Cops charge throat slashing suspect

| 18/06/2015 | 14 Comments

(CNS): The man suspected of being involved in a gang-related violent incident on the streets of George Town Tuesday has been charged by police and was expected to appear in Summary Court on Thursday. Officers on the case are also looking for the driver of a blue car (left) caught on CCTV that may have witnessed the incident. David Bodden (38) from George Town was arrested on 16 June following a serious assault on 31-year-old Blake Barrell from West Bay, whose throat was cut during an altercation on Fort Street.

The incident began when the men were in their cars and spilled over onto the street in downtown George Town in broad daylight.

Bodden is charged with attempted murder as well as wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and the case is expected to be transmitted to the Grand Court. Meanwhile, Barrell remains in the hospital in a serious but stable condition, police confirmed.

Detectives are now appealing to the driver of the small blue compact vehicle seen on CCTV footage to come forward.

“This vehicle was almost struck by both oncoming vehicles prior to the incident,” a police spokesperson said, as he asked the person to contact Detective Inspector Collins Oremule on 516-8746 or George Town Police Station – CID on 949-4222.

Cayman News Service

The driver of the blue car may have witnessed the incident on 16 June 2015


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Eric Bush should be able to answer about the CCTV’s as we do believe that he has a vested interest in this business venture.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t say a thing to the police will just use sound bites and twist around the statement
    I used to help the police anytime I could but when I saw the truth and lived being the victim I decided no more. Just not worth being made into the bad guy.
    This is especially true when the officer is friends of the of the criminal or from the same country

    • Anonymous says:

      Total rumour here, but I was told the blue car had rental plates on it. Nice advert if it was true.

  3. Sharkey says:

    Yes what wasted money, and to put the identity of the car in the public, when we know that this involves gangs . Why can’t the police use this INFORMATION and do their investigation, and not put a other person life in danger.

  4. Gray Matter says:

    What I do not understand , is we spent a fortune on CCTV and they do not have zoom or slower time lapse. Totally a waste of the peoples money and the company is laughing all the way to the bank. What a shame.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wonder who owns the business that supplies CCTV services/cameras to Gov?

      • Anonymous says:

        Ask Eric Bush who owns the business that supplies the CCTV services/cameras to Govt. he does I believe know.

        • Ho ho ho! says:

          I find your comments treasonous because they seem to insinuate there might be some sort of corruption in the Cayman Islands when we all know very well there is no corruption here. Just ask our illustrious Premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wasn’t the Gov’s CCTV system, it was a private one

      • Anonymous says:

        That makes it even worst!

        • SSM345 says:

          Like your grammar, the word is “worse”, not worst.

          • Anonymous says:

            First, if you are going to put “worse” in quotation marks you should do the same with “worst”. Second, your sentence makes no sense, since why is it “like your grammar”? The poster’s grammar is worse than what? You should get down off your high horse, buddy.

    • Anonymous says:

      That would be ‘laughed’ all the way to the bank. I’m sure they’ve spent it already.

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