2nd West Bay man shot dead

| 24/01/2015 | 10 Comments
Cayman News Service

Scene of the shooting murder in West Bay, 23 January 2015

(CNS): Another young West Bay man has lost his life following a shooting Friday night close to a local bar in the district. According to the police, the 20-year-old was shot at about 11:30pm on Birch Tree Hill Road near to Undra’s Take Out, across from Kelly’s bar. A 911 report was made that a man lying on the ground. When police and medics arrived they rendered first aid but the victim was unresponsive and pronounced dead at the scene by the doctor. Police have now opened their second murder investigation of the year and witnesses are asked to contact CID.

This is the second shooting murder in the district in three weeks and unconfirmed reports suggest the young man, who is understood to be related to a police officer, was chased and gunned down by more than one assailant. Suspected to be another gang-related killing, police are likely to meet another wall of silence.

Victor Oliver Yates was killed outside Super C’s on Watercourse Road on Friday 3 January and even though there were some ten witnesses, police have made no arrests in the case because no one will talk. In a recent interview with the local press Yates’ father appealed to the community to come forward, pointing out that the gang violence was spilling over into the community, as his son was not a gang member but had got into a dispute with known gang members over a boat engine.

A few days after his son’s murder, another young West Bay man was shot at but escaped with a bullet wound to his wrist. Again, despite a number of witnesses, no one has come forward to give evidence.

Anyone who may have witnessed this latest killing or who may have information that could assist the detectives with their investigation is asked to contact West Bay CID at 649-3990, the RCIPS tip-line 949-7777 or Crime Stoppers on 800-8477(TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. InsideOut says:

    Thor, the RCIPS needs witnesses because they’re not capable of solving these types of crimes…as well as most others by good police work. If the Police would stop being biased and drawing conclusions BEFORE gathering evidence and analyzing what’ve they’ve gathered they might get somewhere.

    They also need to stop covering up for one group and protecting them, while trying to bury the other group.

  2. Stephen says:

    wow. “i hope someone you know will get shot”

    that’ll teach um. smh

  3. Fred the Piemaker says:

    Maybe they could start by looking at the suspects Facebook pages and other social media – way these kids roll they probably have a photo of the weapon right there!

  4. Diogenes says:

    Coz an anonymous statement would be admissible in court – right! If people want to leave anonymous tips they can use the TIPS line, but a witness statement without a name is virtually useless. .

  5. tim says:

    Because the multi million cctv doesn’t work….who will investigate this????

  6. Mother Confessor says:

    nope!. They’ll know who the witnesses are.

  7. Driftwood says:

    Really? I suspect you work for the Bahamas tourist board. Please go back there. We are still very very safe compared to pretty much everywhere. To those that won’t talk to the police, you know this will never end unless you do? It’s like standing up to the school bully, it only takes one or two to stand up and the gangs will all be history.

  8. sarah says:

    Cameras??? LMAO that is another joke….the majority of the cameras dont’ even work….but you don’t hear anything about that do you???? someone should be held accountable but unfortunately its the who is who here…

  9. Jaded says:

    Honestly what a ridiculous post. Sheesh melodramatic!!!!

  10. No Name says:

    Sorry, but the when you give any info out, the person sooner or later finds out and your life is threatened….no matter how much they say oh the RCIPS will protect you BS!!!! Unfortunately these young men play, so they pay….why should I risk my life to identify the killer….no one gonna protect me….believe me i know this first hand!!!

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