Gov’t takes $1.2M from next year’s budget

| 22/10/2024 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Having recently voted an extra $51.8 million in supplementary expenditure earlier this month, the Cayman Islands Government has also reached into next year’s spending allocation for another $1.2 million that had been earmarked for spending in 2025 to spend in this year. According to a brief summary of a Cabinet meeting held on 2 October, in accordance with section 9(5) of the Public Management and Finance Act, the CIG brought forward $900,000 allocated for public restrooms on Grand Cayman from the 2025 spending plan.

Under the same provision in the law, it also brought forward $300,000 allocated for roads on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Roads from the 2025 budget to 2024. The summary did not indicate why the funds needed to be brought forward or what specific projects they are for.

With the recent Finance Committee vote for the additional $51.8 million spending, the government is already experiencing a significantly reduced surplus from its predictions last year when the current 2024/2025 budget was passed in parliament. At that time, the government had forecast a surplus at the end of this year of $44.5 million, but that has now fallen to $16.5 million, a drop of $28 million.

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Category: Government Finance, Politics

Comments (34)

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  1. Elvis says:

    So called ministers and the ci dollar do not mix well

  2. Anonymous says:

    When you give idiots free reign, what do you expect?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Not sure on the plans on where they are going to put them but Cayman needs more public bathrooms so that is good to read, hopefully they can install some water fountains with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably going into Kenny’s “park”. And the Brac “roads” wil be some driveway paving. Election coming you know.

  4. Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks says:

    Letter to the Ambassador of Absurdistan :

    Dear Ambassador,

    Another week and another headline of your continued efforts to sink the ship into the shallows ! The creativity of your staff continues to grow and bloom in plain sight for all to see !

    Your team and staff’s dedication is nothing short of incredible and inspiring for us at the Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks !

    I would humbly recommend that your intelligence service gets an extra month in compensation and commendations of the highest order (In Absur
    distan , as their currency is worth less than the paper it is printed upon and the civil service being the main source employer of Absurdistan’s economy , compensation for services rendered is now expressed in fridges and buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken , however since Absurdistan’s electrical grid is prone to extended rationing most refrigeration units are in poor condition and the last service repairmen have been forced into exile , imprisoned or simply injured in drive by shootings that are a daily occurrence in Absurdistan , source :

    As a reward we would like to provide our support by giving you the unique opportunity to accept our gift of 21 MLAs and 3000 slightly banged up refrigerators as a token of our gratitude complete with their generator units (which consist of push bicycles for toddlers)

    With our admiration,
    The Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks

  5. Anonymous says:

    To be fair, the current government is not going to need it next year.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The overall spending of this administration is alarming. Quite frightening to be honest.

    • SSM345 says:

      To be honest the overall spending of EVERY administration is alarming and quite frightening with nothing positive to show for it.

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” I thought Hon. Premier JOCC was not going to allow that to happen.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Brac must have the best roads in the world for an island its size.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well the driveways are well paved, thats for sure.

      • Anonymous says:

        All under the supervision of the Governor, RCIP and ACC.

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhaps Sam Banks could bring a claim against them for not acting? He seems to be the only person fervently fighting for proper standards of governance and the rule of law around here.

    • Anonymous says:

      It does not. In fact much of the north side of the Brac has been dug up on one side or the other by Water Authority. Perhaps repair of these areas are what this funding is about. I would guess that WA wouldn’t want the areas repaved until the residential connections are made. Just a guess.

      • Anonymous says:

        it’s even more baffling to know that they dug it up after it was recently paved. shows you the level of competence and coordination out governement have.

  9. brackattacka says:

    money trees is the perfect place for shade on an island paved over for the benefit of 17 elite Caymanians and their expat partners while the middle and lower classes suffer and watch the Caymanian identity dilute into nothing like a pot of turtle soup poured into the sea.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wow Queen Bee Ju Ju in her very short few months as Premier has racked up a staggering $400m+ in spending. Let that sink in for a minute.

  11. Anonymous says:

    mind boggling and infuriating to see how much is spent and how little we get in return….

  12. Anonymous says:

    cayman blindly spending itself into bankruptcy with no regard for future worsening international economic conditions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Spend it before the tide gets to your neckline, at least that’s what it seems like these clowns are hell bent on doing.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I don’t actually mind them moving stuff around, its a two year budget for a reason. (Before anyone disagrees remember that hypothetically if cash flow was lower than expected they could push stuff back from year 1 to year 2 in order to manage cash flow but stay within budget/work plans.)

    What I dislike is the lack of extra information. Its one thing to say ‘the project is ahead of schedule, lets not delay unnecessarily’. Quite another to say ‘lets grab money from this project to use on something else’. Regardless of what you think of the original and intended uses of the money, the public should know what its being spent on. Doing it this way they just make more angst for themselves.

  14. Anonymous says:

    That should cover the caucus lunches at least.

  15. Anonymous says:

    a week after giving employees a 5% payrise.
    Robbing Peter to pay Paul springs to mind!

  16. Diogenes of Cayman says:

    All the shenanigans start in the lead up to an election

    Only time out of the 4 year terms that anything gets done

  17. Anonymous says:

    Garnering all! No words left for these big fat inflated morons!

  18. Anonymous says:

    But just recently they were giving away $700,000 cash

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anonymous says:

    CIG has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Any downturn in the financial services or real estate sectors and we will be in big trouble.

  21. Anonymous says:

    How much money is the Cabinet spend? Stop bleeding the public purse.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Is there a provision in the law to conspire and lie about the true liabilities missing from the Balance Sheet? What if that deceptive omission is >200% of GDP?

  23. Anonymous says:

    More driveway paving on the Brac from MPs that never retire as promised.


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