
More rain adds to existing local flooding

More rain adds to existing local flooding

| 13/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Between 7pm on Wednesday and Thursday morning, another ¼ inch of rain fell on the Cayman Islands, Hazard Management said without distinguishing between the three islands. At least another inch is expected throughout the rest of the day, even though the clouds are moving fairly rapidly north-northwest towards Cuba. The ground is still saturated […]

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Flooding subsides as system moves on

Flooding subsides as system moves on

| 11/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS) Most of the roads across Grand Cayman that were closed Monday were re-opened Tuesday as the very wet weather system that drenched the Cayman Islands over the last few days moved away. While there was still standing water across many parts of the capital, schools and businesses were all expected to be operating as […]

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NEOC activated and roads closed due to flooding

NEOC activated and roads closed due to flooding

| 10/06/2024 | 28 Comments

(CNS): The National Emergency Operations Centre was partially activated Monday to provide coordinated and tactical relief to people affected by flooding in Grand Cayman. Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) is leading a collaboration of offices, including the RCIPS, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard, the CI Fire Service, the Emergency Medical Services, the Cadet Corps and […]

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Flood warning remains as wet weather drifts northwest

Flood warning remains as wet weather drifts northwest

| 10/06/2024 | 37 Comments

(CNS): The very wet weather that has drenched the Cayman Islands this weekend is moving towards the northwest and should clear away from the area later this afternoon, but not before it douses the western side of Grand Cayman with another couple of inches of rain, according to the Cayman Islands National Weather Service.

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CINWS warns of heavy rain over the weekend

CINWS warns of heavy rain over the weekend

| 07/06/2024 | 16 Comments

(CNS): Residents are asked to take extra care and attention when using the roads this weekend, as heavy rain is expected to start on Friday evening. The Cayman Islands National Weather Service said there was an increased chance of thunder and heavy rain over the weekend and Monday due to a moisture-laden upper-level trough over […]

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Experts agree 2024 could be record storm season

Experts agree 2024 could be record storm season

| 31/05/2024 | 44 Comments

(CNS): The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on Sunday and many weather experts agree that this season will not only be busy but is likely to break records as a number of factors converge. In its final pre-season forecast, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center said that, as one of the strongest El Niño events ever […]

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Radar finally working just in time for storm season

Radar finally working just in time for storm season

| 28/05/2024 | 44 Comments

(CNS): The Kearney Gomez Doppler Weather Radar, located in the interior of East End, is back up and running this week after being out of service for more than seven months. Officials said in a press release that the beleaguered system had undergone essential repairs and maintenance and was “fully operational” as of Monday, 27 […]

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April 2024 continues global record-busting streak

April 2024 continues global record-busting streak

| 15/05/2024 | 30 Comments

(CNS): Last month was the warmest April on record and the eleventh month in a row of record global temperatures, according to Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). April was also the thirteenth month in a row to topple sea surface temperature records as the world’s oceans, including the Caribbean Sea, heat up to unprecedented […]

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Weather service warns of hot, wet summer on GCM

Weather service warns of hot, wet summer on GCM

| 07/05/2024 | 36 Comments

(CNS): After a very dry start to 2024, the Cayman Islands National Weather Service is predicting a hot, wet summer on Grand Cayman, with 50-59% above the annual rainfall averages between now and the end of July. The CINWS says it will then get even wetter for the remainder of the rainy season, with predictions […]

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CINWS grows headcount ahead of busy storm season

CINWS grows headcount ahead of busy storm season

| 23/04/2024 | 22 Comments

(CNS): In the dynamic field of weather forecasting, adaptability and resiliency are essential for success, according to a release from the Cayman Islands National Weather Service about new recruits that have been added to the growing team of experts. Last year, the service took on several young Caymanian trainees who have been honing their skills […]

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CSU predicts ‘extremely active’ hurricane season

CSU predicts ‘extremely active’ hurricane season

| 05/04/2024 | 35 Comments

(CNS): Scientists from one of the world’s most respected storm forecasting institutions say that the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season will be extremely active, with the expected transition from the current El Niño conditions to La Niña later this year. In their early forecast, Dr Philip Klotzbach, the lead forecaster at Colorado State University, and his […]

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