Tag: North Side

Government agrees to juggle cash for North Side school

Government agrees to juggle cash for North Side school

| 17/06/2015 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The government has committed to finding some $300,000 for additional classrooms and a staff room at the Edna Moyle Primary School in North Side after desperate pleadings from the district’s MLA, Ezzard Miller. In Finance Committee Wednesday Miller received support from the opposition and government benches following his bid for cash during proceedings on Friday, […]

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CoP blames staff shortages, not cash

CoP blames staff shortages, not cash

| 03/06/2015 | 25 Comments

(CNS): The police commissioner has stated that while he has a $35 million budget, his problem now is staff numbers. David Baines said the full RCIPS complement should be 487 officers but there are currently 450, and that was why the cover was still “stuttered”, especially in the eastern districts. As he answered questions in Finance Committee […]

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Commission refuses to reassure North Siders

Commission refuses to reassure North Siders

| 01/05/2015 | 23 Comments

(CNS): North Side voters pleaded with the Electoral Boundary Commission on Thursday night not to recommend joining their constituency with East End. Despite a show of hands revealing that no one in the audience of over 40 people supporting the idea and impassioned pleas, the commissioners refused to make a commitment about any recommendations.

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