Tag: Alden McLaughlin

Premier urges people to change their diet

Premier urges people to change their diet

| 04/02/2016 | 29 Comments

(CNS): The country’s leader is urging Caymanians to give up heavy cake and start exercising. As the Cayman Islands joined the global community in marking World Cancer Day Thursday, Premier Alden McLaughlin said that while alcohol and tobacco use are the usual culprits blamed for cancer, obesity, a lack of physical activity and poor diet […]

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CIG launches welfare to work project

CIG launches welfare to work project

| 04/02/2016 | 58 Comments

(CNS): A new government work placement initiative spearheaded by Premier Alden McLaughlin has been launched with the creation of a task force chaired by the premier and supermarket boss, Woody Foster. The Ready2Work KY project aims to encourage local employers to hire local unemployed people without risk to their bottom line. Government will subsidise the training […]

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Home affairs boss dispatched to London

Home affairs boss dispatched to London

| 03/02/2016 | 91 Comments

(CNS): The chief officer in the premier’s home affairs ministry will be heading to the UK in July on secondment to the London Office as the Cayman Islands’ representative in Britain. Eric Bush told CNS that he did not see the new appointment as a demotion and, given the attention Cayman is again receiving on the […]

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MRCU plans Aedes aegypti bombardment

MRCU plans Aedes aegypti bombardment

| 03/02/2016 | 39 Comments

(CNS): Armed with a boost in resources from government, new equipment and specialist insecticides, the Mosquito Research & Control Unit is planning to bombard the adult Aedes aegypti mosquito in order to protect the community from the inevitable arrival of the Zika virus. During a press conference Tuesday about plans to deal with the virus, […]

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Bryan claims conspiracy over charges

Bryan claims conspiracy over charges

| 03/02/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS): The former political assistant to the premier denied assaulting a police officer when he took the stand Monday in a case that has rolled on for more than a year. In emotional testimony Kenneth Bryan, a local reporter and talk show host told the magistrate that he had “assaulted no one”, let alone a […]

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Premier opens fire on deserters

Premier opens fire on deserters

| 01/02/2016 | 35 Comments

(CNS): Taking aim at the Independent MLAs, now dubbed ‘the over-throwers’, the premier wants to know why they are now so afraid of the democratic process. Refuting their position on the matter, Alden McLaughlin maintains that he does indeed have the constitutional option of asking the governor to dissolve the current parliament and call early elections, but he […]

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Backbench exodus may trigger early poll

Backbench exodus may trigger early poll

| 25/01/2016 | 49 Comments

(CNS): The departure of three MLAs from the government backbench could trigger an early general election, the premier has said, which would be conducted under the old multi-member voting system. Alden McLaughlin said that with such a very narrow majority, his government may struggle to get through the next 14 months before the anticipated Nomination […]

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Daylight saving time plans shelved

Daylight saving time plans shelved

| 22/01/2016 | 116 Comments

(CNS): The premier has confirmed that plans to introduce daylight saving time in the Cayman Islands have been shelved. The government had indicated it would introduce the change to local clocks in March in order to keep in-step with Miami and New York throughout the year but Alden McLaughlin said Friday that as a result […]

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Premier: Growth key to addressing inequity

Premier: Growth key to addressing inequity

| 19/01/2016 | 44 Comments

(CNS): The growth in the local economy since the Progressives came to office is the key to addressing inequalities in Cayman society, according to Premier Alden McLaughlin. Without the economic growth due to the restoration of confidence because of the PPM administration’s attention to public finances, good governance and transparency, government could not begin to address […]

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PPM teeters on brink over future LA quorum

PPM teeters on brink over future LA quorum

| 19/01/2016 | 35 Comments

(CNS): Having lost three members in less than two months, the PPM government still has a slender majority on the floor of the Legislative Assembly but it is facing the problem of not being able to form a quorum to hold sittings of parliament without support from at least one member of the opposition benches […]

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MLA prioritises energy over taskforce

MLA prioritises energy over taskforce

| 18/01/2016 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Winston Connolly said that the premier had asked him on 3 January to consider leading the unemployment taskforce to tackle what has been labelled as the Achilles heel of the current administration but he opted to prioritise the offer to chair the National Energy Policy Review Committee instead. Connolly, who serves as the councillor […]

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