Tag: Ezzard Miller

Miller calls on ministry to look again at auditor’s health report

Miller calls on ministry to look again at auditor’s health report

| 03/04/2017 | 6 Comments

(CNS): The former chair of the Public Accounts Committee has called on officials at the health ministry to take another look at the auditor general’s report on healthcare provision and publish a plan to address the “troubling” concerns raised by the report. On the last day of the Legislative Assembly before the parliament was dissolved […]

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MLAs agree to talk to each other about LPB

MLAs agree to talk to each other about LPB

| 16/03/2017 | 40 Comments

(CNS): After weeks of arguing, acrimony and allegations between government and the opposition benches over the current Legal Practitioners Bill, all members of the Legislative Assembly have finally agreed to sit down and discuss the content and narrow down disagreement so that everyone can support it. Politicians spent most of Wednesday quarreling over who drafted […]

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MLAs query lack of answers to mounting questions

MLAs query lack of answers to mounting questions

| 15/03/2017 | 12 Comments

(CNS): Opposition MLAs were querying the lack of answers to their parliamentary questions Tuesday when the LA resumed, with some members stating that they have had questions filed with government going back as far as July. Ezzard Miller (North Side) asked why government was struggling to answer simple questions, some of which required just one […]

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PPM olive branch on LPB ignored by opposition

PPM olive branch on LPB ignored by opposition

| 14/03/2017 | 98 Comments

(CNS): The closed-door ‘pow-wow’ between the government and opposition benches planned for Monday to thrash out some of the concerns about the controversial Legal Practitioners Bill failed to materialise, CNS has learned. It is not clear why the meeting did not happen. Premier Alden McLaughlin released a statement Friday evening saying that he had asked […]

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Lawyers not above the law, say MLAs

Lawyers not above the law, say MLAs

| 07/03/2017 | 59 Comments

(CNS): The four independent MLAs who believe that local legal firms could be breaking the law by offering Cayman legal advice and services outside the jurisdiction through unlicensed attorneys said Monday that the professionals in the sector are not above the law, as they stood by their call for an investigation. They said comments by […]

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Health insurance costs come under political fire

Health insurance costs come under political fire

| 01/03/2017 | 48 Comments

(CNS): The problems people in the Cayman Islands are facing with health insurance were at the centre of debates in the LA last week when the opposition leader presented a private member’s motion to tackle some of the challenges the uninsured face and the premier steered through some amendments to the law. The government accepted […]

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Motion not harming offshore, MLAs insist

Motion not harming offshore, MLAs insist

| 28/02/2017 | 65 Comments

(CNS): As the row rolls on between the opposition and government benches over the Legal Practitioners Bill, Arden McLean, the independent member from East End, has denied that the controversial motion he filed at the Legislative Assembly is intended to harm the offshore sector for political gain. Speaking Monday on behalf of himself and other […]

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HIC: Insurers need to make profit

HIC: Insurers need to make profit

| 14/02/2017 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Mervin Connolly, who heads up both the Department of Health Regulatory Services and the Health Insurance Commission (HIC) has told the Public Accounts Committee that health insurance companies need to make a profit. After several days of PAC meetings examining the auditor general’s latest damning report, where members heard the details of the many […]

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Hospital relying on charity for key equipment

Hospital relying on charity for key equipment

| 27/01/2017 | 21 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands hospital has resumed EEG tests after a local family raised the necessary cash donation by running marathons. But CNS understands the hospital is still short of much-needed equipment. In particular, the Cayman Islands Cancer Society and the Breast Cancer Foundation are currently trying to raise half a million dollars to replace […]

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MLA to press for higher local duty allowance

MLA to press for higher local duty allowance

| 26/01/2017 | 177 Comments

(CNS): The independent member for North Side will be making one last effort before the election to persuade the government that the duty allowance for Caymanians only should be increased. Ezzard Miller noted that it has been more than two decades since the $350 personal shopping allowance and the limits on liquor and tobacco were […]

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Committee falls apart over merger of OCC and ICO

Committee falls apart over merger of OCC and ICO

| 06/10/2016 | 23 Comments

(CNS): MLA Ezzard Miller has resigned as chair of the parliamentary oversight committee that deals with the Office of the Complaints Commissioner as a result of government’s plan to merge the OCC with the Information Commissioner’s Office and a new police complaints commission. He also revealed that most of the other committee members had followed […]

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