Works underway on key link road

| 10/03/2015 | 15 Comments
Cayman News Service

NRA staff carry out road works on Canal Point Drive

(CNS) The National Roads Authority (NRA) is carrying out road works on Canal Point Drive that runs along the Strand Shopping Centre, off the West Bay Road. The road, which also links the West Bay Road to the Easterly Tibbetts bypass, has been in a poor state of repair for some time, but now the NRA will be upgrading it and making it functional, with drainage improvements to the short, but key, road.

Motorists and pedestrians are urged to exercise caution, especially from Tuesday evening, when the asphalt surface of the roadway will be removed and the eastern side of the road between Esterley Tibbetts Highway and the Copper Falls location will be closed from 11.00pm until 7am tomorrow. The western half of Canal Point Drive from Copper Falls westwards to West Bay Road will close on Wednesday night at the same time.  As each side of the road closes, the other half will remain open for access.

The project is part of the NRA’s short-term road construction plans to make both functional and drainage improvements to the existing road. The ultimate goal is to construct a three-lane carriageway, to improve the sidewalks and to improve drainage. Concrete works started on Monday 2 March and will continue for about four weeks.

Scheduled work has included drain-well drilling and grading, paving and road marking will continue during the day on Thursday 12 March.

For more information, call the NRA on 946-7780, visit the website:, or visit our new facebook page at

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Would be a good chance to build a permanent road block into and, more importantly out of, the lawless republic of West Bay.

  2. Bob says:

    Unfortunately you cant please everyone. Those that complained of lack of sleep were too busy coming from the pubs at 1:00am. I sure it wasnt as bad as it seemed!

  3. Anonymous says:

    They need to do something about the pedestrian crossing up in the corner of that road. Approaching cars coming off the bypass can’t see pedestrians on it until it is almost too late to stop.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please do the road to Progressive next, it’s a disgrace and is so much busier now than it used to be.

    • says:

      The Concrete companies should be repairing that road! It’s cause by overloading their trucks and poor driving skills

      • Anonymous says:

        They just pour some concrete in it then the rains come and wash it out. I agree, its a terrible mess and not a very good advertisement for a concrete company.

    • Anonymous says:

      Also someone in authority needs to take a look at the end of that road. CUC have so much going on, on that corner that it is causing an obstruction when coming out of the junction. You can’t clearly see left. There is a sign, a light pole, a palm tree and a solar system all obstructing the motorists view, maybe even a flagpole too if my memory serves me correctly. The road has become a lot more busy now since the road from the airport via the yacht club opened and all the airport traffic use it. This is seriously an accident waiting to happen.
      Did someone actually give them permission to do this or did they do it without asking?
      Its a HAZZARD and should be moved.

  5. Jay says:

    When asked (@ 1am this morning) whether notice had been given to residents in the area that they’d be dragging the surface off the road from 11pm til 7am they told me that they’d dropped notices into the businesses.. I asked what about the homes 60 yards away that’ll actually have people in when they are working and they just shrugged.. NRA public relations?

    • Crab Claw says:

      Just be glad it is getting done.
      I always thought that was a private road to access the business in the area, it is a shame and disgrace, the CIG got to be wasting money to build up even the sidewalks, to complete the project, I wonder if the business in the area, contributing anything to the rebuild.
      Shut up, put some ear plugs in and enjoy the road when it is done, and stop been a cry baby.
      Personally, I’d prefer if the money was spent on hiring some more language & music teachers for the gov’t schools, and finishing the building of that high school rotting in the bush off walkers road, than upsetting the sleep of someone on SMB, like you.

      • Jay says:

        Glad you mentioned language teachers.. Obviously something missing there eh? Wonder where the government gets the money for these developments anyway..? Oh yeah – work permit payments!

        • Crab Claw says:

          Yes Language teachers, because if your forced to send your child to the public schools, you will know that not one rip is given to educating our children, namely lack of proper language teachers, if you so happen to plan to move your child into private after primary, they aren’t prepared if you have to depend on the public system.
          As for the work permit payments, If CIG were to allow some Caymanians to get the really well paying jobs, instead of work permitting them out, they wouldn’t have to depend on work permits fees, there wouldn’t be so much dependence on social programs, I hope the day comes we don’t have to depend on yours very soon as well.

  6. philip says:

    whilst they are there working why not add a slip road on to the bypass, the number of accidents that have occurred with cars trying to pull out on what is effectively a blind bend must have come to the attention of the NRA, top the blind bend with the speed that people drive on that section of the bypass its no wonder they are not more accidents, all they would need to do is add a couple more feet to the width of the existing road and move the kerb a little.

  7. Paul says:

    i appreciate fully the necessity for the work to be carried out but for the residents of Canal Point Road it was a terrible nights sleep or lack of I should say.

  8. Driftwood says:

    Improve drainage? Looks like they bust a water main down there! Messy!

  9. Anonymous says:

    about time….the road made cayman look like the 3rd world to thousands of tourists each year…..

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