Police and DoA round up stray dogs

| 11/02/2019 | 27 Comments
Cayman News Service

DoA officers catch two dogs on Boltins Avenue (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

(CNS): Community police and staff from the Department of Agriculture focused on dealing with stray dogs last week in an effort to educate the public about the growing problem in Cayman of dangerous dogs roaming the streets and to round up animals that are posing a threat. RCIPS officers went to West Bay and East End neighbourhoods where there have been reports about ferocious dogs that are out of control. During the walkabouts, four dogs were caught and taken off the streets. The officers visited homes and spoke to residents about people’s concerns and experiences, and distributed copies of the Responsible Dog Ownership pamphlet.

“As community police officers, we have been working with the DoA  to help address the concerns of those who have to deal with aggressive dogs in their neighbourhoods, as well as the dog owners who allow those dogs to roam free,” said Sergeant Leslie Laing-Hall, who oversees the West Bay community policing sector.

“We realised there are a lot of misconceptions about the responsibilities people have as dog owners, and that public education was really needed in this area, so we worked on a pamphlet together.”

On Monday last week, the teams visited Boltins Avenue in West Bay, where they caught two dogs that were loose.

“We had actually given this particular dog owner a warning beforehand, and when we returned to the area this week, we found that the dogs were still being allowed to freely roam,” said Erik Bodden of the DoA.

“Roaming dogs are dangerous because even the nicest dog at home can take on a different demeanor in a pack. Pet dogs must be licensed and on a leash in public; that’s the law. Education is important, but enforcement is just as important in changing the habits of dog owners.”

On Wednesday, the police and DoA visited John McLean Drive and Java Lane in East End. Two other dogs were caught in the district after they were seen on the road running freely and even chasing children who were riding bicycles in the community.

A warning note was left for the home owners, who were not present at the time, to notify them about the seizure of their animals and give instructions on how to go about retrieving them.

“It is important to us as community officers to let the people of the East End District know that their concerns are being taken seriously and that we are doing the best that we can to ensure the safety of all members of the community, especially children,” said PC Lazarus Moraes, a community officer in East End.

“Part of our duty as community officers is to assist the East End people with making connections with agencies such as the DoA, in order to help the community address a wide array of issues, not just those related to crime.”

Members of the public welcomed the presence of the police and DoA officers, the RCIPS release stated.

West Bay resident Brenda Martinez said, “We’ve had a few run-ins with dogs near our house, so it was great to see police and the DoA out in our neighbourhood addressing this issue.”

“I am pleased that we were so well received by the East End community,” DoA officer Bodden added. “The owners that we spoke to were very receptive of the information that we provided and at the end of the evening we were able to license nine dogs in the community that had not been licensed.”

The RCIPS and DoA were also joined on Monday in West Bay by a community development officer from the Department of Children and Family Services, who spoke to the residents about the benefits of setting up neighbourhood watches.

The RCIPS and DoA plan to continue the walkthroughs in other neighbourhoods later this month, police said.

See more photos on the RCIPS website

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Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    gather up dem wild yutes next

  2. Anonymous says:

    Take a drive through North Sound Estates.

  3. Square One says:

    Good. Now get di cat!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Excellent. Congrats DOE. People should call in all animals that are out and about. They are simply suffering and the cats are killing song birds.
    Thank you out there that are giving time to the Humane Society.

  5. Edgar A. Poe says:

    They need to do something about the goats that keep getting loose in East End destroying people’s fruits and vegetables ?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Start doing something about the ones in Cayman Brac. Spot Bay and West End have become hell holes with these dogs. There are some packs of dogs in Watering Place too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    My dogs keep the bad juju out of the neighborhood. If they are leashed they can’t do that can they?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are clearly part of the problem and many faultless dogs are going to be killed because of people like you. Good job.

      • Anonymous says:

        Omg, You should be sent off the island.

      • Anonymous says:

        Would you rather be victimized by hooligans?

        • Anonymous says:

          The hooligans have the dogs. My father always said that only drug dealers have bad dogs. I think all the bad juju is from the ones with the bad dogs. Something isn’t right with people who either tie their dogs up 24/7 or let them run wild disturbing the neighbourhood. Right now, my life is a living hell because of a hooligan and a bad dog. His dog is always “getting loose”. I think he lets her go on purpose and I’m fed up. I called DOA who said that they can’t do anything because when they go there the dog is tied and has food and water. I’m surprised about the food and water because the neighbours had to feed and give the dog water many times. I wish we had called DOA then. Now she’s tried to bite one of us when we try to take her out of our yard.

          • Love pitbulls says:

            This is a false statement. “The hooligans have the dogs” and your grandfather sounded like a man that didn’t have much sense either “only drug dealers has dogs” yep he sounds just as dumb as forest gump and bubba gump. I have a dog but he’s in my yard, wild and free and I’ve never tied him up. Imagine you being tied up And your supposedly a “PET” that stays out side in a dog house and you don’t play with him but feed him and that’s it and never take him off the chain. That’s os how you create a BAD dog and also a uncontrollable one also cause you give them no training. You don’t have a pet you have a yard ornament. I think we should tie up cats as well.

            You as a individual need deport yourself because you have this bad mindset and understanding of dogs. Sorry seems like ya whole family does cause “only drug dealers have dogs” well I got 4 so I guess am a drug lord then.

            • Anonymous says:

              Is there a fence around your yard to keep your dog from roaming the streets? If so, good for you, I agree 100% that you don’t need to leash the dog.

              However, too many people let their dogs run “wild and free” without a fence around the yard. That’s where the danger to others who may be walking or cycling happens.

    • Anonymous says:

      What you don’t seem to understand is that “keeping the bad juju” out of your neighbourhood by not leashing your dogs comes at the cost of people not being able to simply go for a walk or bike ride without the fear of being terrorized by your dogs.

      The risk of “bad juju” is not worth the sacrifice of an innocent person (like a child) being scared every time they want to go outside, or even worse, being bitten.

      You may think you’re doing the neighbourhood a favour, but you are sadly mistaken!

      • Anonymous says:

        My Neighbours do not seem to mind one bit. The children on my close all know the dogs very well.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you don’t live down in my close we you don’t need to come down unless invited. Una simple iz that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your dogs should only be able to keep the bad juju out of your yard; otherwise, how do you know those bitten are bad?

      Now if we could just figure out how to keep the bad juju dog owners out, we’d be golden. Oh wait. We can’t, because they are US.

  8. Anonymous says:

    “Pet dogs must be licensed and on a leash in public; that’s the law”
    As far as I know the requirement to license dogs was removed from the books years ago…

  9. Anonymous says:

    They need to go back to Boltins area and educate all the dog owners on Captain Allies Rd. And I mean all of them. Even the politicians.

  10. Anonymous says:

    it half million penalty to catch or kill wild whistling ducks.. yet the ferral cats are killing them and their young?

  11. Anonymous says:

    maybe enforce dog ownership laws….people are the problem not the dogs

    • Anonymous says:

      OK so pen up the owners! Yeh, that will do a lot of good. Get rid of the dogs once they are found running free!!! Makes no sense to find the owners and return them. They will be back on the street as soon as the catchers turn their backs.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Mulberry off walkers…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Please come to Spotts Newlands, in particular Bedrock Circle !! Please also provide a number that the DoA can be reached at after hours to collect these pests.


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