Woman mugged at gunpoint

| 28/02/2015 | 16 Comments

(CNS): Police are on the lookout for two men who robbed a woman last night, grabbing her handbag, which contained cash as well as her phone and passport. The armed robbery took place in the car park of an apartment complex off Scholars Drive in West Bay at 8:14pm on Friday 27 February. The 49-year-old woman had been given a lift home by her sisters, and as they dropped her off one of the armed muggers appeared and grabbed her bag.

The victim’s bag was strapped over her left shoulder and the mugger pulled a handgun on the woman as he grabbed at her bag. During the struggle the handbag’s strap broke and the suspect ran off with it towards Scholars Drive accompanied by another suspect. The woman sustained slight injuries to her left elbow and left knee as she struggled with the armed man.

Medical personnel attended the scene and treated the victim’s injuries. No one else was physically injured and no shots were fired.

The mugger was described as a dark-skinned man about 6ft tall, who was skinny and dressed in all black, with a long-sleeved shirt and a black covering over his face. His accomplice was also a dark-skinned man, believed to be have been wearing a Polo shirt with a square design across the chest, possibly red in colour.

Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call the investigating officer, DC Bailey, at 326-7388, or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    As a tourist, I love West Bay. I have travelled to GC for many years and find WB beautiful. Come see what I have to drive thru to get to work and you will appreciate the beauty of WB. The sea, the pretty buildings, love “The Shop”, “Hell”, the view from Macabuca, the turtle farm. People waving, riding bikes…..
    No burned out buildings or cars missing tires (tyres) up on blocks, trash blowing in the wind on every corner and down every street. There is quite a difference and you really have to see it to believe it. Go to an inner city and take a look and then look at the sea from WB and you tell me where you would want to be. I know I would take West Bay hands down.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The time frame correlates with the release of some of Northwards finest. I had the pleasure of seeing one of three I know released and he expressed his motives if he can not “get some work”. Perhaps the public could start getting a heads up on the catch and release program.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for the victim, but it seems that most of these stories imply unknown reasons. Is it that persons who are known to carry lots of cash are being targeted? These do not appear to be random thefts. Why would someone be carrying quite a bit of cash?

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is what makes me angry:-youre healthy, got time (obviously cause they can lay-n-wait) but IDLE!! If God blessed yah wid good health even if you have a low IQ one can still work! Get a lawn mover and an edger and cut yards for $60 or $70! Do 4 and you’ve got $280. Enuf for groceries, help yah parents pay for lite and water and personal items……….and a $30 in the bank so come christmas you’ve got $1440 in your own pocket or in the bank……..save and buy a one-bed apt……and get outta yah mother/father/granny/auntie house. After all you crawl before you walk…..But no they lay around all day; cause God gave his mother a healthy baby boy but he was so coddled he became an invalid……doggone……3/4 of the problem in our islands with these idle boys is because parents still work; these boys didn’t learn a trade; and they weren’t taught how to cook, wash, clean and do minor repairs or painting as parents would pay to have those jobs done rather than to wait up or throw cold water on their sleeping boy. And so because he’s fed, got shelter and no responsibilities at home he rests all day and then runs around all nite terrorising people and taking what they worked for……..but tell one turn so fool to come grab my bag……..come……I bet yah everybody will know who he is cause I’ll poke out at least one eye…….tired of these parents and their good-for-nothing nuisance boys! Tired of ’em…..every doggone one
    Need do like Singapore did that American who thought he could paint grafitti there llike he does in USA………oh yeah til he got his lashes and had to sit on an airplane for a 14 hour ride back home…..Betcha he nah going do grafitti in Singapore again…….and yes we need lash ’em; put ’em in chain gangs to clean gov’t roads, paint gov’t buildings for the free optical, free medical, free dental and free housing and meals…….sadly though the same parents who made ’em rotten also helps to pay those bills……so wouldn’t it be better to teach them a trade rather than pay for ’em as prisoners and you parents can pay off unna mortgages and save a few dollars for when unna retire? I pray so…….I really do……Time for changes here……but since UK says no corporal punishment send ’em their and make them mind ’em……Betcha they change their tune quick enuf!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      If it was that simple we would not have a problem in the first place. Lovely to be able to preach from your self righteous mat. Yes there is a real problem with workless youth and some men, but it will not be solved by lashings.

      • Anonymous says:

        Self-righteous mat? Are you for real? Pray tell us your solution? At least I thought of several other than lashing their behinds ie:- a trade such as painting; minor repairs; doing housework while their parents worked if they are unemployed? The problem is we got a lot of moaners and complainers but hardly anyone with viable suggestions! Instead we have like you people who knock others for their suggestions!
        Is it because I hit the nail on the head when I wrote of mothers who God gave healthy boys and instead of ensuring they went to school and learned basic math and english; how to read and write and whilst there or during summer they learnt a trade you as a mother thought it was below them and so you coddled and gave everything including a helper to wash, clean and cook whilst he wrapped himself in your sheets and snoozed all day on your bed?
        See sometimes the truth does hurt……sad but true!! So dear if you are guilty or your mama or sister or niece or auntie is guilty of coddling til he’s an “invalid” please wake up from your dream!!
        Please do cause God knows y’all should be sick and tired of visiting Police stations; signing bail bonds; visiting HMP (when yah should and could be using your time otherwise) and sick and tired of going to the cemeteries with your able-bodied boy-children who was so idle he had time for everything else except something good…..
        Now do us all especially the boys on these islands a huge favor:- Go change what y’all doing and try another approach as only crazy ppl do the same thing over and over and foolishly expect a different result…..
        And yes I do stand by my statement:- Since we’ve given free education which he didn’t accept; lash them good; in public I might add and put ’em in chain gangs to paint and maintain Gov’t bldgs and properties and I betcha we’ll soon see a new attitude amongst our young boys/men who across the islands sit under trees all day while y’all gone to work to provide food and keep shelter over their idle bodies!
        I wish I could change HMP boss for Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona…..Plz Lord can we?
        We need the same mentality here……..

        • Secular says:

          “Pray tell us your solution?”

          Prevent conception.

          Make age appropriate birth control education and birth control tools available without religious stigma and judgement to all young women and men.

          • Anonymous says:

            Legalise abortion too. That would be the best long term crime prevention strategy.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh hell no! They would rather bring babies into the world to drag up. Abortion is a sin in Cayman. But not the fornication that made them.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How anyone even attempt to come out after dark in West Bay is beyond me. Not that locking up in your home is any assurance in Cayman any longer.

    • Anonymous says:

      WB is no differnet than GT, BT, EE and NS………As mama would say:- God shared it equally so you can’t point your finger at my black sheep cause you got one in your yard standing right over there?
      Yah see him yet? Yup that one gine down the road; that one with his pants about to drop off; that bunch sitting under the trees by the road; that bunch sleeping in unna beds on unna sheets and eating the food you went to work to buy!! We don’t need criticism; what we need is all of us fr across the islands to join hands and say Enuf already

      • Anonymous says:

        No really, the poster was right to point in the direction of West Bay. A permanent road block out and into that place would be a good idea.

        • Anonymous says:

          I don’t deny WB has many ills but it is still where many good workingand law-abiding ppl live……
          FYI~GT and WB are the two largest districts.
          However instead of continuing to join in trying to paint it in a negative light; please stop by and give us some of your time and talents. Come by the after-school programs as they’re at Church of God Town, Hall Rd; John Cumber School Hall and John Gray Church hall. Come and help to make a change; make a difference. That’s what we need….More Caymanians helping other Caymanians rise so we can have more Caymanians with some trade, ability to read and write and with passes in English and Math. Remember every one that rises is one with less potential of being a resident at HMP or Fairbanks where we pay $65K per person whilst education cost $15K. With that in mind I figure I’d rather help as it proves keeping children occupied in holistic and learning environements are cheaper and our country prospers more!!
          So please come help rather than criticize.

        • Anonymous says:

          Boy you’re such a bright light. No actually you’re an IDIOT….. Go hide and stop making everybody know we still got donkeys here…
          Try that for one day and see how much you’ll get done in private sector or gov’t..

    • Anonymous says:

      How can people live in Prospect, Town, Bodden Town? My point here is Caymanians complain about Expats versus Caymanians and the Expats looking down on Caymanians like they are fools or idiots. This comment i just read “How anyone even attempt to come out after dark in West Bay is beyond me” points to the stupidity that comes out of Caymanians mouths and shows the divisive nature between their own people. Every time i hear West Bay being bashed its usually by Caymanians, usually with comments like ” I don’t go to West Bay after dark” or ” I’m not going to West Bay because i don’t want to get shot”. On the other hand i have never heard and Expat bash the district instead i have had Expats ask me why Caymanians are so against West Bay. To this day i have no answer other than most, not all Caymanian are fool and love to speak without thinking of what they are saying. I’ve seen more crime living in BT and GT than in WB. Crime is rampant all over the island and if you make your self a target you might just become a victim of crime weather it be in West Bay or not. So to answer the question, The same way everyone attempts to come out after dark all over the rest of islands is the same way people in West Bay do it. Check the statistics as to crime in general on these islands you might be surprised that West Bay will not be #1 on the list.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you for that post 3:31pm 2/3. You’ve hit the nail on the head dahling
        WB residents do what they have to do just like the residents of GT, BT, EE and NS……cause in each one we find those who are idle under shade trees or waking up midday cause mama n daddy gone work! Caymanians are their own worst enemies! Coveting, envy and jealousy always rears their ugly heads in Caymanians…..cause you could be holding down a good job and you get a new car, or do addition to your home; or add a pool or shutters and guaranteed the small-mindedness of Caymanians will rise to the top and you’re accused of whoring all nite for that extra you’ve done or obtained!! No wonder we can’t find jobs…….Thanks again for the post!!

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