Police take new approach to public outreach

| 11/06/2015 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service

RCIPS police officer

(CNS): The RCIPS management has revealed a new approach to communicating with the public and will be conducting a series of “community clinics” as an alternative to poorly attended police public meetings. Acting superintendent of District Operations Angelique Howell said the police will host a number of open house clinics at busy locations around the island, starting on 22 June, for one week.

“We have decided to take this route having seen the poor turnout at public meetings,” said the senior officer.  “We decided to come to the community rather than ask the community to come to us, hence the reason we will be setting up at various locations that people frequent on a daily basis.”

Howell explained that the open house style clinics will allow the public to come talk to the officers on an informal basis and help identify specific district crime problems as well as members of the community willing to serve in liaison-type roles between the people and the police.

The clinics will be set up at supermarkets, district health clinics and other “highly traversed” locations.

“These clinics are informal meetings that aim to provide an avenue for informal talks between the residents and the police in addressing community concerns. These concerns are addressed through a Problem Oriented Policing and Partnership (POPP) approach, where the community, the police and other agencies work together to solve community problems,” the RCIPS said in a release about the new community policing initiative.

The aim is to provide an avenue where local residents can have informal dialogue about their concerns but develop a systematic problem solving approach and find leaders that can partner with the police, the community and other agencies in providing oversight to ensure the early identification and treatment of emerging community problems to reduce community impact and make them safer.

The specific locations will be released shortly and the clinics will ‘open’ on Monday 22 June and continue until 27 June.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Stop blaming Jamaicans for the bad driving. We are capable surely of taking responsibility for our atrocious driving, lax driving test, non enforcement of traffic laws and though we have the most police per head of the population, they only periodically try to enforce traffic laws. Also the police themselves are poor drivers and clearly do not have any idea of what constitutes a traffic offence. Like the post above, I have seen police blatantly ignore driving.Why?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I used to like the police and help them and then they screwed me. I was robbed by a street thug and because I did not have my receipt for my jewelry with me the cops let the criminal go with my goods now I am out over 10k I often wonder if it was because the thug was Jamaican and the officer was Jamaican I think they were friends from back home after they spoke patwa with each other as if it were a family reunion.
    When I arrived at the station with the receipt for my jewelry the officer in charge told me the receipt meant nothing to him how could It prove the receipt was for the stolen item
    Now even if I saw with 100% accuracy something happening will turn around and walk away and not say anything.

  3. Cruise Control says:

    Otherwise known as “How to blow $30,000,000 a year without breaking a sweat…….”!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Before i was all about the police, i even took the police test to realize that, they judge you by a paper. Im now never in support for anything coming from the rcips. They don’t care about anything and neither do I.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The police can only do so much, it’s easy to point the finger at them, the problems they are dealing with start from a place called home..

  6. Anonymous says:

    I do not want to spend my scarce time yapping with the Police (many of whom simply don’t care). I just want them to do their job….consistently! I see a innumerable traffic violations daily…and very, very rarely any Police intervention. In fact a significant amount of the traffic violations are committed by the Police!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is falling faster and faster each day
    The drugs are being openly sold and consumed on every street corner Hit men and thugs are just standing around waiting for the next opportunity The police are the most uneducated, lazy lookout for their own kind, I have ever come across reminds me of Honduras. The police text all day and turn a blind eye to everything
    I am so glad I sent my family back to the states.
    Its just a matter of time before things get even worse.

  8. Anonymous says:

    “Programs”, “Partnerships”, “Ministries”, “Departments”, “Community Outreach”, “Dialogue”, “Clinics”…..

    Can we just get the cameras working and have half a dozen cop cars permanently stationed around the island enforcing the existing laws?

    • Shhhhhh. says:

      I thought that this was the purpose and function of the Community Police Officers. This is just another PR gimmick.

  9. Anonymous says:

    POPP is a good programme. Especially as it expects other arms of Government to work with the Police. (E.G., when RPCU cleans up ‘drug lots’.) So, to the Ministers, have their Minsitries committed to POPP or will ntohing happen becuase the causes of crime aren’t being addressed and we leave the police to try to clean up the effects?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Money alone do not solve problems, dedicated, good hard working and honest people do. I stopped attending those meetings because all you get is the same dialogue over and over again, and then they say Cayman is one of the safest places to live in with very little acknowledgement that it is a lot worse now than it was 5 years ago. easy money for them, fast cars and no one to hold them accountable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Community Clinics or Public Meetings same thing…..didn’t want to go before now that the name has changed surely don’t want to go now…waste of time, the police are useless (the majority of them), they collect a big salary for what????

  11. Anonymous says:

    The concerns have been expressed over and over and over again! Enforce the traffic laws, all day and every day! That would help!

    • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

      Agreed, it’s not about a cash grab for the police althought that would be a side benefit. It’s about making the roads safer for everyone that uses them.

      • Anonymous says:

        And imagine the drugs and guns and stolen property and over-stayers etc. you would “happen” to come across if you actually enforced the traffic laws. I am sorry but you are too damn lax. You come across as having different standards for different segments of our society, and I believe many are disgusted by the deterioration of our community as a result. When did you last bust a session? When did you last make someone have a light on their bicycle at night? …and please STOP the catch and release!

        • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

          Yes, all of the things you mention in your first sentence would also be side benefits of enforcing simple traffic laws. Yesterday a car running a red light nearly hit my vehicle. There was a police car directly behind the car running the red light and they did absolutely nothing even when I blew my horn to draw attention to it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, even Jamaica has now amended their Traffic laws to fined or imprisoned drivers for impatience driving .
          These are drivers who speed and hog behind other vehicles and overtake on dangerous corners, stopping in the middle of the roads.constantly blowing their horns for you to get out of their way, so they can speed through traffic. This culture has reached our shores…. now is the time to nip it in the bud.

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