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ACC charges two men with deception, money laundering

ACC charges two men with deception, money laundering

| 18/06/2024

(CNS): The Anti-Corruption Commission has charged two George Town men with a list of criminal offences in relation to an undisclosed, mysterious corruption probe that was described by investigators as “complex and protracted”. Maxwell Renal Linwood (46), a former public officer who, CNS has learned, was previously employed at the Department of Environmental Health, and […]

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New rules planned to curb sham marriages

New rules planned to curb sham marriages

| 18/06/2024 | 32 Comments

(CNS): In a move the Cayman Islands Government has described as “upholding the sanctity” of marriage and civil partnerships, Cabinet has approved the drafting of new immigration regulations. Officials said the Immigration (Arrangements of Convenience) Regulations 2024, which aim to prevent sham marriages, show that government is committed to ensuring marriages or civil partnerships are […]

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Cubans using CAL to get to mainland

Cubans using CAL to get to mainland

| 17/06/2024 | 20 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet has approved amendments to the Customs and Border Control (Visas, Entry and Landing) Regulations, 2019 to introduce in-transit visas for Cuban nationals. Statistics show that significant numbers of Cuban nationals are travelling through the Cayman Islands and onto mainland South or Central American countries on a return ticket but are not returning. Instead, […]

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US consultants working on draft housing policy

US consultants working on draft housing policy

| 17/06/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Public Works LLC, the US-based consultants contracted by the UPM government to draft the Cayman Islands’ first housing policy, has begun work on that document, according to ministry officials. Since winning the CI$276,750 contract last October, the consultants have carried out a public consultation, including an online survey, and met with stakeholders and focus […]

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NRA to work on major GT junction over holiday weekend

NRA to work on major GT junction over holiday weekend

| 14/06/2024 | 17 Comments

(CNS): The National Roads Authority (NRA) and its subcontractor will be undertaking paving works at the Bobby Thompson and Smith Road intersection on Saturday. Officials said the work will start at 6:00am and continue until 5:00pm. Motorists will be diverted around the intersection while the work is going on. Drivers are asked to pay close […]

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Water levels now minimal after floods, say officials

Water levels now minimal after floods, say officials

| 14/06/2024 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Preliminary assessments of standing water around Grand Cayman following significant rainfall since the weekend were conducted yesterday afternoon. It was found that most areas are now clear, with just “minimal pools of water” remaining in some areas of George Town and Bodden Town. According to a press release, Director of the Department of Education […]

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RCIPS runs crisis de-escalation course

RCIPS runs crisis de-escalation course

| 14/06/2024 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Retired US Marine Corps veteran Lieutenant Mark Lowther, who has 31 years of police and public safety experience, held a crisis intervention and de-escalation course hosted by the RCIPS last month. Lowther, a professional crisis and hostage negotiator, was invited to conduct training sessions for local police officers and others who deal with vulnerable […]

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New eco-activists launch petition to save NCA

New eco-activists launch petition to save NCA

| 14/06/2024 | 59 Comments

(CNS): Following news reported on CNS this week that the UPM government is in the process of trying to gut the National Conservation Act, local environmentalists have expressed deep concerns. Efforts are underway to rally public support to stop any attempts to undermine this critical legislation, including the launch of a petition. Sustainable Cayman and […]

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DoT cuts deals worth $12.3M with US agencies

DoT cuts deals worth $12.3M with US agencies

| 14/06/2024 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Following a competitive, multi-month procurement process, the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism (DoT) has cut deals with two agencies based in the United States to take on promotional work and the creation of campaigns for the next five years. The two contracts are worth over CI$12.3 million to showcase this destination and attract more […]

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More rain adds to existing local flooding

More rain adds to existing local flooding

| 13/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Between 7pm on Wednesday and Thursday morning, another ¼ inch of rain fell on the Cayman Islands, Hazard Management said without distinguishing between the three islands. At least another inch is expected throughout the rest of the day, even though the clouds are moving fairly rapidly north-northwest towards Cuba. The ground is still saturated […]

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British citizens can still register for UK elections

British citizens can still register for UK elections

| 13/06/2024 | 25 Comments

(CNS): British citizens living abroad who are eligible to vote in the UK general election on 4 July can still register to vote provided they register before midnight on Tuesday, 18 June. The UK Electoral Commission is calling on voters to register now and apply for an absent vote if they will not be in […]

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