Archive for August 22nd, 2015

Driver thrown from car in late night crash

Driver thrown from car in late night crash

| 22/08/2015 | 7 Comments

(CNS): A 51-year-old man is in the critical care unit at the hospital with broken bones and other injuries after a crash on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway late Friday night. Police who arrived at the scene at around 11:05pm found the man unconscious and lying in the road with injuries to his forehead. Debris was spread […]

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Featured comment: Faith and marriage

Featured comment: Faith and marriage

| 22/08/2015 | 96 Comments

A CNS reader writes: I’ve about had it with the utter nonsense of hiding bigotry behind the phrase “love the sinner, hate the sin”. It’s a catch-all phrase intended to spare the speaker from criticism of denigrating their fellow human beings. The phrase itself, and sentiment behind it, isn’t necessarily problematic — for example, it will […]

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