C4C MLA’s deny plans to join PPM

| 06/03/2015 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service

Roy McTaggart in the Legislative Assembly (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

(CNS): Roy McTaggart and Winston Connolly, the two George Town MLAs who won their seats as C4C candidates, have both denied having plans to sign up with the Progressives, despite being fully integrated into the PPM-led administration. Mounting speculation this week that the two government backbenchers were planning to throw their lot in with the People’s Progressive Movement was formally denied by both men Thursday.

Almost two years into the PPM government, the men are still declaring themselves as independent members while being immersed in and pursuing the policies of the People’s Progressive Movement.

When asked by CNS, Winston Connolly said that he was, and remained, an independent member, so he would not be joining the political party. Roy McTaggart said he believed that the speculation over his position was long closed and was surprised people were still thinking that he would join the PPM, as he also stuck to his position that he remained an independent member of the Legislative Assembly.

However, ironically, while card-carrying members of the PPM, such as veteran politician Anthony Eden and one of the party’s newest members, Alva Suckoo, have both voted against the party line, in particular on one man, one vote, neither Connolly nor McTaggart have broken ranks with the PPM leadership on the main votes in two years, even though they are not bound by the collective responsibility of Cabinet in the same way as their Coalition for Cayman colleague, Minister Tara Rivers.

Part of the ruling party in all but name, the three candidates have proved willing supporters of the PPM policies, even during times of controversy.

Both Connolly and McTaggart voted against a motion by the East End independent member, Arden McLean, to introduce one man, one vote (OMOV) in March 2014, in what was a close shave for the PPM. Rivers was absent from the chamber and so missed the division, which saw the speaker Juliana O’Connor-Connolly cast the deciding vote to retain the status quo.

Cayman News Service

Winston Connolly, George Town MLA (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

However, the subject returned to the floor of the LA last year. Under public pressure, the government brought a motion for the implementation of OMOV, but only after a new boundary commission — which is now inching along — is completed. The three C4C members backed that motion.

McTaggart found himself facing more controversy in May last year over another motion, this one regarding the adoption of the recommendations made in a report on whistleblowing by the Office of the Complaints Commissioner. McTaggart u-turned on his support for making it government policy when the vote was brought to the House and the PPM administration rejected motion made by the OCC committee chair, Ezzard Miller.

Connolly, meanwhile, defied with the party whip on only one occasion, when he and Alva Suckoo and Joey Hew voted in support of the East End member’s committee stage amendment to the National Conservation Law to preserve the use of spear guns for locals.

Given the broad support from the C4C members for government policies and on the floor of the LA, whether or not they chose to formally sign up for party politics, the men appear to be fully supportive of the PPM plans. Their formal adoption by the party is, at present, less significant but it will become so when the nation goes to the polls in 2017.

At that point, depending on how Cayman’s political landscape changes, whose ticket the three C4C candidates pick will be far more important because a decision will have to be made regarding where, how and with whom the candidates will campaign, and more importantly who they will stand against.

During the creation of the C4C and its goal to create a non-party, the founders of the political organisation promised that if its candidates were elected they would be keeping a close eye on those members and holding them to account for their campaign promises and the quality of their representation.

The Coalition said it was “committed to promoting independent leadership – free of political ties – that can be trusted to always do what’s best for the people”.

So far, the executive membership of the Coalition has not commented publicly on the performance of its candidates. CNS has therefore reached out to the chair of the C4C to seek the group’s view of the performance of their three endorsed candidates and is looking forward to receiving a response.

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Category: Elections, Politics

Comments (13)

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  1. Rick says:

    Winston got my vote last time, but not again. Kurt is probably always going to get my vote. The guy is genuine. Hasn’t changed with me in 30 years. Premier’s former assistant Bryan will get my vote next time, regardless of party. Winston? I don’t think so.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Winston, Roy and Tara do us all a favor and resign!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Winston will NEVER get a vote from me again! He’s is a special case of cut throat – sitting back waiting for Tara to slip up but then again let’s not get started on her. PPM appointments have not impressed me at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agreed! How many people are being paid these exorbitant salaries to do nothing? Totally disgusting and disappointing! Please Caymanians why are we do complacent and not demanding that the process be sped up for OMOV? If they are not part of a team then they will all work harder to get the people’s support. Winston, Tara and Roy were a waste of a vote!

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope Caymanian voters will remember that in 2017 and see the similarities between him and the next set of educated puppets being primed with their photo ops and so-called caring voices for Caymanians. If they were in business with the same people, are being supported by same campaign then don’t vote for them…….look behind the election curtain, those sponsoring their yes men & women, and don’t forget to look a’t how much they owe their Brotherhood

  4. Anonymous says:

    We need someone like Bo Miller

  5. GT Voter says:

    Winston and Roy are two wasted votes. None are independent or worthy of re-election in 2017.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Love it when someone thinks you are a fool, damaging themselves every day, think we don’t have eyes to see and ears to hear?

  7. Anonymous says:

    The dogma of the next election in Cayman will be OMOV. The days of people colluding to cast 4 or 5 votes to deliberately install a certain favored party are over. Against this reality, why would any candidate want to identify with an antiquated political collective (either one) and the opaque vote-panderings of yesteryear?

  8. Driftwood says:

    People, why would you even bother worrying about this…nothing will change which ever party they went to or if they decide to remain independent. What is really needed are people who genuinely have the intelligence and understanding to get Cayman on track and represent the people as opposed to their own interests..

    • Anonymous says:

      i have to agree, why people worry about what party he or she is planning on joining. Nothing is going to happen or change. It will only take the people’s power to change the laws and policies that all administration have implemented to make the locals life a disaster.

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