HRC: MLA abused privilege for hate speech

| 20/08/2015 | 146 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The chair of the Human Rights Commission has called on the premier to condemn the “unstatesmanlike, inaccurate, vitriolic, and thoroughly hateful” comments made against the LGBT community by a veteran MLA during a debate on traditional marriage. The shocking comments made by Anthony Eden in the Legislative Assembly last week abused parliamentary privilege, James Austin-Smith has stated in a letter to Alden McLaughlin asking him to introduce legislation to recognise same-sex unions and to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

In a press release in the wake of the controversy caused by comments made by Eden in particular but also by MLAs Alva Suckoo and Marco Archer, the commission said the members were shocked by the comments and disappointed that members used parliamentary privilege and disgracefully abused it “to peddle inaccurate, vitriolic, and thoroughly hateful misinformation concerning an already maligned section of the public”.

Raising their concerns that the statements were likely to incite hatred against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community, the HRC said it was “a source of particular regret that, apparently, the overwhelming majority of members present at that ‘debate’ did not see fit to challenge these statements in any way”.

Heartened by the comments made Tuesday on CNS by Wayne Panton, the Minister of Financial Services, who stood up and offered his support to those members of our community subjected to discrimination, abuse, bullying and even violence because of their sexual orientation, the HRC said, “Mr Panton’s brave and principled stand in the face of these venomous comments and the silence of the majority of his fellow MLAs is to be applauded in the strongest possible terms.”

In his letter to the premier Austin-Smith pointed out that if the comments had been made outside the privilege provided by the Legislative Assembly, “it is quite likely that they could have constituted the commission of a criminal offence contrary to, inter alia, section 88B of the Penal Code (2013 Revision).”

Austin-Smith wrote, “Throughout the Cayman Islands many of our citizens and residents are subject to discrimination on a daily basis. That discrimination against LGBTI people is enshrined in the laws of the Cayman Islands is a stain on our nation. That a Member of the Legislative Assembly, and of your Government, should articulate such views unchallenged is a cause for the utmost regret.”

So far, Panton remains the only member of the LA to condemn the comments and offer his support to the LGBT community. However, Panton’s position, while angering a minority, appears to have resonated with CNS commenters. With the discussion over the situation still raging, the minister is receiving a significant amount of support for his lone stand.

HRC Letter to Premier Re Motion to Retain the Definition of Marriage_19 August 15

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Comments (146)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The “Christians ” on here display the same intolerance as ISIS. And they need to think about that, ‘cos thats where they are heading.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why do you need theirs, not enough confidence in your own thoughts or just need someone else to slag off?Let me put it simply- Governor will be for LBGT rights (she has too, its part of British law) and the Premier may be a bit more delicate than Eden but essentially will pander to the bible bashers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The bottom line is that a member of the government made overt and unapologetic threats of physical violence towards a group of people. Gay, not gay, it doesn’t matter. He made threats of physical violence and used his position in government to do so. He is pathetic and should be removed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I did not see any threat of physical violence.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly. They are just making up stuff as they go along. Hence why they have no credibility.

        • Anonymous says:

          Try listening to the tapes of what was said. It was nasty bullying. And yes, it did include an explicit threat of physical violence.

    • Think Again! says:

      I would say that he DEMONIZE gays people, but I won’t say Eden was deliberately inciting violence against them. I think you gone a bit overboard 🙂

  4. anonymous says:

    Mr. Premier:
    Just keep out of this global political football.
    This is all manipulation and group think. Who says you have to be involved at all in something that has nothing to do with running the government. Your job and the Honorable Governor’s jobs are to run the government. Stay out of this.
    You are professionals trained to do the chain of command thing.
    Best wishes as you remain professional and let others stay the course in their pursuits.
    Luther was heard to say that the pulpit was for preaching the gospel only. We do not need things convoluted in society. Keep it orderly as it has been all along.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Religion has no place in politics. Yes, this includes Christianity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone brings their personal values to bear in politics. There is no reason to exclude one’s values just because they have a religious base.

    • Anonymous says:

      God never created a species of humans called LGTB humans,
      sin did. My sincerest congratulations to Messrs Eden, Suckoo, Archer, McLean et al who were in his own way man enough to stand up for the truth and speak out for the many people who do not engage, believe, accept, tolerate, condone or support this behaviour. I believe that being lesbian, gay or whatever is a private choice and should be kept as such. This should never be accepted as normal in our society because it is not. While I believe in ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’ I do believe that we should look at this behaviour and call it as it is, Sin. Wayne Panton is at liberty to voice his opinion like everyone else but that does not mean that he should be given kudos for what he knows is wrong. From the beginning of time and as long as I can remember, we have had gueers living among us and they have lived their life as they pleased and were not condemned, why all of a sudden society must move on over and let these poor souls have the right to flaunt what should be private to the greatest extent and live quietly and peacefully. Pedophilia is a personal choice for many men and women, but should society accept their choice as being their human rights and accept it? There are many unnatural behaviours out there disguised under some fancy heading that could fall under human rights but are they acceptable? I would not touch bible truth because there are so many haters of bible truth due to the fact that it does not condone sinful behaviour and they cannot tweak it to fit their choosen sexstyle and still attain God’s blessings. THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are right, God did not create a “species of humans”, he created humans simple…therefore we are all the same by YOUR logic and should all legally have the same rights then.

        Pedophilia is the sexual desire for and abuse of a child by an adult. Homosexuality is consensual, same sex relationship between two adults. Still all concerning humans as made by God by the way.

    • dream on says:

      You’re not going to weed religion out of politics. Trust me, its not going to happen! They have been a married couple since the days of antiquity.

    • regular joe says:

      Religion, as we all seem to forget is what God built this world on. Each and everyone of us can not survive without God mercy. So sit there and think because he doesn’t speak for us to hear that he is not watching and JUDGING. Gay or not, Christian or not we are ALL never to forget he gave us life.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Da wha you get

  7. Anonymous says:

    I think this debate is more so on the fact that this was stated in the Legislature which if I am not mistaken is something that Mr. Eden could and should be sanctioned for. Spewing hate in a place where laws are created is abhorrent. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, it is a democratic society where law makers bring about bills to debate and vote, this change of designation of the marriage terminology was defeated (unfortunately) but the resulting spew of hatred is something that should not be tolerated. The press and public in Cayman are off topic as this has to do with one MLA standing up and disgracing the legislative process.

    The debate on equality is not one that is fought gracefully and has heated opinions on either side, (I for one am fully for changing the designation and allowing same sex marriage to happen, who are we to lay judgement on who someone else loves. If you don’t want Gay Marriage…DON’T HAVE ONE). Your religious beliefs are your god given right, however slandering a person for their own right to live their lives as they choose is just wrong.

    Back to the matter at hand, the disparaging remarks by one MLA and the lack of voice from anyone other than Mr. Panton challenging Mr. Eden is an absolute disgrace to the Cayman Islands. Hate is hate and it shows in Mr. Eden. If this were a debate saying women could not vote, or Black people were not allowed to congregate where white people congregate, we wouldn’t be having this discussion as those fights have been fought and won many years ago.

    Do the right thing Cayman Lawmakers and sanction Mr. Eden for his remarks, make him take a leave of absence unpaid and own up to his remarks and apologize for his action. THEN you can get back to the debate on equality in a civilized manner.

  8. Anonymous says:

    i demand a response from the governor….

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely, and from the Premiere also.

      It is truly disturbing that an elected member of our government can, hiding behind parliamentary privaledge, imply that granting marriage rights to LGBT will lead to “crushing a baby’s skull and sucking out their brains”. Even more disturbing is the number of people who support him based on a warped view of religion.

      Just replace LGBT with any other group of people (based on race, religion, association, looks….anything) and tell me this isn’t hate speech. Mr Eden you should seek professional help. Your moral compass is completely off.

      • CaymanO says:

        Not all LGBT people are born a way to make them easily gay. Many of them choose or are conditioned to be that way.

        Hence how I see it, you can only discriminate against those who have a feminine or masculine appearance which they are born with and can’t help it.

        Other than that I don’t believe discrimination applies to everyone calling themselves gay. I’m sorry but this is my opinion. You can’t compare all gays to a race.

        There has to be a law protecting people who look a way and can’t hep themselves; however, where do we draw the line. You have people who become gay from choice alone! Suppose they switch back to being straight, should we have laws to as well acknowledge what has nothing to do with the person’s genes??? I don’t think so.

        • Anonymous says:

          So CaymanO, using your logic it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against any particular religion, say Christians as “many of them choose or are conditioned to be that way”.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Premier and Madam Governor….your turn now….what say you on this subject?
    I, and many others, really want to know!

  10. Shepherd says:

    When I read Mr Eden’s comments I had visions of a posse with torches, pitchforks and axes, pulling someone from their home and hanging them from a tree. No joke.

    Such a hate filled speech with crazy analogies and associations. No Mr Eden, homosexuality does not lead to pedophilia and beastiality, not anymore than heterosexuality.

    I always find when one quotes the Bible rather interesting. Which testament are you quoting and when do you call yourself a Christian? Obviously a Christian is one who believes the teachings of Jesus Christ, which is the New Testament. In the New Testament, God is love, kindness, acceptance and forgiveness, as Jesus taught.

    In the Old Testament, God is a wrathful one, fire and brimstone, intolerance, harsh trials and punishment. The days before Jesus. The Bible is a confusing book for sure, tainted by the hand of man.

    Do not call yourself a Christian if you are filled with such hate, this is not what Jesus taught.

    As far as the LGBT debate, well, I don’t even know why it is a debate, those unions exist now and today and that won’t change. Wanting to stop a law that recognises same sex unions (which would give legal rights to two people that love and trust each other) is not going to make homosexuality go away.

    So Mr Eden, we now know you are a homophobe. Politics and religion should not mix and there should be more focus on human rights and of course, the good goverance of the Country. A person who commits a home invasion, assault, theft, armed robbery, burglary, uncared for children (list goes on…) is far more of a detriment to me and my people than a piece of paper recognising a union of love.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very well said Shepherd. Agree 100%.

    • Catechist 47 says:

      I honestly wish some of you would stop using criminal activity to justify immorality. when it is clear if immoral behavior goes unchecked it will clearly lead to the other and it is all a sin. The good Book is Gods guide or manual to the righteous for them to live right whether you choose to except it or not, it is your choice. Many have chosen not to and will ultimately suffer those consequences. Laws should never impede choice but maintain order and a reasonable level of decency to keep it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Since you are so familiar with the bible and take its wording as liberal law, I assume you support slavery? And will condemn those that eat shellfish or pork? What are your views in those that divorce and remarry? How about tattoos and wearing mixed garment threads? I could go on but surely you are more acquainted with the good book than I seeing as you judge others of no revelance to your life by it.

  11. Anonymous says:

    This is just a distraction from the real issue plaguing Cayman. The real issues that they cannot or do not want to deal with. Crime, cost of living and social decay is rampant. And what does he worry about??????

    Give me a break. As a young Caymanian, I don’t give a rats rumpus what people do with their private lives. Ones sexuality is irrelevant.

    Let’s deal with the real issues please.

    • Anonymous says:

      As Christians it is not for us to condemn or to adopt a superior attitude to anyone else. It is our duty to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ to ALL.

      • My 2 cent says:

        Religion is like a finger that points to the moon. The moon shines the light of truth to the world, to help show us the way to love, be fair, free from self-centeredness and sin, human dignity, and complete union with God. And we honestly believe that this light gives us the grace and power to accomplish these things … However, I think many times, Christians get too caught up with the finger instead of the moon.

        Don’t you see how Krishna, Buddha, Jesus pointed to the moon (truth) that reflected the light of the sun, and we have turn these same messengers into idols. They all spoke about love to all, living a holy life, and fairness, and yet we create all sort of dogmas around them. We have end up following religions beyond justifiable reasoning. Many have rejected the very light of God, not giving Him the sole worship and honor He deserves.

        We have failed to see God as “one” and hence consider everybody as “one” like us. We have failed to truly love unconditionally, a love like Jesus had for the world when He chose to die on a cross. A lot of Christians have drifted from a natural and personal view of God towards a view that the minister placed in their heads. We have allowed a book and what minsters / prophets have said to give us wrongful interpretations. We adopted a belief not based upon your own “personal experience” and hence we are dishonest to ourselves. To adopt a hearsay almost of what somebody else says is truth is not being true to yourself. At least before you read and swallow everything a book says or minister says, inquire using your god-giving commonsense, “Does this revelation apply to me in my day? And has God personally given me this revelation? If not, why should I follow it or feel condemned in not following it? Wouldn’t God judge me based on what He has personally revealed to me?”

        All these extra beliefs (away from nature) on how God is like, converts into corrupted beliefs on how we see other people.

        Am I wrong?

        *And I am not saying we can not learn from ministers, priests, pastors, enlightened people, because who am I to further say that they have not received a special revelation from God?

        Yes, humility is needed so much in the Church. Humility is said to be the mother of all virtues.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I am all for equality, but we can’t bully people who do not share the same sentiment. The LGBT community is doing the exact same thing we are fighting against. The minister took it too far and should apologise but at the same time people must not feel uncomfortable saying no to something they do not agree on, mutual respect is needed.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The whole thing is, there is no reason to explain. Let’s go investigate Mr whoever is life. Want to make up stories and insult peoples lives then be prepared for people to investigate and make up stories about yours.
    He should be very proud that the days of abuse and one way talk is done now through his own ignorance.
    Congrats Mr. whatever your name is, cos you dont know mine, so no respect there then!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Referendum on a person’s life? Ok, let’s hold a referendum on your existence, are you ready?
    What exactly are you warning the Cayman people about? Pool together for what? Well, if its mega bucks to come, sure all the politicians and big Cayman business mafia will be all ears and willing, regardless.
    Just like in Ireland?
    Be prepared and fight for what?
    Your last sentence is so inspiring, useful and thank you for the insight of the fight that is coming to ignorance.
    Look forward to it!

  15. Garden of Eden says:

    Next Anthony will comment with; ‘It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.’ or some such catch phrase that has the rang of funny to it. You can’t help who you love, it’s human nature and no brimstone and fire comments can or will stop it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just registering my support of the Human Rights Commission and Wayne Panton, and, as a Caymanian, my disassociation with those MLAs and their hate speech. We all need to model compassion and MLAs in particular should be setting an example. One of my greatest concerns is the LGBT youth and their parents who have this painful burden of rejection to bear, in addition to all the usual teen age stresses and angsts.

      As a country and as individuals we must strive to be better than this.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Good. If somebody decides they want to kill, rape, abuse children, women, men and cause war, as often is on this earth now in this world that human beings have destroyed and continue to destroy, then let the law punish them which it usually fails to do. Otherwise, let each person live their life in peace and without discrimination and hatred and threats of violence. We all came from one place…..

  17. Anonymous says:

    At last, at first. Truth is spoken.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Why? No need to reciprocate with such. As they say, ‘time longer than rope’. How sad.

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:

    Typical male comment that is just as old. Go do want you want. This is talking about people’s lives and your comment is years old! Its not about you and your sexual fantasies.

  21. Anonymous says:

    At the same time, let’s drop the ‘expat’ nonsense too. What a stupid word.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Alleluliah. God is alive and kicking!!! Bring it on, Lord.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Exactly the mind of people here. Just walking the dog down the road and assaulted by disgusting language from a person screaming out of SUV window and threatening calling Police on you and..and…just walking down the road.
    The person..? Think of ‘big local attorney’ wife.
    Fish wfe. God bless the fish.
    How would you expect this kind of person to respect another human being of a ‘different kind’ when they are so cheap in themselves.
    Verbal abuse and Human Rights…

  24. Anonymous says:

    ‘…accepting guys into my very small island I raise my children’. Appears you accepted everything American with no problem. By ‘guys’ do you mean ‘male’? If you mean men, then men have been here for some time on these Islands. All men for years on these Islands have not always been with women. And that’s before you started raising your children. Did anybody bother you when you were growing up?

  25. Anonymous says:

    An issue like this very well may come down to a referendum.

    If it does I warn the Cayman people they must be ready to pool together because the massive media campaigns and mega bucks will be rolling through here just like in Ireland.
    Be prepared Cayman and be ready to fight for what you believe in.

    You have no idea what kind of a fight is coming for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry 62% to 38% cannot be bought. And as Ireland’s prime minister, Enda Kenny, said: “In the privacy of the ballot box, the people made a public statement. With today’s vote we have disclosed who we are. We are a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people who say yes to inclusion, yes to generosity, yes to love, yes to gay marriage.”

  26. Anonymous says:

    Trying to say that Religion has no place in politics is smaller minded than any comments Mr. Eden has made. Everyone has beliefs and convictions no matter what your background. If you didn’t no one would care enough to argue about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the UK and most of Europe religion has no place in politics. In Iran, Saudi, Syria, Libya, Egypt etc it does. See what happens when you allow that to happen?

      • Anonymous says:

        One common denominator in those mentioned is that Islam is the religion you are talking about in those countries

  27. Anonymous says:

    I think it would be wonderfully ironic if Mr. Edens hateful primitive remarks bring about full rights for LGBT people and pull us out of the dark ages.
    Da wa yuh get.

  28. annie says:

    Why are we as people taking all this onto ourselves to judge? I for one am not jumping for joy about accepting guys into my very small island I raise my children, but at the same time I’m not bashing them either. On the other hand, I don’t think they thought this through wholeheartedly, cuz if they did they would know that this was coming and should not be surprised. The Cayman Islands is backwards with everything they do. This will be just another thing they will legally approve and years from now try to go back and change back. My God help us all.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Romans 1:18-32 explains what is happening…

    18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is hate speech really.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, let’s ban the bible too…I always predicted that this is where this was leading.

        • Seriously says:

          Funny … actually this whole gay issue got me reading my Bible more. I am more concern now on finding out what the Bible says about the HUMAN NATURE OF SIN. 🙂

          • Anonymous says:

            I am happy for you for taking an objective stance and exploring another perspective. God loves every human being. He has so many promises and blessings in store for us; the key is coming to a place where we accept His love, what He created, and honestly desire His way.

            Before becoming a Christian, I thought Christianity was just a moral code, but now I realise that it is about love (not sex, but agape love). God also gives us the Holy Spirit to help us to overcome every issue we face.

            I have never experienced so much healing, peace, and joy until I became a Christian. I never knew He offered so many promises to humans for this life, not to mention eternal life after this one. Check out Psalm 103.

            If you honestly ask to hear Him speak to your heart, He will speak to you. He promised.

        • Anonymous says:

          This is what is troubling about this whole issue. Marriage is a holy act, a religious ceremony. Homosexual couples would like the right to take part in it by forcing those who established it to change their religious views.

          I cannot be opposed to choice, because the God I worship gave everyone free will. Each of us can choose His way or not.

          But what seems to be the root issue here is not for gays to have the right to unite legally, but to have the religious community be forced to sanction a specific lifestyle.

          Is it fair to force Pastors to preach a specific message, to marry specific groups?

          What happened to freedom of speech, HRC? What happened to freedom of religion?

          Marriage is a religious institution and has been for thousands of years.

    • Judean Peoples Front. says:

      What Romans failed to see is that the Meek are the actually the problem

  30. Anonymous says:

    A tsunami of support for this change in legislation has been unleashed upon the Cayman Islands.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Alden McLaughlin will lead this country into the acceptance of gay marriage. I had an extremely vivid dream in 2013. It will come to pass.

  32. Cruz says:

    Mr. Smith caymanians are being discriminated in their homeland any chance you will address this issue?

    • Anonymous says:

      As Harry Bosch says “we all count, or nobody counts”

    • Anonymous says:

      And ex pats too!

    • Anonymous says:

      In a country where the law discriminates against long term residents on the basis of their national origin, you petty whining is an irrelevance and not a priority.

    • Anonymous says:

      Me too Cruz – I’m Caymanian (and I don’t mean what you call a ‘paper-Caymanian) but was raised for 1/3 of my life off-Island and 2/3 rds here – I was talking to someone the other day on the phone (a well know Caymanian I have known for years -but he didn’t know it was me) and just because he didn’t agree with me started ranting and cussing at me -Well you’ze not no Caymanian (like that had anything to do with it) and other choice cuss words, including ‘where I should stick it’ …I tried to explain to him ‘actually, I am Caymanian’….he chose to ignore that…… I smile when I hear these people talking about ‘indigenous Caymanians’ and use it as an excuse to abuse ‘who they think’ are foreigners (who probably have more Caymanian ancestry than they do) – Indigenous Caymanians, no such thing – the Island was uninhabited some 500+ years ago and every one of us were the product of another Country…no exceptions….

      Discrimated against – yes, that was me – a Caymanian – Unfortunately, it works both ways and I’m one of those people stuck in the middle.

    • Logical says:

      He has. Right there. The LGBT community are not comprised solely of foreigners. There are plenty of Caymanians that are discriminated against based on their sexual orientation.

  33. nauticalone says:

    Thanks HRC.
    Waiting to see what the premier, and others in authority, will say.
    Though I won’t hold my breath.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Eden needs to resign his BT seat and let us elect someone from the 21st century in a bye election.

  35. Anonymous says:

    While I don’t agree with Gay marriage, I have to admit that I’m a huge fan of lesbians.
    Been trying to find two that would let me join my whole life.

  36. Anonymous says:

    I’ve never understood why they add the “T” at the end of lgbt. Three are a sexual orientation, the other is an identity crisis. You may find more support of the cause if you didn’t lump all in together.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Here it comes – any speech which says homosexuality is “hate speech” and should be treated as a criminal offence. Wow. We are descending into the pit fast.

    • Diogenes says:

      I think it was more the bit where he said they crush babies skulls and suck out their brains .. that does seem a little hateful, no?

      • Unison says:

        But that’s exactly what happens when they abort an unborn child. Eden is being graphic about a truth that is not being told enough.

        • Anonymous says:

          but homosexuals cannot produce children, so those children being aborted are from heterosexual practices. So it seems heteros are sucking out babies brains, and you have the nerve to call homosexuals evil!

      • Anonymous says:

        Look at his list carefully. He is suggesting that anything on that list is “hate speech”.

        Eden was describing what happens in abortion clinics. It may be shocking and distasteful but it is simply describing the facts. How in the world could that be “hate speech”?

      • Cass says:

        He meant abortion when he mentioned sucking out babies’ brains. Not the best metaphor really.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Alden must be down in that dictionary now looking for a word to describe Mr Austin-Smith and the HRC Lmao.
    You know he don’t have enough balls to take a stand; he go throw a rock at somebody.

  39. Balance says:

    Should Minister Eden apologize to the gay community??? Mmmm … I don’t think he should, and let me tell you why … You have many ignoramus supporting the gay community that are currently saying very means against Christians, that are spewing their hate against people of faith. Mr. Eden is one man, but don’t go on internet site and spew your hate against our churches, religious ministers, and renown leaders of this country.

    And I am being fair in my assessment – The Human Rights Commission has to live up to its name and consider that hate is being lashed out on both sides.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only for those that respect other peoples Human rights, which none of the hate filled bible bashing comments on here do. So now the HRC, that well respected international body is wrong too? Ah only in Cayman could you find people believing they know better

      • How Delusional are You? says:

        “Ah only in Cayman could you find people believing they know better” HaHaHaHaHa!!!!

        Delusional does not even begin to describe that useless statement.

    • Wtf? says:

      “Renown leaders” ? Lol

  40. Anonymous says:

    If only all instances of bigotry were equally confronted and condemned in modern day Cayman. This would be a much better place to live … especially for Caymanians.

    One love.

    – Whodatis

  41. Anonymous says:

    It is time for the UK to impose appropriate hate speech and anti-discrimination laws on its territories.

  42. Cayman prodigal mangoes says:

    Hold on ya!!!! HRC need to deal with this UK phone tapping business before it go around issuing proclamations about rights for other people what about our rights to privacy.

  43. Catechist 47 says:

    Cayman should choose wisdom instead of captive and hollow and deceptive and convenient philosophy, which is solely dependent on human tradition and the basic principals of the world. Wisdom cometh from the Lord thus there is no sin in it. Thus compassion, love and truth will always follow it.

  44. Anonymous says:

    It is shameful what the three members has said (Anthony eden, Marco archer, and Alva suckoo) I hope none of your kids or grandkids turn out to be what you hate so much.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please explain to me exactly what was shameful about what Marco said.

      • JTB says:

        As with so many in the chamber that day, the shame was not in their speech, but their silence.

        Anyone – any of those MLA’s present – who did not stand up and denounce Eden’s horrific rant, is guilty of being silent in the face of evil.

        • Anonymous says:

          Now you are calling Anthony Eden evil. Aren’t you breaching his human rights now? Or do you set the rules in what can be called evil?

  45. Truth Seeker says:

    That is exactly what he was doing, loving his children/ Grandchildren and teaching them right from wrong and giving them the option to choose. Are you saying it is ok for the LBGT group to do so and not right for the rest of the population to do so?

    • Igg Wallity says:

      It is perfectly fine for you to marry the person you love. No one is stopping you. But there is no “option to choose” for a gay person to marry the one they love. You do not give them that option to choose. You do not allow them to choose to follow their conscience, even though it does not involve you.

      Do gay people make laws to stop you from marrying your beloved? No.

      Do you make laws to stop gay people from marrying their beloved? Yes.

      It takes nothing away from you for other people to have the same rights you have. That’s called equal rights.

      Are Hindus living a lifestyle God approves? No. Why do you let them get married?

  46. Anonymous says:

    I had much respect for these three men, now I have much less. I’m very disheartened by their speeches. I never thought any of them carried the kind of hate they have in their hearts.

    As for the Premier: well we all knew he was spineless. Not a word from him.

  47. Choices? says:

    I would point out that religious and political affiliations (PPM & UDP) are both choices that are just what anti-homosexual activists describe homosexuality as: voluntary activities that somebody can deny if they truly want to. If the government can say that homosexuals cannot engage in sex with the people that they choose, what prevents them from singling out a political party and saying that they cannot engage in the activities of their choice? After all, political activity is a choice and anybody can choose to re-orient themselves to another ideology. Almost anybody would say that such interference into a person’s private activities is a massive violation of privacy and personal choice. Despite this consensus, many still attempt to force homosexuals to change their personal behaviors. Is sexual conduct less personal than political expression?

    • Think Again! says:

      Agreed? But a political party is not in the business of infringing upon people’s religious rights. In the United States we hear gays suing and threatening prison sentences on people of faith because they claim they are discriminating against them. There was a couple in one state that had to close down their marriage business because they didn’t want to marry a same-sex couple. That was against their religious beliefs, but somehow the law of that particular state went on the gay side and branded the good couple as discriminating. They had to pay the fine or a prison sentence. The gay community threaten them so much, even death threats, that they had to closed the marriage business.

      Now you tell me if that is like a political party?! Do you seriously think Cayman should be treated like this by a minority group? I don’t think so!

  48. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Mr Austin-Smith, go get ’em.

    • Anonymous says:

      Alva Suko and Eden should all be relieved of their duties. The Premier should have made a statement on his own, not have to be told to do it. What do we have running our country?????

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Sorry for you. They both are duly elected legislators.

      • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

        I’m not holding my breath on that. I think we will get the same response from the premier on this as we did when Ozzie lost his temper over a phone bill (ie absolutely no response).

      • Anonymous says:

        Is the basis for whether or not an MLA remains in power that he or she must agree with everything you do? id so, how are any of them supposed to please everyone. YOU want them out because your beliefs on this issue are different than theirs…..but what about all the other beliefs you may have in common. IF the majority of BT want the status quo to remain what are they to do? IF their personal beliefs coincide with their religion and the wants of their district what are they to do? If every time one of them disagrees with us we call for them to be removed then no-one would be in power. A lot of the people I know support OMOV (highly supported by Eden and Suckoo) are now calling for them to be removed because of this matter. So, which is it? Get OMOV or remove them? If you get OMOV you can elect Panton because he agrees with you on this issue but Panton doesn’t want OMOV* and Panton doesn’t do anything regarding the employment matters facing Caymanians which Suckoo has made a demonstrable effort to assist with. I don’t get what it is you want them to do – be in power when you share their beliefs AND be out of power when you disagree with them.

        On another note, gay divorce court would be awesome!!!!!

        CNS: Wayne Panton was very much part of the OMOV campaign and has clearly shown his support for it.

        • Anonymous says:

          CNS – Wayne Panton has been nowhere near as visual ON ANY matters until now since his election. Where is the legal practitioners bill? Where is his support for Caymanian lawyers and aspiring Caymanian lawyers. How can this one singular issue all of a sudden make him a hero when he has been virtually silent until now.

  49. Anonymous says:

    The Premiere has got to condemn the statement made by the honorable dinosaur, the world is watching and waiting. This is a huge step backwards for the Cayman Islands

    • Anonymous says:

      Considering that the Premier failed to condemn the disgusting verbal abuse that Ozzie heaped on Ms. Ahearn I seriously doubt he will condemn the hate fueled and ignorant rant by Mr. Eden.

      The silence from the Premier in matters which he should be addressing immediately is deafening.

      The Premier and the rest of the MLA’s, with the exception of Mr. Panton, are complicit by their failure to address this.

      Yet you call yourself a ‘Leader’ Mr. Premier? I think not.

  50. Cass says:

    We must think before we speak; something I am still working on myself admittedly. The old saying goes: “it’s not what you say but how you say it”. Mr. Eden would have been wise to make the distinction that while he is not in support of gay unions he knows his personal opinion cannot hinder their human rights to be able to marry who they want. Truth is this: Mr. Eden could have very well had a Gay child and what would his rationale be then? Are we not meant to love our children irrespective of their sexual orientation? After all, when you bring a child into the world it is surely your duty as the parent to LOVE them, TEACH them right from wrong and ALLOW them to CHOOSE between the two.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dick Cheney had a gay daughter and it didn’t change him/ Anthony could be the same.
      If I have a child that is a druggie I become more strong in my anti-drug stance.
      If my child is gay I should also become more ant-gay.

      • Ant for Prez! says:

        Gay for ants? I fail to understand how that would be possible but I guess the majority of your comment didn’t make much sense either.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like many of us Caymanians, Mr Eden does have at least one gay person in his extended family that most of the Cayman community is aware of and presumably therefore he is too though that person in common with many gay people here married to cover it up. It did not stop him from his horrible denouncements and semi sane ranting. Only time, the inevitable march of progress and change and international pressure will do that, if not to him, at least to those coming after him.

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