Dump won’t be tackled before election

| 01/06/2016 | 67 Comments
Cayman News Service

The George Town dump smouldering during one of its underground fires

(CNS): The premier, who as health minister is also responsible for waste management, has admitted that his government will not have a solution in place to fix the dump before the general election in May. “We will not have a system in place by the end of this term,” Alden McLaughlin told parliament on Monday, but said, “We will see shovels in the ground next year.” Addressing the calls from the community to “just fix the dump”, he said if it was that easy, then past governments would have fixed it already.

Justifying the infrastructure projects that his government is undertaking, he said they were critical to the quality of life in Cayman. But although many now see the problem of waste-management as more important than roads, the George Town revitalisation or the cruise port, the journey to addressing the landfill appears more long and winding than ever.

“We knew even before we were elected that taking on the issue of the George Town landfill was going to be an arduous and complex task, but we campaigned on the promise that we would find a viable long-term solution for the processing of our refuse,” he said, adding that government was not looking for stopgaps. “We need a modern International Strategic Waste Management System that uses several options in managing waste … We all know that the landfill didn’t just develop overnight, neither will the resolution.”

Claiming that government was “well on our way”, he said the Strategic Outline Case had been published, and the draft Outline Business Case was under review and would be available for public comment when it is released, though he did not say when that would be.

“It is anticipated that the procurement of a waste management system will take place later this year and a suitable request for proposals will be advertised seeking private sector partners. The construction and commissioning of the project will follow,” McLaughlin said.

Government will also be contributing financially over the next 25 years in partnership with the private sector when the final solution for a modern, sustainable waste management system is identified.

“The path we are on is the closest that the country has ever been to having a waste management solution that will not only help solve the problem that we now call Mount Trashmore, but will ensure that there are no more Mount Trashmores. We are identifying the best way forward as well as finding funding sources,” the premier said.

Claiming the government had proved its “determination to finish what we start”, he said the same applied to this issue. “The dump will get fixed,” McLaughlin told the LA.

The government is now dealing with the tyres and taking over the collection of recyclable material from the private sector firm Junk, because government did not wish to see the recycling initiative lose momentum. However, he said the private sector would have the opportunity to bid to take over recycling efforts once the request for proposals for the entire waste management solution is advertised.

McLaughlin also revealed plans for a review of the Environmental Health Laws and associated regulations over the next year to more effectively regulate all of environmental health and waste management functions.

In his budget address, Finance Minister Marco Archer said that $6.5 million has been budgeted in the 16/17 18-month capital investments plan for a solid waste handling facility, as well as $1.5 million for a Household Recycling Centre.

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Category: Environmental Health, Health

Comments (67)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They have been lying to you all along and you are just now seeing it? I figured that it was just part of your culture to never question authority no matter what.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Nothing will happen with the dump until after CIG realizes that they just can’t do it and pays some one else to do it. So not in our life time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alden’s Disgrace. Shows him to be a spineless coward too scared to do the right thing if it might cost him votes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wow, happy to see that after four years they are now “paying” to give away the pile of tyres.

    I feel a great relief that they managed to crush the scourge that may have occurred with Daylight Savings Time, quite the record.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What about all the childhood cancer that is going to result from a school right next door?

    Poor children will suffer for this. Mark my words.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.35am Have you asked that same question of Dart. They built a school close to a very large dump site and not the other way around.So go ahead ask Dart what plans are in place to relocate students until the dump situation is remedied.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dart tried very hard to fix the dump. Even he and all his money could not do anything in the face of Caymankind.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 5.13pm Only after the School had been in operation for a number of years. Are you going to let him off that easy?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Justify the infastructure projects the government is undertaking? Critical to the quality of life in Cayman? You’re telling us Mr Premier that the health and safety of your own Caymanian people are less than the infastructure projects you’re government is undertaking? That is more important to you and you’re government? Not the the health of the people who live here? Taking care of the dump is what is critical in the well being and quality of life here in Cayman. Not your projects that are filling your pockets and “you’re” government’s pockets… Tell us how you justify not handling the largest enviromental hazard on this island, that has and will be causing more health problems for the people who are close enough to be affected. Tell us the justice in that. Tell us the justice in destroying our coral, which hundreds of different fish species and other life call home destroying the homes of these animals and life will upset the eco system and the natural balance of the food chain. Why on earth is government hell bent on destroying our Island even further. CIG – Leave the dump, destroy the coral.

  7. Anonymous says:

    If somebody started dumping trash on the politicians front yards, they would start to smell their inaction,

    • Anonymous says:

      To 3.19am Why don’t you show us how. Make sure that it is covered by the Press , especially the Tv station, so that you can get the credit you deserve (or at least what you deserve).

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a bunch of ignorant people. Do you really think it is as simple as covering up what is there and digging another hole somewhere else. Dart plainly said they would not be responsible for the current site so it would continue to leach into the North Sound because it is already in the water table. It has to be done right and we finally have a government that will do that. And not give away the rest of the Island I might add.

    • Anonymous says:

      Come May 2017 we the people of the Cayman Islands are going to tackle the ppm and give them a proper assing, if you want to be stupid and stand in the way then go ahead.

      • Anonymous says:

        @6.49am Speak for yourself. I am happy with a Government that takes a thoughtful and considered approach to problem solving instead of rushing in with a quick fix solution which in a few years has only made matters worse.If you like haste and waste ,then you can return UDP to power; if you want slow and steady, then stick with PPM.

    • R. U. Kidden says:

      “It has to be done right and we finally have a government that will do that.”

      Where? Where?

  9. Thanks for another 4 years of TOTAL B/S and as I have said so many times over the years revolving politrics will once again win the day.Maybe in my lifetime our elected members will stop passing the BUCK and get things done in a timely manner(but if not I will come back and haunt the hell out of ALL of you)til it gets done.You and all the past Govts have put a noose around the health of our people especially our young ones who will inherit all the crap for their generation and others that follow SHAME on all of you and it would be nice to see how much has been wasted on report after report on the same crap year after year.Can you all imagine another whole year before any attempt is made to do anything The election should be held in Nov as in the past before IVAN.

    • Perry says:

      Peter can you imagine a poorly thought out solution? More wasted money on pie in the sky solutions? Stick to dIving my friend. Let the experts handle this.

      • Jotnar says:

        What experts are those? The ones drafting yet another request for proposals, and who in 4 years have not managed to even produce the Business Case for remediating the single biggest threat to our environment? Or all the experts whose previous reports and proposals have been shelved? Or the experts running existing facilities who have hosted government visits and briefed them on ways to address the problem? Yet here we are, 4 years further down the track, and the only progress we have towards an “expert” solution being implemented is that the government published a report saying, hey, its a good idea to deal with the dump. The only expertise being demonstrated here is in not alienating the good voters of Bodden Town – although with the various defections you may have thought the Premier might have reweighed that calculus given the number of votes at stake in GT.

      • NotNice says:

        Hey Perry –

        GFY – how about instead of playings devils advocated to inflate your fragile ego you not say a word?

    • Anonymous says:

      So true Mr Milburn. I back you 100%. As a young Caymanian and a father of one. I don’t see my little one being able to experience the quality of life such as the Premier put it if they keep this crap up.

    • Ken says:

      Well said Peter!

  10. Anonymous says:

    PPM take note. Somebody’s campaign has started with a bang here on CNS. Anything said regarding Government gets an immediate barrage of negative comments…all looking like they are coming from the same poster. No solutions offered, just criticisms.

  11. People For A Dump Free G.T. says:

    Page 22, PPM Manifesto, 2013
    “The processing of our garbage is an area
    that has to be dealt with urgently. We
    must find a proper long-term solution to
    this issue. New, modern, technologies
    (e.g. plasma gasification) have to be
    explored to determine what is feasible,
    practical and cost effective. This solution
    has to include the areas of recycling,
    energy production and any by-product
    produced has to be safe for additional
    use. We shall:
    • Utilise the several studies that have
    been conducted to establish the criteria
    for a solution, which has to include
    dealing with the existing garbage pile
    and new garbage being created.
    • Engage the expertise to create the
    requisite proposal request, which can
    be put out to existing expert
    • After an open bidding process, select
    the best solution, advise the country of
    the choice and the reasons for the
    • Negotiate the chosen solution with the
    target being to have the solution
    implemented with minimal initial &
    ongoing costs to the country in a short
    a time as possible.
    • Look to privatise the collection of
    commercial & private waste, if

    • Jotnar says:

      I particularly like the last bullet, given the governments decision to take over the private sector recycling operation run by JUNK.

  12. Al Catraz says:

    “We will see shovels in the ground next year.”

    Yes, Alden, after your political career goes to the grave, the shovels will toss the dirt back on top.

  13. Anonymous says:

    He just sealed Roy’s fate too because he put him in charge as the fall guy..not that I ever thought he would get elected again though…

  14. Anonymous says:

    There was a proposal by UDP to have the dump sorted but it was refused. Stop talking smack.

  15. Anonymous says:

    1. There is absolutely no content in the speech reported – only generalities: no plan not even a hint of a plan.
    2. Why if the dump being dealt with as part of the department of health? Surely it should be dealt with under environment/ infrastructure?

  16. Anonymous says:

    By declining to fix the dump, has the Premier violated our Constitution?

    Section 18 of the Cayman Islands Constitution reads as follows:

    Protection of the environment

    18.—(1) Government shall, in all its decisions, have due regard to the need to foster and protect an environment that is not harmful to the health or well-being of present and future generations, while promoting justifiable economic and social development.

    (2) To this end government should adopt reasonable legislative and other measures to protect the heritage and wildlife and the land and sea biodiversity of the Cayman Islands that—

    (a)limit pollution and ecological degradation;

    (b)promote conservation and biodiversity; and

    (c)secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources.

    • Anonymous says:

      What don’t you understand about the required process. It is clearly defined and it is underway. That’s not the same as “declining to fix the dump”.

    • Anonymous says:

      a good one. thank you. Also any type of conduct that “grossly deviates” from normal, reasonable standards of an ordinary person and generally involves an indifference or disregard for human life or for the safety of people is called criminal negligence.

  17. Anonymous says:

    mount trashmore….a monument to the incompetence of caymanian politicians…..

  18. Anonymous says:

    said it from day 1…they would never achieve anything on this during their term….
    same applies to:
    civil service reform
    immigration reform
    cost of doing business
    gaming legislation
    sunday trading
    port development
    george town revitilisation

    the fact that it took them 3 years to change the spped limit on west bay road….says it all….

    nevermind the spineless flip-flopping on daylight savings time

    • Anonymous says:

      Civil service reform: legally complex and politically very dangerous for any party
      Immigration reform: every government tries and fails – too long to explain
      Cost of doing business: needed to remain tax-free and pay for public services
      Gaming legislation: no political or public consensus, hardly a priority
      Sunday trading: agreed, I supported this, but businesses didn’t
      Port development: most of the above
      George Town: has to be integrated with any port, so see port

      The Government has taken action everywhere it has been able to. These are the thorniest problems Cayman has. We don’t yet have the budgetary freedom or political will to take any of them in a particular direction. And we have to comply with the FFR which means subjecting all public projects to UK-style procurement rules designed for billion-pound contracts – even those that have strong political elements to them and should be within the government’s prerogative to push through.

      Easy to say that someone will do nothing and then call yourself correct when you selectively determine that nothing has been done, but do you know why and do you have any solutions? That’s much harder. And I can tell you that every government Cayman has had recently, has actually been trying to untie these knots. Actually trying. Think about that.

    • Anonymous says:

      UGH! That dam speed limit. SO unnecessary to be so slow. 30-35 would have been better.
      What a waste of time. That’s probably why it took so long.

    • Perry says:

      Come on 1:26. Civil service reform is alive and well. Are you living in cayman?

      Have you not seem the reduction in trade and business fees

      The reduction in fuel costs

      Have you not driven around George town recently. Do you really live in cayman

      If you lived in cayman you would be bragging about

      Caymans lead on the financial front
      Improved public finances
      Lower unemployment
      Passing of key legislation
      No more waste of public funds
      And the list goes on. The truth hurts I know. I recommend a sanity check now and again. This is the best of times. Get used to it.

      • Truthsayer says:

        Perry…….. What have you been smoking?

      • Jotnar says:

        Are YOU living in Cayman? Reduction in trade and business fees? You have to be kidding me – the cost of doing business here is absolutely crippling, whilst CIG continues to spend money like its water. Fact they have a surplus is a factor of the extent of the indirect taxation we are all paying, not prudent financial management. As for fuel prices, sure they have gone down, but way less than the cost of fuel on the world market. And CIG has done exactly what about that?

      • Perry who says:

        Have you not seem the reduction in trade and business fees : The costs of business license applications decreased but they then legislated new taxes ie changes in the pension and insurance that greatly increase the cost of doing business for any mom and pop store.

        The reduction in fuel costs : FYI the oil market was over-saturated with cheap oil the prices per barrel were at record lows. In the real world oil companies reduced oil supply to off-set the price nose dive. Dont worry they are on their way back up.

        Caymans lead on the financial front : We can brag when some of the trillions of dollars being made in the financial front ends up benefiting Caymanian people not overseas corporations.

        Improved public finances, Lower unemployment : Look around once in a while when you snap out of your day job daydream in fact take some time to check and see how your people are really doing.

        Passing of key legislation, No more waste of public funds. I recommend a sanity check now and again. This is the best of times. Get used to it. : Are you sane?

  19. Anonymous says:

    the only thing you achieved is appeasing the backward locals of bodden town….you are a national disgrace and are not fit to be called premier……

  20. Anonymous says:

    The Dump issue is more important than roads, the George Town revitalisation or the cruise port. Fixing the Dump is critical to the quality of life in Cayman. In fact there is NO quality at all with this cancer in the midst of SMB area.

  21. Rp says:

    i am willing to bet the solution will be Dart in Bodden Town. Back to square 1 after wasting another 4 years thanks to our politicians. 4 years of smoke and stink into the lungs of anyone who passes by the dump or lives works or goes to school in its vicinity. But we are making a surplus so all good.

  22. Anonymous says:

    You’re all scared to touch it – just let Dart do his thing then you can start from scratch on the new ground –

  23. Anon says:

    “If it was that easy, past governments would have fixed it already.” – Alden McLaughlin.

    We were all hoping that this government would be the one to fix it. Other than assembling an over-populated steering committee, going on overseas visits to other waste management facilities, and some fires, nothing has happened.

    Is there even a plan in place? Come on man. Both you and Osbourne Bodden were on this one. What happened? Even if your term ended while the solution was visibly in progress we would have been okay with that, but Mount Trashmore has only gotten taller.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Caymanians could fix it it would already be fixed.
      They can’t. Its not. and it will never be unless some one else does it for free. So plan on it getting so big that it covers everything and chases everyone away. Or just continue to ignore it in your lifetime.

  24. PURE RUBBISH says:

    In 2013 PPM claimed to have a solution for GT dump problems. After 3 years the PPM have failed with any solutions and are reduced to telling the public about the same things we have already known for 25 years.

    That’s what you call being ‘progressive’

    • Katie says:

      I never called them “progressive”; they are “regressive” at best!

      They literally feed the ignorant voters with what they want to hear, feeding them BS and putting a few dollars in their hands to secure an X on the ballot.

      The next election should be very telling; most people are staying home!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for NOTHING you time wasting asshats.

  26. Anonymous says:

    With this statement he committed his political suicide.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Of course it won’t.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Move the f…g dump to the middle of the island and make a world class refuse and recycling facility like the people recommended it’s just common sense you idiots.
    I wear to god I am from G/Town and I will not be voting for any of you idiots if you have not committed to doing this before this gad damm election.!
    Yes I am pissed off.

    • Rp says:

      Who the fxxx do we vote for man? That’s my question.

      • Kent says:

        Do not vote. Stay home. You may have a right to vote but you do not HAVE to vote, especially if there is no-one to properly represent you.

    • Anonymous says:

      11:29 This lot were given all that (a world class refuse and recycling facility) in 2006 as a low cost alternative to the scrap metal clearance contract that went to Matrix. They just ignored it. Their predecessors had employed a well-respected expert in recycling as part of the solid waste management team. They ignored him as well.

      This is what happens when you elect politicians who can’t see any further into the future than the end of the next week and don’t give a damn about any project unless it turns a quick profit for someone.

  29. Anonymous says:

    If that is the case the PPM has failed. NEXT!

  30. Anonymous says:

    ‘Dump won’t be tackled – period!’ Would have been a better headline because that’s the true situation.

    The harsh reality is until someone sees a profit in this for them or their friends and family it ain’t gonna get done.

    • Anonymous says:

      11:01 I bet if someone discovered that there were $millions worth of scrap in the heap you’d see it cleared overnight. The fact that it’s poisoning everyone and everything within three miles of it seems irrelevant to CIG.

      • Anonymous says:

        “trash is not treasure” didnt u read the news lol. maybe only in competent hands

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh yeah read that. The only reason Junk couldn’t make a go of it was (in my opinion) because the people running the project didn’t have a clue what they were doing.

          CIG are now going to pour $1.5million into something that if they’d followed the advice offered to them in 2006 could have been up, running and earning revenue for a fraction of that sum. What I’d like to know is exactly how setting up a recycling programme for an island this size is going to cost that much – it doesn’t make sense.

  31. Anonymous says:


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