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Non-oil imports grow 3.6% to over $1.31 billion

Non-oil imports grow 3.6% to over $1.31 billion

| 11/06/2024 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The total value of goods imported into the Cayman Islands last year was $1.53 billion, an increase of 2% over the previous year, according to the Foreign Trade Report 2023 produced by the Economics and Statistics Office. The value of non-petroleum products grew by 3.6% from 2022 to over $1.31 billion, while the value […]

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Activists urge CIG to enforce anticipated plastic ban

Activists urge CIG to enforce anticipated plastic ban

| 11/06/2024 | 27 Comments

(CNS): Local activists are urging the Cayman Islands Government to enforce the law when it implements the proposed ban on some single-use plastics. Plastic Free Cayman told CNS that they were delighted to see progress on an issue they have been campaigning for since 2017. As seen with past environmental initiatives such as the litter […]

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Release bid fails by inmate awaiting US extradition

Release bid fails by inmate awaiting US extradition

| 10/06/2024 | 8 Comments

(CNS): Chief Justice Margaret Ramsay-Hale said a habeas corpus application by Juan Carlos Gonzalez Infante on the grounds that he has been unlawfully detained “was wholly misguided” because he has a right of appeal, and that hearing is set for 18 June. Gonzalez Infante appealed against his extradition to the United States on cocaine trafficking […]

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OfReg appoints Caymanian as interim CEO

OfReg appoints Caymanian as interim CEO

| 10/06/2024 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Sonji Myles has been appointed as the interim chief executive officer of the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg). A release about the appointment said that Myles, who has been at the beleaguered institution since its controversial creation, had “experience as well as a proven track record of leadership within the organisation”a wealth of […]

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NEOC activated and roads closed due to flooding

NEOC activated and roads closed due to flooding

| 10/06/2024 | 28 Comments

(CNS): The National Emergency Operations Centre was partially activated Monday to provide coordinated and tactical relief to people affected by flooding in Grand Cayman. Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) is leading a collaboration of offices, including the RCIPS, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard, the CI Fire Service, the Emergency Medical Services, the Cadet Corps and […]

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CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

CEO bemoans meagre pension for CAL staff

| 10/06/2024 | 95 Comments

(CNS): Retired Cayman Airways Ltd (CAL) workers are facing a bleak future as the private pensions they accumulated are nowhere near enough to live on and they do not have post-retirement healthcare. Answering a question at the Public Accounts Committee hearing last week from Bernie Bush MP (WBN) about former airline staff struggling on meagre […]

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UPM aiming to gut National Conservation Act

UPM aiming to gut National Conservation Act

| 10/06/2024 | 213 Comments

(CNS): The UPM government has been holding a series of closed-door meetings in recent weeks, CNS has learned, in an effort to make worrying changes to the National Conservation Law to remove the already limited powers it provides to protect the environment. The UPM wants the requirement for environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for government projects […]

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Flood warning remains as wet weather drifts northwest

Flood warning remains as wet weather drifts northwest

| 10/06/2024 | 37 Comments

(CNS): The very wet weather that has drenched the Cayman Islands this weekend is moving towards the northwest and should clear away from the area later this afternoon, but not before it douses the western side of Grand Cayman with another couple of inches of rain, according to the Cayman Islands National Weather Service.

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Robber mugs man then steals from bar patrons

Robber mugs man then steals from bar patrons

| 10/06/2024 | 10 Comments

(CNS): A masked man armed with a machete approached another man in the street somewhere in the Shedden Road area of downtown George Town Tuesday night sometime before 10:00pm and demanded cash. The robber made off on foot with an undisclosed quantity of cash before he reportedly ran through the outside area of a bar […]

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CINWS warns of heavy rain over the weekend

CINWS warns of heavy rain over the weekend

| 07/06/2024 | 16 Comments

(CNS): Residents are asked to take extra care and attention when using the roads this weekend, as heavy rain is expected to start on Friday evening. The Cayman Islands National Weather Service said there was an increased chance of thunder and heavy rain over the weekend and Monday due to a moisture-laden upper-level trough over […]

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Russia sending warships to Caribbean for naval exercise

Russia sending warships to Caribbean for naval exercise

| 07/06/2024 | 51 Comments

(CNS): Russia plans to send combat vessels into the Caribbean region this summer as part of naval exercises that will likely include port calls in Cuba and possibly stops in Venezuela, a senior US official said Wednesday, according to reports on Reuters. The United States said it didn’t see the move involving a relatively small […]

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