Cops deal with increase in car thefts

| 03/09/2015 | 18 Comments
Cayman News Service

White Honda CRV similar to one of the stolen cars

(CNS) UPDATED 12:30 A crime which was almost unheard of in the Cayman Islands until recently, car theft, is now taking up more and more police time. Officers are currently looking for two of five cars reported stolen over the last ten days. The RCIPS is asking the public to help them locate a pair of Honda CRVs stolen from South Sound and the West Bay Road over the last week which are still missing. Police said they have already tracked down one stolen Mercedes Benz and two other Honda CRV which were taken from various parts of Grand Cayman.

Still missing is a 1999 white Honda CRV, Registration#  147 807, similar to the vehicle pictured above. This was stolen on 26 August  from the West Bay Road, George Town. On 31 August another Honda CRV, this one a 2000 model and silver in colour, Registration#  139 474, was also taken from South Church Street.

Police said that as a result of last night’s media appeal  a 1997 Green Honda CRV, Registration stolen  on 30 August from South Church Street, was recovered in Bodden Road, George Town with help  from a member of the public.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the remaining missing cars is encouraged to call George Town Police Station at 949-4222 or to report the information to any district police station.  They can also call Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    when the cops saw the criminal in my truck they did not do anything because he had a key
    they sat and wondered how he got a key
    naturally nothing happend

  2. Anonymous says:

    Alden wants to put a new-fangled car tracking system in place. This theft thing is just smoke and mirrors so they can put in their new intrusive licence plate system whereby they will track our every movement. How convenient for Big Government. Typical communist/nazi tactics. Create a problem and then propose the solution. Works every time.

    Alden is not worthy to be the Premier of our fair isles.

  3. Anonymous says:

    First thing that comes to mind to me on this one is that they are using these stolen cars for parts.

  4. Sam says:

    What is the point of stealing if you can t go anywhere? Do they take it apart and ship off island? If so, it is an organized crime as it takes collusion with police, customs, shippers, etc. Do they use it as getaway cars? Joyriders? Enlighten me please.

  5. $$Saboteur says:

    Anon please don’t give this dreamer and cocktail hostess we have incharge of this island a reason or an excuse now to import even more useless police from the UK. We simply have far too many now doing absolutely nothing about crime and getting paid way too much. Of course that was not their purpose for coming here in the first place.

  6. Anonymous says:

    set up bait cars with tracking devices or cops in hiding……problem solved.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Didn’t the police say something last year about cars being stolen so they can be used as getaway cars in a robbery? Well, it’s time to keep a watch out for anything that requires four CRV’s to carry away!

  8. Fools, Frauds, and Failures says:

    They’re welcome to mine…I’ll leave the windows down and the keys in!

    Don’t worry about the mother- in-law in the back seat…

  9. Anonymous says:

    Alden Bobo, they is robbing our post office boxes, our schools and they is stealing our cars. Time for you to come down from your ivory tower and take a good look around. You are the premier of a country that is falling to shit, on your watch.

    • Cass says:

      Have to agree with 11:32. Shit is real folks, they are now stealing one of the most common types of cars now; in other words the criminals are getting smarter. There are hundreds of CRV’s (old models) in Cayman of all colours. It’s as if we are meant to take things into our own hands or lose all we work for?! Who is helping us anyway? Most of us live from pay cheque to pay cheque, pay our bills, buy some groceries and wait till the next month to do it again. No-one compensates you when your car is stolen, or your jewelry or your TV etc. We might as well put a sign out in town that says “welcome all criminals, take what you want when you want, nobody cares”

    • Anonymous says:

      … ‘ The Premier of a Third World Country ‘……..

    • Anonymous says:

      Alden is not even a good spare. Get your hea up, engage your brain and say something about the over priced fuel, the break ins, other robberies, and the LG situation that is being promoted by the lady in red. Are you on planet earth or you are in outer space?
      Time for you to say something. Too many things happening here and people are going to have to take a step to make a change. One of these days you may be a victim too.

  10. Anonymous says:

    jaymanians or caymaicans at work here…..

    • Anonymous says:

      God help us now; if I had known then in 2003 what I know now in 2015; would have left because it matters not how much you love sometimes only the love of God can save. Going, going, gone it reminds me of 18 degrees North.

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