Cops keep up pressure on rogue drivers

| 18/09/2015 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service

Police make a traffic stop

CNS): Recent weekend police patrols throughout the district of North Side have seen well over 100 traffic tickets issued for numerous infractions and drivers arrested for being drunk behind the wheel. Between 31 August and 15 September, officers from Bodden Town Police Station wrote 69 tickets for speeding and another 57 for various other offenses, such as failing to wear seat belts, expired licences or no insurance cover, and arrested three people on suspicion of driving under the influence.

An RCIPS spokesperson said the police were patrolling different parts of the district at different times throughout the weekends to ensure drivers adhere to the road rules, so they do not know when they may come across a police patrol, and the focused operation would continue.

While North Side is under tight observation at weekends as a result of the increase in traffic as locals head over to enjoy the beaches, police are focusing on other areas at other times of the week in response to the speeding problems identified by residents in the eastern districts.

“The main objective of traffic enforcement is not to issue as many tickets as possible, contrary to what many may think,” said Chief Inspector Brad Ebanks, Commander for the Eastern Districts. “The main objective is to create a deterrent effect on speeding and dangerous behaviour, all the time, so that motorists think while they’re driving that at any point they could be caught, so they had better slow down – or not drive at all, if they have been drinking.”

Officers have already noticed some change in driving habits on weekends since traffic operations began in North Side.

“We’re seeing less of the reckless behaviour we encountered in early August,” said Inspector Dwayne Jones.

Increased traffic enforcement in North Side specifically and the Eastern districts was a clear priority expressed by the community in surveys and during community clinics the police held all over the islands earlier this year.  The RCIPS has responded with increased traffic operations over the summer and will begin other initiatives this fall.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    barney fife doing a good job while boss hog cleans out city hall

  2. Rp says:

    If CIG would only enforce the laws, issue tickets regularly for infractions, and ensure fine collection, the govt would be wealthy not broke.

    Ticketing traffic violations alone would pay for all RCIP operations. Install some red light cameras and watch the cash roll in.

  3. Princess Fiona Banana Hammock says:

    I wonder how many tickets actually stuck, and how many were filed in the trash after the ‘rogue driver’ had a word with their friend or family member who works for RCIPS.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is it true that the Police officers are getting paid a percentage of the ticket money/fines? or is there another scheme for them to benefit from issuing more tickets?
    If true, we will be stopped for everything now including, spitting and other frivolous things.
    BTW, we leave in a country where its police do not need evidence to arrest you, just mere suspicion. Where exactly in the constitution does this act fit with human rights?

    • Rp says:

      It’s a myth! If a cop would benefit monetarily from issuance of fines, it could encourage officers to issue fraudulent tickets.

  5. Anonymous says:

    100 tickets? What is there to celebrate when there so many offences that occur hourly?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry but isn’t this the kind of stuff the police are paid to do.

    Said it before and will say it again..The police could easily cover their yearly budget by issuing tickets for the numerous offences that occur on this small island on a daily basis. Some of the ones I see everyday: running red lights, illegal U -turns, talking on the phone, blacked out windows, blacked out license plates, speeding, over all reckless driving and the list goes on.

    My job has me travelling the roads on a daily basis all over the island and without exaggeration I see at least 2 dozen of these offenses every day. Am i missing something or is it that the public thinks the RCIP is a joke and therefore there is absolutely no respect for the law.

    How would a Facebook page showing these offenses work? I could install my Go Pro on the dashboard and away we go.

    Would it be illegal to show video of “Cayman’s Worst Drivers” on Facebook?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Keep it up RCIPS!

  8. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice if they had an actual strategy designed to reduce crimes and solve their current caseload. I am still waiting to hear from them in relation to the break-in of my home but I guess they have greater priorities than to respond to crime victims.

    It’s nice that they are trying to give the impression of doing something but when illegal bikes and people driving cars blaring music loud enough to be heard throughout Wembley Stadium race past police cars without any form of response by the officer present, it proves that there is any real interest in doing any actual policing. I have never seen such a pathetic excuse for policing or leadership within a law enforcement entity. They fail to display any real concern for improving the current circumstance.

  9. Sharkey says:

    Mr Jones how can you say you see a reduction in reckless behavior, traffic offense, when there were more tickets have been handed out in 15 days than the previous month.

  10. Anonymous says:

    This is simply Baines’ response to the criticism of his decision to disband the traffic unit.

    Trust me it won’t last – I’ve seen this tactic of launching sham ‘initiatives’ and ‘crack downs’ in the hope of generating pro-police headlines used too many times by forces in the UK.

  11. C. Brown says:

    Well, I saw something about “We listen” on some police cars. In this case, they did! Good work!

  12. Cruise Control says:

    Maybe if they did this 24/7/365 the roads wouldn’t be such a disaster zone and their policing of it wouldn’t be big news.

  13. Anonymous says:

    An observed improvement in driver behaviour is certainly encouraging. I passed a police car just parked by the side of the road today and was pleased. Even the sight of a police car affects driver behaviour – I know I quickly checked my own speed when I spotted it. Please keep it up, RCIP.

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