Shetty hospital hopes for major patient jump

| 14/05/2015 | 4 Comments
CNS Business

Health City press conference

(CNS Business): Health City Cayman Islands marked a major milestone on Wednesday when it announced that it had received accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI). This means that Dr Devi Shetty’s first and only hospital outside India can now begin to target the US market in earnest as first intended. The hospital’s goal is to boost capacity from just 22% at present to as much as 75% in a short space of time. Read more and comment on CNS Business


Category: Local News

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  1. DUBIOUS... says:


    An MRI in the US costs around US$500.00, but in Cayman, you need to fork over US$3,000.00 to the LOCAL MRI MONOPOLY…

    So, this hospital now charges Caymanian patients this same ludicrous and abusive fee, while matching the US fees for the US citizens…

    Unfortunately, there will be little or no benefits accruing to Caymanians out of the Shetty hospital, in spite of all the stories one hears…

  2. B. N. Onneste says:

    Seems like Dr. Shetty’s deal with some of our leaders wasn’t so good after all.

  3. Anonymous says:

    JCI offshore accreditation is in practice “JCI Lite” accreditation. US Hospitals have a more stringent version of JCI accreditation. So need to compare apples and oranges…

  4. Anonymous says:

    accreditation has nothing to do with demand

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