25ft boat stolen from Drake Quay

| 28/09/2015 | 23 Comments
Cayman News Service

Stolen vessel, the Amanzi

(CNS): Police are searching for a 25-foot boat that was stolen between 10:30pm on Sunday night, when it was last seen, and 5:30am Monday morning, when the owners discovered it was gone from a dock in the Governor’s Sound area. The Wwhite Cobia boat, which disappeared from the dock behind Admiral’s Retreat at Drake Quay, has twin 115 Yamaha engines and is white, with blue and grey stripes on the sides. 

It also has the word “Cobia” on both sides, which is the make of the boat, and the name of the boat, “Amanzi”, is also written near the front of the boat on both sides.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact West Bay CID at 949-3999 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS) to remain anonymous.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (23)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Funny how everyone here seems to be blaming the Jamaicans for this. Keep looking West while Rome burns.

  2. Anonymous says:

    There are more important concerns for the police than the missing toys of the rich.

  3. Pj says:

    Very simple and easy….. is buy thick aircraft cable and heavy duty padlock the boat to the dock.

  4. Anonymous says:

    island of thieves run but those that just don’t care I am sitting back and watching with a smile you get what you deserve

  5. Anonymous says:

    The time has come for measures to be put in place, like those that exist in Florida, to protect such assets as peoples private vessels. It would be of minimal cost ( spread between residents of say, Nelson Quay & Drake Quay ) to jointly contribute towards a high res’ CCTV camera that could monitor the main east entrance of each canal. This surveillance would be part of the main CCTV network, Police could go back & review time stamps of boat movements in the area, during theft incidents. Residents should be aware that often a 2nd boat is used to implement the thefts, of some of the boats recently stolen during the past couple of years. Governors Harbour residents should take note of any boat movements in the early morning hours & report such activity to the police. Take photos to identify the vessel & occupants. The various communities are going to have to come together to hopefully curb this type of crime & come up with a joint plan with police involvement. I hope the owner of this current theft is able to recover his vessel.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or just hide a spot tracker in your boat so you are always aware of it’s location.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or these millionaires could stop being cheapskates and buy a $100 GPS tracking device and fit it to the their boats. They sell them here at most if not all the marine shops.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am not going to rely on the keystone cops, my boat in Governors Harbour has a sophisticated cut-off switch as well as a tracking unit, an alarm goes off if the boat is moved and my dock is also monitored by CCTV as well as security lights.

      Your suggestion makes sense in a normal jurisdiction where the police are somewhat competent. A year ago my neighbor had the engine stolen off his boat while on a trailer and I was able to get a description of the vehicle and the time and saw that the vehicle headed out to the Governors Square roundabout with CCTV. I was able to provide an almost to the second time and date and gave this information to the RCIP. Several weeks later I was told that they were not able to view any of the footage for that time period.


    • Contributing Factor says:

      Anon 7:27am don’t you think it very strange that not one single vessel has ever been returned from Jamaica, where they have been seen and duly noted by the authorities over there. Is it not obvious to you that there exist a level of complicity here and that our police service and marine unit is fill up with their fellow countrymen. Yes that’s what we need, more cameras more security. Our freedom is far more important than your good idea! Cayman needs to rid itself of this really terrible situation we have been put into by the UK who deliberately imported these person from a jurisdiction they know to have serious crime and corruption issues.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully the scumbag thieves get shot and killed when they try to sell it in Jamaica or where ever.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Who do you think is the biggest Arms dealer & smugglers are in the west. U guessed it, good ole Uncle Sam… Keep believing these issues only happen in Cayman..

  8. Boat theft victim says:

    Could someone tell me, how in the world these foreign police are going to catch and arrest their own brethren from Jamaica. The UK & Baines diversity scheme is all going according to plan.

  9. Think of all possibilities says:

    The drug cartel is taking over Cayman. It’s time to invite the Pentagon in and let them have free reign to stop this madness. It’s our only hope.

  10. Triton's Horn says:

    Every time a boat is stolen from these waters and is never recovered, it takes another little piece of the stability & security our islands, but those incharge and running these islands already know that and are well aware of consequences and its effects. All part of the bigger plan eh????

    • Just Commentin' says:

      Bigger plan?? What plan? The people runnin tings roun yah have a plan?? Dats news to me.

    • Cheese Face says:

      I do love the conspiracy theories on this island.

      Could it just be that our leaders are useless and we are breeding criminals at an alarming rate?

      • Anonymous says:

        Apparently training them now via various courses for them to turnaround and steal once their are placed in employment.

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