Climate change fears mount ‘bigly’ with Trump win

| 09/11/2016 | 48 Comments
Cayman News Service

Trump denies climate change on CNN

(CNS): Among the economic shocks and social unease around the world in the wake of Donald Trump’s unexpected, Brexit-like win in the US presidential elections are mounting concerns about climate change. Trump has called global warming a “hoax” and threatened to pull out of the Paris climate change deal. Last month he said that America should look after “its own” climate and environment —  a major worry for low-lying islands around the world, including the Cayman Islands.

Green activists and environmental experts the world over have been tweeting and messaging across social media that the climate change battle is lost after Trump defied the pollsters and predictors to take the White House.

Given all the controversial things that the reality TV host and controversial businessman said on the campaign trail, his actual policy position on issues such as climate change and environmental challenges, which will have a significant impact on the rest of the world, have escaped scrutiny.

But on Wednesday in Morocco, where the delegates from 200 countries were gathering in Marrakesh for further UN climate talks for the first time since the Paris deal was done, environmental experts were deeply concerned about the choice America has made.

According to news reports, the first official reaction from the talks today came from the alliance of small island nations who fear rising seas said Trump will need to confront the challenge of climate change and the transition to cleaner energy. But Jason Box, a glacier expert at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, was less diplomatic when he told journalists in Marrakesh, “It seems like a most miserable US election result for climate stewardship prospects.”

Scientists in the US were also uneasy Wednesday and Michael Lubell, director of public affairs for the American Physical Society in Washington DC, said that Trump will be the first “anti-science president we have ever had” with “ very, very severe” consequences. Trump is not just a climate change skeptic but has accused the Chinese of creating the hoax to undermine the US economy.

Cayman News Service

Environmental experts around the world have begun sounding the alarm about the policy position of a Trump administration on energy, as he has pledged to lift restrictions on exploration, open federal lands to drilling and reopen coal mines across the country.

“We’re going to save that coal industry, believe me, we’re going to save it,” Trump said, on the hustings.

As well as pulling out of, or as he expressed it “cancelling the Paris Agreement”, he has said he would close the Environmental Protection Agency and promised to divert the cash spent on the environment to addressing inner city water quality.

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Category: Science & Nature

Comments (48)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No doubt there is climate change, but the models are consistently wrong and constantly need new fudge factors to bend them to reality. Science is not a democracy, and there is little reason to believe the current so-called consensus predictions are valid.

  2. Anonymous says:

    To accommodate the incoming President, the code to launch US nuclear weapons has been changed to “123456”.

  3. Morons says:

    Only stupid people don’t believe climate change. They’re the same people that claim dinosaurs aren’t real and earth is flat.

    • G says:

      The only thing about the climate that stays the same is it’s change. It has been happening since the beginning of the planet’s existence. What Trump is logically stating is that “Man Made” Climate Change is a bunch of BS. If you truly believe that taxing people in the US will solve and “change” in the weather globally, than you need to wake up! He is clearly explaining that taxing all US industry and all US Citizens to pay Carbon Taxes to the global elites to “save our planet” does nothing but fill their pockets with their money as the elites fly around the world in their private jets to their multi roomed mansions running their air conditioners with open windows while at the same time China and other countries produce multi-million tonnes of pollution each day to provide the the rest of the world with with garbage items for you consumers purchase to make you feel like you own something of value. Just Wake Up! This island complains about Trump while at the same time we have a massive Dump emitting toxins into your lungs, DOE employees throwing garbage out of their truck windows and no regulations anything anyone wants to just dump on the side of the road or own back yard. Fix your own home before you throw stones at a true Patriot who is laying his life and fortune on the line to better his own country for his people.

      • Anonymous says:

        You seem a little confused friend – something I’ve noticed is a common characteristic of Trump supporters.

        You imply that you agree with Trump in asserting that man made climate change is BS and then go on to suggest that the US acting alone cannot achieve change when China is dumping tonnes of pollution into the air daily. I wonder if you understand the inherent conflict in these positions?

        You also confuse the existence of man made climate change with effective action to counter it. Maybe carbon taxes are not the way to go, but this does not make the problem BS.

        During this deplorable election campaign, Trump showed himself to be a liar over and over again. How you can pick one thing he said and declare with conviction that this is his true belief beats me. Do you know that in Ireland, one of Trump’s companies applied for planning permission to build a sea wall on one of it’s golf courses, citing rising sea levels due to climate change as a factor in coastal erosion?

  4. /s says:

    People who don’t believe climate change are obviously ignorant of the evidence. They’re animals that have gone extinct this year alone due to climate change. Anyone who doesn’t know this is either living under a rock or in denial.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank God Trump won the election. I also believe that we can just fill the swamp and have higher ground in a month . So we safe. How high do you want it ?Dart’s hotel is 23 feet above street level.

  6. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    Please, don’t us continue or extend the same fear-mongering that is running rampant in the U.S. right now.

    The U.S. media has well demonstrated that they no longer report “news”, but intend to influence and fight over market shares, selling ‘infotainment’. We are better than that.

    Trump scares me slightly less than Clinton, however that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. He has no filter, and says what he thinks. He has overcome virtually every hurdle that the media and talking heads said would stop him. Let’s see what he does, and in the meantime, lets try fact-checking some of the things attributed to Trump, before we willfully spread them.

    Yes, he’s a clown. Us clowns recognize our own.

    • Anonymous says:

      Far too late, it’s been going on forever and gets worse before an election. You haven’t been here long, have you?

  7. Anonymous says:

    He is going to build a boat. A fantastic boat, the best boat in the whole world, believe me, and then to ship all US garbage to our world famous mount Trashmore, and believe me, trust me, Cayman is going to pay for it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Trump is correct its more left wing western European liberal BS. 3/4 of the world population don’t even think, care or know what its.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good for you sir! How old are you and how many feet above sea level are your holdings? Any actuaries out their? Glub- glub

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a big difference to thinking you know everything and actually knowing it. Islands in the Indian ocean and southern pacific already being encroached…only a matter of time..or do you deny the polar ice cap has melted hugely as shown recently by the US government funded organization NASA?

  9. Anonymous says:

    The US Senate has not ratified the Paris deal. That is required for it to be binding on the US. Obama’s signature is not enough. Trump can either revoke the signature or submit the deal to the Senate to be voted down if he wants to be emphatic. Same applies to the Iran deal (except it will be hard to get back the billions of $$ already given away.)

  10. Anonymous says:

    Can’t wait til next year. #makewestbaygreatagain

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think the real problem climate change pundits have is that Trump might just be able to see past their BS. Fact is that global warming, like pandemic scares, has become a very nice little earner for some people. They don’t give a damn about the environment as long as their consultancy payments and appearance fees keep rolling in and Trump understands that. If you look at the measures the USA already has in place it makes the Cayman Islands look like some third-world ****hole and that doesn’t seem to be something that’s going to change overnight does it?

  12. /s says:

    Everyone knows climate change is a hoax and so are dinosaurs. Doesn’t say anything about it in the bible soOoOo..

  13. Anonymous says:

    Trump is right, global warming is a hoax. Stop believing everything that comes out of AL Poor and leonardo di crapios mouths.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Trumpsters are living in a post-factual world. Things like science and economics do not matter to them. They are making America great again.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Brexit then trump, now it’s time for CAYMANIANS to take back their country next election. Let’s get rid of the driftwood who has been walking all over us for much too long.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Really CNS, the man just got elected last night and already you are scaremongering about what the man will do about global warming?
    Better he spends the money on inner city water quality than he gives it to scientists so that they can five star hobnob to exotic places like Paris and Morocco just to get together to talk about climate change.

    Which would you rather die from, poisoned water or global warming?

    Everyone on Earth knows about global warming, the question is what can anyone do about it.

    The Earth has been warming since the last ice age and at some time it will once again start to trend towards global cooling for another ice age, scientists taking money from countries will not change that.

    What happens when the Earth warms? places like New York may have a climate like Miami and Miami may have a climate line Ecuador?

    The inconvenient truth is that the only ice melt that will effect the sea level if all the ice on Earth melted is that sitting on the top of mountains and that sitting on Antarctica. If ALL of the ice in the Arctic melted, water levels would not raise one millimeter as Ice displaces its weight in water so melted ice only fills the space taken up by the floating ice.
    The volume of ice in Antarctica is miniscule when compared to the volume of water in the oceans is insignificant.

    Even if some low lying Islands got swamped, the entire population of the Earth (7 billion) could fit within the state of Texas with each person having over 2,000 sq ft of space so there is no shortage of space for us in Cayman to locate to if we have not figured out how to live on a smaller island.

    Giving money to greedy scientists for 5 star travel is certainly not the answer.

    • Anonymous says:

      keep drinking the oil industry kool-aid…..

    • Anonymous says:

      your first comment is correct. He just got elected lets wait until we see what he does. Give him time regardless of what he said in the past.

      As for your comments about climate change you are lost and have no idea of what you are talking.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is also the problem that the warming has stopped over the past 15 years. Much of the current research is devoted to finding a way to raise the newest temp records and lower the older ones. Makes the charts look better for them by forcing the records to fit the continually failing models.

      • Anonymous says:

        rally then why was last year one of the hottest ever. Please right something you know. Our temperatures in Cayman have risen four straight years.

        • Anonymous says:

          Please spell write, right !!!!!!!!!!
          Some of us like it warm, there are cooler countries you can move to.

    • Al Catraz says:

      You are correct about sea ice, but not all of the ice is sitting on “top of mountains”. The Greenland Ice Sheet alone will contribute to a 1 to 5 meter rise.

      I also hope you weren’t thinking about how to feed 7 billion people when arable land in favorable climates becomes scarcer.

    • Anonymous says:

      The volume of water contained in the ice of the Antarctic may well be insignificant compared to the volume in all the Earth’s oceans, but if it melted sea levels would rise by 200+ feet. No need then to worry about the climate of New York or Miami because they would be under water.

      I do feel safer though, knowing the your inner accountant is so diligently vetting scientists’ travel expenses. Keep up the good work.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anon 4:12 pm. Assertions like those you just made “….. if it (the ice on Antarctica) melted it would raise sea levels by 200+ feet”, are ignorant and is the reason I do not believe what “scientists” are saying about global warming.

        Here is some scientific facts for you and your alarmist friends to chew on: Antarctica is 5.4 Million sq miles in area. The oceans are 140 Million sq miles in area. That accounts for 3.8% of the oceans. IF the ice on Antarctica averages 500 feet thick (which it does not) then the melting would account for an ocean rise of 19 feet worldwide, a far cry from the 200+ feet you assert it would.
        This is not my opinion………….. just the facts sir/madam.

        Anon 3:08 pm. you are just as much an ignorant liar. Greenland has an area of 0.8 Million sq. miles. that equates to 0.6% of the oceans. using the same assumption of an average of 500 feet (overstated) of ice on Greenland, if it all melted the oceans would raise a total of 3 feet ……… all of this occurring over a couple of 100 years.

        Added together that is a total of 23 feet ……. a far cry from 200+ feet.

        If you guys would stop with the alarmist lies, people like me who appreciate that the earth is warming, would give you a lot more credibility and perhaps we (including Donald Trump) could work out a solution for humanity living and thriving on the 98% of earth that will NOT be under water or the 90% that is not being used for people to populate that does NOT include feeding money to greedy “scientists’ and proponents like you two.

        But sadly………. you wont………… you prefer to just call people like us ignorant bigots ……….. while you enjoy the 5 star treatment.
        I guess WE will just have to figure out how to live with global warming and how to live with it without your, the scientists and CNS help.

        Oh….. and one more thing……… Antarctica and Greenland only look as large as you think they are because they are projected on a Mercator map, not because they are actually that large. Something for you to think about and figure out instead of spreading propaganda about raising sea levels.

        And another thing…… Beach erosion on Islands in the Pacific does not equate to raising sea levels ………. now explain to me why it is only happening in the Pacific and not in the Caribbean if water finds its own main level in the oceans?


        • Anonymous says:

          I’m going to keep this simple.

          Google ” How thick is the Antarctic ice?”

          You will find the answer is an average of 7000ft, not 500ft as you seem to think. Redo your calculation with the real figure and you will get 266ft sea level rise – I think this equates to my 200+ft.

          Here is a link to a good source:

          As you say my friend – ” just the facts” – and a little research is a good way to get them.

  17. Sharkey says:

    Climate change are just worried now that Mr. Trump is now President , and that there would no longer be any climate change .

  18. Anonymous says:

    Another bully like the past UDP leader. That’s why we are going doing the slipoer slope today.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I wish DT would come open a hotel here and give Dart some competition.

    • Anonymous says:

      At least DT would build a solid, decent structure, not like the crap that Dart churns out.
      I sincerely hope that we get rid of these oppressors.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Scaremongering CNS. Lets now wait and see what he actually says when he is in power. I suspect tone and substance may change, at least I hope it does.

    • Anonymous says:

      You hope it changes? The man is a sexist, racist, mysogonistic demagogue. He has shown his true colours and America elected him anyway. What do you think he is going to do when he has no policy plans in place except to give his rich friends a tax break. Phewt

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