Eight new cops to hit the streets

| 06/08/2015 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

Police recruits with Police Commissioner David Baines (right)

(CNS): The RCIPS local recruitment drive, which began in March this year, saw a group of new recruits sworn in on Thursday as rookie members of the police service. The drive set out to find fifteen new police constables from the local community but although there were almost 300 applications in the beginning, just eight new officers made the final cut. The police said that from the 283 applications received, only 166 met the minimum criteria.

From that group 47 candidate went on to sit and pass the written test but only 27 of those made it through the physical test and on to the final interview.

In the end, just eight candidates fulfilled all requirements and “convincingly demonstrated to the recruitment panel their professionalism, dedication and integrity”, officials said.

The minimum requirements were that candidates were aged between 18 and 40 years old and were either Caymanians or had permanent residency with the right to work.

The five men and three women that made it through the rigorous application process also all made it through the classroom part of their basic training. Among them are people with a variety of different life experiences, with academic and professional backgrounds from business administration to medical technology. All candidates have completed or are pursuing college educations.

Although the police management were disappointed that they did not find fifteen candidates, they were pleased that three women passed through the training this year as there had been an emphasis on recruiting women. The age limit for this recruitment drive was pushed to 40 and the new PCs includes two people over the age of thirty.

Aside from their other qualifications, a sense of social conscience and community spirit is also notable about the new recruits, the RCIPS said, pointing to an impressive scope of volunteer work that includes teaching, youth empowerment through music and sports, and church activities.

“I’m impressed with the level of interest and quality of candidates that we have seen this year from the community of Cayman,” said Police Commissioner David Baines ahead of the formal swearing in of the new PCs, who will now hit the streets accompanied by more senior officers as they continue their training.

“Police recruitment is a highly selective and demanding process, but for the second year in a row we have seen that many dynamic young people in Cayman believe that being a police officer is one of the best ways they can serve their communities,” Baines said. “Policing is a rewarding but demanding profession, and this exhaustive recruitment process is necessary to ensure that recruits have the skills required to succeed.”

The new recruits will spend another seventeen weeks putting the classroom theory into practice and learning the job on the beat and they will continue to receive on-the-job training during their two-year probationary period.  This training will prepare them to be posted in units such as criminal investigation, traffic, marine, air operations, financial crime, family support and the K-9 unit.

The RCIPS will undertake another drive next year as it remains below its full capacity. Baines urged those candidates during this drive who missed out to work on the areas where they fell down this time and try again in future.

Cayman News Service

RCIPS recruits, August 2015

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (21)

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  1. WaYaSay says:

    Congrats CoP Baines. I really appreciate your heightened recruitment practices. I trust, of the next 300 expats you interview, you hire NO MORE than eight. Maybe then we can get the best of the best like you accomplished here.

    Congratulations also to the eight successful new recruits, make us all proud. You are indeed the cream of the crop, be proud of your accomplishment. I look forward to meeting you on the beat.

  2. Latoya says:

    …. And did you notice that it said Three women and two people etc. Does that mean women are not people?

    • Anonymous says:

      Wonder what happen to those who puts in little time working airport with flowers then leave to join the police , and prison force ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am hoping that the headline can be taken literally. I never, ever, over years and years, see police on foot patrol, just an occasional passing car with its windows up, presumably to keep the A/C going at maximum efficiency for the benefit of the comfort of the inhabitants. Fat lot of good that’d be for anyone shouting “Help! Police!”. Let’s be honest, the RCIP is a joke at present. I see offense after offense being committed as i drive round, and not a police car in sight. Where, exactly, are they for crying out loud?!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congrats new recruits! Please spends some of your time talking to the teens in the schools and those out on the streets. Be creative and work on developing programs for those at risk. Out in the “field” be consistent and fair. Good luck! Be safe! Much respect!

  5. SugarKisses says:

    Congrats new recruits! Your parents must be so proud! Ignore the haters and their hating comments! Keep up the good work!

  6. Anonymous says:

    The new recruits should spend a couple of years, if not more, working on regular shift as police officers, being mentored, rather than sent to specialist units where they forget what they learnt in training. By sending them to work as a beat officer they will benefit from learning a variety of policing skills and gain island wide experience and knowledge. New recruits in other countries have to work on the beat first for quite some time before going to specialty units, they have to earn it!

  7. CayGuy says:

    In your best Super Hero voice, every body together now – “DUHNNTT, DUHNNT DUNTA DA DAH!”

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congradulations to the new recruits!

  9. Anonymous says:

    rcips needs less local cops not more…

  10. Anonymous says:

    save yourself the hassle just get more uk cops……they have an education, experience and decent work ethic…

    • Anonymous says:

      but they do not have the local experience, like knowing which people can be stopped and charged and which are untouchable

  11. Sim G aka Sho G says:

    I scored 59 percent from the 60 required on the written exam as a Caymanian really shows what they want

  12. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Islands Government, a British Overseas Territory the official recruitment agency for Jamaicans who want nothing to do with the UK or Cayman, it’s all about the money not solving crime or allegiance to Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Couldn’t care less about Cayman, only her for the money.

      The British and Caymanian cops care more.

  13. Anonymous says:

    does this mean that the ‘why cant Cayman have local police and not those nasty useless expat coppers brigade’ now finally face the reality and shut up ?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Save that picture boys and gals, it won’t be long before you are ten ton Toms and Tessies. Maybe not if you can do some real legwork, get out of your cruisers, stay away from the turtle dinners and junk food joints and really beat the streets. Please don’t become like some of the other lumps on the Force, go after those thugs and do us proud!

  15. Julie says:

    It is hoped that in this time of high unemployment that the criteria was met and no work permits were involved in this process.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is hoped that racist comments are punishable by a prison term.

    • Anonymous says:

      From the article: “The minimum requirements were that candidates were aged between 18 and 40 years old and were either Caymanians or had permanent residency with the right to work.” Scroll up and read it, it’s actually pretty interesting.

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