Police catch GT burglar red-handed

| 13/08/2015 | 1 Comment
Cayman News Service

George Town Police Station

(CNS) Update: A 42-year-old local woman taken into police custody yesterday afternoon after she was arrested at the scene of a break-in at a house in George Town has been charged with burglary and criminal trespass. An RCIPS spokesperson said officers had responded to a report of a burglary in progress at a house on Andy Drive, in the Windsor Park area of the capital. When the police arrived they arrested the woman, who appeared to have gained entry through a window.

The woman was charged Thursday and appeared in court where she was remanded in custody until her next appearance on 20 August.

Police have had a number of successes netting burglars but the crime continues to be a major headache for the police with break-ins reported at business premises and residential homes on an almost daily basis.

Anyone with information regarding burglaries can contact George Town Police Station at 949-4222 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS).


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Shhhhhh. says:

    Well done RCIP, that was a quick and effective response.

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