Third American state legalizes ganja use

| 25/02/2015 | 3 Comments

(CNS): Alaska has become the third state in the USA to legalize the recreational use of ganja. Although it remains illegal to smoke marijuana in public, the state joins Washington and Colorado in allowing adults to keep and use marijuana, as well as to transport, grow it and give it away. But a second phase, creating a regulated and taxed marijuana market, won’t start until next year.

Oregon is expected to be the next state to legalize its use and possession when the law passed by the state legislators there comes into effect on 1 July.

In the absence of any sweeping federal change on marijuana — though there are expectations of change in the not too distant future — states are pressing ahead with their own laws regarding the drug’s consumption. Although 23 states still prohibit cannabis outright, the rest have either legalized medical marijuana or decriminalized marijuana possession.

This comes against a backdrop of the move in Jamaica not just to legalize its use and possession but to begin cultivation and production of the drug in earnest, with an eye on supplying what is expected to become a significant legal medical industry across the region and the western world.


Category: Health, Medical Health, World News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands is not the USA. Geographically, we will always be in the heart of one of the most dangerous narcotic transshipment/trafficking routes in the world and do not even care to monitor our own border. Legalizing ganja is used as the expedient solution for the surrender of our marine border duties – this suggestion coming directly from the CoP himself. Recent headlines have shown that there are powerful families involved in the class A narcotic business, and liberal drug laws and attitudes will only make their lives a whole lot easier. Citing a similar loosing battle, Mexico decriminalized marijuana in 2009. It led to more guns, more ammo, fiercer gangs, and more ruthless example-making.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is has NOT been legalised in Mexico, it has been decriminalised, big difference. Greenland has also decriminised it, so where is their violence? Mexico has other greater issues, in fact the lastest studies have shown marijuana is now flowing from the US into Mexico.
      Prohibition in the US led to a huge escalation in violence, so the opposite is true, taking the criminal dealers out of the market reduces violence. Think Al capone has a great example.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you on drugs?

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