Governor pats CIG on back over budget

| 30/05/2016 | 24 Comments
Cayman News Service

Helen Kilpatrick, Governor of the Cayman Islands

(CNS): Cayman Islands Governor Helen Kilpatrick praised the Cayman government Monday as she delivered what is likely to be her last throne speech. In the relatively short address ahead of the delivery of the budget, Helen Kilpatrick congratulated the PPM led government on its “careful stewardship and adherence to the principles of good governance”. She also said she would be asking the new commissioner of police to review the RCIPS and to put forward recommendations for improvements.

Charged with promoting good governance, Kilpatrick said the government had worked hard to achieve the goals it set at the beginning of its term: to strengthen the economy, improve government finances, and enhance the lives of people in Cayman.

She said that this budget should be the last that required advance approval from the United Kingdom as it met all of the targets required by the Public Management and Finance Law and the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility

“This achievement is the result of a disciplined approach to governance that has created a substantial surplus. It has helped boost business confidence and investment. The surplus has allowed the government to reduce import duties and fees, as well as to continue addressing the problem of civil service pay stagnation. Individuals and businesses have felt the benefits of both this increased economic activity, and of lower taxes across the economy,” she said.

Giving a broad overview of the government’s plans, she lauded the PPM for maintaining a strong and clear determination to meet international standards, not only in the regulation of financial services sector but also in procurement standards, gender equality, and improvements to intellectual property and copyright laws. The public sector, she said, was committed to providing a level of service that is on par with competing jurisdictions.

“The deputy governor is leading on the professionalisation and effectiveness of the civil service,” she added as she pointed to plans for the new office of the ombudsman, which will be in place by the end of this calendar year, and other projects in the pipeline.

The Public Authorities Bill will be introduced in the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year, which will aim to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the public sector, Kilpatrick said.

On the topic of crime, she said that Caymanians and residents of all ages rightly place great importance on security.

“I will be asking the new commissioner of police to review the operations of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service and to put forward recommendations for improvements,” she said. “The Ministry of Home Affairs will develop interdisciplinary approaches to crime reduction and child protection between the agencies responsible for criminal justice, public safety and national security. Capacity-building, standard setting and, as elsewhere, the use of technology will be prioritised.”

The governor further noted that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions would be upgrading its electronic case management system and improve the link between the police and courts.

The 2016/17 Throne Speech

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Category: Government Finance, Laws, Politics

Comments (24)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Helen, while you and I will never see eye to eye on the “MGBGTV8” issue, or whatever fantastical title this is, you have tried your best in the circumstances, and I have always admired you graceful composure.

  2. Sharkey says:

    Did she say this was her last speech , is that before the next election ? Did I hear that someone said you Driftwood we don’t need you no longer , or did I dream that ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Audited accounts unavailable does not smell of good governance by anyone’s stretch of the imagination. Is the woman for real?

    • Anonymous says:

      come on 10:01 where have you been living? CIG has submitted accounts to be audited on time since 2011. The Auditor General has stated that the accounts for the last financial year was the best ever. not one single civil service entity received an adverse or disclaimer of opinion. In fact most received the gold standard of an unqualified opinion.

      come on get the facts.

      • Jotnar says:

        Since when has an unqualified opinion been a gold standard? All it means is that the accounts are materially true and fair. The concerning piece is that 20% of them were qualified i.e. that in at least one material respect the auditors considered that the accounts were not correct, breached accounting standards or that they had insufficient information to form a view. This is not the Olympics, with unqualified being gold, qualified silver and adverse bronze! Its simple – they are either right, or they are not right or the auditors cannot determine if they are right. Anything short of an unqualified is a FAIL. That the situation is better than it was is commendable, but is it is a matter on considerable concern still.

  4. MI6 in Paradise says:

    Kilpatrick is the most useless governor Cayman has had. Beyond her pushing the LGBT agenda she’s proven how clueless she is and her job is being on paid vacation to host tea parties. Remember her contributions to the BBC documentary on the Cayman Islands. Shocking sums up her overall performance and term.

    • Anonymous says:

      Indeed – but what the heck is this MGBGT thing, exactly? Would somebody please give me a straight answer? Thank you.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I don’t have much faith or confidence in her after her decision to pay off the Chief of Police instead of just firing him..but then again, at least she is taking care of her own unlike some of us Caymanians..

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that the issue? Caymanians taking care of the own!

    • Anonymous says:

      8:39 … you must be joking- exactly what was the grounds for firing him?? the reduction in crime??

      listen and act on these words from Her Excellency- “It will be important that all of us who are lucky enough to call the Cayman Islands home, work together to deliver a strong, safe and stable environment for everyone to enjoy”

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad, but true. I often ask my Caymanian wife “Why don’t you all look after each other?” It really is an issue, okay?

  6. GrouperSix says:

    The opposition is floundering because of a clear lack of vision and foresight and simply because they aint in the loop. That is by choice!

  7. Anonymous says:

    But how many years of audited accounts?

    Kilpatrick has achieved little in the way of measurable value during her time as cocktail host in chief on the beach.

    • Anonymous says:

      She’s actually been a huge disappointment. With her tough track record in the UK a lot of people expected her to come here and do some serious ass kicking but all she’s done is kiss them.

    • S.James says:

      What an obnoxious remark. Try saying something constructive.

      • Anonymous says:

        If anyone hasn’t spotted this yet – 10:13 is Hancock and 10:16 above is S.James.

        Those of us old enough will remember Tony Hancock and Sid James starred in Hancock’s Half Hour on the BBC. Nice try Troll but you’ve been busted.

  8. Anonymous says:

    what else would be expected!

  9. Just Watchin says:

    Oh, she’s still here? Thought she’d left.

    • Hancock says:

      Comedy is clearly not your forte so please refrain.

      • Anonymous says:

        Blimey, 10.13, and you sound like Queen Victoria’s mother!! I remember Sid James (and Tony Hancock), along with Hattie Jaques, Eric Sykes and the rest of the “Carry On” crew. – a really good laugh! I recall one scene where a beach ball got booted onto a burning pile of leaves being tended by the campsite handyman, the exchange was : “Wot’s the problem?” “Me ball’s burning!” “Well don’t so close to the fire then” – apologies to CNS/the general public if this is rather too risque for publication!

        • Anonymous says:

          “Well don’t stand so near the fire, then” – sorry, I was laughing my head off as i was writing, and thanks to CNS for printing! Didn’t mention Kenneth Williams, my goodness, what a character! The Good Lord was right to give us a sense of humour, wasn’t He?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, I recall back in the good old days here in Cayman a section on my teacher assessment form at CIHS was actually titled “Sense of Humour” (grades A to E). The chap who’d devised the form – which was official! – was a real character, blessed memory!

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