Cops recover another illegal gun

| 12/06/2015 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service

Royal Cayman Islands Police Service

(CNS): A 32-year-old woman and a 22-year-old man were arrested on Thursday following another police raid relating to firearms, this time in Bodden Town. An RCIPS spokesperson said that this was the fifth illegal gun, along with live rounds of ammunition, seized in the last seven days in police operations. The gun was found at a home in Hirst Road by officers from the RCIPS, Drugs and Serious Crime Task Force. The suspects were arrested on firearms related offences and while the woman was bailed, police said, the man remains in custody.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just one point – technically they are only ‘illegal’ when a court decides they are. For anyone at RCIPS to claim that items they have seized are anything more than ‘suspected’ of breaching the law is being, at best, a bit presumptuous.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you Polack

    • Anonymous says:

      Nope, we can hold views as to whether they are illegal or not. The court can determine the issue in the context of a criminal charge that might be brought in respect of their possession. If I had a pile of ganja sitting on my coffee table (my ganja table so to speak) by your logic the legality of my ownership of the ganja could not be stated until and unless I was charged and convicted.

      • Anonymous says:

        And that is exactly what the law requires. The police still have to prove to the satisfaction of the court that it actually was ganja and that it was in your possession. All RCIPS can legally state prior to this coming to trial is that they seized material and that you have been charged with illegal possession of a controlled substance.

        I’m not familiar with the courts in Grand Cayman (and would prefer to keep it that way!) but I know how this works in the UK and have seen some very solid cases thrown out there following legal arguments about the police releasing too much material before they came to trial.

        One of the problems with RCIPS at present is that unlike any lawyer or well-trained journalist their ‘spokespersons’ don’t understand how careful you need to be when releasing details of these busts. RCIPS may think that blowing their own trumpet after a successful operation is good PR but it’s a very bad idea to blow it too hard. RCIPS record for letting cases get thrown out of court on technicalities is already pretty abysmal – slips like this can only make it worse.

        • Anonymous says:

          2:07 As the old saying goes, “Loose lips sink ships,” or in this case RCIPS cases.

          And you are not quite correct in stating RCIPS can reveal that, “you have been charged with illegal possession of a controlled substance.” To be on the safe side they can’t even use the word ‘illegal’.

        • Anonymous says:

          There have been many badly handled prosecutions by the police in Cayman, but please refer me to one where the reason for dismissing the charge related to the police being too forthcoming with releasing information to the press.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Another illegal gun. What is this island coming– hey look it’s David Legge!!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    Just yesterday two individuals were in court for the same thing. On top of it, one of them is here illegally. The other, obviously does not need to be here either. Island too small to be going through this crap.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIP keep digging …

  5. Anonymous says:

    Guns are all over the island stop acting like its something new The cops know it and that is why they mind their business.

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