Tag: National Solid Waste Management Strategy

End in sight for tyre trouble saga
(CNS): Following years of failed attempts by successive governments to remove the mountain of tyres from the landfill in George Town, the health ministry has finally signed a deal with a local firm, supported by overseas experts, to dispose of the unknown quantity of tyres that have accumulated at the dump site for years. After […]

Reduction key to future waste plans
(CNS): The government will be focusing very heavily on reducing the amount of waste people generate in Cayman then re-using and recycling what continues to be produced, but it has not ruled out waste-to-energy as part of the solution. The Department of Environmental Health has published the final reports from consultants hired by government to […]

Public to have their say on waste management
(CNS): The public will have the opportunity to submit comments and ask questions of government officials at an open house meeting at the Government Administration Building (GAB), George Town, on Tuesday and on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Wednesday, as the health ministry begins the direct interaction with the community over the recently released draft […]

CIG crawls toward dump solution
(CNS): The government will begin a public consultation process Monday on the draft National Solid Waste Management Strategy, which was presented to the Legislative Assembly by the premier on Friday. Alden McLaughlin, who is also the minister for environmental health, said the strategy contains future waste management options that will be considered to develop an […]