Scammers steal cash from local accounts

| 07/11/2017 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Two residents have reported substantial unauthorised withdrawals from their accounts apparently resulting from the latest scam email circulating locally purporting to be from local banks. Both of these reports of theft are currently under investigation by the RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit, which is warning residents once again to beware of phishing emails. In this case the scammers are soliciting bank account and PIN numbers. The FCU said that by securing the information through a phishing email, they then hack the victim’s email account and send emails with the PIN information to the bank requesting a wire transfer.

“Banking institutions will never solicit such information from you over your email,” said Chief Inspector Richard Barrow. “No matter how legitimate the email may appear, if it is asking you to input your account number and PIN, it is definitely a scam.”

Any suspicious emails purportedly from a banking institution should never be responded to, and the bank should be contacted right away.

Anyone with further information on this issue can call the Financial Crimes Unit on 949-8797.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Scammers are getting smarter or are people just getting #$$^%er?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can these people understand that they should not respond to anyone asking for information on their accounts. The banks will call you in to talk with you personally. Please always err on the side of caution and do not respond to these thieves.

  3. Anonymous says:

    After all of the warnings that have been publicised over the last years, persons still get “tricked”???

  4. Anonymous says:

    people still falling for this?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep.. hard to imagine. Never respond to, open a link included in, requesting info due to account update, click here for information on your account status , threat to immediately close your account …EMAILS !!!!!!

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