Boat runs aground on reef off Cayman Brac

| 20/05/2015 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

Boat aground on the reefs off Cayman Brac 18 May 2015

(CNS): Police have said that no one was injured after a fishing boat ran aground in Cayman Brac on Monday (18 May), though it is not clear what damage has been done to the boat and the reef. The 55-foot vessel, which was carrying five people was registered in the British Virgin Islands, was grounded on the reef just offshore on the western end of Cayman Brac after 6:00pm. The captain had reported to local officers from the Brac Joint Marine Unit that the vessel broke its mooring and drifted onto the reef.

Police said while there was no visible damage to the hull, efforts were continuing with a local salvage company on Grand Cayman to remove the vessel from the reef. At the time the boat had a complement of 5 people on board, 3 male nationals from Ecuador, 1 male national of Mexico and 1 female national also from Mexico.

It is believed the boat sailed from Cozumel, Mexico, to Grand Cayman on Friday 15 May before moving on to Cayman Brac.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sorry SSM345. Good try but they weren’t fishing in the tournament I’m told by those who were.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Boat runs aground in cayman Brac full of spanish occupants… in another news Cocaine wash ashore in Little cayman….. Lol

  3. Anonymous says:

    I just love how this is news.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Might want to let a drug sniffing dog take a little pass through that boat. What with all the coke that’s been washing up. Something don’t seem right.

    • SSM345 says:

      Ever heard of the Brac Jackpot? It’s fishing tournament of course. You will find that was happening this past weekend and the reason for this boat being in our waters. Now, whether the Capt. was too charged to secure the vessel onto a mooring is another question.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Up to no good !!

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