in which the vehicle exploded. Police said that a 32-year-old George Town man who was driving the car in which Jessie Perry was badly burned in the early hours of  14 September has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving. The man also sustained burn injuries to 20% of his body in the crash and has been in the hospital since Monday. He is currently on police bail.

Perry (21) has burns on over 80% of her body after the car she was a passenger in flipped over and burst into flames following the crash near Public Beach on the West Bay Road. She was airlifted Thursday night to the University College Hospital in Jamaica, friends of the family have confirmed.

Following the crash the police said that the black Audi appeared to have been travelling on West Bay Road towards the district, but as the car reached the right bend at the Public Beach on Seven Mile Beach, it collided with the deep curb and flipped on its roof.  Police believe the fuel line ruptured and ignited. When they arrived on the scene the car was ablaze and both Perry and the driver were on the ground near the burning car.

Still fighting for her life in hospital in Jamaica, Perry has no health insurance and the family has established a fund to help with the extensive medical costs, some of which are also being covered by government.

Crash victim airlifted to Jamaican burns unit

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    RIP Jessie

  2. VBS says:

    It will be interesting to know who is her employer? I hope it is someone that can help cover Jessie s medical cost.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Now, if indeed she was here on a temporary work permit as has been reported, can we hear about the investigation into why she did not have insurance? And is her alleged employer stepping up to the plate and helping this family?

    And kudos to the Cayman Islands Government to assisting this very needy emergency case.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. This is Cayman Islands. She is not Caymanian and her employer is. It is not the way of the Caymanian .

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think it’s a legal requirement for employees on a temporary work permit to have health insurance. This is only a requirement for annual work permits.

    • Anonymous says:

      According to what I heard she was here on a temp in the domestic capacity and therefore, by law, the employer was not legally obligated to have health insurance for her unless a one year wp was submitted. She has now passed. RIP to Jessie.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you

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