Public urged to look out for wanted man

| 27/02/2017 | 68 Comments
Cayman News Service

Martin Anthony Trench

(CNS): The RCIPS is asking the public to call 911 or contact the police immediately if they see Martin Anthony Trench (31), of Jamaica, who may be in this jurisdiction illegally and is potentially armed and dangerous. Police said that Trench is believed to have arrived on Grand Cayman recently. They stressed that if sighted, members of the public should exercise caution and contact the authorities.

Anyone with information about Trench is encouraged to call George Town CID at 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via their Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Immigration

Comments (68)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    @CNS. Maybe this article should be repeated if subject not yet found.

  2. Anonymous says:

    More crime and violence thanks to our neighbor Jamaica.

  3. uk says:

    we need to do a TRUMP on all these illegal aliens and beggars. I lost count the number of people here who beg me this that and the other. a days work, a top up. a sexual favor. you name it I’ve heard a lot of them. how do they get in here to stay with no form of income etc?
    no wonder Caymanians are finding it harder and harder to find work

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, the ones that ask me for money all the time were born here. That’s how they got in.
      And can we please stop invoking trump. The guy hadn’t done anything yet but lie. If he claims responsibility for the stock market, he should also claim responsibility for the surge in STDs

      • Anonymous says:

        Well he hasn’t been in office that long. Pound for Pound, he’s already done as much, if not slightly more than 8 years of OBummer. Obliterating the crap-free healthcare Bummer used 4 years to waste on is a great starting point though.
        No more freebies inwards or outside of my country, I love that attitude. It is why the true American blood of the country voted him in. Our media has done great job painting his constituents as racist hillbillies, which isn’t the truth at all. We just won’t tolerate the anchors dragging down the resources for those truly in need…white or black.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why are you finding it harder to find work? are the beggars stealing your job?

  4. Anonymous says:

    RCIP now that you have recovered ‘his’ boat, clean up the engines, fill up the tanks,publicize its location, and let him steal it and be rid of him.

  5. Don Cayman says:

    Wanted dead or alive!

  6. Kadafe says:

    it looks like he didn’t hear about what happened to the last armed and dangerous illegal entry crimminal that they found here?

  7. Anonymous says:

    He looks like 30% of the residents of Bodden Town and probably has the same accent as them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hahahahaha…30%? …more like 70%!

      And, they are always finding short-cuts/”foot-paths” through residents’ private properties and stealing things. Not to mention, we can’t even keep fruits on our trees. You can be watching your breadfruits until they fit/ripen, and one day return to find them all stripped. What a disgusting set of people to HUMANITY!

      As a child of a Jamaican Parent, I am not racist; just intolerant of their disregard, poor behavior, and lack of respect this nationality has for others. PLEASE catch him and return him to JAMAICA so they can contend was him. CAYMAN is too small for ROGUES, VAGABONDS, and ILLEGALS to inhabit these tiny islands. #TeamTrump

    • Anonymous says:

      For your information 8:23am, the 30% you refer to would have to be Jamaicans. Bodden Town has become one of their hidng places. Let’s drain the swamp.
      You can expect more undesirables here when Donald drains his swamp.

  8. D. Trump says:

    Build a wall and let Jamaica pay for it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    We need Trumpkin

  10. Anonymous says:

    What’s the bet he escapes on a stolen boat?

  11. Anonymous says:

    We need as much information as possible!!! Where was he last seen ? What crimes ?

  12. lovebirds says:

    We need to step up our game. All of these people are coming in. We need to get them good.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Was he deported from the US, Canada, England and the Cayman Islands or all of the above ?

    Dirty criminal dem !!

  14. Anonymous says:

    CNS, when report on some of these crimes, and you state “a man from George Town (or West Bay), is that because that is what you are getting from the RCIP??? Cause some of these men, as we have seen recently, turns out to be only residents of these districts, and are nationals of other Caribbean countries.

    Just asking.

    • Anonymous says:

      From meaning the district they live in silly!

      • Anonymous says:

        There is a difference between being FROM somewhere and being a RESIDENT of. It’s this play in words that are being used to distort what many people already know. But then again, I never did hold the RCIP to high standards, when it comes to grammar.

    • Anonymous says:

      OF COURSE it means resident (in the sense of where someone is living). The fact that “resident” has fifty meanings on this island doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t also mean where someone happens to be living now. The point of a police press release is to say what has happened on island, not to describe every person involved through the prism of nationality and your prejudices.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is getting to be DANGEROUS now!!!!. Something needs to be done NOW to get these criminals out of here., Send them all packing. Why did the immigration exempt the VISA for that Nationality?

    • Comprehension says:

      Reading is hard?

      From the article: “…who may be in this jurisdiction illegally”

      Which means he bypassed Immigration all together or faked passport.

    • Fred says:

      You understand he entered the islands illegally, right, and that a visa is completely irrelevant?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why is this man wanted?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Like the other one they caught a few days ago for attempting to rob the money truck. “From George Town”, but really from Jamaica. Something has to change here, or your country will end up just like Jamaica.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well Jamaica is still safer than most countries,way way more safer than America thats for sure most nationalities that are here in Cayman are from more worser places than Jamaica,yes they have they badman n gunman dem,but those other places have terrorist

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        Jamaica has the 6th highest murder rate in the world, according to the UN. So not that many places way safer. Cayman is 29th, not that safe, and the US is only 112th.

      • Anonymous says:

        Jamaica safer??!!! Are you crazy??? Have you been reading the Gleaner and the other paper?!! Murders every day. Jamaica is a beautiful country, but poverty and crime has straddled it to a doomed future. Let’s hope ISIS never goes their recruiting because they will find a level of skill not seen before.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lol. Jamaica. Safer. What a joke.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes believe it or not you ignorant bastard,Jamaica is still way more safer than your precious America,its only in the ghetto areas that are mean but in America u can’t even walk in to an airport,club or restaurant etc. without worrying about getting killed,check the facts .lol

          • Anonymous says:

            Please. Jamaica is saturated with crime, because of the thick poverty that covers it. Some of the most gruesome murders happen in Jamaica. You all just don’t like to be told the truth, when it comes to the flaws of you all.

            • Anonymous says:

              Agreed. And boy oh boy do they take it with them abroad. I lived in the U.K. For 30+ years, and Jamaicans had a reputation for the crime there. And here we are now, where the UK wants Jamaica the take the criminals back.

    • Concerned just like you 5:16pm says:

      From my understanding he was born and grew on this island. Product of this society. Yea.this island will be like all the others because of the local copycats. What about those with the guns and those killing people with cars, are they not born ya?

  18. Indegenious says:

    Need Donald Trump

    • Anonymous says:

      When The Donald drains his swamp, the Cayman Islands will be flooded. What is the Governmernt doing about finger printing? Which century are we in? What are we waiting on?

    • Don says:

      Oh yes …. we need DONALD TRUMP. He is a man I highly admire. He is a man with BALLS!!!!!!! Thank God for him.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Once located and detained by the authorities, deport him. Make the Jamaican gov’t deal with him upon repatriation.

  20. jah says:

    there’s a lot more here not just him they need to clean them up quick.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those same ones are here doing everything they want to, yet the blame game and the wild card manhine is spuing out propaganda that it is the locals.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Build a wall

  22. Anonymous says:

    Crew Bar Eastern Ave

  23. Anonymous says:

    Childish Gambino?

    • Sharkey says:

      Or he is a Jamaican ISIS . Be careful when you see him , but call the police.

    • Anonymous says:

      Potentially armed and dangerous???? I think we need to be a little bit more pro active on how illegal firearms are making their way into the Cayman Islands. Don’t we have a Border Patrol, Customs checking, searching, oh yeah a helicopter too????

      • Anonymous says:

        We need the police to do their job and get out on the high seas, we are northwest of Jamaica so why are they patrol the southeast of the Cayman Islands to stop all enter of illegally personal from landing. This Islands is too small that we can’t protect the people safety.

        • Anonymous says:

          The type of criminals that we are encountering are hard core which means we need not be sympathetic towards them. It’s time Cayman wake up and stand up! Remember Trump and Mays is doing a lot of deporting these days, We need to up our game!

      • Lorna says:

        Well if the people are getting in illegally, I think it’s clear that the guns can get here in the same wat!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Island immigration really need to conduct a thorough background check on some of these mass criminals that is coming into their Country. Start a criminal database system and fingerprint anyone who is not of Cayman descent and protect the interest of the Caymanian people. Stricker sanctions needs to be implemented and tougher laws needs to be enforced. A new world order is coming and we are living in a world of uncertainty. Keep Cayman safe and stop living in the timezone otherwise get up to date with mordenization and the time to act is now!

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